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Iowa News
from the
Sheldon, Iowa, scrapbook items
O'Brien County Scrapbook.....continued
[Purchased by Linda Ziemann off ebay-for transcription to the IowaOldPress
Old Scrapbook pages. The scrapbook includes information and articles up
through the mid 1980's. I have included here all the articles that I could
find that covered from the very early years through 1950. The scrapbook is
in quite good condition.
The articles are not in chronological order, but are in the order in which they were pasted on the pages of this scrapbook.
Page 2
Page 9.....of the old scrapbook
Sheldon Mail
May 31, 1950
Attending the state convention of the Knights of Columbus at Dubuque were
Dennis Mullin, Henry Kashmitter, E. P. Mulhern and Ed Bohan.
Curbstone Comment: We saw a canvas cold-water bag hanging on the side of a
car parked in front of the Mail office last week and knew at once the car
had been touring the west. Sure enough, it was from Nevada. It reminded us
of the past trips we have made with such a bag hanging on the side of the
car and does the breeze made by driving keep the water cool!
Historical documents were placed in a sealed copper box and put in the
cornerstone of the new Hospers Christian Reformed Church during ceremonies
last Monday evening.
Don Van Meeteren has removed his sheet metal and radiator shop from over
Sterrenberg's store to his new building on Highway 33.
At Archer, Gladys Akeson received honors as valedictorian and Jessie Hadden
as salutatorian.
Names nominated for commander of the McGlothlen-Cowie Post of the American
Legion for the coming year are Ralph Garthwaite, Ray Brands, Wm.
Pickersgill, Don English and Ray Vellinga.
Ray Wiekamp was installed as District Senior Vice-Commander of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars at the 8th district encampment last Sunday.
Sheldon Sun
May 29, 1940
Luverne "Snook" Harms, 28, was sentenced to one year in Anamosa's
reformatory by Judge R. G. Rodman of LeMars when he pleaded guilty to a
charge of driving a motor vehicle without the consent of the owner.
Plans for a permanent memorial to the late Dr. J. J. Bushnell, member of the
Morningside faculty and a former Methodist pastor at Sheldon, were announced
by President Earl A. Roadman last week.
1940 Honor Students at Sheldon High School are Buren Krahling, Doris
Ellerbroek, Mary Angnos and Wm. Nettleton. In Junior College the three
highest scholastically are Stanley Zager, Jeannette Van Beek and Lester
All school children will ride from the City Park to the cemeteries on
Decoration Day in trucks provided for that purpose.
Burial services were held Friday afternoon at St. Patrick's cemetery for
John A. McGinn, 70, of Sioux City, a former Sheldon resident.
Two Sheldon girls, Vila VerSteeg and Dorothy Nieuwenhuis, will be graduating
form nurse's training school at St. Joseph's Hospital, Sioux City, on
Al. J. Vint received word that he has been appointed program chairman of the
Minneapolis Air Show on July 26-28.
---when all grocery stores in Sheldon were downtown?
Sheldon Mail
May 28, 1930
Eight tourists have stopped over at the Sheldon tourist park in the past 10
days, says P. J. Eernisse, caretaker.
Dr. Walter R. Brock has been elected vice-president of the Iowa State
Medical Society.
Mrs. Jens VanLoh, of two miles south of Ashton, suffered severe injuries to
her face Tuesday evening when she was mixing some washing compound
consisting of lye and ammonia in a bottle and the pressure of the gas caused
the bottle to explode.
Miss Agnes Samuelson, State Superintendent of Schools, will be speaker for
the commencement exercises. She is the siste4r of Dr. Samuelson, of this
Tim Shaffer, 98, living on West Ninth Street, is now Sheldon's sole
surviving veteran of the Civil War. He says he voted for Abraham Lincoln in
1864 when he was 21.
Sheldon Mail
May 29, 1880
Since the publication of the immigration or boom edition of The Mail, we
have received nearly half a bushel of letters and postcards from all parts
of the East, ordering extras and congratulating the publisher on the success
he made of the undertaking.
