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Iowa News
from the
Sheldon, Iowa, scrapbook items
O'Brien County Scrapbook
[Purchased by Linda Ziemann off ebay-for transcription to the IowaOldPress
Old Scrapbook pages. The scrapbook includes information and articles up
through the mid 1980's. I have included here all the articles that I could
find that covered from the very early years through 1950. The scrapbook is
in quite good condition.
The articles are not in chronological order, but are in the order in which they were pasted on the pages of this scrapbook.
Page 1
Page 1...of the old scrapbook
Sheldon Mail
Sheldon, O'Brien co. Iowa
August 14, 1880
- C. Longshore, M.D. and U.S. Examining Surgeon for pensions, Sheldon, Iowa.
- H. T. Lanning, Physician and Surgeon, Sheldon, Iowa. Orders left at the
Sheldon Drug Store will receive prompt attention.
- Dr. Peck, Homeopathic Physician, Sheldon, Iowa. Makes a specialty of the
treatment of piles and guarantees cures. No cure no pay. Residence sis (6)
miles east of Sheldon.
- O. P. Mabee, Resident Dentist, Sheldon, Iowa. Will perform all work in
dentistry in a good and workmanlike manner, and guarantees satisfaction.
Gold filling a specialty. Office in Empire House.
"Permit me through the columns of your paper to return my sincere thanks to
the people of Sheldon for their benevolence and kindness to me, an entire
stranger, especially to Mr. F. M. McCormack, who as soon as he learned that
I had been robbed of my purse containing all my money, enlisted himself in
my behalf, raising not only money enough to carry me to my last railroad
station (RUNNING WATER) but some besides. Thanks also are due to Mr. and
Mrs. Shoefelt, of the Leland House, who, though I was a stranger, took me in
hungry and they, from their bountiful table, fed me and my children, and
never will their unparalleled kindness be forgotten by: Mrs. H. S. Brill &
Family, Aug. 11, 1880"
The careful and prudent prairie farmers are already plowing "around their
outer walls" as a safeguard against the ravages of prairie fires.
Sheldon Sun
August 13, 1930
Mrs. J. E. Merriam received a radiogram from her son, Bob Merriam, who has
been a radio operator on the U.S. steamship Black Hawk at Clefoo, China,
that everything is all right. He will be leaving for the states next month.
Another 10 percent dividend will soon be issued, according to H. M. Kirkman,
receiver for the First National Bank, which closed in March 1927. That make
an 80 percent repayal so far.
The "Death Drag" was the biggest and most sensational stunt ever witnessed
in Sheldon. Dave "Devil" Mulder, who appeared in Sheldon as a stranger and
advertised that he would let himself be dragged down the main streets of
Sheldon by an automobile doing 60 miles an hour while he escaped from a
straight jacket "showed them" who were skeptical. He was followed by the
Van Dyke ambulance, but that was not needed. In one block Mulder had
succeeded in freeing his arms, and in the next he was able to get the jacket
over his head.
F. C. Hoefs has opened a 24-hour taxi service for Sheldon. He will haul any
place n the city for 15c day, 25c night.
Misses Alice Vollink and Opal Jackson left Saturday morning on a hitch hike
to the Black Hills. The girls made the entire trip in four rides, relatives
heard, and they report a good time.
Glenn Manderscheid has accepted a position with the advertising department
of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus and joined the crew here
last Saturday.
Frank Clarke made another hole-in-one on tee No. 1. Sunday. Frank says that
was not official as it was made in practice. He just wanted to prove that
he could do it again - in case of emergency.
Sheldon Mail
Aug. 14, 1940
Fritz Van Briesen, Sheldon flying instructor, has been appointed a flight
examiner by the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
Rumors to the effect that the Frisbee house on 10th Street has been sold to
a woman who plans to make it into an apartment house are unfounded,
according to a statement made by Mrs. D. C. Peck, of Primghar, who has
charge of the property.
Al Dueis, proprietor of the Al Dueis Motor Co., last Thursday bought the
Lease Block on Nineth Street from Roy A. Thompson of Canton, Ill., according
to A. H. Cobb, local realtor who negotiated the transaction.
An old Sheldon landmark will be ground beneath the march of progress when
workmen this week begin razing the present Catholic rectory on Tenth Street.
