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Iowa News
from the
PAUL family scrapbook items
Scrapbook purchased at a garage sale in Davenport, Iowa.
Transcribed by Cathy Labath
OCT. 1898
Laverty.- Died at her home, near Laurel, Iowa, October 19, 1898,
Margaret, wife of Thomas M. Laverty, at the age of 68 years, 6 months and 10
days, cause of death general debility. Funeral services were held at Laurel,
Rev. L. Colyn, Presbyterian pastor, conducting. Interment took place in the
German cemetery, Laurel.
Mrs. Laverty (nee Margaret Paul) was born in Craig parish, Antrim
county, Ireland, on March 12, 1830, and was married to Thomas M. Laverty,
March 21, 1857. Several children were born to them previous to their
emigration to America, in which country they arrived June 11, 1868. The
family resided at other places for a time, but have been residents of the
present home for many years.
The deceased lady was mother of nine children, six of whom survive her,
three sons and three daughters, also, four brothers and two sisters of the
deceased survive her, who with a devoted husband sincerely mourn their
bereavement of a loving wife, mother and sister.
Mrs. Laverty was held in the most tender respect by her family. She was
a devoted wife to her husband and a loving mother, which makes the loss to
her family the more severely felt, but so far no sympathy of friends may
ameliorate their affliction they have it in the fullest measure. But few
ladies were so highly respected by those who knew her best, and her
departure from this life is sincerely regretted by many friends.
She has gone with hope of a better life where there is no sorrow or
sickness and where all may wish to follow when their time for departure
BUICK - September 15, at the residence of her son, William Buick, Moylarg,
Martha Buick, aged 87 years.
CRAWFORD - September 13, at his residence, County Antrim, Samuel Crawford,
aged 69 years.
- Surprise parties are all the rage now, but one of the best of the season
was last Friday evening. The company met at Mr. James Pakers to the number
of twenty ????? and over fifty persons when they all went to the home of Mr.
Thomas McIlrath's. When Tom saw the crowd in the yard he ran out in his
shirt sleeves to see what was the matter. When he saw that it was only a few
friends and neighbors he suffered himself to no led track to the house and
make himself presentable. After a splendid supper which the company provided
with, Mr. McIlrath was presented with a splendid rocking chair. The
presentation was made in a lengthy speech by Mr. James Packer [or Parker] in
his usual good style. Mr. McIlrath having got over his fright made a very
nice reply. The company spent a few hours in a social chat after which they
separated for their respective houses well pleased with their evening's
Oct. 25, 1908
The death of Miss Josephine Suiter occurred at Walcott Sunday morning.
Miss Suiter had been in poor health for some time suffering from passive
pneumonia, but was able to teach up to a short time ago when she was taken
ill and quietly passed away Sunday morning.
Miss Suiter was born at Princeton, Ia., Oct. 25, 1866, and would have
completed her 20th year of teaching at the Walcott school next April. it has
been a faithful service that has endeared her to many Scott county people.
She is survived by her mother and two sisters and three brothers.
The funeral was held from the family home, 1913 Scott street, Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment at Oakdale, Dr. Leroy M. Coffman of
the First Presbyterian church having charge of the services.
PAUL-WOODWARD - On Wednesday evening, December 29, according to previous
announcement occurred the bridal ceremonies which bound the lives of Andrew
Paul and Miss Mattie Woodward in nuptial bonds.
At an early hour Friends' church (of which Miss Woodward was a useful
member) tastefully decorated was opened to the public and long before the
appointed time was filled to overflowing by the many friends of the
contracting parties. The crowded audience deserve credit for their
cheerfulness and good order during their long wait.
Promptly at 9 p.m. the bride and groom preceeded by Charles Woodward
and wife all tastefully attired for the occasion took their places before
the congregation when B.G. Nevill the pastor stepped forward mentioned the
object of the evening and after a few words of earnest advice to the young
couple, bid them join hands, and in the simple form of the Friends' church
performed the ceremony which united them as husband and wife, then after an
invocation of Divine blessing thereon introduced them to the company as Mr.
and Mrs. Paul whereupon hearty congratulations were showered upon them from
every side.