J. A. Clark, groom on the Sherwood stock farm, was in the city on
Thursday(making his accustomed daily trip) and drove for the first time on
our streets the magnificent specimen of horse flesh known as Baymont, a
Hambletonian three-year-old colt, that stands fully sixteen hands high and
weighs about 1400 pounds. Baymont is Mr. Sherwood's favorite horse.
Third Avenue was turned into a race course for a few hours Thursday on which
Messrs. Iselin, Sleeper and Frisbee exhibited and tested the speed of their
respective "nags."
Speaking of bells, we are reminded that the Congregationalists of this city
are badly in need of something of the king. The one now in use is too -
well we are too good-natured just now to debate the subject justice. The
Mail starts the subscription for a new 2000 pound bell with the modest sum
of $5. Let us hear from others.
The fire engine has not yet arrived.
Eighteen prairie schooners sailed through Rock Valley one day last week,
steering for Dakota.
The events of the week have been the trial of Henry Schultz for violations
of the council's Sunday laws, and the appearance in the city of "Dr."
Leightfall with his troupe of concerters. Schultz was acquitted and the
self-styled "Indian Doctor" filled his pockets with all the loose change he
could and silently stole away.
Diphtheria is raging to an alarming extent at Cherokee. Would it not be
well for our citizens to take steps toward preventing the dread disease from
getting a hold in our midst?
Sheldon's fire protection consists of a go-as-you-please bucket brigade and
the contents of three wells.
Sheldon Sun
Sept. 24, 1930
The Monday Noon Luncheon Club will begin its usual weekly meetings at the
Arlington Hotel on Monday, says the president, F. H. Chandler,
Superintendent of Schools. Joseph Brock, son of Dr. W.R. Brock, will be the
speaker and Dr. Meis will favor the Club with a few solos, accompanied by
Mr. Burchard, who is a violin instructor in Sheldon.
The Frans Motor Co. is announcing Studebaker's new Dictator Eight. One of
the big features of Studebakers this year is the introduction of "free
The following officers were elected at the DeMolay meeting last Thursday:
Gerrit Roggen, Warren Bartz, LeRoy Smith, Marvin Cobb, Sanford Rowenhorst,
Wallace English and Marion Spurlock.
Louis Wolff and Bob Christiany, who recently conducted an air fair in
Sheldon, call the Sun's attention to an article published in the
Aeronautical Magazine stating that Freddy Lund won first in stunt flying in
the National Air Races in Chicago. Freddy was at the Sheldon air fair and
did the same stunts here, Louie points out, so Sheldon people saw the best
stunt man in the business.
Sheldon Jaycees trounced the Flandreau Indians 32-0. Starring for Sheldon
were Mackaman, Knauer, Rolston, and Bollman.
The Sheldon Public Schools and Junior College were closed Monday noon for 10
days as a precautionary measure in view of the fact that three new cases of
infantile paralysis were reported Monday morning in addition to the two
cases already here.
Page 11
Sheldon Mail
July 17, 1880
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy-A marvelous cure for catarrh, diphtheria,
canker-mouth and headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal
injector for the more successful treatment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 50 cts. Sold by S. H. Ladd, Sheldon and Pattersonville.
The Best I ever Knew of - J. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential citizen
of Iowa City, says: I have had the dyspepsia and liver complaint for
several years and have used every remedy I could hear of without any relief
whatever until I saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in the paper and was
persuaded to try it. I am happy to state that it has entirely cured me. It
is certainly the best remedy I ever knew of. Price 75 cts. Sold by S. H.
Ladd, Sheldon and Pattersonville.
White has double many times his line of corsets.
Fly Nets, an endless variety, at prices to suit the times, just received at
A large line of domestics of all kinds at prices as low as can be bought
anywhere. J. Shinski's Cheap Cash Store.
J. A. Glenn & Co. have their new emery wheel in running order, and are
prepared to do first class work. Farmers, take notice, J. A. Glenn and Co.
W. C. Butterfield & Sons will do you good and save you money if you will
call at their store.
"One penny saved is worth two pennies earned," but you can save from 10 to
20 cents per pound by purchasing tea of Frank H. Nash.
Sheldon Mail
Jan. 9, 1880
"Would Grant accept?" "Would a duck swim?"
