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Iowa News
from the
Scrapbook items of Fern Chapman Cooper
Scrapbook Items from Fern Chapman Cooper Transcribed by Linda Ziemann
Page 5
From the LeMars Sentinel, Friday, February 25, 1916
Was a Native of Kent , England , Where He Was Born in 1837 --
He Leaves Six Children and Many Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren
David Osborne, a pioneer of this section of the country, died at his home in Sherman township , Sioux county yesterday morning shortly after one o'clock . His death was due to hardening of the arteries and heart trouble. He was nearly eighty years of age. Mr. Osborne was a native of Kent , England , where he was born on September 5, 1837 (error--actually 1836). He grew to manhood and was married in England to Miss Maria Reeves and in 1869 came to America and shortly after located north of Seney, where he made his home with his sons living three quarters of a mile from the Plymouth county line.
Mr. Osborne is survived by six children: John Osborne, living in Fredonia township; Thomas, Steven and George, in Sherman township, Sioux county; Mrs. Geo. Reeves, Mission Hill, S. D.; and Mrs. F. J. Claydon , of [Mc ] Minnville , Oregon . Three children and his wife have preceded him in death. There are also twenty-eight grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren.
The funeral services will be held on Saturday at 10:30 in the Seney church, Rev. H. V. Comin , pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating, and the remains will be interred in the LeMars cemetery.
Mr. Osborne was a fine man and a good citizen who enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He was a loving husband and father, a good neighbor and friend, and in his death the community loses one of the men who were instrumental in building up the life and progress of the northwest prairie.
Now Firmly Believed That Chicken Sandwiches Contained Poison
Special to The Tribune
LeMars , Ia . , Sept. 20, 1904—The victims of ptomaine poisoning at Seney and vicinity are recovering slowly, although the case of May Osborne, aged 10 years and Paul Reeves, aged 5, are still very dangerous. The fact that the poisoning was due to the eating of pressed chicken at the birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reeves is further established by the fact that Lelia , the six year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, was not at the party but ate a sandwich which her older sister, May, brought home from the party. Mrs. Osborne also ate some of the sandwiches which her little girl brought home and was taken violently ill some hours afterwards. She was unable to tend her child, Lelia , in the girl's dying moments making the tragedy doubly sad. The tragedy has cast a gloom over the little town of Seney and the calamity is deeply deplored by all.
The funeral of Lelia Osborne was held at the Methodist church this (Tuesday) afternoon and was very largely attended. The victims who are still suffering form the effects of the poison are: Miss Jessie Reeves, aged 17; Ralph Hughes and Vera Hughes, aged 10 and 8, children of Ed Hughes; May Reeves, aged 8; Earl, aged 10, the son of Elam Chapman; Thewart, aged 11, a son of Grant Chapman; Guy, the 11 year old son of Elmer Anstine ; Mrs. John Osborne; Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves and their little daughter, Edna; a 12 year old boy named Dougherty is also one of the sufferers. The physician in attendance reports the case of May Osborne as extremely precarious.
The chickens which were used for edibles were killed and dressed in the forenoon and after having been boned and pressed were set away in crocks until the evening when they were made into sandwiches. It is supposed the hot weather generated toxin in the chicken meat.
Former Seney Resident Died Friday After Long Sickness
Mrs. Jessie Kennedy, former resident of Seney, died at her home in Sioux City on Friday following an extended sickness. She had resided in Sioux City for the past four years.
Mrs. Jessie March Kennedy was born in Seney on February 11, 1878 . She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Littlefair March. On January 10, 1906 , she was united in marriage to W.E. Kennedy. They lived in Minnesota for a year and in the Dakotas for some time. Following the time she became a widow, the deceased lived with her mother in Seney and cared for her mother, who was an invalid. During this time she was the Seney correspondent for The Globe-Post. After the death of her mother, Mrs , Kennedy was house mother for the Chi Omega Society at Vermillion, S.D. Mrs. Kennedy was member of the First Methodist church of Seney and the Order of Eastern Star at LeMars.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. W.M. Weld and a son, E. M. Kennedy, both of Sioux City ; two brothers, J.F. March of Vermillion and W.L. March of Cedar Falls; two sisters, Mrs. Dan McArthur of Sheldon and Miss Lucille March of Sioux City and 3 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one sister, Mrs. Grant Chapman.
Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church in Seney. Rev. George Dunn of Sioux City officiated and was assisted by Rev. W.N. Baker of Seney. Burial was made in the family lot in LeMars. The Anderson funeral home of Sioux City had charge of arrangements.
Special to the Courier, Brimfield, March 21; ---One by one the pioneers are being called to that beautiful home, eternal in the heavens. Constant H. Chapman was born Feb. 24, 1825 , and died March 19, 1907 , making him 82 years and 23 days old. At the time of his death he was the oldest living person born in the town.
