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Iowa News
Southwestern Iowa scrapbook items
I would like to add a scrapbook, Southwest Iowa News. These articles are from the Council Bluffs, Iowa Nonpareil Newspaper, and they cover many areas of the southwest area of Iowa. Hope these are helpful. ~Submitter, Jan Paulsen
JUNE 28, 1944
MISS WANDA SIEVERS, a student at State Teachers college, Cedar Falls,
spent the week-end with her mother, MRS. CARRIE SIEVERS.
Miss JUANITA WHEATLEY of Omaha is spending a few days with her parents,
Miss Shirley Banker of Council Bluffs was a week-end visitor of her
parents, the Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Banker.
Miss Myrtle Louise Forbes, a senior nurse at St. Anthony hospital in
Carroll, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Forbes, and
sisters, Mrs. Stanley Freeman and Mrs. Ethel Jones.
Council Bluffs (Iowa) Nonpareil
January 4, 1945
page: 8
Corning Man Given Soldier's Medal for Exceptional Bravery
(Photo of Goodwin)
TENTH AIR FORCE IN BURMA-When a fighter plane crashed and burned at a
China base last June two members of the Red Guerrilla fighter squadron, now
flying with the 10th air force, disregarding personal safety, attempted to
rescue the pilot from the burning plane. Notwithstanding the probability
that machine gun ammunition and gasoline in the plane might explode. The two
men crawled onto the burning aircraft and hooked a block and tackle to the
armor plate behind the pilot's seat so that it could be removed and the
pilot who was pinned in the crash, but believed to be still alive, could be
For their heroism, LT. DANIEL K. PENCE of Osceola, Ia., and Cpl. BRYAN
R. GOODWIN, whose wife lives on route 2 Corning, Ia., were awarded the
soldier's medal. Cpl. Goodwin, who has been in the armed forces 32 months,
has served overseas the last two years.
Concludes Furlough Visit
GRISWOLD-Sgt. LEON ROBBINS, who spent the Christmas holidays with his
father, C. M. ROBBINS, at the home of his sister, MRS. A. L. ROCKWELL, left
Tuesday for Camp Ellis, Ill....WANDA E. DEAN of the WAVES, seaman 1/c, is
here from the naval air station at Olathe, Kan. Visiting her parents, MR.
ATLANTIC-S. Sgt. JOSEPH KENNEDY, who has been spending a two weeks'
furlough here with his parents, MR. and MRS. CARL KENNEDY, has returned to
Page Field, Ft. Myers, Fla..Pvt. BOB LANG, who is recovering from wounds
suffered in Italy retuned Tuesday to O'Reilly general hospital at
Springfield, Mo., after spending a holiday furlough here with his family....
Pvt. MAX TRENT, wounded in action in France last August, has arrived in New
York, according to word received here by his wife. Pvt. Trent has been
hospitalized in England four months after suffering shrapnel wounds in his
hip and is also suffering from a nervous disorder.
Wounded in Action
EARLING-MRS. FRANCES GRAEVE has received a message from the war
department stating her husband was seriously wounded in action Dec. 8. Later
Mrs. Graeve as well as his parents, MR. and MRS. OTTO GRAEVE, received
letters direct form him stating that he had been wounded on German soil, but
that he was getting along satisfactorily in a hospital. He states that his
hand had been badly injured..Pfc. MARCUS P. ESSER, who recently was returned
from overseas duty, and who received his training at Fort Knox, Ky., has
been returned to that station for the present.
SILVER CITY-GAIL DALTON, who has just been graduated from the Great
Lakes Naval Station, has been promoted from fireman 2/c to fireman
1/c..CLAUDE ROBERTSON, who is stationed at Memphis, Tenn., has been promoted
from seaman 2/c to seaman 1/c...FRANK FOSTER has received word that his
son-in-law, CAROL THOMAS, was killed in action in the European area. His
wife lives in Tabor.
Visits Home Folks
RIVERTON-Cpl. JAMES CARLISLE, who is stationed at Grand Island, Neb.,
was here for the New Years holiday visiting at the LLOYD CARLISLE home. He
was accompanied by CPL. WILLIAM CASEY, whose home is in
Massachusetts...MIDSHIPMAN JACK COWDEN of the navy, who is stationed in
Maryland, accompanied by his sister, MISS JEAN COWDEN of Council Bluffs, and
his aunt, MRS. FLORENCE DUREO of Falls River, Kan., visited over the
week-end with the F. F. and WALDO COWDENS families.
