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Iowa News
from Ruth Anderson Galer Scrapbook
This scrapbook is predominantly Henry County but it also has clippings from
the Des Moines Register, Pulaski Independent, Humboldt Republican, and other
newspapers. The years covered are about 1914-1937.
Transcribed and contributed to Iowa Old Press by Carl Wagner, grandson of
Ruth Anderson Galer
Page 1
[Page1 of the scrapbook]
[This is from an unknown, probably southeast Iowa, newspaper. Mrs. Galer
wrote "Aug. 4th, 1914", apparently the newspaper publication date, above the
article. Lowell Anderson drowned 28 July 1914 while canoeing in the rapids
of the Bass Wood River, near the Minnesota/Canada border.]
Could Have Easily Been Saved By Companion Who First Tried To Secure
Provisions--Believed That Heart Failure Caused Anderson's Weakness.
The funeral of Mr. Lowell Anderson which took place Monday afternoon at
his home at Pulaski, Iowa, was by far the largest ever noted in the town or
county. Business was suspended in the city and from miles around the people
poured into the town. The funeral was in the church which was crowded as
was also the church yard. But a small proportion of the people were able to
participate in the solemn services.
The pall bearers were members of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, there
being eight of them and as follows: Carl Melcher of Mt. Pleasant, Merle
Courts of Morning Sun, Will Lodwick of Mystic; Leslie Deal of Ottumwa,
Wareham Clark of Albia, and three others. From Mount Pleasans [sic] who
attended the funeral were Messrs Earl Mauch, Pliny Walters, Ralph Campbell,
Carl Melcher and Edwin Johnson. Also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galer, Mrs. Galer
being a sister of the deceased.
Details of the Accident
Further details of the fatal accident are now known. It appears that the
two young men in their canoe, filled with provisions and stores, were moving
along a swift river that connected two of the chain of lakes. The river was
deep and swift. Suddenly the canoe went over and the two young men were
thrown into the water, together with their effects. Both were strong
swimmers. Anderson's companion soon got to the canoe, righted it and
knowing that Anderson was at home in the water started to rescue the
provisions and stores which were rapidly scattering through the action of
the swift current. Suddenly Anderson called out that he could not make it
much longer in the water and his companion thereupon started toward him to
take him into the canoe. Just as he approached Anderson he noted that his
face was a livid purple. He drove the canoe to Anderson's side and as he
swept past made a grab for him but got an insecure hold of Anderson's hand.
The latter slipped away and disappeared under the surface and did not come
up. It is supposed that heart failure was the cause of the sudden weakness
of Anderson, who under ordinary circumstances could have remained in the
water for a long time. Anderson's companion is crushed over the accident as
he states that he could have picked up Anderson at once had he dreamed that
danger was iminent [sic]. Instead he hurried to save the stores and let
Anderson swim. The body was found near the place of the accident the next
[This is from an unknown, probably Mt. Pleasant, newspaper. Mrs. Galer
wrote "July 31st, 1914", apparently the newspaper publication date, above
the article.]
Mr. Paul Galer this afternoon received a message stating that the body of
Mr. Lowell Anderson, who was drowned on the border of northern Minnesota the
first part of the week, has been recovered. No particulars were
[This is from an unidentified Mt. Pleasant newspaper. Mrs. Galer wrote
"Aug. 1st, 1914", apparently the newspaper publication date, above the
article. "Betas" in the last paragraph refers to Beta Theta Pi fraternity
Mt. Pleasant People Will Attend Services--U. S. Rangers Found The Body.
The funeral of the late Lowell Anderson will be held at Pulaski Monday
afternoon at one o'clock. It is understood that quite a number from this
city will attend. Mr. Paul Galer went over this afternoon.
Later details have been received to the effect that the drowning took
place in a small river connecting two lakes. As soon as news of the
drowning spread fourteen government timber rangers repaired at once to the
scene and dragged the river and quickly found the body. In the meanwhile a
number of Betas were on their way from Minneapolis and another bunch of
friends from Chicago.
[Mrs. Galer wrote, "Wesleyan News, Oct. 26 - 1929, Home Coming" under this
Tribute Paid to Lowell Anderson
When you sing the Wesleyan Hymn or hear the band play it do you sometimes
wonder who wrote it? Whenever you hear these familiar words we should pay
tribute to Lowell Anderson, the writer.
Wesleyan, thine honored name,
Lift we on our voices;
Noble college in whose fame,
Everyone rejoices;
In thy halls assembled here,
Sing we Alma Mater dear;
Loud a song of praise sincere,
Wesleyan, we love thee.
Lowell Anderson was born November 27, 1885 at Bloomfield, Iowa. He
entered Wesleyan in 1903. He was a student with the true Wesleyan spirit
and was very active in numerous outside activities. He was president of the
senior class, captain of the basketball team, winner of the Harlan
oratorical contest, organizer, director, and leader of the Wesleyan band.
Besides all these he was a cornetest [sic--cornetist] of unusual ability,
being soloist in the glee club. Mr. Anderson was drowned in the Basswood
river while on an exploration trip in July, 1914. His memory is one that
will linger in the hearts of all Wesleyan students and spur them on to
better deeds at Wesleyan.
