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Iowa News from C. A. Shanklin Scrapbook 1890s-1950
Linn County, Iowa
Page 2 (1912-1925)
Thanks to researcher & volunteer, Bonnie Mares, for the purchase of an old Iowa scrapbook off eBay. What a find—so many pre-1950 news items of interest from Linn County, Iowa.
The old scrapbook inside cover has this inscription from the original owner:
C. A. Shanklin, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Route No. 2
This book is the property of the above address.
[All attempt will be made to identify the newspaper sources & the dates, listing on these pages in chronological order.~Linda Z., transcriber]
Cedar Rapids Gazette, April 1913
Linn County Woman Died in California, April 10
Special to The Gazette.
Springville, Iowa, April 17—Mrs. C. M. Harris, who left here last fall to spend the winter in California, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Mitchell, in Los Angeles, Thursday, April 10, 1913. Mrs. Mitchell arrived here with the body Wednesday morning and the funeral was held from the Methodist church at 2:30 this afternoon. Interment in the Springville cemetery.
Mrs. Harris was not only a pioneer of Linn county but also of Springville. She came here with her parents from Ohio in 1855, while yet a young girl, and settled in what was known as the “Bruce House,” which is one of the land marks of Springville, and for many years was the only hotel in town. It was here Clemmie Bruce grew to womanhood. She was married to Nathan Harris July 4, 1866, and became a widow soon after. She remained with her parents during their life time, and continued living at the old home which was dear to her, and to which she longed to reach. She was converted and joined the Methodist church in March, 1866, and remained not only an active member, but an earnest Christian to the last.
When speaking of death being near she expressed a willingness to go, saying she hoped the dear heavenly Father would not leave her for another night.
Mrs. Harris was known as “Clemmie” by a great number of the older people, and by the younger as “Auntie Harris.” She was of a cheerful, happy disposition that won friends wherever she went. She was faithful in attendance to all of the church services and never failed to give the strangers a welcome. She had served as secretary of the Ladies Aid Society for twenty-three years and held the office at the time of her departure from here last fall. In March she wrote that she could not be here for the aid meeting, but thought she could for the April meeting. The regular meeting day was Wednesday, April 16, instead of the afternoon meeting, the society gathered at the depot when the 7 a.m. train arrived and marched in a body with the hearse to her home on the south side, where her room had been decorated with flowers, potted plants, by loving friends and neighbors.
Mrs. Harris leaves a sister, Mrs. Mitchell, of California, a daughter, Mrs. R. C. Jewell, of Chicago Heights, a brother, George Bruce, of Springville, three grandchildren, many relatives and a host of friends to mourn her departure. She selected the hymns and requested that her pastor, Rev. H. C. Culver, conduct the funeral services, assisted by Rev. W. H. Doner of Cedar Rapids, a former pastor.
Local newspaper, January 1917
On Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1917, occurred the marriage of Miss Ola M. Shanklin and Mr. Marvin Kleineck, both of Springville, at the home of Elder S. W. Mentzer of Robins, who also officiated at the marriage of the bride’s father and mother nearly twenty-five years ago.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shanklin, and has been employed for the past year as Operator in the Springville telephone office, where her cheery and obliging disposition has won her many friends.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kleineck and has been working with his father on the farm. He has only lived in this vicinity for the past year, but in that time has gained many warm friends in Springville and the neighborhood in which he lives.
The young people expect to live on a farm and their many friends extend to them their best wishes for a happy and successful life.
Local newspaper, April 22, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Bowdish Remembered on Their Sixty-Second Wedding Anniversary by Relatives
(photo included with this anniversary article)
Married 62 years and still living in the home where they were married.
In 1828, in Duchess County, New York, on the 19th of November, a little son was born to Bailey and Sarah Bowdish who was daily christened Irving Payne Bowdish.
On the 24th of January, 1844, in Washington, Iowa, a little daughter arrived in the home of Riley and Sarah Harrison, who was named Sarah Francis Harrison.
About 1856, the Bowdish family migrated to Iowa and purchased the homestead south of Waubeek and established there a home which has been noted for its hospitality for over sixty years.
At the latter end of the tedious journey from New York, the Bowdish and Harrison families met and strong ties of friendship were formed to last throughout the following years.
On April 19, 1858, Irving Bowdish and Sarah Harrison were united in marriage in the room that is now the living room of their present home.
In the 62 years they have enjoyed a full measure of life’s blessings together and together they have met sorrow bravely and now they are spending the sunset of their lives in contentment among familiar scenes and number their friends by their acquaintances, enjoying alike the companionship of young and old.
Last Sunday a few relatives and friends met at their home to commemorate the passing of another milestone of the connubial journey and wish them the joy of many more together.
The Bible Advocate, November 1920
Elder S. W. Mentzer and wife (photo included with article)
Brother and Sister Mentzer, celebrated their sixtieth marriage anniversary November 4th, 1920, at their home in Robins, Iowa, in the presence of their children, grandchildren, and a few other near relatives.
Elder Mentzer has for fifteen years occupied the position of President of the General Conference of the Church of God, and has filled this place with the highest credit to the cause of our Lord, giving general satisfaction everywhere. And the cause for which we are all living and endeavoring to promote has arisen and advances forward during this period, equaled only by the years following the ascension of our Savior and until the dark ages came upon the world.