Now in New Guinea
ATLANTIC-MR. and MRS. WILLIAM HOWELL of Lyman have received word of the
arrival of their son, Pvt. BUD HOWELL, in New Guinea..HAROLD HOEGH, arrived
Wednesday from Camp Fannin, Tex., for a five day visit with his parents, MR.
and MRS. B. C. HOEGH, en route to Fort Meade, Md., He is in the
infantry..Cpl. JOHN L. MOORE, son of MR. and MRS. J. J. MOORE, has been
assigned to training as a Flying Fortress waist gunner and is receiving
training at the army air field at Gulfport, Miss...T/5 DON SMILEY, who has
been visiting here the last week with his family, left Tuesday for Fort
Sill, Okla., where he will receive a month's schooling. He has been
stationed at Camp Gruber, Okla...T. Sgt. RAYMOND KAUFFMAN of Wiota, who had
been serving overseas with the 34th division since February, 1942, is home
from Italy where he served with the 5th army. He had served as clerk, mess
sergeant and first sergeant of the anti-tank company and has received the
combat infantry badge...Sgt. PAUL HARTKOPF has kept busy since landing in
England, Nov. 16, and in a letter dated Dec. 17, writes that he has
completed 20 missions in the month period. Sgt. Hartkopf is assigned to the
lead Flying Fortress as a waist gunner with the 490th bomb group..Pfc. LEE
COBB, who is with the 36th armored infantry in Germany, writes that going
has "been hot" in his sector of the western front, but has been lucky in
coming through unscathed. He adds that the troops have plenty of cigarettes
and they are appreciated.
Home From Overseas
(Photo of Pfc. Higgins)
TREYNOR-Visiting at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, MR. and
MRS. LORENCE BOLTON, is Pfc.EVERETT D. HIGGINS has just returned from 34
months with the 34th division. He entered the service in April 1941, going
to Camp Claiborne as a member of the Iowa National Guard with Co. E. 133rd
Pfc. Higgins was stationed in Ireland, Scotland and England before taking
part in the Tunisian campaign in North Africa.
He arrived in Italy in March, 1944, saw action at Anzio beachhead and
northward through the Gothic line.
He is the son of MR. and MRS. JOHN HIGGINS of Oakland.
Concludes Furlough Visit
PISGAH-Pvt. LEON FORSGREN has left after a furlough spent with his
parents, MR. and MRS. RADLPH FORSGREN ..Word has been received by MRS.
ADOLPHUS ROLPH, who now resides with her three children in Logan, that her
husband, Pvt. ROLPH was seriously wounded in Germany on Dec. 11. He had
written on his arrival in northern France about a month ago...MRS. LEO
GRIFFITH left Wednesday evening for Oxnard, Calif., to be with her husband,
LEO GRIFFITH M.M. third class with the Seabees at Fort Heuneme..MRS. EVERETT
Mc DONALD of Los Angeles, Calif., is spending a few weeks with her father,
F. W. BECKMAN and MRS. BECKMAN. Her husband, EVERETT Mc DONALD, M.M. first
class is with the Seabees on the Solomon Islands in the Pacific..F. W.
BECKMAN has received word of the graduation of his son, FREDRIC W. BECKMAN,
Jr. from the Camp Barkley officer training school, one of the medical
administration corps to receive his commission as second lieutenant. His
home is in Phoenix, Ariz., where his wife and son and daughter are
residing...Cpl. and MRS. LEE HARDT are visiting the parental, WILLIAM HARDT
and DEAN MANN homes before he goes to a new station. He has been at the
O'Reilley general hospital in Springfield, Mo., where he received further
treatment for an arm wound which he received in the invasion of Normandy
when he went in with the paratroopers.
Made Sergeant
(photo of Sgt. Wyland)
TREYNOR-MRS. BURTON WYLAND received word Tuesday that her husband,
BURTON WYLAND, stationed in France with the 5th army, has been promoted to
sergeant. Sgt. Wyland has also received the expert infantryman medal.
Wyland has been in the service since March 1943, going overseas 5 months
His wife and small son are making their home with her mother, MRS. JACK
FARRAGUT-M. Sgt. LLOYD D. De FREECE has been decorated with the
soldier's medal for heroism not in actual conflict with the enemy, which has
been announced by Maj. GEN. HOWARD C. DAVIDSON. M. Sgt. DeFreece is a nephew
of GEORGE DERRICKSON..ROBERT PETERS is here from Fort Omaha spending a
furlough at the home of his parents, MR. and MRS. ROY PETERS....Sgt. MERRILL
WILLIAMSON is with the 7th army in France as a rest camp according to
letters received by his wife, who makes her home for the duration with her
parents, MR. and MRS. GLEN PEASE of Locust Grove.