Returning to the home of the bride where many testimonies of love and
friendship, in numerous, beautiful and useful presents had been brought, the
immediate families of the contracting parties sat down to a bountiful supper
prepared by loving hands.
The groom is the son of Mrs. Andrew Paul of Newburg, this county, and
the bride the daughter of Mr. S.B. Woodward of this place.
We will miss Mattie from our midst, for she was well known as one of
our able teachers, but we bespeak for her a large place in the hearts of the
community where her house will be in the future. -- Kellogg Enterprise.
NO DATE -[Probably Dec 1897]
LAVERTY - Very rarely has our whole community been stirred as it was
this week by the death of Miss Mary E. Laverty, youngest daughter of T.M.
Laverty and wife. The family has lived here for more than twenty years, and
is one of the best known and highly respected in the community. Three years
ago Mary contracted a cold which developed into consumption, and finally
ended her life December 27, 1897. She was born at Marengo, Iowa, September
8, 1873, and came with her parents to their farm two miles south of Laurel
where she lived till death claimed her. During her illness she had often
expressed a desire to have Rev. D. Brown, now of Perry, who supplied the
Presbyterian church here when she first became ill, to conduct the funeral.
So. Mr. Brown was sent for and conducted the services in the church last
Thursday, assisted by Revs. Colyn, of the Presbyterian church, and Looke of
the M.E. church, while a choir consisting of Mrs. Keobles, Mrs. McBroom,
Revs. Colyn and Looke and T.H. Maytag led the music. The church was filled
to over-flowing and many were unable to get standing room inside. The vast
audience gave the closest attention throughout the whole service, and then
the fair form was laid to rest in our city of the dead. Early in her illness
Mary had made full surrender of herself to God so when death came last
Monday night she was ready and willing to go. She leaves a father, mother,
three brothers and three sisters with many relatives and acquaintances to
mourn her demise.
Through all pain at times she'd smile,
A smile of heavenly birth,
And when the angels called her home,
She smiled farewell to earth.
Heaven retaineth now our treasure,
Earth the lonely casket keeps,
And when the sunbeams love to linger,
Where our sainted sister sleeps.
NO DATE [c. Jan 1905]
The spirit of Mrs. W.J. Paul, who had been many years an invalid and
critically ill several weeks, passed away Monday morning, Jan. 2, 1905, at
6 o'clock, the cause of death being old age complicated with other ailments,
deceased being 80 years, 5 months and 19 days of age at death.
Martha Buck was born July 13, 1824, in Antrim county, Ireland; she was
married to W.J. Paul Feb. 20, 1852, who survives. There were six children
born to this union, five of whom survive their mother and with their father
were at her bedside when the death angel came, one child dying when but
fifteen months old. The other children are Mrs. Richard Parker, Mrs. Thomas
Mellrath, of this vicinity; James and John S. Paul of near Laurel; Mrs. John
E. Clark, Diller, Neb. Mrs. Paul, with her family, emigrated to the United
States in 1856 and lived five years in Scott county, Ia., and have been
residing in this vicinity thirty or thirty-three years, the past twelve
years in Gilman. The five of her children who survive her were born in
Ireland and were baptized by Rev. Hugh Hamilton, Presbyterian minister of
Cullybacky, and are members of the Presbyterian church of Laurel, Iowa, and
their parents have been members of the Congregational church of Gilman a
number of years.
Mrs. Paul was a woman of high character. Possessed of a tender heart and
loving nature and at all times had the welfare of her husband, family and
friends apparent in her mind. All who knew her mourn an irreparable loss,
but can rejoice in the noble womanhood which for so many years had been
associated with them in her person. She was ever for the right and never
said aught against her fellow beings, a truly good woman, an invaluable
blessing to mankind, has gone to her reward, which her friends trust will be
life eternal.
The funeral which was largely attended, was held Wednesday forenoon,
services being conducted at the Congregational church, at 11 o'clock .
APRIL 1910
Marshalltown, Ia., April 12 - (Special to the Democrat) - William J.
Paul, one of the pioneer settlers of Scott county, is dead at Gilman, in
this county, of infirmities incident to old age. Mr .Paul settled near
Davenport on a farm when he first came to this country from Ireland and
later came to Jasper, and then to this county, buying a farm near Gilman. He
prospered and acquired vast holdings of valuable farm property which he had
apportioned out among his several children before his death. Mr. Paul's
children are Mrs. Richard Parker and Mrs. Margaret McIlrath, of Gilman; Mrs.
