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Iowa News
from the
Sheldon, Iowa, scrapbook items
O'Brien County Scrapbook.....continued
[Purchased by Linda Ziemann off ebay-for transcription to the IowaOldPress
Old Scrapbook pages. The scrapbook includes information and articles up
through the mid 1980's. I have included here all the articles that I could
find that covered from the very early years through 1950. The scrapbook is
in quite good condition.
The articles are not in chronological order, but are in the order in which they were pasted on the pages of this scrapbook.
Page 3
Page 26.....of the old scrapbook
Sheldon Mail, Oct. 15, 1930
Miss Doreen Cobb, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cobb will broadcast
over Ft. Dodge station KFJY Saturday. She has entered the Atwater Kent
singing contest. See Mr. Houlihan's ad in this issue for further
Improvements to the value of approximately $7,000 are being placed upon the
Armour plant in Sheldon.
Four Hospers boys, all under 17, were arrested and fined for raiding the
watermelon patch of S. P. DeJong, of Newkirk.
Millard McNutt of Sheldon was chosen as the outstanding 4-H Club boy at the
Clay County Fair and was awarded a free trip to the International Livestock
Exposition in Chicago next December.
Alvin Ruby severely injured his right hand Friday morning when he reached
into the cogs of a threshing machine.
Newman Lyle gave an interesting talk on honey bees to the Monday Noon
Luncheon Club this week.
Al Dueis of Rock Rapids purchased the interest of his partner, D. Lockwood,
in the Sheldon business and will move here soon. The two men, who had been
partners in Rock Rapids, purchased the Bray Motor Co. here several months
Sheldon Mail, Nov. 26, 1930
Losing the first fall to the "Masked Marvel" of Minneapolis, Henry Kolln,
now living in Sheldon again, came back to take the next two falls in a
feature match at Cherokee. Kolln will now meet "The Turk" in Sheldon next
Newman Lyle is the new president of the Iowa Beekeepers Association.
Dueis Motors is advertising a new balloon tire that permits tremendous
reduced air pressure.
Sam Sigman has sold his garage building and expects to build a new one in
the spring.
Mrs. Fannie Clagg read her poems over radio station KSCJ in Sioux City last
Sunday morning during the Shutin's Hour of that station. While in Sioux
City, she met Edgar Guest who personally complimented her.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Manderscheid and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Manderscheid are
moving to Sioux Falls.
Lutjens' Variety Store is offering one pound boxes of chocolate cherries for
Christmas at 39c each.
Heaters for Model A. or Model T Fords, $2.95 at Sigman's.
The Schaffner Players will be putting on a new play every night at the Iowa
Theater all next week.
Mrs. R. F. Kehrberg entertained her Sunday School class in her home last
Wednesday evening. Young ladies present were the Misses Nellie Gray Jones,
Myrtle Steen, Lucille Keller, Elaine Abel, Margaret Husted, Neva Wells, Faye
McDowell, Ruth Reagan, Miriam Miller, Georgia Byers, and Francis Hospers.
Sheldon Sun, December 3, 1930
Yep! Santa Claus will visit Sheldon again this year, and he'll be here with
bells on. The Commercial Club has just received a radio-gram of his
expected arrival on Saturday, Dec. 6.
Mrs. K. A. Olson will open a store in a few days between the Red Owl and
Zager's Cash Store which will be known as Sheldon Perfumery Co.
Miss Henrietta Lucas of the Sophomore Class won a first prize of a $5.00
gold piece for her essay on the life and work of Francis Bacon in a national
contest sponsored by the "Scholastic," a school magazine.
Henry Kolln, the middle-weight wrestler, who is now living in Sheldon again,
proved his superiority over Ali Hassan, "The Terrible Turk." Kolln won the
first fall in 39 minutes with a wrist-lock and head-scissors following a
series of airplane spins that had the Turk "dizzy." In the semi-windup,
Charley Mulder, of Sheldon, threw Alfred Parcaut of Spencer in 9 minutes and
11 seconds in a thirty minute, one fall, limit. Charley, under the tutelage
of Kolln, has certainly learned the wrestling game!