The building was originally built by Wallace Husted, pioneer Sheldon grocer
back in 1873 or 1874, more than 65 years ago. It first occupied the corner
lot, then was moved west when St. Patrick's Church was erected.
Final arrangements for Iowa's Greatest Air Show at Roscoe Turner Flying
Field in Sheldon are concluded and all committees are functioning. Famous
aviators performing at the show will be: Leonard Peterson, Clem Honkamp,
Jack Huber, Danny Fowlie, Buddy Batzel, Miss Bobby Lupton, Jesse Bristow,
Bob St. Jock and Prof. Donald Berend. Col. Roscoe Turner will not be here
because of an automobile accident in Indianapolis, Ind., in which he
suffered a fractured pelvis and is paralyzed in both legs. Report is that
he is not making a satisfactory recovery.
Sheldon Sun
Aug. 14, 1950
Mrs. R. B. Monk has been elected to the office of state chaplain of the
American Legion Auxiliary.
Abe Kooistra has been chosen by the Board of Supervisors to serve as justice
of the peace for Sheldon, replacing Arvid Vander Meide, who is confined to
the veteran's hospital in Fargo, N.D.
CURBSTONE COMMENTS: "The Shah of Iran, opening parliament, says that the
standard of the masses in Iran must be raised. How much is that going to
cost Uncle Sam? "Feeding inflation by reducing taxes is a laugh. From all
the tax reductions I've ever seen, inflation wouldn't get very fat on it.
Folks gotta learn to quite running to Washington with their troubles. Every
time they do.up pops another Bureau to handle it."
Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Rolston will observe their golden wedding anniversary
with an "open house" on Nov. 28
Sheldon Sun
Jan. 8, 1941
The call of Company I to Camp Claiborne has been postponed again to Feb. 10
due to the heavy rains in Louisiana, which have delayed construction work.
Sheldon stores did $2,688,000 worth of business last year.
Chris Smith, who has been carrying mail in Sheldon since 1909, will be
retired on Jan. 31. Mr. Smith was the third mail carrier to join the Sheldon
staff. The two original carriers were John Mondabaugh and James Griffin.
--when about this time of year everybody except doctors put their autos up
on four wood blocks for the winter. It kept the rubber on your tires from
getting flat. Anyway, it was just too hard to get an engine started by
hand-cranking in cold weather.
--when an arm in a sling almost always meant a broken arm from an auto
engine breaking while cranking?
--when the Sheldon Mail and the Sheldon Sun were bitter rivals?
--when to start a car you (1) set the brake, (2) adjusted two ratchet levers
on the steering wheel, (3) turned on the ignition switch, (4) then went
around in front and turned the crank?
--when auto gas tanks were under the front seat cushion and you measured
your fuel with a wood ruler?
Page 2
Sheldon Mail
April 3, 1880
Never before in the history of the town has there been such a rush for town
lots as now. To substantiate this statement, we need only say that the
proprietors of the townsite have been compelled to lay off a first and even
a second addition to the original town plot. When we add all this to the
addition of John H. Iselin, Esq., and say that the lots have nearly all been
purchased and occupied, we have proven beyond doubt that Sheldon is enjoying
a wonderful growth-a growth which speaks volumes for the future of the town.
Mr. Logan tells us he will have his creamery "running at full speed" within
the next 10 days.
Owing to a scarcity of wheat the mill will run only one or two days a week.
J. Shinski, of the Cheap Cash Store, has gone east to Chicago and Milwaukee
to purchase an immense amount of goods. The public should bear this in mind
and hold their purchases until Mr. Shinski returns.
DIED - On "Easter Day" 1880, Mabel Clare, infant daughter of Milton and
Eugenia Gillespie. Born March 29th 1879.
Though sad was our parting,
Yet, joyful we give.
She died on bright Easter
With Jesus to live.
A public supper will be served in the Congregational church basement Friday
by the Winslow Circle, with Mrs. Al Rowenhorst as chairman. The menu
follows: roast pork, potatoes, brown gravy, apple sauce, jelly, rolls,
cabbage salad with green peppers, angel food cake and whipped cream, coffee.
Price 35c.
Sheldon Sun
April 9, 1930
Wolff Bros. are advertising men's wool suits from $24.50 to $35.00 with two
pairs of trousers.
Ali Hassan, the "Terrible Turk" from Chicago, lived up to his name, but was
not quite terrible enough for Sheldon's Henry Kolln who won two out of three
falls in a rather drawn-out match.
