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Iowa News
from the
Brockway Scrapbook
Page 2
Submitted to Iowa Old Press by John H. Brockway, from his scrapbook of
Des Moines Register
Camp Dodge: Military facility called the 'Sixty Day Wonder'.
Camp Dodge in Johnson was "built so fast by the Frederick W. Weitz Co. that
it was known as a 'Sixty Day Wonder." The job of building a facility that
would house and train thousands of World War I troops began the summer of
1917 on 78 acres that had been acquired by the state in 1907 for a state
militia. The camp was named for Maj. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge of Council
Bluffs, who was a leader in forming the state militia.
One history said the camp had 1,403 buildings at its peak and stretched from
the Hyperion Field Club to the little settlement of Herrold. Another
history said the camp cost $8 milion to build and included more than 2,400
buildings and 6,000 acres during the World War I years.
Besides barracks, the camp also contained a hospital, fire stations, post
offices, oibraries and railroad depots, a 3,000-seat auditorium and YMCA
halls, among other buildings. During WWII, the camp was used as a
combination induction center and basic training camp for limited service
trainees. Between July 1942 and July 1944 more than 100,000 Iowans passed
through Camp Dodge on their way to fight, and more than 175,000 men were
examined there. After the war, in 1945, the camp was turned back to the
clipping from Muscatine paper
April 21, 1916
Prominent Civil War Figure Dies. (photo - Colonel C.C. Horton)
Col Charles C. Horton Passes Away at His Official Residence.
Well Known Here.
Was Commander of Shelby Norman Post for Several Years and Was Well
Known through Iowa and Adjoining States -- Prominent Figure in
G.A.R. Circles.
Muscatine has been called upon to mourn the passing of one of this
citys most distinguished figures of the Civil war. Colonel Charles
C. Horton, commandant of the Iowa Soldiers home at Marshalltown for
the last eighteen years answered the last roll call in his official
residence in that city at 3:15 yesterday afternoon.
He had been failing fast for the last three months, having been
taken ill January 25 with hardening of the arteries. For the last
month he was confined to his bed and tenderly cared for by his
daughter, Miss Bertha, who had been with him ever since the death of
his wife three years ago.
Born in New York.
The chronology of the man whose fame as a Civil war veteran reached
not only throughout Iowa, but many adjoining states shows that he
was born in Goshen, New York, January 13, 1839. He came west when a
small boy in 1847 and direct to Muscatine, so this city has
practically been his home throughout a long and more than usually
active and useful life. He was married in 1868 to Miss Isabella
Oglivie in this city and leaves besides his brother E.W. Horton, and
sister Miss Sarah L. Horton, both of this city, two sons and two
daughters. They are James Lyle Horton of Sheridan, Wyo., and Frank
O. Horton of Buffalo, Wyo, and Mrs. Nellie Brockway of Letts, Iowa
and Miss Bertha Horton, of Marshalltown.
Expected to Visit Sons.
Colonel Horton had expected to visit his sons in the west this
summer and spend the remainder of his declining days with them. He
often talked of the good times that he expected there in retirement
from the activity that had extended over a life already past the
mark of three score and ten.
Resigned Last Fall.
In keeping with this plan, he resigned his office as head of the
Soldiers home last fall, the resignation to take effect May 1.
However, when his health began to fail him, the arrangement was
changed, the resignation, on his request being made effective early
in March. The very fact that he held the commandant's position at
the home for som many years in high tribute to the ability and
efficiency he displayed as its head.
Brilliant War Record.
Colonel Horton's record in the Civil War was one of more than the
ordinary brilliancy. He began as second lieutenant in September,
1861, and served throughout the entire war, rising to the rank of
lieutenant colonel. Throughout the entire period of service he was
a member of the famous Iowa Second cavalry.
Company Recruited Here.
Company A with which he enlisted was recruited in Muscatine and
mustered into the service of the Union army in Davenport September
2, 1861. Young Horton was promoted November 2, of that year to
first lieutenant, on June 4, 1862, to captain of the company, on
September 20, 1963, to major and on September 27, [remainder of
column cut off]
Was Great Commander.
