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Iowa News from C. A. Shanklin Scrapbook 1890s-1950
Linn County, Iowa
Page 3 (1926-1930)
Thanks to researcher & volunteer, Bonnie Mares, for the purchase of an old Iowa scrapbook off eBay. What a find—so many pre-1950 news items of interest from Linn County, Iowa.
The old scrapbook inside cover has this inscription from the original owner:
C. A. Shanklin, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Route No. 2
This book is the property of the above address.
[All attempt will be made to identify the newspaper sources & the dates, listing on these pages in chronological order.~Linda Z., transcriber]
Cedar Rapids Gazette, April 6, 1926
Mrs. Charlotte Kramer Mentzer, one of the oldest pioneers of Linn county, died at 2 a.m. today at her home in Robins. She was 86 years old.
Snow was a foot deep, the north wind blew a gale and the family’s only shelter was a log cabin with quilts that served as a door on the day Mrs. Mentzer was born, Dec. 20, 1839. The cabin was situated at Linn Grove, near Marion.
Mrs. Mentzer lived all her life in this county. She was married to Samuel W. Mentzer in 1860. There was no state of Iowa nor county of Linn in Mrs. Mentzer’s early days. She withstood the hardships of the sturdy settlers who first broke the prairie land of Iowa and who fought the Indians and killed wild animals for existence. She watched Cedar Rapids grown from the river crossing, saw the transition from the ox-cart to the automobile and airplane and saw farming revolutionized.
Mrs. Mentzer is survived besides her husband, by four children: Jerry M. Mentzer, Robins; Frank Mentzer, of New York; Dr. J. A. Mentzer, Thermopolis, Wyoming; and Dr. Charles J. Mentzer of Cedar Falls; and one sister, Mrs. M. K. Whistler of Louisa, Va. She was a member of the Church of God of Marion. Funeral announcements will be made later.
Marion News, April 6, 1926 (photo of Mrs. Mentzer included)
Funeral services for Mrs. Charlotte Kramer Mentzer, wife of Samuel W. Mentzer, were held at the Church of the Brethren in Robins today. She was one of the oldest residents of Linn county, having been born near Marion in 1839.
Bad roads made the use of modern vehicles impossible at the funeral and the procession resembled those of earlier days with buggies, wagons and a horse-drawn hearse.
Local newspaper, September 1926
Due to the transfusion of a pint of blood from his son several weeks ago, the Elder Samuel W. Mentzer of Robins, has been able to withstand the amputation of his left leg at the knee although he is 87 years old.
The venerable old man is now convalescing at his home with hopes of complete recovery from the shock of the operation. For about three years, he suffered from an incurable ulcer on his leg. It caused him much pain and spread despite all that medical aid could do. His health gradually began to fail. Amputation was considered, but the hazard seemed too great.
Finally such procedure was imperative. Mr. Mentzer agreed. At St. Luke’s Methodist hospital the operation was performed. For the next week his condition remained about the same, then came gradual change for the worse. The color left his cheeks. His strength began to wane. A transfusion of blood was decided on.
His housekeeper, Mrs. Daisy Jones, offered to give her blood. Two Coe college students also volunteered. But their blood on examination was found to be in a different blood group, so they could not be accepted. The minister’s son, Dr. Charles Mentzer, a dentist of Cedar Falls, came to the city at once, and made possible the transfusion. At once the aged man showed a decided improvement. His strength improved. His color came back. His blood count, which had gone as low as 40 per cent, began to rise.
Now he is home, able to sit up in a wheeled chair, and be comfortable for the first time in three years. He has lived in Robins for sixteen years. He was formerly a minister for the Church of God.
The Republican, Thursday, June 9, 1927
89-Year-Old Man, Champion Optimist, Gets Artificial Leg
Saying that he has so many things to do that he can’t be bothered with wheel chairs and crutches as he has been since his left leg was amputated above the knee about a year ago, the Elder Samuel Mentzer, 89 years old, journeyed to Minneapolis Wednesday of this week with Dr. W. E. Owen to be fitted with a cork leg. Mr. Mentzer is spoken of in a news dispatch as the most optimistic man in Iowa. He insists that he has much to do in the remaining years of life, he anticipates as a result of his simple living.
For several years he has eaten but one meal a day and he declares that he has found that practice beneficial. Most people overeat, in his opinion.