Teen Age Boys Register for Selective Service
Special to The Nonpareil
ATLANTIC-Eleven 18-year olds registered for selective service here last
month, according to the selective service board, among who was BYRON B.
BROWN, Atlantic National Guardsman who was discharged from military after
recovering from wounds suffered in Africa. Others registering in Cass County
and LLOYD E. PEDERSON of Anita.
Shelby Couple Wedded 60 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gill Celebrate Anniversary
(photos of Fred G. Gill and Mrs. Fred Gill
With caption; Residents of Shelby County for more than 50 years celebrate
the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding by holding open house at their
Special to The Nonpareil
SHELBY-MR. and MRS.FRED GILL held open house at their home on New Year's
Day in celebration of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Neighbors and
friends called during the day to extend felicitations. Out-of-town guests
were MR. and MRS. ERNEST GREVE of Atlantic, and their daughter, DORIS JANE,
of Washington, D.C.
Mr. Gill is 83 and Mrs. Gill is 81. Both were born near Iowa City. They
were married in 1885 and came to Cass Township, Shelby County. They resided
in Shelby the last 51 years. Mr. Gill, for many years was a clerk in the
department store of YACKEY, BATTEY and REAMS.
Mr. and Mrs. Gill are the parents of three girls, all residents of Shelby,
have 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Three of their grandsons,
Sgt. GLEN ZIMMERMAN, T5 ALFRED ZIMMERMAN, a patient in the O'Reilly general
hospital at Springfield, Mo., and Pvt. RUSSELL STARNER, are in the service.
FEBRUARY 14, 1945
Page 10
JOHN A. CARMICHAEL, 3200 Second Avenue, Council Bluffs, was commissioned
in the field as a second lieutenant. He formerly was a warrant officer, and
is serving somewhere in the European theater. He is being sworn in here by
Brig. Gen. HERBERT T. PERRIN of the 106th Infantry division.
Carpenter's Mate1/c CARL MARTIN, the son of MR. and MRS.WALTER MARTIN,
has arrived home to spend a 30-day furlough with his parents. He will report
back to Davisville, R. I.
Lt. HAROLD W. HANSEN wrote his parents MR. and MRS. MILO HANSEN, that he
has completed 64 missions over Germany. He has one more to go and then
expects to come home.
Pvt. DALE LAMBERTSEN sent the Purple Heart home to his parents, MR. and
MRS. PETER LAMBERTSEN. Dale has never told his parents he was wounded in
action. He served with the medical corps in Italy. He is now out of the
MR. and MRS. HOLM CHRISTENSEN have purchased the late AUGUST VOSS
residence on block east of Main Street.
MISS RUTH HASS, a student at Iowa State College was a week-end guest of
her parents, MR. and MRS. BARNEY HASS.
MISS SHIRLEY BANKER of Council Bluffs spent the week-end with her
parents, the REV. and MRS. M. A. BANKER.
JACK OSLER, who attends the University of Iowa, spent the week-end with
his parents, MR. and MRS. C. A. OSLER.
MR. and MRS. CLYDE COREY have moved to a farm near Treynor.
MRS. LAURA GRAY left Saturday for her home in Alhambra, Calif., after a
two-week visit with her mother, MRS. M. H. PARKS.
MRS. GEORGE PETERS, who has been a guest at the home of MRS. GRACE E.
PETERS, left Saturday to join her husband at Greeley, Col.
MR. and MRS. RAY W.MAXWELL went to Council Bluffs Sunday to see Mrs.
BROWN all of whom are patients at Mrs. Gilmore's convalescent home.
MRS. M. H. EVANS and MISS VIOLA STRAIN were surprised Saturday by MRS.
of Harlan, who brought a basket dinner and spent the day at the Evan's home.
MR. and MRS. V. B. ALLEN were hosts Saturday evening at a potluck dinner
for a group of near neighbors who gathered in their home to celebrate the
birthday anniversary of MRS. EMMA WHITE and R. G. PENNISTON.
MRS. JOHN SIVERS entertained at a dinner Saturday evening complimenting
MRS. LAURA GRAY of Alhambra, Calif.
GILBERT W. ROUNDS, baker and cook in the merchant marine, who had been
spending his furlough at the home of his grandmother, MRS.IDA B. ROUNDS,
left Monday to report for duty at New York City.
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