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Iowa News
from the
Eastern Iowa Scrapbook
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I have some old newspaper clippings that were collected by an ancestor
from back in the 1939-1942 era. Mostly from the Muscatine paper and from the
Des Moines paper. ..includes mainly Eastern Iowa - Scott and
Muscatine counties. Submitted by Gloria Irwin
This is annotated 1938 in the scrapbook...probably from the Muscatine, IA,
October Bride - picture by Eckerman Photo.
Announcement is made by Mr. & Mrs. William Untiedt of Stockton, IA, of the
engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Elvera Untiedt, to
Mr. Jack Treadwell, son of Mr. Charles Treadwell of Bennett, IA. Vows will be
spoken at an afternoon ceremony on Saturday, Oct. 15, at the parsonage of St.
Paul's Lutheran church in Davenport, with the Rev. J.A. Miller officiating. Dr.
& Mrs. C. L. Lekwa of Bennett, IA, friends of the couple, will be the
attendants. Miss Untiedt is a graduate of the Durant High School, & Mr.
Treadwell received his education in the schools of Bennett. The couple will
reside in Bennett, where Mr. Treadwell is employed by the Standard Oil Co.
This is annotated 1939...Picture by Berg Studio
MISS BERNICE V. RIESSEN Miss Bernice V. Riessen, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James
Riessen of Stockton, IA, will become the bride of Mr. Arno A. Paustian, son of
Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Paustian of Wilton Junction, on Wednesday, Feb 1, in the
parsonage of St. Paul's Lutheran church, Davenport.
Newspaper clipping from 1940..................Jack Walters, WMT sports
commentator, will give a play by play story of the first Three-I baseball game
between Waterloo & Evansville, 9:15 p.m. WMT. Games for the week include Cedar
Rapids at Evansville, Wednesday; and Waterloo at Decatur Friday.
Des Moines Sunday Register - June 8, 1947
Janet Fricke Wins $20 Jacobs Award..Guttenburg, IA -- Janet Fricke has been presented
the Jacobs Award at Guttenburg High School. The $20 is given annually from a
fund established by the four sons & three daughters of Mr. & Mrs. George Henry
Jacobs, in memory of the parents. It is given on a basis of "Character,
capabilities & achievements to a student who has overcome considerable obstacles
to complete high school work. Mrs. Clementine (Tena) Jacobs Eggerth, Spokane,
Washington, graduated from Guttenberg High School 54 years ago & a teach in the
schools here 40 years ago, came here to present a lithographed certificate
telling of the award, to the school.
Tractor Mishap fatal to Iowan......Algona, IA. --- John Anker, about 65, died
Friday night in a hospital here from injuries suffered in a tractor accident
Tuesday. Anker, hired man at the Randall Clark farm northeast of here, was
driving a steel-lugged tractor over a new grade to a nearby farm. When he failed
to arrive, a search was made, and he was found at the grade's edge, pinned under
the tractor which had overturned. Mr. Anker, unmarried, is survived by two
nieces, Mrs. Lawrence Doege, Titonka, and Mrs. Guy Giddings, Burt.
1939...To Be June Bride- - - - MISS MILDRED TANK - - Announcement is made by Mr
& Mrs John Tank of Walcott, IA, of the engagement and approaching marriage of
their daughter, Miss Mildred Tank to Mr. Ralph E. Moeller, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis H. Moeller, also of Walcott, the nuptials to be an event of Saturday, June
3, at the Tank residence. There will be a reception that evening at the Walcott
coliseum, for friends and relatives. Miss Tank was graduated from the Walcott
schools, and from Brown's Business College in Davenport, IA. For the past three
years she has been employed by the Iowa State Highway commission in the division
maintenance engineer's office in Iowa City. Mr. Moeller attended the Cedar and
Scott county schools and Brown's Business College. He was graduated from the
Hemphill Diesel Engineering school in Chicago, IL. After being service manager
for the Wulf Implement Co., in Walcott for two years he has recently taken over
the sales and service of automobiles and farm implements at Lisbon, IA, where
the couple will reside.