We take the highest pleasure in printing this portrait, knowing that many brethren over the world, who have never met them, as well as those of their many friends and acquaintances who have, will be pleased.
Local newspaper, summer 1923
Shanklin Family Has Fifth Family Reunion At Bever Park, Tuesday
The fifth annual reunion of the Joseph and Amelia (Jones) Shanklin family was held in Bever park Tuesday, with more than sixty descendants participating. Mt. Vernon, Mason City, Springville, Marion, North English, Viola and Cedar Rapids sent representatives.
Following the dinner and a short program, an election of officers was held which resulted as follows: President, Jerry Gieger, North English; Vice President, Wilbert Gieiger, North English; secretary, Ethel Shanklin Patterson, Mason City; treasurer, John Kennedy, Mt. Vernon. North English was selected as the 1924 meeting place.
The Shanklin family has an interesting history. The original home was on the Isle of Wight. America has been the home since pre-revolutionary days. As the family moved westward, Crawfordsville, Ind., was its home for a time. Joseph Shanklin came to Linn county more than seventy years ago, settling near Hoosier Bend. A. T. Shanklin, who September 13, will be eighty-six years old, is his only surviving son.
Miss Esther Shanklin and Mr. Arthur Johnson of Cedar Rapids, sprung quite a surprise on their friends, when they announced that they were married last Saturday afternoon at five o’clock in Cedar Rapids by the Rev. D. Treymeyer of the First United Brethren Church.
Mrs. Johnson was born and raised in the vicinity of Springville, being one of the three who entered the primary room here in 1910 and graduated with the Class of ’22. She is now teaching in the Waubeek schools.
Mr. Johnson has been in the employ of the Rock Island railroad since the close of the World War, for which he was among the first to enlist from Cedar Rapids and going overseas.
After the close of the school year, they will make their home in Cedar Rapids.
Congratulations and best wishes are extended from Springville friends to the happy couple.
~Unknown newspaper, Oct. 18, 1923
Entertain for Newlyweds
Marvin Kleineck and wife entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Shanklin and son, Bayard, Mrs. C. N. Marshal and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshal of Cedar Rapids, in honor of Mrs. Kleineck’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, who were recently married.
~Unknown newspaper, Oct. 18, 1923
Springville New Era, February 1924
Andrew T. Shanklin Obituary.
Andrew Thompson Shanklin was the son of Joseph and Amelia Jones Shanklin, and was born near Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 13, 1837, being next to the youngest of a family of nine children and the last one to be claimed by death.
In 1852, when 18 years of age, he came with the rest of the family overland to Iowa and settled on a farm near Waubeek along the Wapsipinicon river, being one of the pioneer families of that vicinity.
When he was 25 years of age, the Civil War began and he enlisted in Company H, Sixth Iowa cavalry, and served on the frontier during the war and was honorably discharged at its close in Davenport.
In October, 1867, he was married to Esther Ann Bingham and they settled on a part of the old homestead given him by his father, where they reared their family, buying more land as the family grew. To them were born seven children: Orie B. Urban J, Clinton A., Harry M., Olive M., Rachel Floy, and Ivan G.
In 1899 they moved from the farm to Springville where a little more than a year later, on April 5, 1900, the wife and mother died. Mr. Shanklin continued to make his home in Springville until 1916 when he was married to Mrs. Kate Ross, who cared for him during several severe illnesses and until his death which occurred at his home, 927 Eighth avenue, Cedar Rapids, Feb. 21, 1924, at 5:45 p.m. at the age of 86 years, 5 months and 8 days.
He is survived by his wife and four children: U. J. Shanklin, Anamosa; C.A. Shanklin, Springville; H.M. Shanklin, San Diego, Calif.; and Mrs. S. T. Raff, Springville. He also leaves sixteen grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren besides many other relatives and friends by whom he will be greatly missed.
Mr. Shanklin was a member of William Carbee post, No. 370, G.A.R., of Springville, having served as commander several terms.
Shortly after his first marriage he and his wife were converted to the Seventh Day Sabbath and other Bible truths and united with the Church of God in which he always had been an earnest contender for the faith. He was a great Bible student.
Funeral services were held Monday, Feb. 25, in the Wymer mortuary conducted by Elder E. H. Sockwell, of the S. D. B. church of Garwin, assisted by Elder L. D. Stubbs of Kenwood Park, who offered prayer and sang several familiar hymns. Following the impressive burial service of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C., taps were sounded and he was laid to rest in Jordans Grove cemetery, near Waubeek, by the side of the companion of his early life. ~Contributed.
Local newspaper, August 12, 1925
C. A Shanklin of this city, was chosen president of the Shanklin Clan, at the seventh annual reunion of that family held in Bever park Tuesday. Sixty-five members of the clan, descendants of Joseph Shanklin, attended coming from Minneapolis, Kansas City, and over all of Iowa.
Other officers elected for the coming year are: vice-president, W. M. Geiger of North English; secretary, Ethel Patterson of Mason City; treasurer, J. C. Kennedy of Mount Vernon. Committees were also appointed for the reunion next year. They are: Coffee, Edna Rundall and Rose McKay; table, Lenore Nelson, Carrie Shanklin and Lou Kennedy; program, Mrs. W. L. Shanklin, Lida Geiger and John Fordyce.
Bever park was again chose as next year’s meeting place, and the date was set for the third Tuesday in August.