The High School Honor Roll for the last six weeks lists these pupils:
Howard Chandler, Marion Chandler, Donald DeWaay, Marilynn Dougherty, Phadora
Fiihr, Adrianna Hyink, Henrietta Lucas, Dorothy Lynge, Ethel McArthur,
Marion Molmen, Cecilia Mullin, Robert Mullin, Phyllis Niewenhuis, Hubert
Schultz, Myrna Washer, Catherine Wegeter, Tennyse Willstumpf and Melvina
Sheldon Sun, Oct. 16, 1940
Miss Margaretta Frisbee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frisbee, has accepted
the position of instructor in the graduate school at the University of
Carl Wolbers has been named local manager of the Brady Transfer Co., and Bob
Leitheiser is now driving in his place.
The Chas Lumber Co., burned to the ground Monday night with a total damage
amounting to $60,000. Mr. Chase, seeing that the buildings could not be
saved, immediately telephoned the west coast lumber mills to ship
replacement stock. The fire began at 9 p.m. from unknown causes and burned
all night.
Paul Henspeter, well-known Sheldon flyer and proprietor of The Rustic Mill,
has taken a position of flying instructor at the Missouri State Teacher's
College at Kirksville, Mo. The work is similar to that recently obtained at
Vermillion, S.D., by Bob Starrett of this city.
The late Gene Fiebig left an interesting collection of political campaign
buttons dating back 50 years or more, which is now displayed in the Fiebig
Bros. Beer Parlor.
Nominees for Homecoming Queen are Janet Woods, Virginia Cuddy, Peggy
Houlihan and Marilyn McVickers.
Archie Hamilton, IPS employee, was the first Sheldon mail to register at the
Community Building under the Selective Service Law. There were 407 men
between the ages of 21 and 35 who signed, with one conscientious objector,
who refused to sign at first, but came back in just as the place was being
Sheldon Sun, Nov. 27, 1940
The three men arrested by Sheriff Ed Leemkuil for numerous cattle thefts
have signed confessions.
The Kiwanis Club has elected Dr. W. S. Balkema as president and Howard
Landhuis, jeweler, as vice-president.
The entire community will regret the passing from this life of A. A. Cobb.
He had been a resident of Sheldon for 48 years and as a business man always
found time to be loyal to his city and took part in it's activities.
T. E. "Tobe" Diamond of Sheldon took the oath of office of United States
district attorney on Friday afternoon in Sioux City.
Mayor L. A. Houlihan urges the citizens of Sheldon to cooperate in the
matter of keeping the snow off their sidewalks.
Page 29-33 of the scrapbook:
From the Sheldon Mail
December 24, 1930
Word from Los Angeles to Fred Frisbee from H.B. (Hub) Wyman, Sheldon's first
mayor, is that his brother, Frank, died of pneumonia on December 3.
Sheldon Orabs scored their first great victory when they defeated LeMars, 20
to 19, in a fast, hard fought game. Sheldon's line up consisted of Donahue,
Manderscheid, Fiebig, Swatosh, Sands, Johnson and Schultz.
"The Holy City" an oratorio was very nicely rendered at the Methodist Church
last Sunday evening under the direction of Fred Pylman, with Ruth Ingalls
accompanist. Special numbers rendered were tenor solos by Vernon Ingalls and
Kermit Hosch; alto solo by Rena Brinkman, Soprano solo Emma Peterson, base
solo by Joe Brouwer and Reuel Radcliff.
The Senior Class enjoyed a Christmas party Saturday evening at the high
school gymnasium. Mr. Kuiper, dressed as Santa Claus, presented each member
with a gift, after which a playlet was presented in the auditorium. Those
taking part were Fern Myers, Neva Wells, Robert Lohr, Paul Hurd, James
McCarty, Howard Chandler, Marvin Cobb, Hubert Schultz, Harold Wolf and Joe
From the Sheldon Sun
January 28, 1931
Miles McArthur sustained a badly sprained arm Monday evening while cranking
his car.
Miss Nellie Hudson has resigned as president of the Epworth League on
account of ill health. She is succeeded by Miss Myrna Fritts.
Merchants will close their stores Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 on account of
the funeral services of the late Henry Van Dyke.
