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Iowa News
from the
Fern Cooper's Scrapbook
Page 4
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lancaster Celebrate Happy Event
Knew Each Other in Childhood
Pioneers of Plymouth County Observe Happy Anniversary Surrounded by
Their Children, Grandchildren and Large Number of Friends
Mr. and Mrs. William Lancaster, of Seney, celebrated their golden
wedding at their home on Saturday evening, August 26th, 1916. About
sixty relatives and friends assembled on the occasion to extend
congratulations to the couple and the event proved a memorable and
joyous affair. William Lancaster and his wife, whose maiden name was
Margaret Knewstubb, were born in England and with their parents when
small children, came to America. The families settled on farms near
Argyle, Wisconsin, and the young people grew up together and attended
the same school and were happily associated in the glorious days of
youth. On August 26th, 1866, they were united in marriage at Argyle,
Wisconsin, and for fifty years have enjoyed a happy wedded life. Nine
years after their marriage in 1875, they came to Plymouth County and
settled on a farm near Seney, where they lived until 1891 when they
moved into Seney where they have resided since with the exception of two
years residence at Leeds.
Mr. Lancaster is seventy-two years of age and Mrs. Lancaster is
sixty-nine. They are hale and hearty and bid fair to enjoy many more
years of wedded happiness. Seven children came to bless their union,
who are James Lancaster of Faulkton, South Dakota; Mrs. Fred Wonser,
Unity, Wisconsin; Chris Lancaster, Mitchell, South Dakota; Mrs. Al
McArthur, Mrs. Clarence Moore, Mrs. Thos. Rees, Mrs. John Penning, all
of Seney vicinity. The children and grandchildren were present at the
happy event. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster were presented with a purse of
gold. A delicious supper, served in four courses, was enjoyed. The
party broke up at midnight, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster many more
years of wedded happiness. [With this article is a newspaper photo of
Mr. and Mrs. William Lancaster..very nice picture.]
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Lancaster Came Here as Bridegroom and Bride
Settled Near Seney
Have Resided in that Vicinity Ever Since
Surrounded by their children, grandchildren and a few life long friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lancaster, of Seney, celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary Wednesday, March 10, [1926] at their home. The
happy occasion was made the scene of a joyous gathering in which it was
a pleasure to participate. The members of the family and friends
assembled early in the day and at twelve o'clock a bounteous wedding
dinner was served. A feature was the wedding cake, in gold and white,
served by the mother and children.
Mrs. Alice Cooper, of Hawarden, a life long friend, who was present at
the wedding fifty years ago, was also present at the golden jubilee and
made the presentation of a fine gold headed cane to Mr. Lancaster and a
beautiful golden necklace to Mrs. Lancaster.
Honeymoon On Prairie
Edwin Lancaster and Mary Alice Alderson were united in marriage at
Argyle, Wisconsin, Friday, March 10, 1876, and on the Monday following
their wedding day left for Iowa and came to Plymouth county and settled
on the prairie where Indians wandered in those days, buffalo and deer
roamed and wild game abounded. They built a one room house on the farm
a mile and a half north of Seney. Here they lived facing the blizzards
of the long cold winters, the prolonged droughts of the burning summer
days, the scourge of the grasshoppers and the devastation of the prairie
fires which prevailed before climatic and other conditions bettered.
They saw friends leaving disheartened by the drawbacks, but they had
faith in the future and continued to toil and at length attained their
goal and when better times came, prospered and enjoyed many seasons of
productive crops and abundant harvests.
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster lived on the farm they entered as bridegroom and
bride for thirty-eight years and then decided they were entitled to some
respite and more leisure and moved to a small, modern farm adjoining
Seney, in the spring of 1913, where they now reside.
Autumn of Life
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster have five children and eleven grandchildren all
living in this vicinity. The children are Mrs. R.A. Hawkins, living
north of Seney; M.J. Lancaster, who resides on the home place; Ira
Lancaster on a farm east of Seney; Mrs. Ed Buss, living east of Seney;
and Vincent Lancaster living at home, being a partner with his father in
the thoroughbred stock and poultry business.
Edwin Lancaster was born in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1852, and with his
parents moved to Argyle where he grew to manhood. Mrs. Lancaster was
born in Yorkshire, England, in 1853, and when a girl of ten years old
came to America with her parents, who shortly after their arrival
located in Argyle, Wisconsin.
Obit from the LeMars Sentinel newspaper, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1916, Page 1, Column 1
Was Well Known Resident of Elgin Township
Popular In The Community
Succumbed to a Brief Illness of Pneumonia Contracted While Attending Funeral of a Relative in South Dakota
Frank Buss, a well known resident of Elgin township, died at his home on Friday afternoon after a brief illness caused by pneumonia. Mr. Buss contracted a cold while attending the funeral of a relative at Harrisburg , S.D. , the week previous to his death. The cold developed into a severe attack of pneumonia to which he succumbed.
Frank Buss was born in Lafayette county, Wisconsin , on January 18, 1868 , and lived there until 1887 when he came to Plymouth county. After coming here he worked for Sol Perry in Fredonia township for four years. He was united in marriage in September, 1891, with Miss Ida Smith in LeMars. Following his marriage he located at Carnes, where he worked in a grain elevator for two years. In 1893 he moved onto a farm three miles north of Seney where he made his home until the time of his death.
He leaves to mourn his death, his wife and three children, Eva, William and Harvey, and also his aged mother, Mrs. Ann Buss, of Darlington , Wis. , and six brothers and four sisters who are: Dan Buss of Darlington , Wis. ; Mrs. Wm. Dean, of Walnut, Iowa; Mrs. Lizzie Perry, of Harrisburg, S. D.; J. T. Buss, of Walnut, Ia.; Charles Buss of Harlan, Iowa; Mrs. Sol Perry of Fredonia township; Silas Buss of Darlington, Wis.; Will Buss of Harlan; Prince Buss, of Mineral Point, Wis. The relatives came to attend the funeral which was held yesterday at one o'clock at the Methodist church in Seney, Rev. Geo. Wood, the pastor, officiating. The interment was made in the LeMars cemetery.
In the death of Mr. Buss the community loses a fine citizen and a good neighbor. He enjoyed the respect and esteem of all those who knew him and had a large circle of friends. He was a loving husband and father, loyal to his friends, hones in his dealings and a whole-souled man. His early death is deeply regretted by his many friends.
Mr. Buss was president of the Elgin township school board and always took an active part in things for the good of the community. He was a member of the local camp of Modern Woodmen in LeMars. The pallbearers at the funeral were old friends and neighbors, John Deegan, James Deegan, Charles Witt, Elam Chapman, Steb Osborne, John Hinde.
[date of death calculated as 21 Jan 1916 ….his wife's obit in 1927 states that she died eleven years later to the day]
Mrs. Ida Buss Lived in this Community Past Forty Years
Funeral Held Monday
Leaves Three Children and Many Other Relatives………[Note: from the LeMars Sentinel newspaper dated 25 Jan 1927…calculating the date of death, the previous Friday would have been 21 Jan 1927]
Death claimed Mrs. Ida Smith Buss, who passed away at a local hospital in
this city, Friday morning. Mrs. Buss had undergone an operation and was
apparently progressing favorably when she was stricken with apoplexy.
