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Iowa News
Grandma's Scrapbook items
[the article includes two photos of the church-Present First Baptist Church,
photo also showing the parsonage next door --- and a photo of the original
Baptist Church]
REV. S.A. JONES, Present Pastor [article includes a nice photo of the
The First Baptist Church is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its
founding next Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning, Rev. J.C. Hoover, of
Denver, Colo., a former pastor, and the man who led in the building of the
present building will preach the anniversary sermon from the subject, "The
United Ministries for a Church as God's Husbandry." Sunday afternoon the
young people will have charge with Rev. B.G. Field, director of Christian
Education for Iowa Baptist State Convention, as speaker. Sunday evening Dr.
J.L. Pickett, of Keokuk, Iowa, will be the speaker, the church history will
be given by B.T. Clagg and a musical program will be rendered by the choir,
led by Mrs. B.T. Clagg. Monday afternoon Rev. N.L. Haney, a former pastor,
now at Shreveport, La., will speak. Monday evening will be the homecoming
banquet with Dr. Frank Anderson of Des Moines, Iowa, as banquet speaker.
The First Baptist Church of LeMars was organized in November, 1890, by six
charter members who were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clagg, E. R. Thomas, Mrs. Eliza
Riffle, Mrs. Mary Garton, and Miss E. Mabel Kinney. Rev. Robert Carrol,
district missionary, acted as chairman at the time of the organization. So
far as we know none of the charter members are living at the present time.
Soon after the organization of the church, property was purchased on the
corner of Clark and Sixth Streets (now Plymouth St. and 2nd Ave. SW) known
as the old Congregational Church, that became the home of the church for
many years. Rev. Howard M. Jones was the first pastor and a Sunday school
was organized under his ministry. Rev. G.R. Bisby succeeded him and being
an able preacher and a tireless worker, left the church in a prosperous
condition at the close of a three-year pastorate. Succeeding him the
following men served as pastor in the old building, and through their
faithful and efficient work the church grew steadily and always maintained a
prominent place in the affairs of this city: Rev. Chas. Braithwaite, Rev.
Ernest Wood, Rev. C.H.H. Moore, Rev. Parker Smith, Rev. G.R. Bisby (second
term), Rev. J. L. Ayrault, Rev. L.H. Steinhoff, and Rev. J.C. Hoover.
Rev. Hoover was called as pastor in 1910, and it was during his pastorate
that the need of a new building was felt and under his leadership the
present building was erected and dedicated. The dedication too place in
November 1914. The pastors that have served since then have been: Rev. G.R.
Lewis, Rev. T.H. Hunter, Rev. E.L. James, Rev. N.L. Haney, Rev. J.W. Case,
Rev. J.L. Pickett, Rev. T.P. Potter, and Rev. S.A. Jones, the present
It has always been the pride of this church to keep its property in splendid
repair, so that it could be a worthy asset to the city in keeping with its
prominent location. In 1923 the church received a bequest of $5,000 from
Frank Wilmerton, which was used for extensive remodeling and additional
equipment for the church plant. Under the present pastorate the church
building has been completely repaired and interior decorated at the cost of
$800. The church is growing in membership and usefulness in the community.
It now has a membership of 147 and a combined membership and constituency of
250. The Sunday school has always been a prominent part of this church, and
this fall is averaging around 100 in attendance. The enrollment is 132.
To this history we are adding the complete program for this celebration,
which is as follows:
SUNDAY, November 17, 1940
Mrs. A. Van Steenwyk, Supt.