Dr. W. R. Brock announces that he is closing out his interests in the
Samaritan Hospital after 16 years and in the future will have his patients
at the Cram Hospital.
Frank Christiany, Louis Wolff, and Mr. Mulhaul of Sioux Falls, met with the
city council Thursday to discuss the matter of a municipal airport for
Advertisement: Wall paper, 4c to 25c a roll. Fred Zeldenthuis.
The boat "Miss Thriller" is still lying in the mud 110 feet below the
surface of Lake Okoboji. Efforts to raise the boat, which figured in the
accident taking a toll of nine lives last July, have been abandoned.
O'Brien County, with 46 bushels per acre, ranked ahead of every county in
northwest Iowa except Buena Vista, with 47 bushels, in 1929 corn yield.
The Hospers triplets, Wilhelmina, Catherine and Henrietta, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Westerman who farm five miles southeast of Hospers, are
celebrating their first anniversary healthy, physically fit and happy.
Dr. G. E. Vermeer has purchased Dr. Brock's interest in the Samaritan
Theo. Monk has built three tourist cabins at his farm home near Sheldon
which are now ready for use. He expects to build a few more later in the
season. They will be known as the Maple Grove Cabins.
Sheldon Mail
March 20, 1940
Phil Gilbertson won the men's single, Reuel Radcliff the veterans' singles,
and Radcliff and Merrill Fritts the veterans' doubles in the city table
tennis tournament week.
Two young men from farms near Sheldon have enlisted in the Navy and are now
at the U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill. They are Peter
Kamstra, Jr., son of Pete Kamstra and George Melvin Wegter, son of Joe
The following individuals were selected to represent the school at the Music
Contest in Rock Rapids March 29 and 30; Mary Held, oboe; John Bradley,
trombone; Darrell Mommer, saxophone; Gerald Sipma, cornet; Adrian Dorsman,
clarinet; John Pylman, bassoon; Ronald Mitchell, alto sax; and Janet Woods,
French horn. Robert Brower was selected to sing the tenor solo, Stewart
Herman to sing baritone solo and Gretchen Anderson will represent the school
as the contralto soloist.
Fritz Van Briesen, veteran Sheldon pilot and instructor, is tutoring 12
novice flyers in the newly organized LeMars air school.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stapenhorst, Mrs. Cloe McClellan, Mrs. L.W. Fairbank, Miss
Pearl Farnsworth and Esther Reekers will go to Spencer Sunday afternoon to
attend "Gone With the Wind."
Sheldon Mail
March 19, 1930
The City Council week Monday signed another annual contract with the Sheldon
Municipal band for concerts again this year. The expense of the band is
paid by a two-mill levy which was voted some years ago by Sheldon taxpayers.
The band has elected A. H. Hons as manager; Ben Reagan, president; Geo.
Wilcox, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Nelson and Ed Matsen, trustees. It is
probably that L. O. Lohr will gain be director.
Sheldon Mail
March 20, 1880
Dr. Peck - Homeopathic Physician, Sheldon, Iowa. Make a specialty of the
treatment of PILES and guarantees cures. No cure, no pay. Residence is six
(6) miles east of Sheldon.
O.P. Mabee -Resident Dentist, Sheldon, Iowa. Will perform all work in
dentistry in a good and workmanlike manner, and guarantees satisfaction.
Gold filling a specialty. Office in Empire House.
J. W. Jones, the Englishman mentioned last week, has already purchased a
large number of cattle and hogs and is looking around for several hundred
head of sheep. He has rented J. A. Glenn's farm.
Mr. Peter Gauthier's children are quite ill with sore throat, and Mr. N. W.
Place's family are nearly all down with diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Ward's baby is dangerously ill with lung fever.
There arrived in this city this week another delegation from "Jersey" in the
persons of Ed E. and Scott Logan, cousins of one M. F. Logan. They come here
to seek their fortunes in the stock-raising business, and have the capitol
and energy to make the venture a success. The acquisition of such men bodes
much substantial good for Sheldon. They and their New Jersey colleagues are
a class calculated to build up and develop our broad and fertile country.
Sheldon cannot rejoice too heartily over the addition to her population the
Jersey delegation.
Page 3 & 4
July 4, 1934
Fourth of July Wedding
Miss Agnes Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams, and
Mr. Roland Wayne Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Anderson, both of
Archer, will be united in marriage this evening, Wednesday, at the Fourth of
July public wedding in the Sheldon park.