Mrs. Buss was a resident of Iowa the greater part of her life. Her maiden
name was Ida Smith and she was born at Strawberry Point , Iowa , on June 20,
1864 , where she received her early training and education. When she was a
girl of thirteen she moved with her parents to Kansas , where she lived until
she came to Plymouth county in 1886. She was united in marriage with Frank
Buss on September 1, 1891 . After their marriage they lived at Carnes where
Mr. Buss was manager of an elevator for two years. They then moved to a
farm three miles north of Seney, which was her home continually since, with
the exception of two years, when she lived in LeMars following the death of
her husband, who died eleven years ago, to the day, of the death of his
Mrs. Buss leaves to mourn her death two sons and a daughter, William Buss,
living near LeMars, Harvey Buss, residing on the home farm, and Mrs. Merritt
Hawkins, of Maurice. She leaves six brothers all living in Kansas ; John
Smith of Dinsmore; Will of Emporia; George of Copeland; Harry of Neosha;
Ulysses and Lewis of Logan. She also leaves five grandsons.
The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Methodist church in
Seney and were conducted by Rev. H. M. Watson, of Sioux City, a former
pastor of the Seney church and Rev. F. B. Nixon, pastor of the Seney church.
The pallbearers are old friends and neighbors of the family and bore the
body of her husband to the grave eleven years ago. They are John Hinde,
J.J. Dee gan, J.F. Dee gan, Elam Chapman, Stephen Osborne and Charles Witt.
The interment was made in the LeMars City Cemetery beside the remains of her
Mrs. Buss was a member of the Seney Methodist Church for many years, and was
active in church and community. She will be missed by many friends. She
enjoyed the respect and friendship of all who knew her.
Obit from the LeMars Sentinel newspaper, Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1931, Page 1, Col 4
Wife of Well Known Fredonia Farmer Dies After A Long Illness
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon for Mrs. Buss, wife of William F. Buss, of Fredonia township, who died July 29, [1931] following a long illness. A brief service was held at the residence and services were conducted in the Methodist church at Seney. The interment was made in the LeMars City cemetery.
Mrs. Buss was born June 15, 1894 , and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, of Sioux county, and lived all her life in this community. Her name was Bertha F. Moir. She was married to Will F. Buss April 11, 1917 , and they made their home on a farm during their married life.
Four sons were born to them, Frank aged 13, Lloyd 11, Harold 10, and Ralph 7.
Mrs. Buss was taken sick a year ago and an operation performed. Of late her condition grew rapidly worse.
She leaves to mourn her death her husband, four little sons, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, and six brothers and one sister who are: Rev. Geo. A. Moir, of Sioux City ; Will R. Moir, of Struble; Carl R. Moir and Roy E. Moir, of Akron ; Mervin and Glenn and Ethel, living at home. An older sister, Grace, preceded her, dying January 4, 1918.
Mrs. Buss was a member of the Seney Methodist church. She was a devoted wife and mother and held in the highest esteem in a large circle of friends and neighbors.
FUNERAL LARGELY ATTENDED OF MRS. WILL BUSS..The funeral held on Friday was largely attended by relatives, friends and neighbors. Among those from out of town in attendance at the final rites were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moir, Wolverton , Minn. ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moir, Kent , Minn. ; Mrs. Rufus Moir, Fargo , N.D. ; Mrs. Ella Moir, Fargo , N.D. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buss, Elmer, Leila and Pearl Buss, of Harlan.
The following obituary was taken from a Weiser ( Idaho ) newspaper:
John E. Alderson, well known Sunnyside farmer, orchardist, and prominent citizen of the Weiser section, died Sunday afternoon, July 17, [1927] at Payette Lakes where he had gone with his wife for rest and recreation. Heart disease was the cause of death.
It is reported that he was not feeling well Friday and on Saturday consulted a physician who advised him to return to lower altitude. While his condition was not deemed immediately serious a telephone message was sent here to his son and daughter to come for them. This was Sunday and they were on their way at the time of death.
It is seldom that a greater loss is felt by a community in the death of one of its citizens. As a member of the board of county commissioners several years ago and in other civic activities he had a general acquaintance throughout the county. Because they were inherent qualities of his heart and mind he was genial, kindly and upright in all his contacts in life, and won the sincerest friendships because his friendship was sincere. With young men, as well as those of his own age, he had the happy faculty of holding their confidence and esteem without apparent effort.
John Edward Alderson was born August 13, 1865 , at Warren , Illinois . At the age of sixteen he moved with his family to Seney, Iowa . In 1885 he moved to Elgin , Nebraska , where he engaged in farming. There he was married in 1896 to Kate Coupland, who survives him. They moved to Weiser in 1910. To them were born three children. They are: Arthur of San Francisco and Richard and Dorothy who are at home.
He also leaves two brothers, James and George, and a sister, Mrs. Cooper, whose homes are at Elgin , Nebr. , and a brother Jonathan and a sister, Mrs. Lancaster, at Seney, Iowa.
Mrs. Earl Morissey Succumbs to Pneumonia
Mrs. Morissey, wife of Earl Morissey, residing on Cedar street, died on Friday morning [Feb. 14, 1913] from pneumonia. She had been suffering from pneumonia. She had been suffering from an attack of measles and complications ensued developing pneumonia which proved fatal. The dead woman leaves a husband and a baby, Eldred, one year old, and other relatives to mourn her death.
Her maiden name was Minnie M. Witt and she was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Witt, residing north of town. She also leaves a brother, Lester, who lives with their parents.
Mrs. Morissey was born in Plymouth county on December 9, 1891 , and lived here all her life. The funeral was held on Sunday at the Methodist church in this city, Rev. T. L. Klutz, of Seney, officiating.
Fred G. Alderson was born March 25, 1901 , at the Alderson farm home four miles northeast of Elgin , Nebr. , residing there until his sudden and untimely death Wednesday morning, November 23, 1932, making him at the time of his death, 31 years, 7 months, and 28 days of age.
He was married to Miss Ruth Ensminger of Brunswick , Nebr. , August 31, 1925 . To this union was born one son, James Richard. Besides his wife he leaves to mourn his death his father and mother and two sisters, Miss Vera Alderson and Mrs. Chester Schuchardt of Elgin, also other relatives and a host of friends.
He attended school in Elgin and was a graduate of the Elgin high school.
He was a young man of sterling qualities and counted his friends by all who knew him. Honored and respected by all, a kind and loving son, husband and father, always willing to extend a helping hand to those in need and to the betterment of all good causes; Fred will be greatly missed.
Mrs. Nannie Alderson Passes Away at Creswell, Ore.
Mrs. Nannie Alderson, almost 81, former Elgin, Neb., pioneer resident, and who since 1936 has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Wetzel at Creswell, Ore., passed away there last Thursday morning, January 21, 1943. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Elgin on Wednesday of this week at 2:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Samuel McKeown. Burial was made beside her husband in West Cedar Valley cemetery.
Nannie Knewstubb was born February 13, 1862, at Argyle, Wis., the daughter of William and Sarah Knewstubb. She was married to James Alderson at LeMars, Ia., and they came to Nebraska in 1888. She was preceded in death by her husband who died January 6, 1929. Mrs. Alderson went to live with her daughter in Oregon in 1936.