1939..Bride of Today - - - MRS ROLAND BOLL - - Miss Loretta Meyer, daughter of
Mr and Mrs Grover Meyer of Maysville, IA, became the bride of Mr. Roland Boll,
son of Mrs. Charles Boll of Dixon, IA, at 1:30 p.m. today at St Paul's Lutheran
church. The Rev. J.A. Miller officiated and the attendants were Mr and Mrs
Arnold Rock of Dixon, the latter a sister of the bridegroom. The bride was
given in marriage by her father. The bride was in a white satin gown, made in
princess lines with long sleeves and a short train. Her finger-tip length veil
was held with a pearl-studded halo. She carried a shower bouquet of roses.
Mrs. Rock was in poudre blue net, trimmed in sequins and her flowers were
Johanna Hill roses. Covers will be laid for 12 at a wedding dinner at 5:30 p.m.
at the home of the bride's parents. Later this evening, there will be a
reception at Roehik's hall in Maysville to which relatives and friends are
invited. Al Bauman's orchestra will play for the dancing. The bridal couple
will leave on a motor trip to Florida and on their return, they will reside in
Maysville. The bride was graduated from the Davenport High School, later
studying at the State University of Iowa. Mr. Boll received his education in
the county schools and at Brown's Business College. He is associated with the
bride's father in the grocery business in Maysville.
1939..IN Engaged - - - DOROTHEA STECKER -- Announcement has been made by Mr and
Mrs Frank Stecker, Jr. of Pleasant Prairie of the engagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter, Dorothea, to Irvin Brus, son of Mr & Mrs Henry Brus,
also of Pleasant Prairie. The wedding will be an event of May 17 at 8a.m. in
St. Mary's Church, Muscatine, IA.
1939..April Bride - - - MISS MARY HENZEN -- Mr. and Mrs Gus Henzen of Dixon, IA,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Henzen to Mr. Jurgen Reese
of Davenport. Wednesday, April 19, has been selected for the wedding which will
be performed at 1:30 p.m. in the rectory of the Holy Family church, with the
Rev. L.J. Enright officiating. Miss Anna Siem of Davenport, IA, a cousin of Mr.
Reese, will be the maid of honor, and Mr. Joe Henzen of Dixon, brother of the
bride elect will be the best man. A wedding dinner for the members of the
immediate families will be held at the bride's parental home, followed later in
the evening with a reception for relatives and friends at Maysville, IA. Miss
Henzen attended the South Dakota schools and Mr. Reese those in Scott county.
He is employed by the Tri-City Railway Co. The couple will reside at 1030 W
Locust St., Davenport, IA.
1939..Miss Hora is bride of G. Meinert - - - The marriage of Miss Marcella
Hora, daughter of Mrs. Toni Hora of West Liberty, to Gilbert Meinert, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Meinert of Durant, was solemnized at 8 a.m. Saturday in St Mary's
Church in Iowa City. The Rev. Herman A. Strub read the single ring ceremony.
The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, J.E. Pechman of Iowa City. She
wore a floor length gown of white pussy-willow satin with a fingertip veil held
in place by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a colonial shower bouquet of
white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sherrer of Iowa City attended the couple.
Mrs. Sherrer wearing a floow length dress of pink taffeta and carrying a
colonial bouquet of pink and white roses. Ushers were M. Milver Hora and Joseph
Miltner. The bride's mother wore a blue crepe dress with a red rose corsage and
Mrs. Fred Meinert was in blue with a corsage of Talisman roses. Following the
ceremony a 9 o'clock wedding breakfast was served at Reich's pine room for
members of the immediate families, after which the couple left on a short
wedding trip. Mrs. Meinert attended school at Conesville and Mr. Meinert is a
graduate of Durant high school and attended Coe College at Cedar Rapids. The
couple will reside in Durant.
1939...Broders and Paulsen marriage solemnized; to live near Bennett.
Stockton--Miss Vesta Broders, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Broders of Durant,
formerly of Stockton; became the bride of Wilbert Paulsen, son of Mr. & Mrs.