According to Dr. Owen, few men have exemplified the doctrines which they spoke than has Mr. Mentzer. Although he as been a successful farmer near Robins, he has found time to act as minister of the Church of God of that town for more than thirty-five years without compensation. It has been his policy during those years to preach the Gospel of redemption in view of his optimistic nature.
Trouble with his leg caused it to be amputated last September, and since that time he has been determined to have it replaced by an artificial one, on which, despite his age, he is sure he will be able to learn to walk. One of his favorite sayings has come to be, “I may have lost my leg, but I still have my head.”
Mr. Mentzer is in good health and soon expects to be back at hard work, which he believes is requisite of a long life.
The Bible Advocate, October 4, 1927
Elder S. W. Mentzer was born in Franklin county, Pa., December 31, 1838, and died at his home in Robins, Iowa, September 22, 1927, aged 88 years, 8 months and 21 days.
In 1857 he came with his parents to Linn County, Iowa, and located about one mile from Robins.
On November 4, 1860, he was united in marriage with Miss Charlotte Kramer, who passed away from the life April 3, 1926. To this union were born six children, four of whom are still living.
He spent the greater part of his life on a farm near Robins. He was a hard working man, full of honesty and frugality. He surrounded himself by many friends and made ample financial provision for the old age and final departure of himself and his wife.
In 1860 he embraced the truth, and united with the Church of God at Marion, Iowa, in 1864. In 1876 he was ordained to the ministry to which trust he remained faithful until death.
In 1905 he was elected president of the General Conference of the Church of God, which place he filled until 1921. During his life in the church, he was a very valuable man to the cause of his Master, both in personal work and in financial gifts to the church.
During the last few years of his lie his health has failed rapidly until he was confined to his home in Robins, but he had recently expressed a hope to attend the Iowa Conference of the Church of God, which was to convene September 23. On the morning of the 22nd, however, he went to sleep in his chair, quietly and peacefully passing from this life.
A soldier failed to answer roll call when we convened, but we have the blessed promise of the Savior that we may some day convene around the great throne of God where parting will be no more, and God shall wipe all tears from our eyes.
He leaves one brother, one sister, four sons, eleven grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren, and a host of friends to mourn their loss.
His labor is done, and he deserves a rest.
Funeral services were conducted by Elder Sockwell of the Seventh Day Baptist church, assisted by the write, and he was laid in the cemetery near Robins September 25th, to await the call when Jesus comes to reward His servants. ~Burt F. Marrs.
Cedar Rapids newspaper, unknown date
Mrs. C. A. Shanklin and her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Johnson, returned Wednesday from Peru, Iowa, where they attended the wedding of Miss Carrie Gregg and Donald Noble of Rhodes. Mrs. Noble has many friends in Cedar Rapids. She attended Coe college for one year, later going to Grinnell college, where she was graduated in June. Mrs. Noble is a niece of Mrs. Shanklin.
Local newspaper, June 1928
Wm. Smith Was a Resident of Springville For Many Years
William Smith was born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, on September 13, 1843. On September 10, 1861, he enlisted in the 44th Indiana Volunteers and saw much active service until the end of his enlistment, November, 1864.
Shortly after his return to Indiana, he was married to Prudence, Lightfoot. Nine children were born to them, of whom four survive. After the death of his first wife, he was married to Emma St. John, who survives him as does his only child by this marriage.
His was a long and active life and when age and disease rendered him helpless, he was ready for the end. Death came as a relief on June 4, 1928, and was met as calmly and cheerfully as one welcomes the evening after a day of labor.
The funeral service was held in the Methodist Episcopal Church at 3:00 P. M. Wednesday, in charge of Rev. C. W. Batten. Interment was in the Springville cemetery.
Marion newspaper, June 22, 1929
(Includes a group photograph-see the identification of those in the picture below)
Top row, left to right: Fred Hann, Cedar Rapids; Kate Travis Penn, Mount Vernon; Ella Wiley Tallman, Cedar Rapids; Ellen Gongwer Stewart, Cedar Rapids; Essie Johnson, Cedar Rapids; Effie Coenan Reimers, Cedar Rapids.
Second row: Dr. A. E. Crew, Marion; Flora Goodhue Fishel, Mount Vernon; Carrie Davis Reichert, Marion; Minnie Burns Wright, Des Moines; Roy Todd, Marion; Frank Straley, Marion.
Third row: Bertha Ives Crew, Marion; Ruby Mills Drake, Palo; Myrtle Rundall Coquillette, Cedar Rapids; Charlotte Reichard Holloway, Ames; Ethel Crew Booth, Marion; Alice Borton Roller, Green Forks, Ind.
