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Iowa News
from the
Brockway Scrapbook
Page 3
All of the articles will come from clippings submitted to Iowa Old Press by John H. Brockway.
Clipping from an Iowa City newspaper
December 3, 1922
By Dean Wilbur J. Teeters and Prof. James N. Pearce.
First Team --
Bert Watters 'ex '00; R.E
Fred Slater '23; R.T.
Paul D. Minick '23; R.G.
John Heldt '23; C.
Jas. M. Brockway '01; L.G.
Fred Becker '16; L.T.
Mark Hyland '11; L.E.
Aubrey Devine (C) '22; Q.
John Griffith '01; L.H.
Clyde Williams '00; R.H.
Gordon Locke '23; F.B.
Second Team --
"Cresco" White '08; R.E.
Archie Alexander '14; R.T.
Thomas "Stub" Baron '16; R.G.
Asher W. Ely '01; C.
Trickey '15; L.G.
Joseph W. Warner '01; L.T.
Max Kadesky '23; L.E.
Maurice Kent '08; Q.
W.C. Edson '01; L.H.
Ray A. Morton '01; R.H.
C.N. "Chick" Kirk '10; F.B.
Roll of Honor --
Ends: Moray L. Eby [no dates given]; H.L. Von Lackum '12; Wm L.
Carberry '09; H.D. Hanson '16; Arthur H. Gunderson '18; Lester
Belding '22
Tackles: Emmet F. Burner '01; Archie "Bunt" Kirk '14; Lawrence G.
Block '22
Guards: Maurice Piepass '15; Chester I. Mead '23
Centers: Fred Moore '06; Mark E. Baker '01; Willis J. "Fat"
O'Brien '13
Quarterbacks: Charley Parsons '15; "Pat" Meloy '16; "Sammy"
Gross '16; Edward Bannick '19; Kenneth von Lackum '19; "Goldy"
Griffith '05
Halfbacks: Nyle Q. Jones '05; "Chuck" Laun '17; Glenn Devine '22
Fullbacks: McGuinnis '12; Leo Duck '15; Marion A. Baird '16; Homer
W. Scott '19; F.W. "Germany" Schwin '06; E.A. MacGowan '06
The selection of an all-time University of Iowa football team from
those who have fought to uphold the honor and fame of Old Gld is,
indeed, a hazardous undertaking. It is doubtful if any selection
can be made which will completely satisfy even a few of our alumni
and friends. First of all, it must be noted that the period to be
covered in our selection includes both teh old and modern style of
football, -- two vastly different articles.
Those of the present generation are prone to think of the players of
the old game as giants, slow and cumbersome in movement. We, who
have seen and played the old game, know that this idea is quite
erroneous. The average weight of those teams did not materially
exceed that of the team which represented Iowa during the past
season. It is true that we did have the guards-back, the tandem,
the flying wedge interference and other mass plays all of which hit
the opposing [remainder cut off]
[submitters note: My dad, James M. Brockway played football for U.of
Iowa 1898, 1899 and 1900. The U of I goal line was not crossed in
1889-1900. Iowa scored 535 points to 17 for opponants.]
Des Moines Register Advertisements
May 1, 1927:
Announcing 'The Collegiate' .. Smart as the Ritz .. Overland Whippet.
Safety, four-wheel brakes, comfort, an adjustable steering wheel,
economy, style & speed! "We admit 55 miles an hour"
October 1, 1947:
More People are Smoking Camels than Ever Before!!
"Experience is the best teacher in playing table tennis or choosing
a cigarette"
According to a Nationwide Survey - More Doctors Smoke Camels than
any other cigarette.
Des Moines Register
unknown date (probably late 1940's)
by P. Dinato
All of the following contributions to civilization have their roots
in the Hawkeye State:
The Cherry Sisters of Marion were one of the worst acts ever to play
vaudeville. "The mouths of their rancid features opened like the
wailing of damned souls issued therefrom," said the Des Moines
Leader in an 1898 review reprinted from the Odebolt Chronicle. "You
can't say that," charged the Cherry Sisters in a lawsuit. "Yes they
can," said the Iowa Supreme Court, establising "fair comment and
criticism" as an important principle of libel law.
Eskimo Pie - the story is that a little boy stood in Christian
Nelson's ice cream shop in Onawa, trying to make up his mind between
ice cream and a chocolate bar. Nelson saw opportunity in the boy's
dilemma, and started experimenting to find a mixture of chocolate
and cocoa butter that would freeze around a slice of ice cream.
Gallup Poll
As a journalism teacher and Ph.D. candidate at the University of
Iowa in the late 1920's,George H. Gallup sent students door to door
in the community, asking people's opinions about the newspaper
features they liked best. Gallup, who grew up in Jefferson,
outlined his thoughts on sampling public opinion in his doctoral
thesis. the Gallup Poll, launched the following decade at
Princeton, N.J., had its roots in the founder's Iowa education and
Butterfly Swim Stroke
In the early 1930's, during the heyday of the escape artist Houdini,
a swimmer named Jack Seig was the hit of the Dolphin Club swim show
at the University of Iowa show when he swam the length of the pool
underwater with his feet tied together and his hands tied behind his
back. To propel himself, he developed an undulating kick, which
became known as the Dolphin kink. Seig later married this kick with
an over-the-water arm movement and the dolphin-butterfly swim stroke
was born.