Mrs. Alderson is survived by five daughters and three sons. They are: Myrtle Wetzel, Creswell, Ore.; Ellen Koehler, Lebanon, Ore.; Bessie Edwards, Portland, Ore.; Alydthe Carr, Elgin, Nebr.; LeRoy, Pomona, Calif.; Irvie of Ewing, Nebr.; and Clifford of Grand Island, Nebr. She is also survived by two brothers, John Knewstubb of Dodgeville, Wis.; Robert Knewstubb of Ladysmith, Wis.; one sister, Mrs. John Sweeney of Argyle, Wis.; and 28 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Mrs. Alderson was a life time member of the Methodist church and a member of the Degree of Honor Lodge.
We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends for their exceeding kindness, sympathy and helpfulness during our bereavement caused by the loss of our mother, Mrs. Nannie Alderson.
The Children and their Families
Mrs. Edwin Lancaster was Early Settler In Elgin Township...WAS GREATLY BELOVED
Enjoyed Respect and Esteem of the Community
Mrs. Edwin M. Lancaster, a resident of Plymouth county for nearly fifty three years, died at 11 o'clock Friday night, Febr. 8, 1929, at her home in Seney. Heart trouble was ascribed as the cause of her death. She had been rapidly failing in health since November of last year.
Mrs. E. M. Lancaster was a native of England. Her maiden was Alice Alderson and she was a daughter of John and Elizabeth Alderson. She was born at Reeth, England, January 8, 1853, and was 76 years and one month old at the time of her death. When she was a girl of nine years of age she came with her parents to America. Soon after their arrival in the States they settled near Shullsburg, Wisconsin, where she received her early training and grew to young womanhood amid pioneer surroundings.
She was united in marriage with Edwin M. Lancaster, March 10, 1876, and following their wedding they came to Plymouth county and settled on a farm north of Seney. They lived there until sixteen years ago when they built a beautiful little home on the edge of the town of Seney where they have since resided.
Here in Pioneer Days
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster experienced the vicissitudes and hardships which befell the lot of many early settlers, but cheerfully and with fortitude overcame difficulties and attained brighter fortunes as the years rolled by and lived to enjoy the fruits of honest toil and well directed endeavor.
Mrs. Lancaster was a deeply religious woman. In her girlhood she united with the Methodist church and remained a faithful and consistent member during her long and useful life. She enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew her.
There remain to mourn the loss of a devoted, wife and mother, her husband, Edwin M. Lancaster, two daughters, Mrs. R. A. Hawkins and Mrs. E. D. Buss, three sons, Middleton J., Ira, and Vincent Lancaster, all living in this community. There are twelve grandchildren. She also leaves a brother, George Alderson, and a sister Mrs. Ben Cooper, of Elgin, Neb., and a host of friends.
The funeral services were held in the Seney Methodist Church Monday afternoon, Rev. M.L. Metcalf having charge of the service and interment was made in the Seney Cemetery. The pallbearers were old friends and neighbors: Z. Rayburn, Jake Berkenpas, William Reeves, E. H. Riter, E. F. Anstine, William Falk.
Well known Plymouth County Resident Fifty-Four Years
Paralysis caused the death of Edwin M. Lancaster, Plymouth county pioneer, at his home adjoining Seney at the age of nearly 78 years. Mr. Lancaster had been in failing health the past three years following a stroke the effects of which he never recovered.
Edwin M. Lancaster was a son of William and Elizabeth Lancaster and was born at Lake Shore, near Milwaukee, Wisc, April 23, 1852, and died at his home two days before attaining his seventy-eighth birthday [died April 21, 1930.] He grew up in Wisconsin, where he was educated and arrived at young manhood. He was united in marriage March 14, 1876, with Miss Alice Alderson, the ceremony taking place at Shullsburg. Shortly after their marriage they came to LeMars and settled on a farm north of Seney where they lived nineteen years and then moved to Seney, where they built a cozy home on the edge of town where they made their home since.
Mr. Lancaster was a man of deeply religious convictions and became a member of the Methodist church in early life and was a constant attendant at church as long as his health permitted.
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster are numbered among the many early settlers of Plymouth county, who experienced hardships in pioneer days and lived to see the barren prairie develop into a fine and prosperous agricultural domain. They were widely known and respected by all who knew them.
Mrs. Lancaster preceded her husband in death, passing away a year ago last February. Mr. Lancaster is survived by five children who are: Mrs. R. A. Hawkins, M. J. Lancaster, Ira Lancaster, Mrs. Ed Buss and Vincent Lancaster all of this vicinity. There are thirteen grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother, John Lancaster, of Seney.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the home with services at the Seney Methodist Church, Rev. M. L. Metcalf officiating. The pallbearers were old friends and neighbors, E.H. Riter, E. F. Anstine, Jacob Berkenpas, Charles Witt, William Faulk and John Osborne. The interment was made in the cemetery at Seney.
Helen Becker of Seney and Walter Woodhouse of Thomas, S.D., Wed
Observe Double Event
Parents of the Bride Celebrate Their Silver Anniversary
A very pretty wedding was celebrated in the Seney church at 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, December 19, 1925, when Rev. L. E. Wardle performed the ring ceremony which made Miss Helen Becker the bride of Walter Woodhouse, of Thomas, S.D. Promptly on the hour, to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played the Mrs. R. E. Chambers, the bridal couple entered the church. The bride on the arm of her father and followed by the bridesmaid, Miss Pearl Reeves met the groom and best man, Floyd Becker, at the altar, where an arch trimmed in the bride's colors of blue, grey and white, with a large white bell, formed a canopy where the vows were spoken.
This ceremony was on the silver anniversary of her parents, who were married here twenty-five years ago.
The bride was becomingly dressed in a grey georgette with fur trimming, somewhat similar to the wedding gown of her mother. The bridesmaid was gowned in a pretty blue satin crepe trimmed in grey. The bride carried an arm bouquet of butterfly roses. The ushers were Mrs. Bert Criswell and Miss Virla Cook, cousins of the bride.
After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's parents, half a mile from town, where a reception was held in honor of the newly wedded pair and her parents, whose silver anniversary it was. Mrs. Becker was charmingly gowned in silver crepe trimmed in blue.
A four course luncheon was served the assembled relatives and friends by Mrs. C. W. Reeves as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Bert Criswell, Mrs. Wilbur Criswell, Mrs. Jay Donlin and Miss Carol Haviland and Miss Ollie Haviland. The bridal couple were recipients of many beautiful gifts, while her parents received gifts of silver. Heartfelt congratulations are extended both couples by the entire community.
Out of town guests were: Mrs. Geo. Hughes, of Haxtun, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, of Sioux City; Mrs. Emma Haviland and daughters, Carol and Ollie, of LeMars; Mrs. R. E. Chambers, of Hazel, S. D.; Miss Florence Becker, of Wanbay, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin and daughters, Elaine and Esther, of Dalton; Arthur and Edward Buse, of Gibbons, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Penning, son Wayne and daughter Rose, John Reeves and Mrs. L. Penning, of LeMars; Mrs. Geo. Woodhouse, Mrs. Fred Tetzloff and daughter, Elva, and Albert, Will and Pirley Woodhouse, of Thomas, S. D.