Henry Hospers was on Monday re-elected chairman of the Sioux County Board of
There are quite a number of Indians camped around Okoboji Lake. The Beacon
says they spend their time in fishing and begging.
The St. Paul & Sioux City Railroad company have advertised that town lots
will be sold at a reduced rate to those who will make improvements within a
reasonable time. Applications can be made to D.A.W. Perkins.
The big mill is about ready for business. The well diggers are now down
about 300 feet, but the prospect of striking a good vein of water is not
very flattering. (Later, as we go to press, we learn that at a depth of 274
feet a splendid vein of water was struck.)
Sheldon Sun
July 16, 1930
Atty. Homer Myers, of Brookfield, a suburb of Chicago, Ill., has purchased
the H. P. Mousel residence on Ninth Street for $5,250. The residence will
be occupied by Dr. F. L. Myers. This is one of the 30 houses built in
Sheldon by Dr. Myers. It is a fine property, now occupied by Magrum Smith,
who will move to Omaha in the fall and establish his headquarters there.
The Rosenbaum Company of New York has leased for one year the Prairie Queen
Mill for the storage of grain.
Quite a shake-up took place at the Union depot last week. Al Hudson, who
has been day baggageman for 12 years, and George Hudson, who has been night
baggageman for three years, lost their jobs without notice. Both have been
faithful employees and were let out because of the retrenchment policy of
the Milwaukee Road and constant loss of business due to trucking and
passenger automobiles. Zane Hudson now handles all the baggage, with Grant
Bennett, the agent, helping and also George Miller and Roy Miner.
Mildred Geiger and Phillip R. Gilbertson returned Saturday from Dell Rapids,
S.D., where they played in the Sioux Valley Tennis Tournament. Miss Geiger
reached the semi-finals in the women's singles. Mr. Gilbertson reached the
quarter-finals in the men's singles.
Dr. W. P. Iversen, Jr., left today for Canton, S.D., where he took over Dr.
Syverud's dental office and will locate there. Dr. Iverson was one of the
topnotchers in his class at the University of Iowa.
Sixteen horses have died from the heat hereabouts.
Sheldon Mail
July 17, 1940
Paul B. DeWitt has been named as full time secretary of the Iowa State Bar
Association, it is announced here by Atty. George C. Murray, who is
president of the state association this year.
Jane Bottenfield, one of the two girl students in the government's new pilot
training school here, has had to give up the instruction because the ratio
has been changed to one girl in each group of 15.
Miss Viola Versteeg was graduated from the St. Joseph's Mercy School of
Nursing and expects to remain in the hospital until September.
The Republicans in Philadelphia have nominated Wendell Willkie, who once
worked on an Iowa farm.
Curbstone Comment: A new band shell is needed at the city park, the one we
have being in a rather decrepit condition.
Does anyone have a picture of the first round "gazebo" bandstand that once
stood in the park? The Historical Society here is looking for one.
Twenty stitches were necessary to close the wound Monday after Glenn
Hofmeyer, 6, caught his arm in the washing machine wringer at the family
farm residence a mile west of Hospers.
Reservations for the Sheldon High School Alumni dinner have gone past the
300 mark, according to last-minute word from John Campbell.
"Tobe" Diamond lost his bid to be national committeeman for Iowa at the
Democratic convention in Chicago, 24-19, to Frank Comfort of Des Moines.
Sheldon Mail
July 12, 1950
Thomas F. Miller was among the young men who completed air force pilot
training at Perrin Air Force Base, Sherman, Tex.
Sheldon Sun
Oct. 23, 1950
Gerrit J. Ellerbroek, prominent Sheldon merchant for 35 years, died Thursday
at his home in Okoboji.
The Aborn farm of 320 acres four miles west of Sheldon was sold by Fred
Barragar to John Kreykes, tenant, for $300 an acre. The farm was originally
purchased by Mr. Aborn in 1883 for $18 per acre. He never lived on the
Sheldon Mail
Jan. 3, 1940
1939 business at the Sheldon Postoffice amounted to a total of $25,475, a
new record, according to figures secured from Wm J. Hollander, postmaster.