William Paulsen of Walcott, IA, in a simple afternoon service Saturday. The
ceremony took place at o'clock in the Seamans Studio, Davenport, with the Rev.
J.A. Miller officiating. Miss Virginia Broders, sister of the bride, and Eldon
Paulsen, brother of the groom, were the attendants. The bride wore a frock of
rose brocaded taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaid was
dressed in blue taffeta and carried a bouquet of Halisman roses. A wedding
supper was served at the Broders residence. Covers were set for 20 members of
the immediate family and intimate friends at a table decorated with garden
flowers and a wedding cake. The bridal couple left on a short wedding trip.
The bride attended Muscatine county schools and Mr. Paulsen attended in Scott
county. The couple will reside on a farm west of Bennett. On Friday, Sept. 15,
a reception for friends and rela- (that is all of the article in the scrapbook)
1940...Miss Ruth Kahler, Freeman L. McHone Wedding Revealed. Announcement is
made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Kahler, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Kahler of Stockton, to Freeman L. McHone, son of the late Mr. & Mrs. J.B. McHone
of Centerville, Kas. The wedding was an event of June 29, in the parsonage of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Kahoka, MO., with the Rev. G. O. Martensen,
pastor, officiating. Mr. & Mrs. Verdell Richardson of Davenport, and Mr. & Mrs.
Lee Holderman of Parker, Kas., attended the couple. The bride was graduated
from the Durant High School and attended Iowa State Teachers' College in Cedar
Falls. For the past two years, she has been teaching in Acott county schools.
Mr. McHone attended schools in Centerville, Kas. He is engaged in farming.
1940...Treimer-Meyer Wedding on May 3 - - Announcement is made by Mr. & Mrs.
Henry Treimer of Dixon, of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Arlene Treimer,
to Vern A. Meyer, son of Mr. & Mrs. William Meyer of Walcott, which took place
May 3 in Kahoka, MO. The bride was graduated from the Davenport High School and
she has operated a beauty shop in Durant for four years. Mr. Meyer is employed
at Horn Bros., Durant. The couple will reside in Durant. The bridal couple
were honored at a dance in the Walcott Coliseum Saturday night when Al
Schneckloth's orchestra played.
1940 Bride -- JEAN SARNEY, Secret is Out. Iowa Singer, Actor Wed. - -
Hollywood, CAl. (U.P.)-- Jean Sarney, former singer in Horace Heidt's orchestra,
and Jimmy Butler, young movie actor, disclosed Saturday that they were married
last February 15. They had intended, for professional reasons, to keep the
marriage a secret. But they received a package at Columbia Studio addressed,
"Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Butler," and had to let the secret out. Jean Fahrney, of
Cedar Rapids, IA, changed her name to Sarney when she began singing
professionally with Heidt.
1941 Weds in West -- MRS. CHARLES FLORANG -- As a surprise to friends and
relatives comes the announcement of the marriage of Miss Florence Cathrine
Soenke, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Soenke, Stockton, IA, to Charles Joseph
Florang of Glendale, Calif., son of Mrs. J.D. Myers of 1116 East 15th Street,
Davenport. Vows were spoken at a single ring ceremony in Las Vegas, Nev., the
Rev. Bryan Bunker officiating. Mrs. Florang attended the Davenport high school
and is a graduate of the Iowa State Teachers' college at Cedar Falls. For the
past few years she has taught in Iowa schools. Mr. Florang attended the schools
of Davenport and is now employed at the Lockheed Aircraft Corp, at Burbank,
Calif. The new home will be in the Orange Grove apartments in Glendale, Calif.
Daily Democrat, Davenport, IA .... July 16, 1899
A Quiet Marriage was that of Frank H. Kincaid of West Libert and Miss Arminta V.
Schiede of Durant. It was solemnized at the parsonage of the Fourteenth Street
Methodist Church Saturday forenoon, by Rev. W.C. Maccordy, pastor of that
church. The young people returned on the afternoon train to West Liberty and
will begin housekeeping there at once.
Marriage licenses have been issued to - - - Frank H. Kincaid of West Liberty and
Miss arminta Schiele of Durant.