Hazel Walkup and Guy Anstine Married
A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walkup on Wednesday, March 10th, 1915, when their only daughter, Hazel Fern Walkup, and Ellsworth Guy Anstine were united in marriage. The ceremony occurred at eight o'clock p.m. and was witnessed by the relatives and friends of the young couple. Rev. Geo. F. Woods, pastor of the Seney church, officiated. The wedding was of special interest as the young couple have resided in this community all of their lives and are popular among a large circle of friends.. The wedding colors, pink and white, were carried out in the floral decorations of the home. At the appointed hour Miss Grace Whitman, an intimate friend of the bride, played Mendelssohn's wedding march and Miss Jessie Reeves sang “A Perfect Day” just after the ceremony.
The bride was attired in a pretty gown of white satin messaline with oriental lace flounces and crystal bead trimming. She carried an arm bouquet of bridal roses and carnations.
After congratulations a wedding dinner was served to seventy-five guests. Miss Vera Hughes, Verna McArthur, Kate Rayburn, Mary Rayburn, Esther Cook and Grace Whitman assisted in extending the courtesies of the dinner hour. In the decorations and menu the colors of pink and white were observed in the most beautiful way. The remainder of the evening was given over to the reception.
The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful wedding presents, which shows their popularity in this community.
Both young people are industrious and ambitious and enjoy the best wishes from their scores of friends.
The bride's traveling suit was navy blue with waist of crepe de chene with accessories to match. The young couple left Thursday evening for Chicago and after visiting a few weeks with relatives, they will be at home on a farm of the groom's father, where they will be delighted to receive their friends.
Miss Fern Chapman gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Josie Osborne at her home Tuesday, January 13th. Games were played and Miss Josie had to hunt for presents every time the alarm clock went off. They had a very enjoyable afternoon. At 5 o'clock a two course supper was served. Those present were: Mrs. C. L. Britton, Mrs. Bert Criswell, Mrs. Roy McArthur, Mrs. G. Keizer, Mrs. Albert Hawkins, Mrs. Earl Chapman, Mrs……
[the article breaks off here]
From the LeMars Sentinel, Friday, January 16, 1925, Page 1, Column 6:
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, of Fredonia township, was
the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday, January 14, when their daughter,
Josie Fern, was united in marriage with John M. Kunath. A few relatives
and friends were present at the ceremony. Promptly at high noon the
bridal couple took their places under a prettily decorated arch from
which suspended a wedding bell of pure white. Rev. S. J. Wallace,
pastor of the Seney Methodist church, conducted the marriage service.
The bride was becomingly attired in a light blue satin dress with
georgette and ribbon trimming and wore a corsage bouquet of bridal
Following the ceremony congratulations and good wishes were
extended the young people and the company repaired to the dining room,
which was tastefully decorated in blue and white, the chosen colors of
the bride where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served in four courses.
After a short honeymoon trip the young people will be at home to
their friends after February 1 on the farm of Mrs. Susan Haviland, north
of Seney.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, and has grown
to young womanhood in this community and is popular with a large circle
of friends. The bridegroom is a progressive and successful young
farmer, well liked among his associates.
The death of James Alderson, which occurred early Sunday morning at his
home northeast of Elgin, was not only a deep personal loss to the many
who enjoyed the privilege of his friendship, but it was an irreparable
loss to the agricultural interests of Antelope County. Mr. Alderson had
all of the qualities of a leader and his unselfish devotion to the
public good, together with his indomitable courage, perseverance and
tact brought success to practically every enterprise in which he
interested himself. Being relieved of much of his farm work in recent
years by his sons, Mr. Alderson was devoting himself unselfishly at the
time of his death to the upbuilding of those Antelope County enterprises
which he considered of benefit to the farm people.
Probably his most outstanding achievement was the building up of the
Antelope County Fair. For weeks at a time, during the summer months, he
devoted his entire time to this work, never receiving any remuneration
for his work except the satisfaction one derives from unselfish service.
Last fall, following the most successful fair ever held, "Jim" Alderson
radiated happiness, and he began at once to make plans for even greater
things in 1929. His death leaves a vacancy at the head of the fair
association which will be difficult to fill.
During the past two or three years, Mr. Alderson, devoted considerable
time to the organization of the Calf Clubs in Antelope county and the
successful work of these clubs is largely due to his untiring efforts.
At the time of his death, he was planning to assist in organizing Dairy
Calf and Pig Clubs.
At the time of the organization of the Elgin Co-Operative Creamery, Mr.
Alderson went out among the farmers and sold a majority of the stock
himself. He believed that the creamery was essential to the development
of the dairy industry in this locality and he did not wait for someone
else to accomplish its organization, and headed a subscription paper and
went out to sell the new concern to his farmer friends. The people had
great confidence in his judgment, his integrity and sincerity of
purpose, and within a short time the company was formed. Naturally, the
stock holders looked to Mr. Alderson for leadership and he was placed at
the head of the concern. In this position he served faithfully and - as
usual-without one cent of remuneration. The Elgin Creamery is another
monument to the vision, unselfishness, and perseverance of "Jim"
About a year ago, when the Elgin Cemetery Association was re-organized,
Mr. Alderson was elected president of the governing board, and the past
year has seen the Elgin Cemetery transformed from an ill-kept
disorganized burying ground into a beautiful, systematically operated
cemetery in with the community may well take pride. Again, Mr. Alderson
demonstrated his great constructive ability.
Pages might be written about the good works and the kind deed of "Jim"
Alderson; kindly, genial personality, his modesty and self-effacement.
The high esteem in which he was held by the people of Antelope County
was indicated by the throng which assembled at the Methodist Church
Tuesday afternoon to attend the services in his memory. The crowd could
not be accommodated within the church, and the church yard was well
filled during the services. The sermon by Rev. W. A. Rominger, a former
pastor of the Elgin church and friend of the deceased. The body was
laid at rest in the West Cedar Valley Cemetery. [Nebraska]
James Alderson's Obituary
James Alderson was born in Reeth, Yorkshire, England on April 27, 1857,
and died at his home near Elgin, Nebraska, on Jan. 6, 1929, at the age
of 71 years, 8 months and 9 days.
His parents immigrated to America when he was five years old and settled
at Shullsburg, Wisc. When a lad of twelve his parents moved to Argyle,
Wisconsin, and here he grew to manhood and received his education.
In 1879 he removed to Iowa and settled at Seney, Iowa, where he met and
was united in marriage to Miss Nannie Knewstubb on December 23, 1882.
Eight children came to bless their home; three sons and five daughters,
all of whom are still living. The daughters are Miss Myrtle, who is at
home; Mrs. Ellen Koehler of Rosebud, S.D.; Mrs. Bessie Edwards of
Portland, Ore; Mrs. Alydthe Carr of Elgin, Nebr.; Mrs. Mary Carpenter of
Neleigh, Nebr. The sons are Irving and Clifford, who are at home and
Leroy who lives at Pomona, Calif.
Mr. Alderson came to Antelope County in March 1888 and settled on the
farm near Elgin, Nebr., where for the last 41 years he and his faithful
wife have lived so happily. He has been identified with many public
enterprises and has contributed in a very large measure to the up
building of this community. A man of lofty ideals, high intellectual
attainments and sterling integrity, he won and held the respect of the
entire community.