Nancy Clark of Cutler, Neb.; James and J.S. Paul of Laurel. One daughter,
Mary, died in Scott county before the family came here. Mr. Paul was 78
years old.
New Liberty Girl Bride.
At 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Lenz Photograph studio took
place the marriage of Miss Lillian Luettgens, daughter of Miss Lillian
Luettgens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Luettgens and Frank Wehde, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wehde of near Tipton, Ia. Rev. Carl Holterman of the
Zion [rest of article missing].
Sept 1891.
At 7:50 p.m. last Thursday occurred the death of Dr. Thomas Byrnes of
Walcott, at Mercy hospital in this city. The circumstances leading to the
death are as follows:
Tuesday, Sept. 8, the deceased was in Davenport viewing the Carnival
glories. At 1:45 the next morning he was struck by a west-bound Rock Island
train near the city limits and was conveyed to Mercy hospital. His right leg
was found to be seriously injured that it was amputated above the ankle and
there were bruises upon various parts of his body and his head.
Dr. Thomas Byrnes was born at Pittsburg, Pa., March 9, 1842 and was
therefore 49 years of age at the time of his death. He received his
education in the city of his birth and at the breaking out of the war
enlisted as a private in Company F, 62d Pennsylvania volunteers. He was
honorably discharged on account of sickness in 1862, and reenlisted as a
hospital steward and was stationed at Carver barracks in Washington. Here he
improved his opportunities for study of medicine and surgery, and left the
hospital to take the course in Georgetown Medical college, graduating and
removing to Walcott in 1864. There he has continued to reside ever since.
For the past 20 years or more Dr. Byrnes has been an active and valued
member of the Scott County Medical society. He was a gentleman of culture,
one who read all the current literature of the day and was noted for his
devotion to certain lines of science which he delighted to take up at times,
carrying his study to exhaustive lengths and then dropping it to turn his
attention to something else.
At Williamsport, Pa., in 1863, the doctor was united in marriage to
Miss Jennie Allen, and she mourns his death to day, with the seven children
that have been born to them - Sadie, 22 years of age, Thomas, next in the
point of years and a student in the medical department of the state
university, Victor, Birdie, Ralph, Ross and Allen, the youngest who has
lately passed the 7-year mark. Besides these the living relatives are: His
mother, 74 years of age, now residing in Pittsburg; three brothers, A.F.
Byrnes, an attorney at Pittsburg, William, the editor and proprietor of the
Lock and Bell, a trade journal of New York and Dr. R. M. Byrnes of
Cincinnati; and three sisters, Mrs. S.H. Kennedy and Mrs. E. Knowlson of
Pittsburg and Mrs. Dr. Kemmerer of E???.
The funeral of Dr. Byrnes was held from his home at Walcott Saturday
and was an event that will long be remembered there. It was such a funeral
as few men have when their life work is done.
Long before the time announced for the service people began to arrive
from all directions. By the time the hour had come the house was overflowed
and the yard was full of people. Farmers drove many miles to attend the
obsequies of the man who had driven miles to attend them in illness and
distress. The service, conducted by Rev. M.A. Johnson, D.D., rector of
Trinity church of this city, was very touching but the procession to the
Walcott cemetery and the services at the grave were especially so.
Such a funeral there was never seen there before and it is questioned
by the residents of that place if there is another citizen of the region who
would have such an outpouring of affectionate regret, or whose family would
be comforted with such assurances of sympathy. Not less than 1000 people
walked behind the casket to the grave. No teams were used, the remains being
carried by the pall bearers, while the friends followed on foot. The people
walked closely, four and six abreast, and the line was two or three blocks
long. The throng at the grave was one such as has never been seen before. No
finer testimonial of the estimation in which Dr. Byrnes was held by those
who knew him could possibly be had. He had ministered to these people, their
parents and their children for a quarter of a century. His life had been
among them, he had sympathized with them, relieved them in suffering, and
been one of them. The outpouring was natural under those circumstances, but
how many men there are who fail of this final meed at the hands of greatful
fellowmen. As long as the present inhabitants of Walcott have a place among
their fellows they will cherish the memory of their physician.