Mr. John Brodie, of Sioux City, of the Social Security Board, will give an
explanation of the new Social Security set-up at the meeting of Kiwanis at
the Arlington Hotel next Monday noon.
W. E. Scott, 72, a resident of Sheldon for 66 years and councilman from the
first ward for the past ten years, passed away last Thursday afternoon at
his home on East Tenth Street.
Unemployment compensation averaging about $8.50 per week is now being paid
to 129 persons in O'Brien County for a total of $1,100 per week.
Sheldon Mail
Jan. 8, 1930
Thursday, January 16, is the tenth anniversary of the passage of the
Prohibition Amendment. The W.C.T.U. of Sheldon is requesting that church
bells be rung at 12 o'clock on this anniversary day in celebration of the
Hazel Potter, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potter, south
of Sheldon, was quite badly burned about the face on the evening of Dec. 31
by an explosion of kerosene. The little girl was in the basement of the home
in Carroll township getting cobs for the fire upstairs, when she noticed the
furnace fire was low and threw on some kerosene to revive it.
Henry Kollin, Sheldon's wonder wrestler, had considerable of a work-out last
week when he engaged in four matches, winning three and drawing one.
(By Roy Coomes) "Herb Ietenburg lived up to his reputation of being a foul
wrestler when he converted a match with Kollin into a rough and tumble
affair at the Legion pavilion Monday night. Kollin has a discolored optic
and a badly chewed finger..it would be a boon to the wrestling game if men
like Herb were barred from now on."
Sheldon Mail
Oct. 1, 1930
"We have recently started to bake all our own cakes. We are very much
satisfied with the success we are having and would like to have you give our
cakes a trial." THE HOME BAKERY -Brower & Son , Makers of American Beauty
Curbstone Comment: "The daily papers are just announcing the fact that it is
in style for girls to color their fingernails."
Miss Eva Freer, a freshman at Morningside College, is one of the cornetists
in the band there.
The Sheldon Public Schools reopened today, Wednesday, after being closed for
a 10-day period due to infantile paralysis. The rural school and the
Sheldon Public Library also re-opened.
Page 23
Sheldon Mail
December 17, 1930
Coach LaFoy’s cagers opened their season with a decisive win over the
Sanborn Basketeers, 22 to 9. Among the locals Donahue and Manderscheid were
People of Sheldon and vicinity will be interested to know that neither bank
in Sheldon had any friends in the closed banks of Sioux City, and this
community was not in the least affected as a result of the disturbance in
that metropolis.
At the Iowa Theater: Will Rogers in “Lightnin.”
“Dear Santa” How are you? I am fine. Jack wants a football even though he
can’t play with it. And father would like a new necktie and mother would
like a scarf. And I would like a patsie doll and Kimona. And please don’t
forget the poor children. I hope your can get here and bring your reindeer.
Your little friend, Jean Kelly.
Sheldon Sun
December 31, 1930
Mrs. M. Fairbanks left Christmas night for Iowa City, where she spent the
weekend at the home of her son, Franklynn.
Cornie Lanstraat sold the Ritter store to Roy Hassebroek of Ashton, Tuesday.
The general merchandise store, known as Zager’s Cash Store, will start the
new year with a change in name. Hereafter “the girls” will use their own
name and the business will be known as Patterson & Krahling.
Winners in the doll contest at Scott’s Drug Store are as follows: Helen
Nelson, “Mickey” Daniels, Verna Erkes, Betty Rider, Aranell Fritts, Iona
Tracy, Helen Ling, Lucille Hanna, Maxine Byers, Helen Manderscheid, Crolyss
Jean Kanost, Mary Louise Fiest, Helen Eugle, Lois Stewart and Mary Ehlers.
Sheldon Mail
Nov. 6, 1940
O’Brien county voted 4,760 for Willkie to 4,153 for Roosevelt. County
winners were Kaiser for Treasurer, Beckley for Clerk, Hughes for Recorder,
Schultz for County Attorney, Getty for Coroner, and Leemkuil for Sheriff.
The Orton Electric Co., will observe its Sixth Anniversary of business in
Sheldon this week.