Early in life he united with the Methodist church and lived a consistent
Christian life. He was a member of the KPMWAAOUW and Highlander
Fraternity and was active in support of many benevolent and charitable
organizations. Besides his wife and children he is survived by one
brother, George, who lives near his home and two sisters, Mrs. Alice
Lancaster, of Seney, Iowa, and Mrs. Lucinda Cooper of Elgin, Nebr.
Nineteen grandchildren and a host of friends who will sincerely mourn
his loss.
William Henry Cooper was born October 5th, 1863, in Grant county,
Wisconsin. He was the son of William and Sarah Cooper. On January 1,
1887, he was married to Elizabeth Parkins. In 1905 they moved to
Petersburg where he spent the remainder of his life.
To this couple seven children were born: Henry L. of Sheridan, Wyo.;
Arthur L., of St. Edward; George W., of Waterloo; Mrs. Mabel Valentine
of Guernesy, Wyo.; Mrs. Elta Simons of Newport; Mrs. Goldie Anderson, of
Arvada, Colo.; and Mrs. Florence Rae (deceased.) Mrs. Cooper passed
away October 15, 1933.
Mr. Cooper had spent the past year at the Thompson Home in St. Edward.
He passed away there on June 9, 1949.
Left to mourn his passing are six children, thirty-four grandchildren,
twenty-four great grandchildren and three brothers in Kansas. Also
other relatives and a host of friends.
The funeral was held at the Congregational church in Petersburg Saturday
afternoon, June 11th. The pallbearers were John Ketteler, Theo. Allen,
P.J. Esau, Thorvald Thompson, G.A. Anderson and Charles Meyers. Burial
was at the Mount Pleasant cemetery in Petersburgh.
Henry Cooper was a long time resident of Petersburg. He was in the
blacksmith business and later for many years janitor of the public
We wish to thank all our friends for kindness shown us at the
bereavement of our beloved father. signed: Henry L., Arthur and George
Cooper, Mabel Valentine, Elta Simons and Goldie Anderson.
William C. Lancaster Was One of the
Pioneers of Elgin Township
Has Many Descendants
Body Borne to Grave By His Nephews
Death claimed William C. Lancaster, a pioneer of Plymouth county, and
one of the very early settlers in Elgin township, at his home in Seney,
Friday, March 30, 1928, after a brief illness from pneumonia. Mr.
Lancaster was nearly 84 years of age.
William Lancaster was born in Yorkshire, England, June 23, 1844. When
four years of age he came with his parents to America. They came
westward following their arrival in the states and settled near Argyle,
Wisconsin, where William Lancaster grew up. He was united in marriage
with Margaret Knewstubb, of Argyle, August 26, 1866. She preceded him in
death eight years ago on February 13. Since the death of his wife, Mr.
Lancaster made his home with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex McArthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster farmed for many years in Elgin township and were
prominent in church and community affairs.
Mr. Lancaster is survived by two sons and five daughters, who are James
Lancaster, of Faulkton, S.D.; Chris Lancaster, of Mitchell, S.D.; Mrs.
Fred Wonser, of Unity, Wisc.; Mrs. Alex McArthur, Mrs. C.E. Moore, Mrs.
T. J. Rees and Mrs. Albert Penning, of Seney. There are sixteen grand
children and fourteen great grand children. Two daughters died in
Mr. Lancaster was a good citizen and neighbor and was respected by all
who knew him. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the
Seney Methodist church, of which the deceased was a member, the pastor
Rev. M. L. Metcalf officiating, and the interment was made in the family
burying ground in the Seney cemetery. The pallbearers were his nephews.
Mrs. William Lancaster, a widely known resident of Seney vicinity, died
on Friday at her home following a long and painful illness which she
bore with fortitude and patience. Her death was due to internal cancer
from which she suffered for several years.
Mrs. Lancaster was a native of England. Her maiden name was Margaret
Knewstubb and she was born on August 2, 1847, at Kirbystephen,
Lancashire. When she was a child of 5 years her parents brought her to
America and they soon afterwards settled at Argyle, Wis. She was united
in marriage at that place with William Lancaster on August 26, 1866.
They came to Plymouth county in 1876 and in 1879 settled near Seney
which has been their home since.
Eleven children were born to their union, four of whom preceded the
mother in death. Besides the bereaved husband she leaves seven children,
who are James Lancaster of Faulkton, S.D.; Chris of Mitchell, S.D.; Mrs.
Mary Wonser of Unity, S.D.; Mrs. Anna McArthur, Mrs. Ada Moore, Mrs.
Maggie Rees and Mrs. Lulu Penning of Seney. She also leaves sixteen
grandchildren and one great grandchild and also four brothers and three
sisters, who are: John, William, Thomas, and Robert Knewstubb of Argyle,
Wis,; Mrs. Mary McConnell, Darlington, Wis.; Mrs. Jane Sweeney of
Argyle; and Mrs. Nannie
Alderson, Elgin, Neb.
Mrs. Lancaster was a lifelong member of the Methodist church and a
charger member of the Ladies Aid Society of the church at Seney. She was
deeply religious and an ardent worker in the church and for all things
pertaining to the good of the community. She was a devoted wife and
mother, a good neighbor and a staunch friend. Her long life was filled
with many acts of Christian charity and kindness and she helped to make
the world a better place in which to live and was an influence for good
in her surroundings.
The funeral was held Sunday at Seney, Rev. Bertie Watson, of Galva, a
former Seney pastor, officiating, and was largely attended by old
friends and neighbors.
[Year of death was 1920]
Obituary: Mrs. B. M. Clasen , a popular resident of Seney, died at a local hospital in LeMars, on Sunday, following an attack of pneumonia, which developed complications. Although Mrs. Clasen had only been a resident of Seney for the past four or five years, she had gained lasting friendship and enjoyed an enviable popularity and her early death came as a great shock to that community.
During the war she was appointed to take charge of the depot at Seney and filled all the duties of the office with credit to those she represented and to herself. About a year ago she purchased the general store at Seney and was appointed postmistress, and in these avocations further demonstrated her ability and gained more friends. In the business life and social circles of the town she was a general favorite and her death after a short illness is deeply deplored.
Her maiden name was Blanche Mildred Robin son and she was born at Maple Lake , Minnesota , on December 2, 1884 , where she was educated and grew up and was married.
She leaves to mourn her death three children, Gratia , who is attending the LeMars high school, and Elbridge and Elizabeth. She is also survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robin son, of St. Paul , two sisters, Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Weinberger, of Minneapolis , and another sister, Mrs. French, residing in Washington .
A brief service was held at the Beely undertaking rooms on Sunday afternoon, Rev. S.J. Wallace, of Seney, officiating, and the body was taken to St. Paul on Sunday evening, accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. S.J. Wallace and her sister, Mrs. Weinberger, who was with her when the end came, and by the bereaved children. Funeral services will be held there today.
[Transcriber note: unfortunately there is no date of death for this obituary. Church ledger documentation does state that Rev. S.J. Wallace term at Seney was 1920-1925. This narrows down the years for the date of death.]