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1897
Fred Lausen, Section Boss at Bennett, and Miss Mattie Schulsen Run Down and
Killed by a Freight Train--Particulars in the Tragic Affair.
From Saturday's Daily.
A terrible accident occurred on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern
road one mile west of New Liberty near the Scott county line, shortly before
8 o'clock last evening, and as a result one man and a young girl were
From the particulars of the disaster received in this city, it seems
that Fred Lausen, who is employed as a B.C.R. & N. section foreman at
Bennett, secured a three-wheeled railroad velocipede, and, accompanied by
Misses Mattie and Annie Schulsen, started for New Liberty, where they
proposed visiting Mrs. Graffing, a sister of the young ladies. All went well
until they had reached a point west of the latter town when they were
overtaken by a special freight train, which crashed into the velocipede and
left death and destruction in its wake. Mr. Lausen and Miss Mattie Schulsen
were both killed, but Annie Schulsen, the third member of the party,
fortunately escaped without serious injury. The bodies of the victims were
removed to their homes in Bennett and the frightful fatality three a pall of
gloom over the entire village.
At the offices of the company in Cedar Rapids it is claimed that Mr.
Lausen, in taking the velocipede did so against one of the rules of the
road, which prohibits any employes excepting linemen from using these
machines. This order is said to be very strict, and last night's deplorable
accident will have a tendency to make it even more so.
No Date
Prominent Real Estate man Died Unexpectedly Saturday Night.
The sudden and unexpected death of Claus Bischoff at 11 o'clock
Saturday night was the topic of much conversation in the down town district
Monday. Bischoff was very well known among business men in the city and also
had an extensive acquaintance with other classes. In Republican political
circles he was a prominent figure for years and always took a very active
interest in public affairs. In a business way he was associated with his
brother, William Bischoff and Rudolph Rohlfs, under the firm name of Rudolph
Rohlfs & Co., in the real estate and insurance lines.
About six weeks ago he underwent an operation for hernia at St. Luke's
hospital and a little over two weeks ago had recovered sufficiently to
return to his home, 2148 West Second, where, however, he was still under a
doctor's care and not allowed to exert himself to any great extent. His
progress toward complete recovery was so rapid that the physician in
attendance promised his patient that the latter would be able to go up town
and attend to business matters at his office by Tuesday of this week. The
outlook was cheerful and Mr. Bischoff expected a speedy release from his
tedious confinement. Saturday morning several friends called on him and he
conversed in a lively way for several hours, and smoked a cigar as usual.
But at 9 o'clock he complained of difficulty in breathing and grew
worse steadily, expiring at 11:15 o'clock. Two physicians worked with him
for an hour before he died. Heart failure is the cause assigned.
The deceased was born in Marne, Holstein, Germany, and came to America
and Scott county when he was seven years old. He was 46 years and six months
of age when he passed away. His early life was spent farming at New Liberty.
Eight years ago he removed to the city, where he had resided ever since.
He is survived by his wife, Amelia, and six children, namely, Maggie,
Ed, John, Anna, Laura, and Lucy. Ex-Alderman William Bischoff is a brother
of the deceased, and another brother, Henry, lives on a farm on the Locust
street road, near this city. His three surviving sisters are Mrs. Celia
Johannsen of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Amelia Rascher of Riverside, Iowa, and
Mrs. [rest cut off]
No date
Newspaper Unknown
Elmer Alexander, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paul, on Jan. 23, 1901,
of lung fever, aged 1 year, 5 months and 23 days.
The funeral services occurred at the Christian church Saturday
afternoon, conducted by Rev. A.R. McIntosh and the interment took place in
the Concord cemetery. A large circle of friends and neighbors attended the
funeral and expressed sympathy for the sorrowing parents and relatives.
To the kind friends who so kindly sympathized and helped during our
late bereavement, we wish to tender our sincere and heartfelt thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Paul.