The "forty-fours of '94" celebrated their fourth reunion here May 25. This class of 1894 of Marion high school was at that time the largest ever to be graduated from the school. The course then was of three years, and Supt. Dofflemeyer was in charge. The alumni organization was formed fifteen years ago, and plans were made to hold a reunion every five years.
Eighteen members of the class attended this year's reunion, held at the home of Miss Sophie Coenan, sister of Mrs. Effie Coenan Reimers, president of the class.
A seven o'clock dinner was served to twenty-five by the first division of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid society. Mrs. Reimers presided, giving the address of welcome, and calling the roll, to which members responded with letters from absent members as follows: Mary White Adams, Long Beach, Calif.; Blanche Kerr, Pasadena; Amanda Baughman Goudy, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Will Lathrop, Norton, Kan.; Warren Yates, Monrovia, Calif.; Mary Reichard Louellen, Lincoln, Neb.; Alice Willard of Dakota, and Mary Buzza, Minneapolis.
Following the report of the nominating committee, Mrs. A. E. Crew was elected president of the class, Ella Wiley Talman, vice-president, and Roy Todd, secretary and treasurer.
Several issues of the "Class Critic," the high school publication of 1894 and the commencement program were shown. Mrs. Flora Fishel read the class prophecy, written by Will Bell. It was noted that only one of the prophecies -- the marriage of "Art" Crew and Bertha Ives, had been fulfilled. Eight members of the class are dead so that one-half the number living attended the reunion.
Members present were Minnie Burns Wingert, Des Moines; Flora Goodhue Fishel, Kate Travis Penn, Mount Vernon; Ruby Mills Drake, Palo; Esther Johnson, Fred Hann, Myrtle Rundall Coquillette, Ella Wiley Tallman, Effie Coenan Reimers, Cedar Rapids; Lottie Reichard Holloway, Ames; Alice Borton Roller, Green Forks, Ind.; Frank Straley, Roy Todd, Ethel Crew Booth, Carrie Davis Reichert, Bertha Ives Crew, Dr. Arthur Crew, all of Marion. Other guests were Mrs. Fred Hann, Mrs. Frank Straley, Mr. Wingert, Mr. Fishel, Mr. Penn, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Drake.
Local newspaper, November 1929
Marvin C. Kleineck was born August 30, 1891, at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, being the oldest son of W. L. and Carrie E. Kleineck, both of whom preceded him in death. He died at his home November 13, 1929, at 3 p.m.
He grew to young manhood in and around Mt. Vernon. On January 2, 1917, he was married to Miss Ola Shanklin, of Springville, who, with his two children, Robert James and Betty Lurena, survive him. He also leaves to mourn his passing one sister, Mrs. Amy Goodlove; one brother, Kenneth O. Kleineck, and two nephews and one niece, all of Mt. Vernon, besides a host of other relatives and friends.
Marvin was a good neighbor and friend, an industrious worker, a devoted husband, and a loving and patient father to his two children.
“The path of sorrow, and that path alone,
Leads to the Lord, where sorrow is unknown.”
We take this manner in expressing our sincere thanks and gratitude to the kind friends, neighbors, relatives, city council and city firemen who were so kind and thoughtful in the hour of our sorrow and bereavement in the loss of our dear husband, brother, and uncle. Also to Miss Johnston who sang, and others for the most beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Ola Kleineck.
Robert Kleineck.
Betty Kleineck.
Mrs. Amy Goodlove and family.
Cedar Rapids Gazette, November 1929
Special to The Gazette-Republican.
SPRINGVILLE, Nov. 14.—Marvin Kleineck, 38, hanged himself from a rafter in his barn shortly after 3 p.m. yesterday.
Kleineck lived on the Wilbur Perkins farm one mile north and a half mile west of Springville. According to Mrs. Kleineck he had been despondent for some time and had talked of suicide. He had worried about paying his rent and about his corn and pig crops.
Yesterday after friends who came to dinner had left, Kleineck went to the barn, climbed on a beam, tied a rope around his neck and stepped off.
He is survived by his widow and two children. Dr. R. A. Vorpahl, Linn county coroner, investigated the death last night.
Kenneth Kleinneck of near Mount Vernon is a brother, and Mrs. Amy Goodlove of Mount Vernon is a sister of the dead man.