An Old Fiddler's Contest
Seney, Ia . , March 6, 1926 – To the Editor: Seney is nothing but a hamlet, but, for all that, it is strictly an up to date town. Our citizens have been interested in the fiddler's contests which have lately been staged in Sioux City and other towns, and finally concluded that our hustling town could hold its own with any other town or city in northwestern Iowa , as far as a fiddler's contest was concerned. Consequently, Friday evening in a couple of hours the musicians were rounded up and an audience collected in the community hall, and the skirmish was on.
The contestants were Ira Lancaster, Edward Pech , Ray Hines, Jake Berkenpas and Miss Marjory Riter , with Fred Riter at the piano. The learned judges found it hard task to decide which was entitled to the first of the money prizes. Each performer played with a zest and a zip which caused many a white haired veteran to forget that his youthful dancing days were over. Each player was encored again and again, until the first prize was finally awarded to Marjory Riter , the second to Ed Pech , and the third to Jake Berkenpas . After the prizes were awarded the contestants gave us “Home Sweet Home” in such an effective manner that more than one eye in the audience was wet, and Seney awoke to the fact that it possessed the best orchestra in this part of Iowa . The band is willing to enter any contest that may be staged anywhere in the United States. ---Helen A.F. Knowlton.
Payson Gilbert of St. Paul Minn. , who grew to manhood in LeMars, was interested in how his home town got its name and wrote Carl R. Gray, Jr., executive vice-president of the Chicago Saint Paul Minneapolis and Omaha Railway company about it. Mr. Gray's reply was as follows:
“My dear Mr. Gilbert:
I was pleased to have your inquiry of the 19 th concerning the origin of the naming of LeMars station.
Fortunately, I do have some information available concerning this, and I quote below from a history of the origin of the place-naming of stations connected with eh C&NW and CStPM&O Railways:
‘LeMars, Plymouth county, Iowa . The town was platted in 1869 and made the county seat in 1872. The first railroad that reached this point from any direction, was built eastward from Sioux City and was the west end of what was then known as the Iowa Falls and Sioux City Railroad (now a portion of the Illinois Central railway lines in Iowa .) It was built by John I. Blair of Blairstown , New Jersey , and his associates. When the road was completed to this point, Mr. Blair opened it with an excursion. Amongst his guests were several women from Cedar Rapids , Iowa . On arriving here, Mr. Blair was asked what was to be the name of the station. He replied that none had been selected. He then suggested that the Cedar Rapids women should select the name. As might have been expected, each one had a name that she insisted was the best. Not being able to agree, some one suggested that a name be made by taking an initial from the given (Christian) names of each of the women. This was done and it was found that two very good names could be made out of these initials, viz: ‘Selmar' and ‘Lemars.' By vote the women adopted “Le Mars' and Mr. Blair so named the town. As nearly forty years have passed since the name was made, it is impossible to be positive as to the women whose names were used, but it is known to be true that the initials used were as follows: The ‘L' was taken from the L in the name of Laura (wife of Judge W.W.) Walker , or in that of Lucy (Mrs. Judge) Ford. The ‘E' was taken from the E in the name Ellen (Mrs. John) Cleghorn, or in that of Elizabeth (Mrs.) Underhill. The ‘M' was taken from the M in the name of Martha (Mrs. John) Weare, or in that of Mary (Mrs. George) Weare. The ‘A' was taken from the A in name of Mrs. Adeline M. Swain. The ‘R' was taken from the R in the name Rebecca (wife of Dr. W. R.) Smith. The ‘S' was taken from the S in the name of Sarah (wife of Dr.) Reynolds. Many a local controversy has obtained as to the question and it still prevails and not seldom the newspapers publish letters intended to settle it, but it does not get settled. We believe that the above are the facts as near as they will be established.'
From this you will note that your impression as to how the name “Le Mars” originated is correct.”
[This article as it is pasted on the scrapbook page does not have a date on it. The article does state that it had been nearly forty years since the naming of the station…thus it is likely the article was printed circa 1909.]
On Wednesday, December 1st , 1915 , at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Cook, occurred the marriage of their oldest daughter, Estred Leone, to Charles Bert Criswell. The wedding took place at seven o'clock . Only the immediate relatives were present. As Miss Jessie Reeves, an aunt of the bride, played the Lohengrin wedding march, the bridal party descended the stairs and took their places in the parlor before the bow window. The ring ceremony was used, Rev. G. F. Wood, pastor of the Seney M.E. church officiating. After congratulations all repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous wedding feast awaited the guests. The dining room decorations were carried out in pink and white.
The bride was beautifully gowned in white silk mulle with rose bud trimmings and white satin slippers and carried a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses.
The ride and groom are well and favorably known as they were both raised in this community. Mr. Criswell is a prosperous young farmer. This worthy couple starts out in married life with a host of friends to wish them a long, happy and successful life. They will visit a few weeks with relatives and friends at Strawberry Point and other places in the eastern part of the state. The bride's traveling suit was of midnight blue poplin with hat and gloves to match.
After March 1st they will be at home to their many friends on the Shearon farm one mile west of LeMars.
Joseph F. Donlin and Ethel Cooke are Married
On Wednesday evening, February 15, [1922], at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Ethel Ferne, to Joseph T. Donlin. The wedding took place at 8 o'clock . Only the immediate relatives being present.
As Miss Virla Cook, a sister of the bride, played Lohengrin's wedding march, the bridal party descended the stairs and took their places under a prettily decorated arch from which hung a pure white wedding bell. The holy words of the ring service were pronounced by Rev. Wallace, of the Seney M.E. church.
The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Helen Becker and the groom by his brother, Will.
The bride was beautifully gowned in brown crepe de chine with silk embroidery trimmings and carried a bouquet of carnations.
After congratulations and best wishes were extended to the happy couple, all repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous wedding feast awaited the guests. The dining room was prettily decorated in pink and white, the brides chosen colors. The bride's cake of pink and white adorned the center of the table.
The young people received many beautiful presents. The bride is a member of a well known family of this vicinity.
The groom is a progressive young farmer living near Merrill. They start out in their wedded life with the well wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. After March 15 they will be at home to their many friends on the Uthe farm, three miles east of Merrill.
A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock at the Presbyterian parsonage when Mrs. Agnes Berger and George Osborne were married by Rev. H.V. Comin . The bride was attired in a suite of navy blue tricotince with hat and gloves to match. After the ceremony the bridal pair went to the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Pech , where a wedding luncheon was served. The guests included the members of the immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne left on the 3:45 train for Sioux City and Des Moines .
They will reside on their return on the groom's farm near Seney.
[Fern Cooper penned on the page next to this article, “1925?”]
A quiet church wedding took place Thursday evening, July 9, [1936], in the auditorium of the St. John's Lutheran Church of Reading township when Miss Luella VanderHam , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. VanderHam , was united in marriage with Silas Siege of Maurice , Iowa . Rev. Herbert Berner performed the ceremony, which was preceded by bridal music played by Miss Mildred Vlotho and songs presented by Miss Maxine VanderHam and Miss Lorraine Vlotho , sister and cousin of the bride. Wedding attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Mari on Chapman, Miss Lelia VanderHam and Sabasta Siege. Flower and ring bearers were Loras , little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Onken , and Charleen , little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lorena VanderHam . The church was beautifully decorated in the colors of silver and salmon, as was the home. Following the wedding the wedding party and the immediate relatives proceeded to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. VanderHam , where a wedding was served. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. VanderHam and is a graduate of the Ireton high school. She has been a popular and successful rural school teacher in this community the past two years. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siege of Maurice and is a successful and progressive farmer. They plan to make their home in Maurice.