Quiet Meditation Prelude Miss Norma Herzig
Prayer Mr. O. Kalas
Prayer Song, No. 35 (first stanza)
Song No. 204 "Marching to Zion"
Scripture Reading Mr. J.D. Tindall
Poem, "The Church" superintendent
Song No. 198 (first and fourth stanza)
Classes Assemble
Secretary's Report Clyde Coppock
Birthday Offering
Closing Song "Living For Jesus"
Prayer Rev. S.A. Jones
Piano Prelude Miss Lois Kern
Call To Worship (Unison)
"...Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it: that He might
sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might
present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any
such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" --- Eph. 5:
Doxology Invocation Pastor
Gloria Ptri
Hymn No. 352 Congregation
Scripture Reading I Cor. 3:1-11
Prayer Choral Response "Threefold Amen"
Solo Mr. H. E. Jones, Ft. Dodge,
Anthem, "Send Out Thy Light" Gounod
Anniversary Sermon, "The United Ministries for a Church as God's Husbandry,"
Rev. J.C. Hoover, Denver, Colorado
Anthem, " Lift Up Your Heads" Emerson
Benediction Postlude Miss Lois Kern
Service by and for the Young People with All Adults Invited
Piano Prelude Miss Mary Tindall
Hymn No. 184, "I Am Happy In the Service of the King"
Hymn No. 50, "Count Your Blessings"
Duet Clyde Coppock and Stanley
Scripture Reading Romans 12
Solo Miss Evalyn Clagg
Prayer Rev. S.A. Jones
Prayer Response, "Into My Heart" No. 342
Quartet, Irene Jones, Marjorie Norton, Richard Albert and Robert Glazer
Devotional Topic Miss Norma Herzig
Solo Robert Totman
Address, Rev. B.G. Field, Des Moines, Iowa Director of Religious Education
of the Iowa Baptist Convention
Duet Mary Tindall and Marjorie Norton
Closing Hymn No. 192, "God Will Take Care of You"
Benediction Rev. B.G. Fields
Postlude Miss Mary Tindall
Piano Prelude Miss Lois Kern
Devotional Service Pastor in Charge
Musical Program by the choir, and led by Mrs. Ben T. Clagg, choir director
"Ye that Stand in the House"---Spinny
"Who Hath Seen Good" ---Adams
"The King of Love My Shepherd Is" ---Shelley
"Goin' Home: ---Dvorak
"Peace I Leave With You" ---Roberts
"Holy Art Thou" ---Largo-Handel
Historian Ben T. Clagg
Thank Offering
Greetings from Former Members and Others
Hymn No. 325 Congregation
Sermon Rev. J.L. Pickett, Keokuk, Iowa
Anthem, "The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended" ---Adams
Postlude Miss Lois Kern
Devotional Service---to be provided
Solo, "O Rest In the Lord" ---Mendelssohn by Mrs. S.A. Jones
Sermon Rev. N.L. Haney, Shreveport, La
Ladies Quartet, Mrs. B.T. Clagg, Mrs. B.F. Henning, Miss Evalyn Clagg and
Mrs. S.A. Jones
Hymn, "Day Is Dying in the West"
Homecoming Banquet, 7:00 P.M.
35c Per Plate
L.L. Jones, Toastmaster
Table Thanks by visiting pastor.
Community Singing Mrs. B.T. Clagg
Reading Mrs. Clyde Coppock
Associational Greetings, Rev. G.R. Siemens, Moderator
Duet, Mrs. Lawrence Lemon and Mrs. B.T. Clagg (the Jones Twins)
Greetings from other churches
Duet Clyde Coppock and Stanley Tindall
Banquet Address, Dr. Frank Anderson, Des Moines, Iowa, Executive Secretary
of the Iowa Baptist State Convention
Quartet --- John Schoep, Clyde Coppock, Stanley Tindall and Robert Glazer
Prayer and Benediction by Pastor, Rev. S.A. Jones
First Liet. Gordon B. Brodie, armored force division, has been awarded the
silver star for gallantry in action during the Sicilian campaign, which
started July 10, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie of Merrill, have
been informed.
He received the silver star for the manner in which he met a situation of
extreme danger. When a demolished bridge compelled a column of tanks to
cross a precipitous ravine, under heavy enemy artillery, mortar and small
arms fire, Lieut. Brodie proceeded in advance of the column and with only
two tanks vigorously attacked enemy positions, a mission assigned to his
entire company.
Lieut. Brodie went to north Africa last January. He was in command of a
tank company throughout the Sicilian campaign after his company commander
was wounded in action.
Rev. S.A. Jones, pastor of the First Baptist Church, returned Tuesday from
Merkel, Texas, where he was called by the death of his mother, Mrs. Annie
Mrs. Jones made her home here for two years and became well known to a
number of LeMars people.
The funeral services were held June 18 at the Stith Baptist Church.
Annie Rebecca Reams was born August 21, 1860, in Tallapoosa county, Alabama,
and was married to Rev. J.L. Jones. He died in 1898 and with her family she
settled near DeLeon, Comanche county, Texas. She is survived by two sons
and two daughters, Rev. S.A. Jones, LeMars; Fletcher Jones, Stith; Mrs. M.B.
Watson of Tye, (Texas); and Mrs. R.H. Carr of Angleton (Texas); fifteen
grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
~LeMars Sentinel newspaper, dated June 1943
Leon L. Jones [there is a very nice photo of Mr. L.L. Jones accompanying
this article]
LeMars, IA. --- Special: Leon L. Jones, veteran Illinois Central railroad
agent here, has retired after serving for 45 years during which time he
never missed a day from his work because of illness.
Mr. Jones took over the duties as agent in 1898, succeeding Bert Freeman.