No date
Newspaper Unknown
A daughter was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Barbee who reside
five miles southeast of Laurel......A daughter was born last week to Mr. and
Mrs. F. Pratt of St. Peter. Mr. Pratt does his trading in Laurel and was
here Monday making some purchases for the little lady......The eighteen
month old son of Wm. Paul who resides one mile east of the Tip Top school
house, died this week from pneumonia. The funeral was held this afternoon,
conducted by Rev. A.M. McIntosh.--- Laurel Advocate.
No Date [c. March 1905]
Newspaper Unknown
There was a quiet country wedding at the Misfeld farm, one and one-half
miles southwest of our town Wednesday evening, March 8, 1905, where Henry
Misfeld and Miss Tena Stockmann were united in wedlock. Only relatives and
immediate friends were present, but according to an ancient custom the boys
did not forget them as he had been one of their number on many like
occasions, and therefore tendered him with a serenade where shot guns took
the place of base drums, after which a bountious wedding repast was served
and refreshments galore were partaken of. Headache wafers constituted the
last course of the bill of fare.
We all join in congratulations, wishing the happy young couple a long
and prosperous married life. They will make their future home on the Misfeld
farm south of town.
Sept. 19, 1908
Newspaper Unknown
Fred Misfeldt, a retired farmer living at New Liberty, died at his home
Saturday night at the age of 67 years, 6 months and 21 days. Deceased had
been in poor health the past year. He leaves a wife, two sons and five
daughters to mourn his loss.
August 13, 1908
Newspaper Unknown
John Hell, a pioneer resident of Scott county, died at his home in New
Liberty Thursday night of heart failure. The deceased was born in Germany,
March 27, 1833, and was one of the pioneers of Scott county. He came to the
county in 1853, settled in the western part and engaged in farming until
about 20 years ago when he retired and moved to New Liberty where he has
since lived. He is survived by his wife and five sons, John Jr., of
Hankinson, North Dakota, Charles of Grundy Center, William of Davenport,
George of Sunbury and Henry of New Liberty.
The funeral was held at the home in New Liberty Sunday at 1 o'clock
p.m. and the interment was made in the Durant cemetery.
June 1905
Newspaper Unknown
Word was received in Davenport Saturday of the death of Mrs. Sarah
Johnson which occurred at Clay Center, Kan. The funeral was held a few days
ago with burial at Kansas City.
Mrs. Johnson was formerly a resident of Davenport and also of Walcott.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were well known in this vicinity having been one of the
earliest settlers in Walcott. The couple lived in Davenport for a number of
years; her husband Robert Johnson was in the grain business. The deceased
was about 80 years of age. She is survived by a number of nephews and
nieces, her husband having passed away three years ago.
Mrs. Johnson was a sister-in-law of William Johnson of Davenport,
Robert E. Johnson and Mrs. E.T. Parmele both of Davenport are nephew and
niece of the late Mrs. Johnson.
Date Unknown
Newspaper Unknown
Miss Therese McMahon Passes Away at Sioux City Hospital.
Miss Therese McMahon who was badly burned as the result of an explosion
of kerosene, last December, died Friday of last week at a Sioux City
Miss McMahon was a former resident of this city and had gone to
Merrill, Iowa, to keep house for her brother. She was lighting a fire in the
kitchen stove when the explosion occurred. She was able to extinguish the
flames only after having been badly burned, and phoned to neighbors for
She was rushed to a Sioux City hospital and has been under care there
since that time.
The deceased was 40 years of age, and is survived by two brothers, John
and Frank, both of Merrill. Funeral services were held at Al....[paper cut
off]...Wednesday morning. [rest of article missing.]
Date c. Jan. 17, 1893
Newspaper Unknown
Died, near Gilman, Tuesday evening, Jan. 17, 1893, of neuralgia of the
heart, Mrs. Sarah McIlrath, aged 63 years, 6 months and 24 days. The funeral
took place Friday, Rev. Adams, Presbyterian minister of New Sharon,
The deceased was a native of Antrim county, Ireland, born June 29,
1829, was married to Andrew McIlrath in 1852. Seven children are now living
to sorrow for a kind and loving mother. After the death of her husband, with
her children she emigrated to this country, arriving November 26, 1883, and
resided in this vicinity since until her death, revered by her children and
respected by her neighbors. She was a good mother and kind friend.
Died, Monday, Jan. 23, Hazel, infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R.F.
Lavender, aged over one year. The cause of death was diphtheria and burial
took place same evening.