Mrs. Ira Yantis and daughter, Miss IdaMay, of Waukesha, WI, are visiting her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. A. Smythe of 1918 Leclaire Street. Mrs. Yantis came here
for her health and is much improved.
A.P. McGuirk and Fred B. Sharon accompanied Dennis Maher, of Iowa City,
President of the Iowa organization of the Ancient Order of Herbernians, to
Muscatine. They organized a new division of the order there.
Davenport Daily Times ..... December 14, 1897
Rudolph Lange, the well known brewer and old time co-partner with Henry Koehler
in the operation of the Arsenal Brewery at the foot of Mound Street, in East
Davenport, is lying dangerously ill at his home on Walnut and Judson Street.
Cancerous affections are the cause of his illness.
Davenport Daily Times ..... December 15, 1897 - - - Alonzo C. Clay one of the 35
"jayhawkers" who crossed the plains to California in 1849, reaching that state
after nearly perishing in Death's Valley, died at his home near Galesburg, IL,
aged 69.
Insane Hearing ... Miss Anna Muhl, sister in law of Fred Rueffal, the Harrison
Street butcher, was this afternoon adjudged insane. The testimony showed her to
be suffering from acute melancholia. She was taken to Mount Pleasant this
WUNDER - - - The funeral of Charles Wunder, whose death occurred Monday took
place this afternoon from the family residence in Blue Grass. The deceased was
30 years of age and leaves a wife and one brother. His death was the result of
an attack of Brights Disease.
[Following articles are from either the Davenport paper or the Muscatine paper
dated between 1940 to 1942...no dates on articles or pages of scrapbook....just
the heading for the scrapbook.]
Clarence Meinert, Walcott, injured in auto accident....Three persons, one a
Walcott farmer, were injured in two week end accidents in Scott County. The
condition of Clarence Meinert, RR #2, Walcott, who ran into a six-foot ditch
half a mile north of Pleasant Prairie, at 3:30 a.m. Monday, was described as
"fair" at Mercy Hospital. Police said Meinert's car ran into the ditch near the
interurban tracks. He was brought to Mercy Hospital by Frances Stetcher, RR #3,
Woman Dies When Daughter is Born - - - Funeral services will be held Saturday at
2 p.m. in the Runge chapel for Mrs. Marjorie Louise Suhr, 23, of near Walcott,
who died Wednesday morning at the Mercy hospital a few hours after giving birth
to a baby daughter. The child survived and is reported to be doing well.
Interment will be in the Maysville cemetery. Mrs. Suhr was born Jan. 11, 1916,
in Scott County, Allen's Grove township. She attended rural schools and was
graduated in 1933 from the Durant high school. Nov. 2, 1935 she married William
C. Suhr, and they engaged in farming east of Plainview, where they have resided
since. Survivivng Mrs. Suhr are her husband; one son, Darwin Eugene; the
daughter born Wednesday; her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schnack, near Stockton;
three sisters, Mrs. Henry Fink, Durant; Conetta and Patricia, near Stockton;
four brothers, Eldon, Stockton; Marvin, Durant; Cecil and Allen, near Stockton;
and grandmother Mrs. Anna Schneidereit, Ocean Park, California.
To take part in Festival Event - - - Miss Shirley Jean Henke, daughter of Mr. &
Mrs. George Henke, 1024 Orchard avenue, is leaving Saturday for Enid, Okla.,
where she will take part in the Enid music festival. Miss Henke is shown in the
picture here at her Deagon Imperial marimba. At Enid she will be a part of the
120 piece marimba orchestra directed by C.O. Musser of Chicago. She will also
sing in the chorus as the festival. Shirley Jean is a student at the junior
school. She plays the clarinet in the junior high school orchestra and the
clarinet and bells in the Methodist orchestra and is the accompanist for the
junior high glee clubs. She is a music pupil of Ruth Springborn Zeidler.
Charlotta Wrange of Davenport, also a pupil of Mrs. Zeidler will take part in
the festival. Miss Henke will be accompanied to Enid by her parents and Mrs.