While not yet holding the rank of major, he was given the
responsibility of commanding the regiment and for the last two years
was in command of it for a large part of the time. while in command
the principal engagements in which he took part were Tupelo,
Ripley, Pontotoc, Oxford, and Hurricane Creek in Mississippi; Shoal
Cree, Aberdeen and Butler Creek in Alabama, and Lawrenceburg,
Campbellsville, Linville, Mount Carmel and Franklin in Tennessee.
He later took part in the famous battle of Nashville and was in the
expedition of General A. J. Smith against Forrest. He also was in
the cavalry brigade sent to join Serman in the latter's noted
expedition from Vicksburg, Miss., to Meridan, Miss.
Wounded at Collierville.
Major Horton was wounded in the battle near Collierville, Tenn.,
Nobember 1, 1863, and a horse was killed under him at the battle of
Farmington, in May of the year previous. The records of the Iowa
Second Cavalry in many places make mention of the gallantry and
fearlessness displayed by Colonel Horton. Special mention is made
of the great detail and accuracy of the reports he made to his
highter officers when he was in cammand of the regiment.
Also Great in Civil Life.
The same executive ability that he displayed in the war he showed in
civil life after the close of the rebellion. He first engaged in
farming near this city on his return to his home here.
Appointed Pension Agent.
Upon receipt of his appointment as United States pension agent with
headquarters at Louisville, Tenn., he again was called from this
city and for eight years he rendered signal service in the duties of
the national office.
Was Member of Legislature.
He served his county here as a member of its board of supervisors
and later accepted an election to the legislature of this state from
Muscatine county, his service at Des Moines being during the latter
part of the decade ending with 1880. He also was timber inspector
for the government in Minnesota for a short time. In this city he
engaged in business for many years, dealing in real estate during
the 90's.
To Marshalltown in 1897.
It was on November 1, 1897, that he became head of the Soldiers'
Home at Marshalltown and where he served continuously in that
capacity until his resignation last fall.
Funeral to Be Monday.
Relatives here have received word that the body will arrive in this
city at 3:15 Monday afternoon via Wilton and arrangements have been
made to hold the funeral services in Greenwood chapel at $:30 Monday
afternoon. The Masons will be in charge of the services, which on
request of the relatives will be brief and simple. The remains will
be laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery. Funeral services for Colonel
Horton are to he held in the Soldiers' Home in Marshalltown tomorrow
Muscatine Journal
April 25, 1916
Colonel Horton Was Great Because He Was Good Declared Rev. Rendall.
Burial Rites Brief
Beautiful Masonic Service Used to Lay Remains of Former Commandant
of Soldiers Home to Rest in Greenwood Cemetery -- Led By Past Master
Colonel C.C. Horton was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery shortly
before sunset yesterday afternoon. The remains of the
distinguished civil war veteran and late commandant of the soldiers'
home at Marshalltown arrived in the city via Wilton about 5 p.m. and
were taken at once to Greenwood chapel.
High tribute was paid by the Rev. J.B. Rendall of the Presbyterian
church to the departed Muscatine citizen. Though all of the
services were brief, in deeping with the desire of relatives, both
the pastor and Past Master Moore of the Masons took occasion to
deliver a eulogy to the man who had brought fame to his city.
"Colonel Horton met the first test of a distinguished citizen,"
declared the Rev. Rendall, "in that he was more than a great soldier
and a great leader of men. It was his eminent goodness and his
Christian manhood that made Colonel Horton great. Hundreds could
tell today," said the speaker, "of the inspiration to better living
that they had recieved from the life of the dead man."
Following the brief eulogy Mrs. Nellie Conrad Robertson sany a solo
of more than ordinary appropriateness and the friends, who had
gathered to pay homage to Colonel Horton were permitted to look upon
his face for the last time.