Date Unknown but probably c. 1902
Newspaper Unknown
Word of the sudden death at Kansas City of Robert Johnson has been
received by Davenport relatives. Mr. Johnson was a former resident of this
city and county. He came to Davenport in 1847 and farmed near Davenport for
many years, afterward coming to Davenport and entering the commission
business. Eighteen years ago he went to Kansas City where he has been in the
real estate business. He is survived by his wife. The funeral occurred in
Kansas City.
Date Unknown
Newspaper Unknown
Rev. J.C. Johnson, for the past four years until a few months ago a
familiar figure on the streets of this city, being known as "the old
spectacle man," died quite suddenly Sunday morning at 5 o'clock at the
county farm, where he has been since Aug. 14 last. Rev. Johnson's death was
caused by an attack of apoplexy, induced in all probability by heavy eating
and the lack of exercise. Rev. Johnson was an enormous eater, his habit in
this regard having oftentimes caused comment by those who were familiar with
his daily life. He occupied a dining room for his meals in company with
seven other members of the farm, and his rations were more, by considerable,
than the other seven combined. Another illustration of his capacity and
capability to store away edibles might be given in the fact that, after
eating an ordinary breakfast, he would top off on a gallon of oatmeal.
For the past several days the old man has been failing, and during the
past few days he has been addled somewhat and appeared to be bewildered and
partially unconscious of his surroundings. He was up and about as usual
Saturday, but died suddenly the following morning.
Rev. Johnson was a Scotchman, 73 years of age. He came to this country
when but a lad, and entered the ministry in later years. He was a Baptist
minister in Iowa, at various points, for thirty-five years, but for some
time has been out of active work and has devoted his time to attempting a
livelihood by selling spectacles on the street corners. He had been in
Marshalltown for about four years and for some time prior to that had
resided at Oskaloosa. He was never married and his only living relative is
known as a brother, R.B. Johnson, of Kansas City. A telegram from the
latter, in response to one announcing Rev. Johnson's death, asks that the
remains be sent to Kansas City for interment.
Date Unknown
Newspaper Unknown
[Cemetery records indicate 1909 as year of print]
Fine Tribute Paid to Allen Byrnes, at Walcott and Colorado Springs.
The funeral of the late Allen Byrnes was held Monday afternoon at
Walcott, his former home, the remains having been brought there from
Colorado Springs, where his death occurred last week. In recognition of the
musical temperament and attainments of the deceased, the services were
largely musical in their conception and execution. They were marked by a
large attendance of the friends of the family from that neighborhood, the
boyhood home of the deceased. Miss Profittt of the Iowa City Conservatory of
Music sang "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," from the Messiah, and Prof.
Lawton from the conservatory rendered Chopin's Etude in C sharp miner, and
played the Chopin funeral march. Rev. McAuley of Lyons had charge of the
The Colorado Springs Gazette brings the following tribute to the
deceased, from a composer of note who knew him well there:
Allen Byrnes.
To the Editor of The Gazette:
In the death today of Allen Byrne, a true artist has commenced the
next stage of the infinite and eternal journey. Sensitive to an
extraordinary degree to all manifestations of beauty he possessed the power
of expressing through the tones of his instrument a personality such as
appears only at the rarest intervals, and then but for a little time.
Because of his long illness the exquisite quality of his art and of his
personality were known to but few, and therefore but few realize that the
loss of a genius of the pianoforte a tone poet-
"Possessed by some strange spirit of fire,
Quenched by an early death."
Colorado Springs, July 17.
Date Unknown
Newspaper Unknown
[Cemetery records indicate 1909 as year of print]
Death of Allen Byrnes of Walcott, Closes Life of Brilliant Promise.
Allen Byrnes, brother of Dr. Thomas Byrnes of Davenport, and remembered
in Davenport for the brilliant musical attainments he showed as a boy,
passed away at Colorado Springs Friday and will be buried at Walcott, his
childhood home, Monday afternoon. The funeral services will be appropriate
to the musical life which had seemed to open with such largeness to the
deceased before he was stricken with tuberculosis, which has limited his
life span to a brief 26 years. Miss Proffitt, vocal teacher in the
conservatory at Iowa City, will sing "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," and
Prof. Lawton, also from the conservatory, will play the Chopin Etude in C
sharp minor, and the chopin funeral march. There will be no sermon, Rev.