Constant was the oldest son of Joseph G. and Elizabeth ( Boszor ) Chapman and was one of a family of seven children, viz : Milton (deceased), Mary, wife of Stephen A. Webster of New York City , (deceased); Kelsey, of LeMars , Iowa ; Leroy of Brimfield; Ellen wife of G. W. Bow, of Cleveland; and Annie (deceased.)
When he was but six weeks old his parents moved to Perry township, Lake county and remained there two years. They then returned to Brimfield, where they spent the rest of their lives. The father died March 4, 1878 , and the mother Oct. 1, 1880 . When about 22 years of age he was united in marriage with Permelia , daughter of the late Lybia Underwood. After her death, he was again married in June, 1863, to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Jane ( McCloughan ) Warner. She, with three children, Morris S., child by the first wife, Mrs. Nellie Baughman, of Brimfield, and Ed., of Cleveland , survives him, to mourn the death of a devoted husband and father.
Constant, or “Squire”, as he was familiarly called by every one, was a good citizen and will be sadly missed in the community. He had held various offices in the town and was justice of the peace for 18 years. He was the succeeded by his son, Morris, who held the office nearly 20 years.
Constant Chapman was ever ready to help the needy or suffering, was charitable, a lover of nature, and had set out many trees that he lived to see grow into beauty and afford shade to the rising generation. He was quiet and modest in his taste and a great lover of home.
His death was due to a complication of diseases. For many weeks he had been a great sufferer, but he bore all with patience and always had a smile of welcome for his loved ones and the many friends who called to see him.
All that could be done in the way of nursing was done for him and his brother, Kelsey, of LeMars , Ia . , came six weeks ago to aid in care for him. Death came Tuesday morning at 3:40 to relieve him of his intense suffering.
Mrs. John F. Deegan , well known reside of Plymouth county, passed away at her home 10 miles north of LeMars, Wednesday evening at 7:45 p.m. Death was caused by acute heart trouble, from which the deceased has been suffering for the past few months.
Mrs. John F. Deegan nee Alice Sullivan was born July 26, 1883 , at Newell , Iowa , and at the time of her death was 49 years, 3 months and 20 days of age. She received her education in the Newell schools, from which she graduated in 1901. Following her graduation, she taught in Newell and vicinity for seven years, later going to Sioux City where she spent several years in nurses' training at St. Joseph 's hospital there.
On January 19, 1909 , she was united in marriage to John F. Deegan , of LeMars. The young couple made their home on a farm 10 miles north of LeMars, where they have lived to the present time.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband John F. Deegan , and 6 children; Alice, Doris, John Jr., Anna, Robert and Patricia. Two sisters , Mrs. James Scothorn , of Sioux City , and Mrs. Thomas Brinkman of Sac City, with five brothers, Thomas, William, and Leo of Appleton, Minn.; Dr. Charles Sullivan of Manning, Ia .; and George of Saskatchewan, Canada, also survive.
Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. at St. Joseph 's Catholic church at Struble . Interment will be made in the LeMars Catholic cemetery with Wiltgen's in charge.
Mrs. John F. Deegan was a member of the Blessed Virgin Society of the Struble church, and a member of the Catholic ladies aid society of Maurice. For many years she had been active in the church work of her community, and had taken a major part in all civic and community affairs. She was a loving wife and mother, and held her homemaking duties above all outside interests.
The deceased is well known in LeMars and surrounding territory and leaves a host of friends who join with the family in sorrowing for her untimely death.
[Year of death….1932]
Funeral Services Held Saturday From Seney M.E. Church for Harry Buss
Harry Buss, well known farmer of the Seney community, passed away very suddenly at his farm home south of Seney about noon, Thursday, March 17, 1938, from a heart attack. He was born April 17, 1890 , at Kendalltown , Lafayette county, Wisconsin , and had reached the age of 48 years. In the year 1909 he came to this community and worked with his uncle, Wm. Buss, on a farm in Fredonia township , for several years. He was united in marriage to Lizzie Utech on February 26, 1914 , and to this union two children were born, Mari on and Earl, both living at home.
Besides his wife and children, he leaves to mourn his passing, his father, Silas Buss, of Darlington , Wis. ; three brothers, Edward of LeMars; Will and Alvin of Mineral Point, Wis.; two sisters, Ann Buss and Mrs. R.E. McConnell, both of Darlington, Wis., as well as a host of relatives and many, many friends, who knew him as a quiet, loving husband and father and a capable farmer who walked close his Maker. Mr. Buss had been in poor health for several months, but of late had been feeling much better and the end came very unexpectedly which was a great shock to the whole neighborhood. He had a pleasant and loveable personality and his presence with us will be greatly missed both in church and social affairs.