Through the efforts of Dr. W. C. Jackman, the Sheldon Public Schools again
will hold adult classes in Americanization and Naturalization.
Frederick’s Studio is offering a special inducement for Christmas photos if
taken before Nov. 23.
The first 63 names for the draft have been drawn in O’Brien county. The
first name was Leo McMahon of Sutherland. Those from Sheldon are Joe Hof,
Clifford Ruby, Cedric VerSteeg, Nick Langenhorst, Craig Lucas, Carl Wolbers,
Tony Steenblock, Arthur Ruge, William Pangborn, Dick Solsma, William
Masbergen, Edward Dobbertin, Robert Leitheiser, Fred Poppema, Lawrence Betz,
Gerrit Mouw, Walter Nelson, James McCarthy, Theodore Sanem, William Huffman,
Porter Cockayne, Hubert Niemoth, Sam Altena, Henry Brink, Walter Steenbergen
and Paul Kimmel.
Page 25
Sheldon Sun, Oct. 8, 1930
No additional cases of infantile paralysis have been reported in Sheldon
since those originally reported a week ago, we are glad to say. The public
schools re-opened today and everything is running normally again in Sheldon.
Coach Roggen’s Cardinal and Gold gridders defeated Sioux Falls College
Friday 7-0 in a hard fought struggle in Sioux Falls. Sheldon’s lone
touchdown came in the second quarter when Loafman tossed a left handed pass
to Peterson. Miller added the extra points by a drop kick.
Curbstone Comment: The Philadelphia Athletics won the World Series from the
St. Louis Cardinals by taking today’s game, 7-1…….The series being over, the
fans can get down to work again.
Drs. H. R. Cochran, A. M. Idema and F.W. Nelson attended the clinics of the
Northwestern Iowa dentists at Sioux City Monday and Tuesday.
Jason DeWaay has remodeled the old K. C. club rooms over Wolff Bros. store
for a new indoor golf course, which will open Saturday. Price will be 25c a
Six Sheldon students have pledged to fraternities and sororities at Ames:
L. S. Koon, J. W. Sterrenberg, W. J. Lynge, Walter Dieter, Mike Mullin and
Laurel Hedeen.
Fire, which broke out Tuesday evening in the basement of the Sheldon
National Bank, resulted in an approximate damage of $5,000. The fire, which
could have been very serious, evidently had been smoldering for a long time
when E. L. Wilson detected smoke in his place next door.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan sold the Quality Café to Gus Klindt and Mrs. Fred
Tischer, the new owners taking possession Monday. The Morgans came to
Sheldon from Sioux Falls and purchased the café from Klindt & Miller and
have since enjoyed a most liberal patronage.
Sheldon Sun
Feb. 19, 1941
Recently completed here are the new rectory adjoining the Catholic Church
and the new home recently occupied by the Victor Bogard family.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Madson took charge of the Corner Café on Saturday. John
Dykstra, who has been operating the café for the last year and a half, has
no definite plans for the future.
Warren Ayres announces that he will soon open a new drugstore in the former
Swenning drugstore location.
Among the students who received degrees at Iowa City on Tuesday were Anthony
Blankers and Robert Diamond, both of Sheldon.
The new Skewis Hatchery building on Second Avenue will have its official
opening next Saturday with free pancakes.
Sheldon Mail
Feb. 10, 1881
The weather prophet had better retire to private life; their public services
no longer needed. During the past week this country has experienced the
worst spell of weather in all its history. It has snowed and blowed for
four days.
Landlord Brown of the Sheldon Hotel is entertaining a jolly crowd of
snowbound customers. The fastidious transients could not find a better
place to put up during the blizzard that his popular hostelry.
Among the storm-stayed pilgrims that Sheldon harbored during “the late
unpleasantness” was a tall, lean and lank Presbyterian minister, whose
objective point was Huron, Dakota Territory. On Wednesday morning he
purchased a hand sled, strapped a week’s provisions and his grip sack onto
it, and set out for home on foot. The distance is about 180 miles.
The naughty LeMars Sentinel says: “The Sioux County School ma’ams are quick
travelers. One of them who went sleighing last Sunday made 15 miles in one