F.W. Miller of the firm of Flindt & Miller, clothiers at Sheldon and Sibley,
is on his 50th semi-annual buying trip.
Over 400 tons of snow are being shipped in from the banks of Okoboji this
week for the ski jump at Canton. This snow is of the sugar variety, the
fastest ever. Many noted skiers from all parts of the U.S. will take part as
usual on Sunday, Feb. 1.
Sheldon friends of W.H. Bailey will be glad to know of his re-appointment as
Adjutant General of Iowa for another term of four years.
Fred Mennig reports that 28 chickens, mostly Buff Rock hens, were stolen
from his farm Monday night. He says his family has been farming their place
nearly 60 years and this is the first time they have ever been visited by
chicken thieves. He is offering a reward of $25.
Attorney T. E. Diamond put up a great fight in the Sioux County District
Court and won a verdict of $11,000 damages for his client, John T. DeJong,
who was tarred-and-feathered at Orange City last July. At that time a mob of
25 men held DeJong captive for three hours before they tarred and feathered
him. He told the court he was ordered to remove his clothes under penalty of
death. At that time 14 men were fined $10 on a charge of unlawful assembly.
Of the six defendants who are called upon to pay the $11,000, most can ill
afford to pay it, it is reported.
From the Sheldon Mail
February 18, 1931
Mrs. F.E. Frisbee appeared before the committee of the legislature in Des
Moines upon compulsory military training. Mrs. Frisbee represented the
Daughters of the American Revolution, which favors compulsory training as
only continuing the work of parents in teaching their sons respect for
The Geiger Construction Co. will begin at once the erection of a duplex
residence on the lot east of the W.P. Geiger home. Col. Geiger says he has
two reasons for building now-it will help out the employment situation and
material can be bought at bottom prices.
Anna Van Zyl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Van Zyl, recently won first
prize in a contest for plays founded on the Book of Esther. Anne is 12 years
Candy Specials at the Golden Rule: 1 pound box Chocolate Cherries, 29c,
Harley S. Cobb, prop.
Special at the M & M Market: Peanut Butter in bulk, 15c lb.
The three mile strip on the north edge of Sheldon, shortening the route of
Highway 18, will be either graveled or paved this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hons and son, Donald, of Worthington, were guests
Thursday at the home of the gentleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hons.
Miss Katherine "Kitty" Robinson and brother, Ed, formerly of Sheldon and now
of Joplin, Mo., arrived here last week for a few weeks visit at the Ivan
Brewster home.
From the Sheldon Mail of Feb. 28 and March 4, 1902
Burton Messer is home from his eastern trip and reports a very enjoyable
vacation. Burton is a splendid young man and deserving of these vacation
Mrs. Cram, mother of Dr. F.W. and Henry J. Cram, died at the home of Dr.
Cram at 1:30 a.m. Thursday. She had been living in St. Paul and Dr. Cram had
brought her to Sheldon on Monday expecting that he could give her additional
care and attention at his home here.
From the Sheldon Sun
May 27, 1931
Miss Eva Freer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Freer, was elected president
of the freshman class of Morningside College last Friday.
An unfortunate accident occurred Monday morning at the east end of 9th
Street, when Barbara, the youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L.L. Myers, was
knocked down by a car driven by Dr. L.V. Shipley. She and little Peggy
Cochran were crossing the street on tricycles. The car ran over Barbara's
left leg, breaking both bones below the knee.
Tim Shaffer, 88, is the only member of McKenzie Post, G.A.R., Civil War
veteran, residing in Sheldon. The only other two members of the Post still
living are Joseph Rider, who now lives in Sioux City, and Eugene Riddell,
who is in California. Comrade Shaffer will be the only Grand Army Vet in the
parade next Saturday.
Miss Neva Wells of the class of 1931 has made an enviable attendance record.
She was neither absent nor tardy during the last 10 years of her school
life, excepting for the loss of a day only a few weeks ago when she was sent
home on account of pink eye. It is too bad that her record had to be marred
on the eve of graduation.
Warren Bartz also has an attendance record that is hard to beat. He has been
neither absent nor tardy the past nine years, which includes one year in
Junior College.