Funeral services were held from the Seney church at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon with Rev. T.C. Batho and Rev. Jenks, both of Sioux City , in charge. Interment was made in the LeMars cemetery under the direction of the Mauer funeral home. Pallbearers were George Osborne, Orville Cooper, Earl Chapman, John Mahlke , Bert Criswell, and Albert Hawkins.
The Church of the Nazarene in LeMars was the scene of the wedding Saturday, June 11, [1949], at 8 o'clock , of Miss Vera Mae Reeves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Reeves of LeMars and Glen A. Cummings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cummings of Cedar Rapids . The Reverend Homer Max performed the double ring ceremony before an altar banked with spring flowers.
The bride chose for her wedding an ivory gabardine dress. She wore a corsage of red roses. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Strong, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Strong. Appointments were carried out in the bride's chosen colors, blue and white.
The bride has been teaching school. The bridegroom is employed at Greenfield Gardens , southeast of LeMars, where the couple will make their home.
I.E. Eldridge…..92 Years old
Rock Valley , Ia ., March 9, 1942 ……I.E. Eldridge celebrated his 92 nd birthday the past week. He was born at Naples, N.Y. , in 1850, and came to Iowa with his parents and grandparents in 1854. It took the family 75 days to make the trip in covered wagon. They crossed the Mississippi on a ferry at Dubuque . They settled in Delaware county , near Manchester .
Mr. Eldridge became a clerk in a general store at 16, and went into business at Earlville at the age of 21. He sold his business there and came to Sioux county in 1887. Afterwards he ran a general store in Seney, sold that to go to Sioux City , where he was associated with Ayres Weatherwax Wholesale Groceries from 1893 to 1896 and then traveled for that firm.
He located in Rock Valley May 5, 1897 , where he operated the Leader store until 1911. In 1914 he helped organize the Thornburg Wholesale Company here, of which he was an active member for 15 years and retired. He became a member of the Masonic Lodge in 1881 and attended regularly until three years ago.
On his birthday the family held open house and he was given a birthday card shower. A splendid big birthday cake was presented to him.
Miss Mary A. Franklin and Henry F. Groetken Are United in Marriage in the Presence of Many Relatives and Friends in this City
St. Joseph 's church was the scene of a pretty wedding yesterday morning when Henry F. Groetken led to the altar his bride, Mary A. Franklin. The service was celebrated by Rev. Father F.X. Feuerstein in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the contracting parties.
The bride was attended by Miss Mary Groetken , a sister of the bridegroom, and the bridegroom by John F. Franklin, a brother of the bride.
The bride looked charming in a white serge suit trimmed in moraine silk, a white Milan straw hat with white silk drape and gloves to match completing the effect of the costume.
The bridesmaid was gowned in a white serge suit trimmed in appliqué.
Following the service at the church the young couple was escorted to the depot by a large number of friends, where they and their attendants boarded the early morning train for Sioux City , and partook of a wedding breakfast at the Hotel Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Groetken are members of well known Plymouth county families and have lived in this neighborhood practically all of their lives.
The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Susan Franklin, of Seney, and is a popular young woman among her associates and friends. The bridegroom is one of the progressive young farmers of this locality and is a son of Mrs. Mary Groetken , whose farm adjoins LeMars on the north. He has managed the home farm successfully for the past few years and demonstrates his worth and ability.
Following a visit at Creighton , Neb. , and Minneapolis , Minn. , Mr. and Mrs. Groetken will be at home to their friends on the Groetken place after April 20 th . Their many friends extend sincere congratulations for the future welfare and happiness.
Lora D. Baldwin lived all of his life in this community. He was born in Plymouth county March 19, 1876, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. David Baldwin, pioneer settlers in Fredonia township . He grew up and was educated in the country schools and followed the calling of farming at which he was successful. For the past six years he made his home in LeMars, but still continued his farming operations, renting his land on shares and attending to other business interests. He was energetic and active in business affairs and affine type of citizen, honorable, upright and dependable. He was interested in community and church work, and was treasurer of the Methodist church, always willing to devote his time and energy to every project undertaken by that association. Mr. Baldwin was a devoted husband and father and his death under such tragic circumstances is a crushing blow to his wife and family. In his death the community loses a good citizen and many friends will miss a good neighbor and pleasant associate.
Lora D. Baldwin was united in marriage with Miss Cora Perry, of Fredonia township , February 3, 1904 . To their union two daughters were born, Ethel and Verna. Besides the bereaved wife and daughters the deceased leaves three brothers and a sister, who are Fred Baldwin of Sioux Falls, S. D., Walter Baldwin of Fredonia township, Herbert I. Baldwin of Sioux City , and Mrs. Albert Lundgren of Fredonia township.
The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the First Methodist church and were attended by a very large number of people who gathered to pay respect to the memory of a fine citizen and loyal neighbor. Rev. C.H. Seward preached the sermon and paid a fine tribute to the departed man with whom he was intimately associated in church work the past few years. Rev. Bertie Watson, of Schaller, a former pastor of the Seney Methodist church with which Mr. Baldwin was affiliated while on the farm, assisted in the service.