Gasoline-Powered Tractor
John Froelich, who grew up in the northeast Iowa town of Froelich
was a tinkerer with a vision. In 1892, he mounted an internal
combustion engine on a tractor, creating a vehicle that propelled
itself forward and backward, the forerunner of today's gasoline-
powered tractor. It took years for the idea to cach on, but the
manufacturing company Froelich helped found to produce the machines
eventually became the Waterloo Tractor Works of Deere and Co.
Lever-Filled Fountain Pens
Walter A. Sheaffer, who owned jewelry stores in Fort Madison and
Bloomfield, got frustrated with selling fountain pens that were
tedious and messy to refill. So, in 1908, he devised a pen equipped
with a rubber sac and a filling lever. In 1913, he organized the
W.A. Sheaffer Pen Co. in Fort Madison, producing fountain pens and
other products that eventually were sold worldwide.
Commercial Hybrid Corn
In 1926, Henry A. Wallace organized the Hi-Bred Corn Co., the first
company devoted exclusively to developing, producing and
distributing hybrid seed corn. Fifteen years later, 90 percent of
the Corn Belt crop was being raised from hybrid seed.
Cardiff Giant
One of the great hoaxes of the last century had its roots in Iowa.
When the Cardiff Giant was "discovered" by men digging on a farm in
new York state in 1869, it was said to be either a petrified
biblical giant or a statue from another civilization. Thousands of
people stood in line and paid admission to see the 10-foot-tall
stone man. In fact, the Cardiff Giant had been carved from a five-
ton block of Iowa gypsum, quarried near Fort Dodge. It was shipped
to New York and buried where it could conveniently be "discovered"
months later. A New Yorker whose sister lived in Iowa perpetrated
the hoax.
Better Homes and Gardens
The Meredith Corp. publication, full of user-friendly information on
home improvement and family life, was launched in Des Moines in
1922, as Fruit, Garden and Home. A year's subscription cost 35 cents.
"Blizzard" of a Word
The word "blizzard" came to describe a severe snowstorm after it was
used by the Northern Vindicator, an Estherville newspaper in 1870.
The word had an earlier meaning as a sharp blow, or even a shot, but
newspaperman O.C. Bates seems to have been the first to use it in
print to describe a ferocious snowstorm. The blizzard apparently
was a storm in need of a distinctive name, because this use of the
word spread, and gradually became part of the language.
4-H Clubs
Jessie Field Shambaugh of Shenandoah was an educator who embraced
the ideals of farm living in the early 1900's. She involved her
students in Girls Home Clubs and Boys Corn Clubs. Their award pin
was shaped like a clover with an "H" on each leaf. O.H. Benson, a
Clarion educator who established similar clubs in Wright County,
took the pin design to a national conference, and it eventually
became the symbol of farm youth clubs worldwide. the four "H's" in
4-H represent head, heart, hands and health.
Delicious Apple
Jesse Hiatt, a Madison County farmer, let a volunteer apple seedling
grow and gave the world the Delicious apple. Hiatt found the
seedling in his orchard in 1870 and cut it down once. It came back
with such a vengeance that he decided to let it grow and see what
kind of fruit it would produce. Stark Nurseries developed the
popular Delicious apple from this original tree.
WACs -- First in U.S.
The first training facility for women in the U.S. military was at
Fort Des Moines, at the south edge of Iowa's capital city. Female
recruits for the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps started arriving at
the post in the summer of 1942.
Duesenberg Designs
Fred and August Duesenberg built their most famous racing and luxury
cars in Indiana. but the first Duesenberg-built car sputtered to
life in Des Moines, and was called a Mason. In 1905, Fred
Duesenberg was operating a bicycle shop in Des Moines. He described
his idea for an automobile to a local attorney, Edward R. Mason.
Mason organized a company and built Duesenberg-designed cars between
1906 and 1910. To demonstrate the car's ability to climb hills,
Duesenberg and Mason drove it up the west steps of the state Capitol
building. Frederick L. Maytag bought out Mason and for a time the
Duesenbergs moved to Wat [cut off] where the Mason-Maytag wa [cut
off] ...factured between 1910 and [cut off]
Reinforced Concrete Bridge
The first reinforced concrete bridge in the United States was
[built] across Dry Creek in Lyon County in 1893. The northwest Iowa
structure [cut off] .. 30 feet long, had an arch reinforced [cut
off] ... railroad rails.
Ringling Brothers
The first chance people ever had to see a Ringling Brothers "circus"
was in McGregor, Ia. Of course the Ringling Brothers were just kids
back then; their "circuses" in McGregor were little more than back-
yard [cut off] shows; their show horse was a neighborhood nag. But
it was a start, and when the harness-maker father moved the family
to Baraboo, Wis., the boys who would become kings of the big-top
already had sawdust in their shoes.
Iowa News from Scrapbooks index