Group Lends Helping Hand to Fritz Belter - - - Members of the Fulton townshp
Farm Bureau and other neighbors turned out in force Friday to lend a helping
hand to Fritz Belter, Stockton farmer, and aid him in completing his corn
husking. Mr. Belter, who is disabled by a broken collarbone suffered in a
recent fall, today expressed his appreciation to members of the Farm Bureau, who
organized the move, and to all who donated their services. The above picture
shows most of the men who aided in husking some 600 bushels of corn. Those who
contributed their services were Charles Guerink, Harry Brockman, Vic Frisch,
Ernest Otto, Charles Illian, Melvin Riessen, Ferdinand Hanson, Sid Sanden, Harry
Thoeming, Harvey Paulsen, Alfred Buckwoldt, George Albee, Emil Parm ann, Rudy
Riemers, Hank Belter, Elmer Ihms, Emil Johanssen, Ed Laverns, Ralph Broders and
Edwin Schroeder. Women who prepared the meal for workers were Mrs. Walter
Schlapkohl, Miss Alma Schlapkohl, Mrs. Vera Theissen, Mrs. Ernest Otto, Mrs.
Doris Belter and Mrs Fritz Belter.
Hello Folks - - - Pictured above is Shelvie Jean Schnoor, three year old
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schnoor of Stockton rural route.
To Play at Lark - - - Don Roth, popular band leader, and his electric orchestra
will play for a dance at The Lark, five miles north of Davenport on the Brady
Street Road, tomorrow evening, it was announced by the management today. A new
feature at The Lark is a new $1,800 Hammond electric organ to be installed this
week. Miss May Bakken will entertain regularly with currently popular tunes and
old favorites.
Stockton Young Woman Loses Eye In Auto Mishap - - - Tipton..Miss Bernita
Schnack, 22, of Stockton, was painfully injured in an automobile accident on the
county line road between Cedar and Scott counties, about one mile north of
Durant shortly before 8p.m. Saturday. Miss Schnack was riding in a car owned
and operated by Carl McFarland, 23, of Wilton Junction. McFarland was not
acquainted with the road and failed to make a turn. A portion of the windshield
wiper mechanism struck Miss Schnack in the right eye, puncturing the eye ball.
She was taken to the office of Dr. J.E. Christensen in Durant and then to a
Davenport hospital where the eye was removed.
Walcott Girl Practices Home Economics - - - Jeanette Meyer, daughter of Mr & Mrs
Herb Meyer, Walcott, was getting ready to set the table in connection with her
home economic duties at Birch Hall, where she lives at Iowa State college, when
the cameraman found her.
Andy's Successor - - - A native of Spencer, Richard B. (Dick) Hall, 1938 Iowa
State college graduate, will succeed Andy Woolfries as production manager of the
school's radio station WOI, beginning July 1. He is widely-known to WOI
listeners from his two and a half years student announcing while an
undergraduate on the campus. Woolfires resigned to enter the commercial radio
field with the Iowa Broadcasting System (Iowa Daily Press photo)
Honor Students of Durant High School - - - (Burch Studio Photos) GERALDINE
DITTMER ... ROBERT KREBS....Durant, IA--(Special) Geraldine Dittmer and Robert
Krebs are the two top ranking students of the Durant High school senior class.
Miss Dittmer is valedictorian with an average of 92.5 per cent for four years
and young Krebs is the salutatorian, averaging 90.5 per cent. They will deliver
the commencement addresses at the class exercises May 17 in the school's new
Interested in Centennial - - - Tipton...The Dice Brothers, Leonard, Clarence and
Harry of Tipton and Forrest of Wilton, have more than a passing interest in
Tipton's centennial. The brothers are descendants of Henry Fulwider, who, with
his brother, John, settled in Cedar county, several miles southeast of Tipton,
in 1839 when most of the county was unbroken prairie and Tipton existed only in
the minds of a few "visionaries." Nearly 150 of the descendants of the Fulwider
brothers met on the banks of Sugar Creek, at the site of thier first cabins,
southeast of Tipton, for their own centennial on June 4. The four brothers have
entered into the spirit of the Tipton centennial with enthusiasm. All four are
planning to participate in the centennial special which will leave Tipton at 6
o'clock Sunday morning for Chicago, returning late that same evening after they
have attended a doubleheader baseball game together with some 200 other
centennial enthusiasts.