The couple will spend the summer at the lakes; where they will be in charge
of the Crescent beach golf links.
Sheldon Mail
July 11, 1934
12,000 People Celebrate 4th Here
The public wedding was observed at the close of the last diamondball game,
was one of the main attractions. Sam Olson was the announcer prior to the
wedding ceremony and aided by the loud speaker system his work was highly
At promptly 9:30 the bridal couple and their retinue of attendants were
brought to the grounds in automobiles and the wedding ceremony was performed
by Rev. F. Earl Burgess of the Sheldon Methodist Church. The stage in the
rear of the garden ceremony was nicely decorated and in approaching the
scene of the ceremony the bridal couple and attendants passed under the
decorated arch.
The bridal couple was announced in last week's Mail, were Miss Agnes
Elizabeth Williams and Mr. Roland Wayne Anderson of near Archer.
Miss Wilma Schneider of south of Sheldon was the maid of honor and Henry
Boersma of Hollandale, Minn., the best man. Bridesmaids were Edna Wolf,
Marie Rohlfs, Helen Keller, Kathleen Propst, Orpha Rooney, Erna Corbett,
Marion Deming, Vivian Young, Margaret Freer, Charlotte Purman, Enid Smale,
Aletha Steen, Lois Engelhardt and Jean Iverson. Carol Ann Archer and Mary
Ann Gansemer were the flower girls and Norma Jean Kuiper and Donald Ramsey
Music was furnished by a quartet composed of Prof. M.D. Smith, Joe Brower,
Dr. H. J. Brackney and Ben Reagan, with Mrs. M. D. Smith and George
Aylesworth as violinists and Miss Edith Ling, Pianist.
Dr. F. W. Nelson and his committee, who had charge of the wedding
arrangements are congratulated for the success of the event. They wish to
thank all those who assisted for their cooperation.
Page 5
Sheldon Mail
August 2, 1950
Company I left by train on Saturday for its two-week encampment at Ft.
Leonard Wood, Mo.
With an average temperature of only 67.5 degrees, the past month was the
coldest July on record here, according to Ross Forward, and rainfall was
well above normal.
Paul Kermit Brewster, 1 ½ year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewster, was
the victim of a tragic accident when he fell into the farm tank and drowned.
Sheldon Mail
April 21, 1937
Friday night the people of Sheldon and vicinity will see the laugh sensation
of the season, “Coast to Coast,” a three-act musical comedy, to be staged at
the Iowa theatre. The curtain rises promptly at 8:27. Members of the cast
include Jean Bosworth played by Faye Armstrong; Madam Hycenia, by Mrs. Ethel
Mae Gjervik; Don Palmer by Arthur Van Wyk; Trixie Trimble by Evelyn
Ellerbroek; Pete Perkins by Bill Ellerbroek; Titus Pennyback by Reuel
Radcliffe; Percival Snell by Bob Challin; Lizzie Lullerlittle by Mrs. Martha
July 23, 1930
Marshall Hatch and Sheriff Leemkuil raided the Olsen Shoe Repair Shop and
after considerable searching, found an eight-ounce bottle, one gallon can
and a half-gallon of alcohol and one bottle of apricot brandy. Olsen was
taken before Mayor Nelson, where he pled guilty, and was taken by Sheriff
Leemkuil to Primghar to be held for sentencing.
Ringling Bros. Circus will show in Sheldon Saturday, August 23, at the Fair
Grounds. Mayor Nelson was instrumental in getting the circus here, which
cancelled another town in order to come. Sheldon has always been a good
circus town, especially for the Ringlings.
Page 6
Sheldon Mail
March 27, 1940
Neighbors and friends of Howard Wolf took time out from their “shingling
bee” on his barn to have their picture taken fro the Mail. The group
includes Henry, John and Pete Klein, George Carl, Felix and Richard Jungers,
Oscar Block, Phil Jacobs, Judson Wolf, Earl Osberg, Harold Wolf, Ernest
Mory, Andy Youngers and Ambrose Schweback.
Gratifying success in the field of juvenile short story writing has come to
Mrs. Philip Gilbertson (Mildred Geiger) of Sheldon, who has had 94 of her
stories published in the past year and a half. She writes under the pen
name of “Nan Gilbert.”