[This newspaper advertisement is faded to the same shade of brown as the
year-1914 clippings on page 1.]
[Page 2 of the scrapbook]
[Unidentified newspaper, possibly the Pulaski Independent? The wedding was
held 24 June 1914.]
At high noon Wednesday, June 24, Miss Ruth Anderson and Mr. Paul Gailor
[sic--Galer], of Mt. Pleasant, will be united in matrimony at the M. E.
church at this place by Rev. Edwards.
[Unidentified newspaper, possibly the Pulaski Independent. Unspecified
date. "Mrs. Anderson" was Celina Catharine Plank Anderson, Ruth's mother.]
The Golden Links met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Matthews Friday evening
and from there went to the home of Miss Ruth Anderson, east of town, and
presented her with a beautiful silver berry spoon. As Miss Ruth was
instrumental in starting this society, their gratitude was shown in this
way. Mrs. Anderson then in her lovable way surprised the Links with
refreshments which were enjoyed greatly.
[Unidentified newspaper.]
The marriage of Miss Elma Ruth Anderson and Mr. Paul B. Galer occurred at
Pulaski, Iowa on Wednesday, June 24. This wedding is of interest to the
people of this city as the bride has been for the past two years Principal
of our high school.
Miss Anderson was one of the most popular teachers that ever taught in
our schools and has a host of warm personal friends here who will join us in
wishing her life's choicest blessings. The groom is a successful young Iowa
attorney and is said to be an excellent young man and in every way worthy of
his fair and accmplished [sic] bride.
[Unidentified newspaper, possibly Pulaski Independent.]
Today (Wednesday) at noon occurs the wedding of Miss Ruth Anderson and
Mr. Paul B. Galer, of Pleasant, at the Pulaski M. E. church.
A large number of guests are invited, quite a number from this city being
so honored.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson. She is a
talented and well educated lady, being a graduate of Iowa Wesleyan. It was
there she met Mr. Galer, who was a student at that college at the time she
was enrolled there.
Mr. Galer is a prominent young business man of Mt. Pleasant. They will
make their home in that city. A more complete account of this leading
Pulaski social event will be chronicled in our next issue.
[Probably a Pulaski paper, sometime in the first half of 1914.]
Linen Shower
A delightful social affair was the linen shower on Tuesday evening, when
Mesdames M. R. Everett and F. T. Woolverton entertained in honor of Miss
Ruth E. Anderson, at the home of Mrs. Everett.
The affair was attended by a large number of ladies of the city and the
evening was spent at music and the game of five hundred, and dainty
refreshments were served by the hostesses.
The guest of honor, who is to be a June bride, was the recipient of a
splendid lot of useful and fancy articles, mostly the handiwork of the
[Newspaper - probably Pulaski. Date - unspecified. Mrs. Fred Edwards was
Ruth Anderson's older sister, Florence.]
Mrs. Fred Edwards and daughter arrived Saturday evening for a visit at the
R. W. Anderson home.
[Newspaper - probably Mt. Pleasant. Date - unspecified. Mrs. R. S. Galer
was Paul's stepmother, Laura Bowman Galer. Mrs. Queen Allen was Paul's
aunt, Queen Galer Allen.]
Mrs. R. S. Galer and Mrs. Queen Allen gave a reception at the Galer home on
East Washington street complimentary to Mrs. Paul B. Galer.
[The year is 1914. The heading suggests that this is a Burlington Hawk-Eye
article, although it might have appeared simultaneously in other towns. The
newlyweds honeymooned in Chicago.]
Miss Ruth Anderson of Pulaski Becomes the Bride of Mr. Paul B. Galer of Mt.
Pleasant, Ia.
[Special to The Hawk-Eye]
Pulaski, Iowa, June 25.---At high noon on Wednesday at the Methodist
Episcopal Church here occurred the marriage of Miss Ruth Anderson and Mr.
Paul B. Galer, the latter of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
The ceremony was beautiful and impressive. The altar and choir loft of
the church had been transformed into a veritable green bower which in the
subdued light suggested a sylvan scene. The auditorium was filled to
capacity by relatives and friends of the bride and groom.
Just before the hour, Mrs. F. C. Edwards and Mr. Lowell Anderson, sister
and brother of the bride, sang "The Rosary." Immediately following, and
promptly at twelve o'clock, the joyful strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march, played by Miss Adah Augsburger, the bride's cousin, floated out from
the piano, almost concealed amidst the decorations. The bridal party,
preceded by Rev. F. C. Edwards, husband of the bride's sister, and pastor of
the M. E. church at Brooklyn, Iowa, entered from the rear vestibule. Little
Miriam Edwards, the bride's niece, bore the marriage ring upon a dainty
satin cushion, while Miss Lucile Brady of Richland, Iowa, the bride's
attendant, preceded the bride, who entered with her father. At the altar
beneath an arch of locust blossoms and foliage, they were met by the groom
attended by a fraternity brother, Mr. Wareham G. Clark, of Albia, Iowa, and
the ceremony, concluding with a short prayer, was solemnized by Rev.