Lending Assistance To Neighbor - - - Neighbors and friends went to the aid of Ed
Grimm, farmer in New Era community, Tuesday, putting up his alfalfa crop of 20
loads. Wives of the workers, lending their co-operation, prepared and served a
dinner to the workers at noon. Illness of his wife, who has been a hospital
patient for the past three weeks, delayed Mr. Grimm's work on the farm.
Assisting with the crop were the group pictured above, Clarence Mockmore, Frank
Batchelor, Herbert Sheetz, Henry Rahlf, Walter Sell, P. Richman, Verle
Sywassink, Walter, Gerald, Dan and Ed Grimm.
Barn On Schuester Farm Burns During Electrical Storm -- A large barn on the
Alvin Schuester farm, two miles southwest of Stockton, burned to the ground
Monday afternoon after being struck by lightning during an electrical storm.
Mr. Schuester's entire stock of hay, 30 tons, was burned and in addition the
barn contained 1100 bushels of grain, a tandem disc and a corn planter.
Nothing was saved as the barn was a mass of flames almost immediately after the
lightening struck. The bolt hit the barn on the southwest corner, according to
witnesses, but traveled down te ridge pole to the north end where the fire
actually started. Mr. Schuester stated that the barn was covered by insurance.
The Durant fire department was called and stood by to prevent the flames from
spreading. Nothing could be done to save the barn. It was estimated that more
than 500 persons visited the fire during the afternoon.
Accepts Position -- Miss Vivian Arp, daughter of Mrs. & Mrs. Leonard Arp,
Stockton, is now employed by the New York Life Insurance company, Davenport.
Miss Arp, a graduate of the Davenport High school, received her business
training at the American Institute of Commerce, Davenport.
Mrs. Mary M. Beck, of Durant, Died Friday - - - Funeral services were held
Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the Durant chapel for Mrs. Mary M. Beck, 75, who died
Friday at 3:30 p.m. in the farm home of a daughter, Mrs. R.H. Strunk. Rev. C.O.
Carlson officiated at the rites. Burial was made in Durant cemetery. Bearers
were Edward Bockwoldt, Charles Bockwoldt, Irving Strunk, Allen Miller, Archie
Brown, and Leonard Stormer. Mrs. Beck was born in Montpelier township,
Muscatine county, on July 7, 1866. On Feb 2, 1881, she was married to John
Beck. He preceded in death 27 years ago. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs.
Henry Lamp, Durant, Mrs. Albert Haring, Clinton, and Mrs. Strunk, with whom she
resided; six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
Given Transfer - - - (Dec. 1941) Arthur Raub, pictured above, son of Mr. & Mrs.
C.A. Raub of Sweetland township, was graduated Monday from the Great Lakes Naval
Training station and was transferred immediately to the west coast.
Killed In Action ... Francis Taylor - - Notification of the death of Francis
Taylor, formerly of Davenport, while serving with the navy during the initial
attack upon Pearl Harbor by the Japanese two weeks ago, has been received by his
sister, Mr.s Vincent Priebe, of Bettendorf. Francis was 26 years old, and
enlisted here two years ago. His body has not been recovered, the navy
department wire to his parents, Mr & Mrs Joe Taylor, at Central City, Iowa,
Alive -- (Dec. 20, 1941) FRANCIS TAYLOR...Another former Davenporter, Francis
Taylor, reported killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, is alive
and is now somewhere with the Pacific fleet, according to word received by his
sister, Mrs. Vincent Priebe, 1852 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, today. Taylor,
who is a son of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Taylor, of Central City, Ia., was a resident of
Davenport for two years and was employed at the New York store in Moline before
he enlisted in the navy two years ago. On Dec. 20 word was received that he had
been killed but yesterday a message was received that this was an error and that
he is alive and well and with the fleet.
Continue to Page 2
Iowa News from Scrapbooks index