Reverend, Mrs. W.N. Baker Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary in Ireton
Ireton, Oct. 4, 1950 : Reverend and Mrs. W. N. Baker, of the Ireton Methodist
church celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary last Friday, Sept.
29, at their home in the Methodist parsonage in Ireton.
When Reverend Baker and Miss Margaret Held were married Sept. 29, 1925,
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Held of Hinton, he was a widower with
5 children.
This accounts for the fact that the family gathering at noon consisted
of 3 sons, 1 daughter, 3 daughter-in-laws, and 10 grandchildren.
The only ones unable to be present were the son-in-law, Rev. J.L.
DeGarmo of Lake View, who was detained by an official church meeting,
two of his children, and one son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A.
Baker, of Houston, Tex.
Rather an unusual event was the baptismal service at the church at 3
p.m. when Rev. Baker had the unique honor of baptizing three of his
grandchildren, Elizabeth Gay Baker, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Weldon N.
Bake of Emporia, Kans.; Dale Hawthorn Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E.
Baker of Moville; and Cheri Lou Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Baker of Harcourt.
The Baker's held "open house" from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 8 to 10 p.m.
In the evening hours, the local congregation, supplemented by friends
from Seney and Hinton made the open house a tightly packed house. It
was almost a case of hanging out the windows.
The evening was spent socially, the efficient ladies of the congregation
taking over in the kitchen and serving a delicious lunch to the guests.
During the evening, Mr. Lloyd Simons, speaking for the congregation,
spoke words of appreciation and presented the Bakers with a box
containing 50 silver dollars. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baker responded in
well-chosen words. It was a day that will be remembered.
Popular Young People of Elgin Township Wed
On Wednesday, August 23, 1916, a very pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D.F. McArthur of Elgin township, when Verna Marie,
their only daughter became the bride of Mr. Earl LeRoy Chapman, eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Chapman of Sherman township.
To the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Fern
Chapman, sister of the groom, the couple took their places under a
beautifully decorated arch. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Geo. F.
Wood, of Seney.
After congratulations all participated in a bountiful wedding dinner.
The bride was gowned in white pussy willow taffeta with an over drape of
Georgette crepe, trimmed with lace and ribbon.
The groom wore blue serge. The bride's traveling suit was midnight blue
with hat and gloves to match. They received many beautiful presents.
Only relatives and a few close friends were present. Those from away
were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman, Aurora, Ia., Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Alderson, Elgin, Nebr., Mrs. Mollart, Dubuque, Ia., Mrs. Hinde, Dubuque,
Ia., Mrs. Mary Patrick, also, Miss Alice and Lucia Patrick, Hawarden,
Ia., Flores Hinde, Forestburg, So. Dak.
The colors were pink and white. They will be at home to their many
friends after September 15.
The young people begin wedded life under very favorable circumstances.
They come of good family stock, well and favorably known, and a
multitude of friends wish them all manner of good ruing their wedded
The young couple tried the old time stunt of trying to steal away from
the rice throwing crowd, and took a fast ride to Carnes, taking the
south bound train but on arriving at Seney what was their amazement to
find their friends there, and several of them boarded the train and made
life as pleasant as possible for them as far as LeMars. If this young
couple can walk in that atmosphere of proverbial bliss during their
honeymoon, they will also walk on rice part of the way. If they get rid
of the rice in the next two weeks, they will be fortunate.
Marriage of Miss Bessie Reeves and A.W. Penning
Well Known Young People
Pretty Home Wedding is Celebrated at Noon on Wednesday at the home of
Bride's Father-Will Live on Sullivan Farm
The home of J.H. Reeves, residing at 1002 Court Street, was the scene of
a very pretty home wedding on Wednesday when his only daughter, Bessie
May, was united in marriage with A.W. Penning. The ceremony took place
a high noon in the presence of about twenty-five relatives and friends
and was performed by Rev. H.V. Comin, pastor of the First Presbyterian
At the appointed hour the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march played
on the piano by Miss Cynthia Holster heralded the approach of the bridal
party. The bride and bridegroom, accompanied by their attendants,
descended from an upper room and took their places beneath a floral arch
in the southeast embrasure of the parlor, where the guests were
assembled. The rooms were prettily decorated in the chosen bridal
colors, pink and white, and white and pink roses, white and pink
carnations, with smilax and ferns added their charm to the beauty of the
decorations. Underneath a prettily fashioned arch formed in pink and
white with large white wedding bell suspended from the center, the young
people took the vows of fealty and love, the marriage service being
rendered by the officiant, Rev. H.V. Comin.
The bride looked lovely in a most becoming gown of white satin with
Georgette crepe and lace and pearl trimmings. She carried a bouquet of
white bridal roses and lilies of the valley. Her bridesmaid, Miss Helen
Callfas, was attired in a pretty dress of pink satin striped marquisette
over voile. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Henry Penning.
The bride was given away by her father.
Following the ceremony hearty congratulations were bestowed on the young
people and then the guests sat down to a four course wedding dinner.
The table decorations were also in pink and white and at the place of
honor for the bride and bridegroom was a large centerpiece of flowers in
these colors. The honors of serving were accorded to Misses Lucy
Phillips and Esther Hulsebus, close friends of the bride.
The afternoon and evening were spent in celebrating the happy event.
The newly married young people received a large number of useful and
pretty gifts from admiring friends.
Out of town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Demaray of
Pipestone, Minn., L.E. Penning of Wentworth, S.D., Miss Jennie Winkel
and Albert Winkel of Ashton, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Penning let on the midnight train for the Twin Cities and
other points north and west. They will be at home to their friends on
the John L. Sullivan farm north of town after March 1.
The bride's going away gown was a dress of Alice blue poplin with
accessories to match.
The bride and groom are members of well known old settle families and
are well known in the neighborhood.
Popular Young Couple Take Vows at Seney Wednesday
A beautiful wedding was solemnized in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Osborne of near Seney when their daughter, Jessie, became the wife of
Ernest Reeves, son of Bert Reeves of near LeMars.
The single ring ceremony took place at high noon Wednesday, February 14,
in the presence of the immediate family, Rev. W.G. Bergmann of the Seney
M.E. church officiating.
The bride wore a dress of rose colored crepe and carried a bouquet of
roses and white carnations. The groom wore the conventional blue.
After the ceremony a three-course dinner was served. Mrs. Wm. Detloff
and Mrs. Robert Detloff being hostesses.
After an afternoon spent in social visiting the young couple left for
Mason City, Iowa, and other points east, and will be at home March 1st
on the Mauer farm southeast of LeMars.
The bride attended the LeMars high school and after graduating in 1930,
she has been at home with her parents and has been very popular in the
church and social activities in the community.