The pallbearers were intimate friends and associates of the deceased and are J.C. Gillespie, Clarence Hoorneman , F.W. Stamp, R.L. Claussen , Albert Werth and Guy Trenhaile .
LeMars Odd Fellows, of which organization the deceased was a member, attended the funeral in a body.
The interment was made in the city cemetery.
(Seney Special)
Vincent Marion Lancaster, aged 53 years, 10 months and 6 days passed
away at this home in Seney, Saturday evening, May 29th, [1948], at 6:40
o'clock. He was born July 23, 1895, the youngest son of Edwin and Mary
Alice Lancaster, on the farm in Elgin township. In the year of 1913 he
moved with his parents to the home where he passed away.
He was married in November 1936 to Ina Conners Lancaster. To this union
two children were born. He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, Ina;
a son, Darrell, age 8; a daughter, Arlene, age 2; one brother,
Middleton, of Seney; two sisters, Mrs. Ed. Buss of LeMars and Mrs.
Elizabeth Hawkins of Seney, several nephews and nieces and many friends
who are expressing the loss of a friend indeed.
Vince, as he was known by his friends, had been an active member of the
Seney church, being secretary of the Sunday school for 26 years, and was
active in promoting every interest of benefit to God's Kingdom and the
church of his entire lifetime membership. He was secretary of the Seney
school board 31 years and active in all activities of his community and
worked tirelessly for the good of all his fellow man.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Leslie Gehring and Dr. Bean, were
held in the Seney Methodist church on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Interment
was in the Seney cemetery. Pallbearers, with one exception, were
nephews, Dwight Riter, Vincent Buss, Edgar, Wesley, Bill and Bob
Lancaster. Men's quartet, Frank Becker, Clarence Reeves, Harry De
Young, and Rev. Leslie Gehring had charge of the service.
Lifetime Seney Resident Passed Away on Saturday
Death claimed the life of Vincent Marion Lancaster of Seney on Saturday,
May 29th, [1948], at his home at Seney.
Vincent Lancaster was born on July 23, 1895, in Elgin township, the son
of Edwin and Mary Alice Lancaster. At the time of his death he had
reached the age of 53 years, 10 months and 6 days. He was a lifelong
resident of Elgin Township where he engaged in farming. Mr. Lancaster
was the Secretary of the Seney School Board for 31 years and for 26
years served as the Secretary of the Church Sunday School. He was
united in marriage to Miss Ina Conners Lancaster in November 1936.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Seney Methodist church on
Tuesday, June 1st, at two-thirty in the afternoon. Interment will be in
the Seney cemetery. The arrangements were in charge of the Mauer
funeral home.
Surviving are his wife, Ina, a son, Darrell, 8 years, and a daughter,
Arlene, 2 years, a brother, M. J. Lancaster, and two sisters, Mrs. Ed.
Buss and Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins, both of LeMars.
A pretty home wedding was celebrated on Wednesday, at high noon, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Chapman, when their daughter, Fern Ruth, was
united in marriage to Mr. Orville Cooper. The home was beautifully
decorated in pink and white, the bride's chosen colors. To the strains
of the Lohengrin wedding chorus, played by Mrs. Earl Chapman, the bridal
couple took their places beneath a pink and white arch, under a large
white wedding bell, where Rev. M.L. Metcalf read the service making them
man and wife.
The bride was becomingly dressed in a coral pink georgette dress and
carried a bouquet of pink and white roses and carnations. The groom
wore a suit of tan mixture. After the ceremony a sumptuous three-course
dinner was served to about forty guests, by four young ladies, Mesdames
Albert Hawkins, J.M. Kunath, Ethel Moir and Ina Lancaster, who were
dressed in the bride's colors, pink and white.
Mrs. D.F. McArthur and Mrs. R.H. Zimmerman assisted the young ladies in
the honors of serving.
Many valuable and beautiful presents were received by the couple.
The bride's going away dress was rose colored silk, with accessories to
match. They left the same evening for different points in Nebraska. On
their return they will reside on the R.A. Hawkins farm, north of Seney.
Those from a distance attending the wedding were: Mr. James Alderson
and daughter, Miss Myrtle, of Elgin, Neb.; Albert Muxlow and Mrs. R.H.
Zimmerman, of LeMars, and Rev. and Mrs. M.L. Metcalf, of Sioux City.
[This couple was married February 15, 1928.]
Out of town guests besides those of the bridal party included Mr. and Mrs. Will Ewin, of Austin, Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewin and daughter, Ida, of LeMars, Iowa; and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley King, and son, Leslie, of Merrill, Ia.
[Linda Ziemann, transcriber's note: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ewin were my parents.]