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Iowa News from C. A. Shanklin Scrapbook 1890s-1950
Linn County, Iowa
Page 1 (1890's-1911)
Thanks to researcher & volunteer, Bonnie Mares, for the purchase of an old Iowa scrapbook off eBay. What a find—so many pre-1950 news items of interest from Linn County, Iowa.
The old scrapbook inside cover has this inscription from the original owner:
C. A. Shanklin, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Route No. 2
This book is the property of the above address.
[All attempt will be made to identify the newspaper sources & the dates, listing on these pages in chronological order.~Linda Z, transcriber]
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shanklin returned home last Saturday night from Iowa County where they have been spending a two weeks honeymoon. They were married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Sept. 18th, the bride being Miss Carrie M. Gregg of Marion township and the groom, Clinton A. Shanklin of Waubeek. The happy couple have the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends in this vicinity.
[No dates with the following two articles, although these articles are pasted on the same page as the above 1892 article.]
A Million For Each.
Emmetsburg, Jan. 30.—The Potts and Gadden families of this city are among the heirs of the Anneke-Jans-Bogardus estate. The estate consists of valuable real estate in the heart of the city of New York, estimated at four hundred million dollars and eighty millions worth of property in Holland. The necessary titles are recorded in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, N.Y., and date back from about the middle of the seventeenth century. The four hundred heirs will hold a convention at Cleveland, Ohio, February 4, to take definite steps towards establishing their claims.
A new method of hunting possums is introduced by Stanley Gregg of Independence, Kas. He goes out in his motor at night and blings the animal with the headlight. When the light becomes concentrated on the animal, it becomes confused and is likely to turn toward the machine, when it is easily captured.
Springville New Era, published April 1900
Obituary of Esther A. Shanklin
Esther A. Shanklin was the daughter of Joseph and Rachel Bingham and was born in Morgan county, Ohio, March 4, 1842, and died in Springville, Iowa, April 5, 1900, aged 58 years, 1 month, and 1 day.
She was the youngest daughter of her father’s family, consisting of eleven children, (five girls and six boys), of whom all but five of the brothers have passed away.
October 30, 1867, she was united in marriage to Andrew T. Shanklin who brought her to his home in Linn Co., near Waubeek; here they resided for thirty-one years. A little over a year ago, they moved from the farm to Springville where they were living at the time of her death.
Seven children were born to them: Orie B., Urban J., Clinton A., Harry M., Olive M., Rachel F., and Ivan G., all of whom survive her except Orie B., who died in her nineteenth year and Ivan G., the youngest, the latter dying in infancy.
She was always ready to minister to the wants of the poor and needy, the sick and distressed.
Her hospitable home was always open to her neighbors and friends, and the stranger was sure to receive a kindly welcome, for she never turned any one empty away.
Her religious life was a practical one reaching out and influencing the lives of those about her. She suffered no pain during her last illness but gradually grew weaker each day until she passed away. She was conscious almost to the very last and died trusting in the Lord.
By her neighbors and friends, she was held in high regard, and greatly beloved by her family and relatives to whom she was devotedly attached.
The church will miss her words of encouragement and her helping hand. Her husband and children will miss the wise counsel of a loving wife and mother.
Yet, we shall see her
On the Resurrection morn,
When the Lord shall gather home
All the faithful to be with him
And to reap what they have sown.
Now she’s sleeping, sweetly sleeping,
With her cares forever o’er,
No more sorrow, nor more weeping
Shall disturb her slumbers more.
The funeral was held Sunday forenoon at the Methodist church in Waubeek. Elder S. W. Mentzer of the “Church of God” conducted the services, assisted by Will Elsworth.
The text chosen was taken from John’s Gospel, 11: 25, 26. “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
Elder Mentzer’s remarks were well chosen and full of comfort and good advice to one and all. The Christian’s hope in the resurrection and the joy of eternal life for the faithful, were especially emphasized and dwelt upon. After the sermon, the remains were laid to rest in Jordan’s Grove cemetery.
The family desires to express their sincere thanks for the kind assistance rendered during the sickness and after the death of the beloved wife and mother, and for the many expressions of sympathy shown.
Resolutions of Respect.
WHEREAS It has pleased the All wise Providence to remove from our midst the mother of our classmate, Miss Floy Shanklin, therefore be it
RESOLVED That we, the pupils of the C. class, extend to her our heartfelt sympathy for the loss of a good and faithful mother, and be it further
RESOLVED That a copy of these resolutions be sent to her and to the Springville New Era for publication.
Committee ~Mary McAtee, Chas. Bowdish, Carrie Sterner.
A good many of our citizens attended the funeral of Mrs. Shanklin at Waubeek Sunday. Music was furnished by a Springville quartette consisting of Miss Lucy Falcon, Mrs. Bert Worrall and Messrs. Geo. D. Brown and Ray Bishop.
Death of Mrs. A. T. Shanklin
Recent issues of the New Era have spoken of the failing health of Mrs. Shanklin and her death which occurred Thursday was not unexpected. She had been in poor health for several years. She was well known and was esteemed by a large circle of friends. The funeral services were held at Waubeek Sunday and the interment was at Jordans Grove cemetery. An obituary notice will appear in next week’s New Era.