The veterinarians of northwest Iowa have elected Dr. L.V. Shipley as
president of their new organization.
While en route to Sioux City Sunday, the left back tire of a care driven by
Dr. C.A. Samuelson blew out, causing the car to turn over twice. Other
occupants of the car were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mrs. Bertha
Moermond. All were bruised but none injured seriously.
Bill Struyk expects to open his new oil station on the edge of Sheldon,
west, in a week or so.
Fred A. Kelly, the able captain of Company I, says that of the seven units
so far inspected by Capt. Ayotte of the regular army headquarters in Sioux
City this year, the Sheldon Company was the best.
The SUN omitted the item last week that the Sheldon Library Board had
elected Mrs. J.C. Hospers as a member of that board, succeeding Mrs. Kate
McCandless who was elected to "honorary membership;" in other words, she has
been given a "life sentence" for her 35 years of service.
From the Sheldon Sun
March 5, 1941
One of the largest crowds, over 2,000, ever seen in Sheldon attended the
farewell demonstration and embarkation ceremonies as the 90 men of Company I
left for a year's special training in Louisiana. A number of men and women
wept openly and unashamed, and many of the stalwart guardsmen were moved
deeply as they bid farewell to their mothers, wives, sisters or sweethearts.
It is doubtful whether any army company in the state of Iowa or even the
whole United States can beat Company I's distinction of having four brothers
in ranks. Here we have four Struyk brothers; Arie is a sergeant, Bill is a
corporal, Harold is a private first class and Howard is a private. Howard
and Harold are twins. The boys are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Struyk, Sr.,
of 714 Seventh Street.
[Note from 1981: William Struyk was killed in combat and is on Sheldon's
World War II Gold Star roll.]
From the Sheldon Sun
April 2, 1941
Robert Nelson, Stanley Fox, and William Petitt went to Sioux City Monday and
joined the Navy.
Earl Doremus has brought action against Dr. L.H. Mattice of Sutherland,
resulting from an automobile accident in which he broke his neck.
Art Cutsinger, Sheldon cook, seeks to recover $5,247 from the city of
Sheldon, charging negligence in connection with a fall he had on an icy
street here.
Fifty-seven young men between the ages of 17 and 24 have answered the call
to become skilled defense workers and are enrolled in the four machinists
and auto mechanic classes now going full speed ahead. S.D. Schaffer, Ed
Christiany, Spencer Roorda, Pierre Landman and Henry Boone are doing the
teaching, along with Joe Heiliger, Ole Overlee, and Clarence Morse.
Martin Myers left Monday morning to return to Iowa State College at Ames,
after spending the spring vacation here.
Believe it or not, Sheldon's Company I, which left for Camp Claiborne,
Louisiana, last week, boasts a father and son in it's ranks. They are Capt.
Fred Kelly and the son is Jack Kelly. Fred joined the company in 1917 after
graduation from Sheldon High School, and Jack graduated this year from
Sheldon High.
The leaving of Company I brought recollection to many of the old company
members who were in the Rainbow Division. It was just 23 years earlier that
some of those boys went into the front line trenches. That was in 1918. Fred
Kelly, now Captain of Co. I, was one of those men. Others living in Sheldon
are Billy Stewart, Harry Grieser, John Leemkuil, and Al Gansemer.
News from Camp Claiborne is that 1st Lt. Wayne Miller has been summoned to
Ft. Benning, Ga., for special training; Lt. Schmidt has been transferred to
command company headquarters of the 2nd Battalion; Bob Challin has been made
sergeant; Sgt. Struyk, staff sergeant; and five men have been made
corporals: "Butch" Hurd, Jack "Corri" Kelly, "Amen" Miller, "Ted" Van Zanten
and Wiersma
[Note added in 1981: The son, Jack Kelly, is on Sheldon's World War II Gold
Star roll, having met death in action when the plane he was piloting was
lost flying over "the hump" into China.]
~This will be the last post from the Sheldon scrapbook. A lady originally from the
Sanborn/Sheldon area will be receiving the scrapbook with my compliments. I
am delighted to find someone with ties to that county interested in all of
this history in articles and photos pasted on the pages of this meticulously
kept scrapbook. Hope you all have enjoyed this book!