Edwards. The party left the church as Miss Augsburger played the Lohengrin
wedding march.
The bride's gown was of white taffeta. She wore a long veil and carried
a shower bouquet of beautiful white roses. Miss Brady's gown was of pink
messaline and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.
The ushers were Messrs. Karl Melcher and Floyd Duncan of Mt. Pleasant and
Merle Courts of Morning Sun, Iowa, all fraternity brothers of the groom.
Reception at Home.
About a hundred guests immediately met Mr. and Mrs. Galer at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson, and extended happy
greetings and best wishes. The home had been decorated upon a color scheme
of pink and white through the arrangement of cut flowers and tulle. A three
course luncheon was served by sorority sisters and close friends of the
bride, during which Miss Augsburger and Miss Garnett Taylor, of Bloomfield,
Iowa, afforded music. Seated at the bride's table in addition to the bride
and groom were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Galer, Miss
Lucile Brady, Mr. W. G. Clark, Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Edwards and daughter,
Miriam, Miss Alice Babo, Mr. Lowell Anderson and Rev. W. J. Scott.
Mrs. Galer is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and a member of
the Alpha Ki [sic] Delta sorority. Mr. Galer is a graduate of Iowa Wesleyan
University and also of the law college of the state university of Iowa. He
is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Out-of-town guests included the following: Miss Alice Babb, Aurora,
Ill.; Misses Florence Seeley, Dorothy Withrow, Julia Allen, Helen Walker and
Fern Armstrong, all of Mt. Pleasant; Misses Eva and Jean Wilson,
Centerville, Iowa; Miss Esther Printz, Moulton, Iowa; Miss Garnett Taylor,
Bloomfield, Iowa; Miss Edith Thayer, Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Jennie Davis,
Milton, Iowa; Messrs. W. G. Clark, Albia, Iowa; F. Merle Courts, Morning
Sun, Iowa; A. W. Randle, Centerville, Iowa; W. G. Lodwick, Mystic, Iowa;
Karl D. Melcher and Floyd Duncan, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Frederick Heath, Des
Moines; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Galer, Mt. Pleasant; Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Edwards
and Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Downing, Moulton, Iowa; Mrs. Queen Allen and Mrs.
Edwin Johnson, Mt. Pleasant; Mrs. Ruth Burchett, Bloomfield, Iowa; Mr. and
Mrs. Lafe Heath, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Plank and daughter, Celeste, St. Louis,
Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Power, Mrs. H. H. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Pinnell, Milton, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. John Plank,
Bloomfield, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Caster, New Salem, Iowa; Misses Fannie
and Gerada Plank, of Floris.
Mr. and Mrs. Galer left early in the afternoon by automobile on an
itinerary unknown to any but themselves.
[Unidentified Mt. Pleasant newspaper. Grandmother's diary records this
event on July 22, 1914, a "dreadfully warm" day.]
Some Two Hundred Ladies Were Present and the Commodious Lawn Was a Very
Pretty Sight, the Ladies Gathering There After Refreshments Had Been Served.
A very delightful social function was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
S. Galer on East Washington street on Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. R. S.
Galer and Mrs. Queen Allen entertained a large number of ladies at a
reception in honor of Mrs. Paul B. Galer. The home was beautifully
decorated with roses and ferns and an electric fan helped to cool the air
considerably. Master Roger Magoun of Massachusetts, a nephew of Mrs. Galer,
and Master George Lines, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lines, waited upon
the door during the first half of the reception while Miss Jean Finley, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Finley, and Miss Jessie Wait, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Wait, performed this duty during the second half. The
Misses Fay Duncan and Lucille Whitney pinned bows on the guests as they
arrived and in the receiving line were Mrs. Queen Allen, Mrs. R. S. Galer
and Mrs. Paul B. Galer. The parlor assistants were Mesdames [Mrs.?] Edwin
Johnson, [Mrs.?] J. C. McCoid, Misses Lou Spahr and May Davis. Mrs. Arthur
Miller was in charge of the dining room and she was assisted by the Misses
Miriam Withrow, Isabelle Connell, Georgia Smith and Ruth Hall.
[Photo of home here]
Delicious refreshments consisting of ice-cream and cake were served in
the dining room while on the lawn the Misses Julia Allen, Ethel Caris,
Dorothy Withrow and Florence Seeley served frappe. It was a very enjoyable
feature of the reception that after refreshments were served the ladies
gathered on the lawn and spent a very pleasant afternoon.
Among the out of town guests present were Mrs. Della Springer, Detroit;
Mrs. Cale and the Misses Cale of St. Louis; Miss Powelson of Des Moines;
Miss Haines of Emporia, Kan.; Mrs. Geo. Garvin of New York; Mrs. Axie Lute
Mitchell of Old City, Penn., and Mrs. Weir of Chicago.
Notwithstanding the intense heat a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by
all present, the hostesses doing all in their power to make their guests
The most healthful drink [in] this hot weather is grape juice. For sale
at Swanson's.
Continue to Page 2
Iowa News from Scrapbooks index