Superintendent W. B. Gregg and School Board Working For Their Success
The thriving and progressive condition of the Mystic schools is cause for congratulations to the people of that live mining and business town. The wisdom of the board is securing the services of Superintendent W. B. Gregg last falls is being justified every day as the schools show marks of improvement and accomplishment. The schools now require the services of 16 teachers to give instruction to about 700 children. Superintendent Gregg has splendid control over every department of the schools. He has organized the course of study, and put the schools on an accredited basis. His work has won the appreciation of the board, teachers and patrons, all working harmoniously together without friction of any kind. The attendance is larger and more regular than ever before. A strict enforcement of school laws and better accommodations for the teachers have had their part in bringing about the better conditions. The high school has almost doubled its enrollment, and the students are interested in their work.
Board of Education
The members of the Mystic board of education are Ellsworth DeVore, President; W. H. Lowe, Lee E. Evans, W. P. Davis, W. E. Gallagher, J. R. Sedgwick, Secretary; and A. J. Richardson, Treasurer.
Mr. Devore makes an ideal president. He is judicious and far sighted in school management, and at the same time kind and courteous to all. The entire board is composed of men who are earnestly striving to increase the efficiency and general welfare of the schools. They have added three teachers, built three school rooms, and repaired all the old buildings inside and out, oiled all the floors to keep down the dust and prevent diseases from spreading, bought new stoves for several of the rooms, have cleaned out the wells, put in a new telephone for the West ward, bought a large writing desk for the office, put in additional blackboards in several of the rooms, placed a large bell in the West ward, put a new clock in each building, and made a great many other improvements. To do all of this work they were compelled to meet three and four times a week and neglect their own business interests and home duties in order to provide better things for the children of Mystic. Only a few people realize the amount of time and work that board members without pay are compelled to give to the public.
Springville New Era, August 1907
Obituary of Mrs. F. E. Gibson
Olive Mae Shanklin was born May 24, 1880, in Linn county, Iowa, and died August 19, 1907, at Springville, Iowa, aged 27 years, 2 months and 26 days. She was married Oct. 1, 1901, to Frank Gibson of Springville, Iowa. This union was blessed with one daughter, Esther Lenore, who will miss a mother’s loving care. The deceased early saw the need of a Savior and at the age of fifteen was baptized into Christ, realizing that in Him was the resurrection and the life.
Knowing that the end was near, she was ready to go to her rest, with the blest assurance of a resurrection to life eternal. She was ever a consistent member of the church to which she belonged, and believed in showing her faith by her work. She was well loved by a large circle of friends, who sincerely mourn her loss.
Besides her husband and daughter, she leaves a father, sister and three brothers who will sadly miss one who was always ready with a kind word of sympathy or advice in all their troubles.
During her long sickness, she was very patient and anxious to avoid giving extra trouble to anyone and only during the last days would she consent to anyone making her their special care. The last few days she endured much pain but in the moments when she was free from it, her mind was busy making arrangements for the end she knew was near, and planning for the loved ones she was leaving behind.
But now her sufferings are over and she may rest in peace till she shall come forth with those whom Paul speaks when he says: “The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and with the triumph of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and shall we ever be with the Lord, wherefore comfort one another with these words.” And with these words we are comforted today even thought we shall sadly miss her and must mourn her loss.
The funeral was held at the M. E. church Thursday at two p.m. conducted by Rev. Davis of Garwin, Iowa, assisted by Rev. Krome and Rev. Doner of Springville. Those in attendance from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geiger, W. S. Geiger, W. M. Geiger, W. S. Geiger, North English; Mrs. T. Manly and daughter, Mechanicsville; Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Central City; Mrs. Otis Haynes, J. J. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Carver, Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. F. Wink and daughter, Coggon; Mrs. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gibson, and F. M. Wink, Marion; F. M. Shanklin, Mrs. Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Bingham, Viola; H. M. Shanklin, South Dakota; Mrs. O. Chenowith, Hawarden; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shanklin, Anamosa; Mr. and Mrs. Rue, Amber; Mr. and Mrs. F. Mentzer and daughter and Mrs. Mitchell, Robins; Mrs. Peet and daughter, Waubeek.
F. E. Gibson will hold a public sale Saturday, August 31, consisting of all his household goods. Everything has been thoroughly fumigated and is in good condition. See bills for further particulars. ~1907
Maynard Gregg, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shanklin, lacked but a few days of being 3 months old he having come to bless the home of his parents, November 25, 1910. Little Maynard was a sweet and lovable child, usually strong and well until a few days before his death. Not until Sunday evening did he reveal any apparent signs of illness. Monday evening he was much better, but Tuesday morning it became plain there was no hope for the little fellow who passed out of sight February 21, 1911, with an acute bowel trouble. Aside from his parents, Maynard leaves in life four brothers and two sisters and the grandmother, Mrs. Francis Gregg.
It is indeed a great comfort to know that none are more fit for the kingdom of heaven than the pure and innocent babies. The Master himself, while here upon earth took them up in his arms and blessed them saying, “Suffer the children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.”
How fittingly the poet sings:
“Tis such a little while we have them here
The baby love, the baby smile and tear,
The tiny hands that seek our own to hold:
Then, oh be gentle, swift with love to fold,
And count them dear.”
Funeral services were held at the house Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. conducted by Elder S. W. Mentzer assisted by Rev. L. D. Stubbs and a quartette consisting of the following: Mrs. Cleo Crew, Miss Edna Dewald, Leo Dunlap and Guy Perkins.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to the kind friends and neighbors, who by their sympathy and help, did much to lighten our sorrow over the death of our baby. We wish also to extend thanks for the beautiful flowers sent. ~C.A. Shanklin and Family.