McCauley of Lyons, formerly of Wilton, officiating at the simple services.
The services will be at the home of Dr. E.T. Kegel at Walcott at 2 o'clock
Allen Byrnes was a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Byrnes of
Walcott and was born there Aug. 21, 1883. Gifted with an exceptionally
brilliant intellect, he early manifested rare musical tendencies, even in
babyhood marked by his denotation of rhythm and harmony. Progressing with
time and by careful guarding of his genius with the guidance and tutorage of
his elder sister he accomplished musical feats on the piano at the age of
five years, while a few years later when at the age of 12 he appeared in
concert as a pupil of Mrs. Alice Dutton-Atwill evoking much favorable
criticism and comment. From this date on his education both musical and
general was more rapid.
Iowa City became his home for a time, Mrs. Byrnes having removed there
since the demise of her husband in 1891 to better afford her son advantages
befitting the talent he had shown.
In 1901 he became a pupil of the famous Theodore Leschetizky of Vienna,
Austria, after first having had preparatory work with Malvina Brew and Frank
LaForge. The latter will be remembered in this city as the accompanist of
Gadski. Here his opportunities were complete and his cherished hope and
ambition was realized that of becoming Leschetizky's pupil with the
advantages of opera and musical art of every description. For one year he
lived and thrived midst these "lofty circles," his cup of life full to
overflowing; then he returned home in October, 1902, no longer physically
able to cope with the strenuous requirements of the career he had hoped to
have. He was not without literary as well as musical ability, and some of
his articles written after his return were printed by local papers in 1904.
Vainly seeking recuperation in Phoenix, Ariz., and a continued
residence in Colorado Spring, Colo., his exitus was marked by the same manly
characteristics as was his past life. His trust in Him who doeth all things
well and devotion to his family and friends was unbounded many of his
personal friends being numbered among those of prominence in both Europe
and America.
Left to survive and mourn their loss are his mother, Mrs. Jennie Byrnes
of Colorado Springs, Colo., two sisters, Mrs. W.L. Dierring of Iowa City,
and Mrs. E.T. Kegel of Walcott, and four brothers, Dr. Thomas Byrnes of
Davenport, Ia., Dr. V.W. Byrnes of Durant, Dr. R.L. Byrnes of Avoca and Dr.
R.C. Byrnes of Lake Park, Ia.
Date Unknown but probably c. 1930
Newspaper unknown.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hamann celebrated the fifty-fifth anniversary of
their wedding at their home in Durant Monday February 16. The day was
observed with a family gathering of the children and grandchildren with a
dinner served in the evening.
The wedding of this estimable couple was celebrated in Davenport 55
years ago, February 16, 1876. For many years they lived on a farm near
Sunbury, being among the pioneer residents of this section. Since retiring
from active work on the farm they have made their home in Durant.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hamann are Mrs. Amanda Trede of Durant,
Mrs. Erene Schlunsen of Sunbury, Mrs. Regina Langmann of Davenport, Mrs.
Sophie Anderson of Tipton, Miss Norma of San Jose, California and George, of
Davenport. In addition to these children there are 19 grandchildren and four
great grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamann both enjoy good health and their many friends wish
them many more happy anniversaries of their wedding day.
The day was also the birthday of their grandson, George Hamann of
Davenport, and the occasion was also made a celebration of his birthday.
Date Unknown
Newspaper Unknown
Funeral services for Harvey Bachus, Cedar county farmer residing near
Bennett, who died Wednesday, were held at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the Runge
chapel with the Rev. Fred Rolf officiating. Burial was in Inland cemetery,
near Bennett.
Bearers were Otis Geabelmann, Floyd Stuhr, Harlan Baunick, Chester
Schnaack, Lawrence Belter and Ernst Reidesel.
Date Unknown
Newspaper Unknown
Long Grove Man on Trial Monday
Trial of William Goings of Long Grove, arrested after a four year
investigation by postal inspectors, will start Monday in U.S. District Court
in Davenport.
Goings is charged with mailing obscene letters to more than 20 women in
Iowa and Illinois.