The groom is well known in the community and has been engaged in
trucking the past years. Their many friends extend their
LeMars Sentinel newspaper
dated July 25, 1903
At the home of J. Alderson, one of Seney's successful business men, on
22, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Ida J. to W. D. Kennedy. At
two p.m. to the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Bessie
the bride preceded by Miss Laura Foulds, the ring bearer, and
accompanied by
the bridesmaid Miss Bertha Becker, of Sioux City, entered the
decorated parlor, where the groom accompanied by the best man, the
of the bride, joined them.
Rev. J. D. Skaggs, pastor of the M. E. Church in Seney, performed the
beautiful ring ceremony of the Episcopal church.
The bride was attired in a beautiful creation of white silk mull and
white roses. The bridesmaid was also in white and carried flowers of the
same kind.
The groom wore the conventional black. After the ceremony the guests to
number of about sixty congratulated the happy couple and then sat down
to an
elegant wedding dinner.
The bride is one of Plymouth county's fairest daughters, having nearly
her life lived in Seney and for a number of years has been a very
school teacher, where by her sunny life lovable characteristics and
dispositions, she is able to count her friends by the number of her
acquaintances and the groom can well congratulate himself on the prize
has secured.
The groom is a young man of splendid ideals and sterling worth and is
and favorably known by a large circle of friends. For two years he has
the successful manager of Edwards & Bradford Lumber company, and is now
the employ of M. A. Moore & Co., at Seney, where his friends predict for
a successful future.
The guests which included those from Nebraska and South Dakota and other
points after viewing the large number of costly presents followed the
couple to the five o'clock train and showered them with rice, old shoes,
etc. They left for St. Paul, Minneapolis and northern points and will be
home to their friends after August 15. All unite in wishing them a long
happy life.
On New Year's Eve [1914] a pretty home wedding was celebrated at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lancaster in Elgin township when their
daughter, Maude Lillian, and Edmund D. Buss were united in marriage.
The ceremony, which took place at seven in the evening, was witnessed by
members of the family, Rev. D.F. Wood, pastor of the Seney Methodist
church officiating.
The home was beautifully decorated in pink and white, the bride's chosen
colors. Pink and white streamers and roses and carnations of these hue
were attractively arranged in the parlors and dining rooms. The young
couple were unattended. The wedding ceremony was brief but impressive.
The bride wore a lovely dress of duchess white satin with shadow lace
and white chiffon.
Following congratulations a wedding supper in four courses was enjoyed
and the evening spent in celebrating the happy event. The young couple
were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents.
They will go to housekeeping immediately on a farm two miles east of and
mile north of Seney. The bride is a member of one of the pioneer
families of Plymouth county and was born and reared in this vicinity.
She is a popular young woman with many accomplishments, who has scores
of friends.
The groom is a progressive young farmer, who has made a good start on
the road to prosperity and has gained the esteem of his associates both
in business and social affairs.
Relatives gathered at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lancaster
June 5, 1907, to witness the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Ann to
Alexander H. Hawkins. The ceremony was performed at two o'clock by Rev.
R. M. Kiernan of Morningside, Sioux City. The bride and groom were
escorted to the parlor by Miss Martha Hawkins, a sister of the groom,
and Mr. Middleton Lancaster, a brother of the bride, where they took the
vows that made them man and wife. The bride wore a dress of white
persian lawn trimmed with valencienes lace and carried a beautiful
bouquet of pink and white carnations. The brides maid's dress was pink
persian lawn trimmed with white lace. The groom and groomsman wore
suits of black. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns and
flowers of the wedding colors. Immediately after they ceremony a
sumptuous dinner was served. Miss Ina Penning acted as hostess assisted
by Sadie Alderson, Maggie and Lillie Lancaster, cousins of the bride,
and Lena Penning. The newly married couple were the recipients of many
beautiful and useful presents. They left on the nine o'clock train for
Struble, Iowa, for Larchwood, N.D., where they will visit with Mr. and
Mrs. McMullen, relatives of the groom. They will live on a farm two and
a half miles north of Seney where they will be home to their many
friends after July 1. We extend our congratulations wishing them joy
and happiness in their new life.[The correct name for this groom is Richard A. Hawkins]
LeMars Sentinel newspaper, July 2, 1900
SENEY: (Special Correspondence)
One of the most notable and beautiful weddings of the season
was that of Mr. Oscar C. Haviland and Miss Ethel E. Nelson both of this
place which occurred on Wednesday evening. Rev. W.B. Empey officiating.
The church was prettily decorated with plants, flowers, and trailing
vines utilized by many deft and loving hands. Asparagus in long
feathery plumes covered the draperies, the chandeliers and filled every
corner with color and sweetness. At the appointed hour as the first
strains of Mendelssoln's wedding march was sounded by Miss Selma
Nystrom, the bridal party made its way slowly to the church where the
relatives and friends of the couple were waiting. From the chandelier
white and blue satin ribbons were drawn by Misses Mae Cutland, niece of
the bride, and Mae Osborne, niece of the groom, forming an arch through
which the young couple passed and took their place upon the white rug
before the minister and under the beautifully decorated arch, while over
their heads were suspended two hearts interlinked, which were made of
ferns and carnations. In the quiet of the solemn moments words were
pronounced making them husband and wife. Miss Ida Alderson was maid of
honor and W. D. Kennedy best man. The ushers were Frank Becker,
Clarence Councilman, Bert Reeves and Will Moore. The bride was
beautifully gowned in white silk mousseline de soi and lace, its rich
simplicity most becoming to the dainty auburn-haired bride. She carried
a bouquet of bridal roses caught by long loops and ends of ivory ribbon.
The bridesmaid was artistically gowned in pale blue silk mousseline de
soi. She carried a bouquet of carnations. After the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Haviland received the hearty congratulations of those present, then
to the exultant strains of the march led the way out of the church to
the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. M. Cutland, where an elegant
supper was served with great celerity by eight young ladies gowned in
white. The room was a marvel of floral richness of bands of white and
blue satin ribbon, ferns and flowers. In the center of the tables were
beautiful bouquets resting on a mirror. Following this the time passed
quickly in a general good time in viewing the extensive array of gifts.
The bride is a lovely young woman who has made her home with her sister
for the past five years and in that time has made many friends who will
miss her from social circles. The groom has lived here many years and
his own large circle of friends attested to his many virtues and good
qualities. He now occupies a farm in Fredonia township where they will
go to housekeeping at once. May success and happiness ever attend them.
(This couple was married 27 Jun 1900.)
John Alderson and Emma Burrell of This City United in Marriage
A quiet wedding was celebrated Monday afternoon [Jan. 31, 1927] at the residence of
Albert Muxlow in Wernli's addition, when John T. Alderson and Miss Emma
Burrill, of this city, were united in marriage. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. F. Earl Burgess, pastor of the First Methodist Church,
and was witnessed by a few relatives. The attendants were Albert Muxlow
and Mrs. Jennie Lake. Mrs. Lake is a sister of the groom and he was one
of the witnesses at her wedding thirty-five years ago.
A wedding dinner preceded the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Alderson left in
the afternoon on a trip to South Dakota where they will visit relatives
at Wessington Springs and other points.
On their return they will make their home at 414 Second Avenue SW.
The bride and bridegroom are members of Plymouth county families and
have a wide acquaintance in LeMars and throughout the county and enjoy
the esteem and respect of many who extend them congratulations on the
happy event.
Continue to Page 5
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