Through a lane lined with members of the Masonic fraternity the
funeral cortege proceeded south almost to the brown of the hill
overlooking the river and there to the beatiful and impressive
service of the Masons, the remains of Colonel Horton were lowered to
the grave. Past Master [remainder cut off]
undated clipping, unknown paper
Muscatine mourns the death of Colonel C.C. Horton, one of this
city's illustrious contributions to the greatest fighing force ever
organized in the United States. Her grief is shared by other cities
and the entire state as well. His demise has cast a shadow over
Marshalltown, the scene of his splendid activities for the past
eighteen years. The high regard in which he was held by that
community is revealed in the following eloquent tribute paid him
through the editorial columns of the Marshalltown Times-Republican:
The state of Iowa and the city of Marshalltown suffers a loss and
bears a common grief in the death of Col. C.C. Horton, until
recently commandant at the Iowa Soldiers' Home. The gradual failing
in strength and health of htis excellent man has been marked by this
community with sorrowful interest and there is universal mourning
now that the end has arrived. Colonel Horton's record as a soldier
is spread on the pages of our national history; his long years of
capable and sincere service as an official and employe of the state
are part of the citizenship and service which he has given to this
community is written on the hearts of the people of this locality to
continue in ineradicable remembrance. "The Colonel" was always on
the right side of public questions that bear upon the welfare and
progress of the community. Not passively and compromisingly but in
bold and active advocacy. The hands that had grasped the saber hilt
to establish a principle of human welfare and freedom turned to the
battles of peace with the same courage and fortitude. His attitude
upon any question of progress and righteousness was never a matter
for speculation. He stood up in the first rank to be counted and
stayed standing until the contest was over and accomplished. A
courageous, dependable man of mind and soul died when the great
heart of Col. C.C. Horton ceased its beating, a citizen whom any
community might delight to honor, might trust with complete
confidence in public affairs, and love as neighbors for his splendid
individuality. This community has missed Colonel Horton since
weakness and disease limited his part in its plans and purposes. It
shall continue to miss him now that he has gone on into the far
country. But it shall remember in love and honor and thankfullness
that which his life has left with us in an example of steadfast
citizenship and willing service.
unknown date, unknown newspaper clipping
Muscatine's Camp Strong Was Mustering Point of Civil War "Greybeard'
Hundreds of Muscatine county men went off to combat after mustering
in at Camp Stong, located in what is now South Muscatine. Camp
Stong also was the rendezvous pont of the famous "Greybeards",
officially the 37th Iowa Infantry regiment compossed of men, not
under 45 and many over 60. Age gave the greybeards their name and
their [illegible word] which was to be garrison and drill behind
them on Muscatine island, the soldiers boarded a train on the nearby
tarcks and left for Cairo, Ill, where they arrived Nov. 24, 1862.
The 35th joined Gen. Grant's army in the spring of 1863 and went
into the siege of Vicksburg May 18, 1863, with Col. Sylvester G.
Hill commanding. The regiment had an illustrious war record. Most
of the companies in the regiment were made up of Muscatine county
young men. Other regiments and companies assembled at Camp Strong
before the war ended, but it was ... [illegible line(s)]... 1,300
sons and grandsons in the Union army. The regiment of the aged was
formed in August, 1862, assembled at CAmp Strong, where the
men "trained" until early January, 1863, when the unit was shipped
to St. Louis, Mo., for guard duty. The regiment was mustered into
federal service the previous December. The greybeards were guards
at a military prision at St. Louis until May, 1863, when they were
transferred to Alton, Ill., to guard Confederat prisoners, an
assignment that continued until... [illegible line(s)] ... Samuel
Coburn were killed and two others wounded, Guard duty later
continued at Indiannapolis, Ind., and Cincinnati, Ohio, before they
were shipped to davenport for mustering out in May, 1865. The
county history complains that these super-volunteers failed to
receive the monetary bounty given other volunteers for three years
The recorded history of the county reports that in the Muscatine
area in 1862 "The excitement of war continued unabated. Muscatine's
loyalty was kept up to the front. The empty sleeves, the crutch,
the widow's weeds grew rapidly in numbers. A calico or hard times
hop was held at Reuling's hall. All the ladies dressed in calico."
The best substitute for coffee, not to be had by civilians for the
duration of the war, could be had by boiling corn until it was soft,
then dry and brown it well and make as other coffee.
In the summer of 1862, Camp Stong was reported to be the "center of
attraction and was daily thronged with visitors. The 35th received
a flag presented by Miss Mary Gordon, suported by the Misses
Washburn and Howell."
The 24th regiment left Oct. 20 on the steamer Hawkeye State. "The
year closed with Camp Strong deserted, the 'Graybeards' leaving the
last week in the year and going to St. Louis for orders for garrison
A monument erected in 1928 by the Daughters of Union Veterans marks
the Civil War Campsite of Camp Strong.
Continue to Page 3
Iowa News from Scrapbooks index