With a total of 1686 votes Monday during a snow storm, shifts were made in
Sheldon city affairs in five offices. The successful candidates were: L.
A. Houlihan, mayor; W. P. Iverson and Bert Struyk, councilman-at-large;
Wayne Miller, councilman 1st Ward; Spencer Roorda, 2nd Ward; O. A. Van Dyke,
3rd Ward; Earl Whitmore, assessor; C. L. Schneider, treasurer; and Frank
(Bob) Christiany, park commissioner.
The world-wide effects Sunday of an immense disturbance on the sun, which
upset radio and wire communications, were felt in Sheldon mainly in
disruption of the telegraph service and rural telephone lines from 9 a.m.
until 1 p.m. Lines became so hot it was not possible to touch them.
Telephone Manager Hendricks says there was as much as 400 or 500 volts on
some of these lines.
Sheldon Mail
March 26, 1930
Welk’s 7-piece Novelty Band, featuring the accordion king, Lawrence Welk,
and Spider Webb, the wonder pianist, will play for a public dance at the
Fraternity Hall next Monday. This is the band that has made such a hit over
the air through WNAX.
“Rough-House” Kilonis, the wrestling Greek of Pittsburgh, Pa., comes for a
finish match with Sheldon’s Henry Kolln in the Legion Athletic Building
Monday night. Men who have seen them both wrestle claim that Kolln will
have his hands full at 160 lbs. against Kolonis’ 178 lbs. Alli Hassan, “The
Terrible Turk” of Chicago, has challenged the winners of this match.
Bonita Hendricks and Merrill Fritts, who took leads in the Junior College
play “Nothing But the Truth” had their pictures in the Des Moines Register
The School Board is now considering the idea of illuminating Cram Athletic
Field this summer, the result being that Sheldon would have the increasingly
popular night football games.
Jason Henry has been at Spencer for some time where he is training a string
of nine race horses.
Peter S. Westera of Sheldon, star guard and tackle on University of Iowa
football teams for the last three seasons, has received an offer to play
professional ball next fall for the New York Giants. The Hawkeye lineman
has been named to various collegiate All-Conference and All-American teams.
…when most houses had a little metal bar embedded in the sidewalk near the
front door, so you could scrape the mud off your shoes before entering?
Sheldon Mail
March 27, 1880
In a day or two John H. Iselin will receive an invoice of 25,000 choice
cigars for wholesaling.
As we go to press we learn that a woman living with Benjamin Hutchinson's
family, Carroll township, committed suicide yesterday morning by taking
arsenic; cause unknown. Her name is given as Green.
One Anderson, of Osceola county, got mad at his wife the other day and cut
open his abdomen letting out his intestines with a butcher knife. He still
lives, however, and Dr. Gurney says he'll recover. Meantime his wife is
getting good and ready to "go for" him again.
Robert Linch, one of Sioux county's wide-awake citizens, has just returned
from a cattle purchasing trip bringing with him 150 head of steers to feed
on northwest Iowa grass. Mr. Linch is a sample of what brains and energy can
do in this western country.
A word of caution: "Believing that you will esteem it a favor on my part, I
inform you seriously that your sons are running great risks in jumping on
and off the cars at the depot. I have to drive boys away from nearly every
train that passes, and you must know that railroad employees have something
to attend to besides watching boys. We would sadly hate to see any of our
children injured, but just as sure as the sun rises and sets some of the
boys of Sheldon will be killed or maimed for life, if they do not keep away
from the trains.” W.H. NOYES
Justice McCormack decided that Charles Pratsch did not shoot Hutchinson's
horse, as alleged, and Pratsch is happy.
At this writing harvest wages range all the way from $1.75 to $2.50 per day
with a good prospect that as high as $3 will be paid before the harvest is
over. The superintendents of the railway farms, by whom the wages of the
surrounding county are gauged, are paying $1.75 and $2 per day. Hands seem
to be plenty.
Page 7
…when the “dollar” was as good as gold? That’s when you should have taken
the gold.
Sheldon Mail
July 31, 1880
Fish are said to be plentiful in the Floyd [river.]
The Close Brothers and their English friends contemplate purchasing and
cultivating 20,000 acres of land in Lyon county.
Ezra Macomber, well-known by many in this part of the county, lost his son
Artie, aged 13 years, this week. The boy died of inflammation of the
bowels, at his home in Waterman township. [Transcriber note: could this have
been appendicitis?]
Some of the dear people have been reveling in imported watermelon this week,
while the doctors smiled in complacently and the undertaker sent in an order
for a fresh stock of cemetery merchandise.
George Colcord, treasurer of the Hancock Club, says if the boys don’t do
something pretty soon he’ll be d—d if he don’t resign. Some intimate friend
should venture to remind him that if he stays with the crowd long enough
he’ll be dammed anyhow.
Fred Place and Mr. Gent, of the Sheldon Flouring Mills, indulged in a little
fisticuffs Thursday noon, which resulted in the latter gentleman’s being
worsted. The cause of the difficulty was a dispute and subsequently the
usual exchange of epithets.
It is related of a pretty, though overly modest “school marm” in Grant
township that she tired on a new dress a few days ago and compelled all the
scholars, irrespective of sex, to stick their heads under their seats until
the delicate job was done.
The boom these days belongs to the Methodist church. Last Saturday evening
Chaplain McCabe gave a lecture in White’s Hall and started a subscription
for the speedy erection of a $3,000 house of worship. He head the list with
a subscription of $500 from Geo. L. Seney, Esq. of New York who visited here
last month. The total amount raised so far is $2,000 and we understand work
will be commenced at once.
Geo. L. Seney, Esq. has come out from New York to see his farms and the town
named after him. Wonder when Mr. Israel Sheldon, another director of our
railroad, is going to come out and visit his town?
Sheldon Sun
July 30, 1930
Dr. Walter R. Brock, who has long had the reputation of being called
“Sheldon’s silver-tongued orator,” has issued a nicely printed and bound
book entitled Day Dreams, and of our knowledge is the only person in Sheldon
who has even issued a work of this kind, and now the city can justly claim
him as its “author.” He says that the book is “dedicated to my son, Joseph,
and my daughter, Helen, who are the source of much joy and inspiration.”
Carl Stapenhorst had the misfortune to break his leg in the same place a
second time last Friday while riding in a car with Wallace English, when the
car hit a telephone pole and the jolt threw him out of the car.
Weather Observer Ross Forward says that Sunday’s temperature of 106 degrees
has never been exceeded in this vicinity, and equaled on only two occasions.
The new tire covers are going fast! All Commerical Club members should call
at the club rooms and get theirs. The price is $1. They help boost our
The Sun is pleased to learn that Dr. Clair Schapp has bought a dental
practice in Algona. Dr. Schaap graduated last June from the School of
Dentistry at the State University of Iowa, where he was head cheerleader for
four years.
Two air conditioners were installed in the Iowa Theatre last week. The
purpose of his equipment is to wash the air clean, cool it to a low
temperature, and created the proper humidity. This is the first “air
conditioning” in Sheldon.
Sheldon Mail
August 7, 1880
Temperance rally tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Wykoff's baby is quite ill.
O'Brien county has but one colored inhabitant.
Postmaster Barmore's brother still lives.
The bowling alley is the center of attraction these cool nights.
As many as 30 trains pass through Sheldon daily these days.
George Hill is proud of that new barn, and well he may be, for it is by all
odds, the largest and best barn in town.
Mrs. Dan George will please accept the thanks of the Mail for a mess of
green corn.
At Sanborn the other night a woman broke in the door of a house where she
supposed her husband to be, and for a time there was the liveliest sort of
row, during which one or two of the men, pretending to be of high social
positions, made a frantic flight for taller grass. The Pioneer says that one
of the parties is a member of the Methodist church.
At Rock Rapids the other day a man aged 55 was married to a woman aged 43,
and the couple had never met but once before. It was a case of love at first
sight. The bride has a family and the groom one daughter. The man is
well-off, which may account for the woman's foolishness, though it does not
for him.
It is now proposed to erect a $4,000 monument to the memory of the victims
of the Spirit Lake massacre, near the place where they perished, the money
to be raised in 25c subscriptions, and the monument to be completed and
unveiled on the 4th day of August, 1881.
Sheldon Mail
August 6, 1930
Nick Langenhorst was arrested last Saturday evening by night Marshall Mulder
and Special Police Ed Kreykes and charged with the “illegal possession of
liquor.” Langenhorst was in a car out on the southeast edge of town. When
he saw the officers’ car approaching, it is said, he threw a bottle
containing eight ounces of alcohol from his car. This was recovered by the
Mrs. Fred Kruse has been nominated for the second annual award as Champion
Farm Woman of Iowa.
A miniature golf course is being planned for Sheldon as soon as a location
can be secured.
CURBSTONE COMMENT: “Again last wee we were accosted with “Is it hot enough
for you?” We never could understand why that question should be propounded
so often. Anyway, it will not be long before winter will be here and then
the same type of fellow will ask, “Is it cold enough for you?”
Frank VanSteenwyk is assembling an aero plane at his residence on West
Eighth street.
July was the driest July of record, with only a little over a quarter of an
inch of precipitation. Normal is 4.10 inches. The city pumped 15 million
gallons of water, says Engineer Hedeen, but there was no appreciable
lowering of the water in the well. The Sheldon Dairy manufactured 9,380
gallons of ice cream, a record, so the hot weather was good for something at
Sheldon Sun
August 7, 1940
KSCJ will broadcast the Sheldon Air Show each day at Roscoe Turner Field
here. Bill Sweet will be the announcer.
Clem Honkomp of Cincinnati will be at the Air Show demonstrating his Curtis
pusher airplane of 1910.
Spencer’s powerful golf team was too much for the best Sheldon golfers,
winning 40 to 4. Norbert Rowenhorst was the only Sheldon player to earn a
victory. His score of 78 was tied by a like score shot for medalist honors
by Dick Gust who is visiting in Sheldon at the home of his wife’s sister,
Mrs. Agnes Hollander, and who was playing for Sheldon.
Jess Bristow of Ft. Worth will demonstrate at the Air Show how the dreaded
Nazi Stuka dive bombers operate. He will climb to 15,000 feet and there
nose his plane straight toward the earth with the engine wide open.
Mrs. Frank Myers fell and broke her hip at her cottage at Lake Okoboji. Dr.
Kermit Myers and L.A. Houlihan immediately drove to the lakes with the
ambulance and brought her to Sheldon.
Duane Burleigh, advertising manager of the Sun for the past 2 ½ years and
especially active in civic affairs, has accepted a like position in
Alliance, Nebr. P. G. Jarnigan, Sun publisher, has not yet employed a
Lightning struck a woodshed on the Dan McArthur place on South Third Avenue
Saturday afternoon shortly after 5 o’clock and Mr. McArthur, who was
standing nearby, was unconscious for several minutes.
Page 8
Sheldon Mail
Jan. 1, 1930
Professional wrestling is a big thing in Sheldon these days with Henry Kolln
of Sheldon the center of interest. Many of the fans believe that in a
finish match Kolln at 160 pounds can win from Herb Teitenburg, light
heavyweight champion of Michigan at 178. The Legion is going to settle the
question and the two men will meet in Sheldon January 6.
In the match last Monday night “The Unknown” lost to Kolln after each had
won one fall. “The Unknown” became desperate and resorted to punching.
After “The Unknown” delivered a terrific punch to Kolln’s jaw, the match was
stopped by Referee Bob Henry.
The largest crowd of the season witnessed the show. In the preliminaries
Jimmy Brenneman and Johnny Christiany at 90 lbs., fought to a three-round
draw; Buddy Schneider, 70, had the better of Kid Daniels, 75 (Schneider
seems to be the most popular flea weight in the city now days); Kid
Schriver, 125, had a slight edge over Red Morse, 125, in a good fast
three-round tussle; and John Mulder, 176, out pointed Art Sterrenburg, 180,
in a four-round event.
Sheldon Mail
Jan. 2, 1880
The Congregational Church of this city is badly in need of a new bell. The
hideous music of the present “rattletrap” is becoming a public nuisance.
Mr. J. F. Toy, a wide-awake banker of Storm Lake, has a telephone line in
operation between Storm Lake and Alta, a distance of about ten miles. He
publishes a notice in the papers that people can have free use of the line
until the first of January.
Cherokee Times, Dec. 25: “An Ida county doctor performed recently a most
skillful operation on a girl of that place, aged 11 years. The patient was
suffocating from diphtheria, when as a last resort the physician cut open
the windpipe and by means of a tube, the child breathed through the
operation…..and the child is now said to be nearly well.
December 5, 1889, Sheldon Mail
“Just think of it! The local and general news, and a double dose of
Republican gospel, a whole year for $2.50. Subscribe at this office for The
Mail and State Register.”
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