He was married two years later and Mr. Jones and his family made LeMars
their home ever since.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones will go to Reading, Pa., to visit their daughter and
son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H.V. Masters. They will then return to LeMars and
later will go to Santa Monica, Cal., to make their home.
Mr. Jones was honored the J.L. Beven, Chicago, president of the railroad,
who sent him the following letter:
"You have rendered many valuable services to our railroad since you entered
the Illinois Central family in 1898, and the record you have made at LeMars
since you took up your place there is one which should give you a lot of
satisfaction. I hope that the years before you will be many in number and
that they will be filled with good health, happiness and contentment."
~article from the LeMars newspaper, dated 1943
Accepts Call to Larger Field, Local Church Observes Parish Day
Rev. S.A. Jones, after more than 7 years pastorate of the First Baptist
Church, has resigned to accept a call to the First Baptist Church of
Independence, Iowa. He leaves LeMars the last week in December. His work
begins in Independence on January 1, 1944.
Rev. Jones came to LeMars from David City, Neb., in 1936. He also served
pastorates in South Dakota. He is a graduate of the Hardin-Simmins
university of Abilene, Texas, and Southwestern Seminary at Fort Worth.
~news item dated December 1943
[photo of Rev. S.A. Jones included with the article]
The present pastorate of the Rev. S.A. Jones of the First Baptist Church,
LeMars, will terminate December 29, when he leaves to take up his new work
with the First Baptist Church, Independence, Iowa. His last service in
LeMars will be the morning service, December 26th.
Rev. Jones has served the local congregation for more than seven years and
has seen splendid progress in his church. During this time there has been
73 new members added to the church. Forty-five of them have come by baptism.
Four years ago the church launched a building repair and redecorating
program amounting to several hundred dollars. This program has been
completed, and last spring the parsonage was reshingled. At present the
church is fee of all debt and the missionary quota is paid to date. A free
will offering of $135 was recently sent to the convention headquarters in
Des Moines for the World Emergency Fund. All church organizations are
active and doing their part.
Rev. Jones has been prominent in the religious life of the community. He has
served as president, vice-president and secretary of the LeMars Ministerial
Association at various times, and has always taken his share of the work in
all of the union activities of the local churches. He has lent his influence
to any movement that was for the upbuilding of the community, and has shown
himself a friend to all people of all creeds of faith.
Rev. Jones came to this church from the First Baptist Church, David City,
Nebraska, where he had served over five years. Previous to this he held
pastorates for eight years in South Dakota, and student pastorates in the
state of Texas. His educational background is Hardin-Simmons University,
Abilene, Texas, and Southwestern University, Forth Worth, Texas.
Mrs. Jones and the daughter, Irene, have also proven themselves helpful in
the church and community life of LeMars. Mrs. Jones has been teacher of the
Young People's Sunday school class during the entire seven years of her stay
here. The past year she has been chorister of the vested choir of the
church. Irene is a graduate of LeMars High School with the Class of 1942,
and for the past two years has been a teacher in the rural schools of
Plymouth County.
Rev. Jones and family have many friends in and around LeMars. One of the
deep regrets in leaving this pastorate now is the leaving of the families of
21 boys who are serving in the armed forces of our country. They go to
another good church and community in their going to Independence, Iowa.
~LeMars Sentinel newspaper dated Dec. 1943
A memorial service for Pvt. Wayne H. Albert, son of Mrs. Gertrude Albert, of
this city, will be held at the First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3
o’clock. Services will be in charge of Rev. Earl Dale, pastor of the church,
and Rev. S.A. Jones of Independence, a former minister of the LeMars church.
Pvt. Wayne Albert was killed in action June 14 while fighting for his
country in the battlefield in France.
~news item dated Summer of 1944
Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones, accompanied by their daughter, Irene, returned
home Tuesday after spending a two week's vacation in LeMars, where Rev.
Jones formerly had a pastorate, and at Akron visiting with Mrs. Jones'
parents and other relatives. Their daughter who has been attending Western
Union College in LeMars, will teach at Liberty No. 3 school in Buchanan
County for the coming year.
~article dated 1945
Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones of Independence, Iowa, were in LeMars today
visiting friends, and to join their daughter, Irene, a student of Western
Union College, who is going home with them. They also visited Mrs. Jones'
father, Warren J. King, at Akron. Rev. Jones, who was formerly minister of
the Baptist church in LeMars, said he likes his new charge at Independence
very well.
~article dated 1945
Warren King, a well known resident of the Adaville community, passed away
Wednesday morning at an Akron hospital following a brief illness. A heart
ailment was the cause of his death.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon from
the United Brethren Church at Adaville and interment will be in the Adaville
Surviving are four daughters and one son. A more complete obituary will
appear in a later issue.
Well Known Adaville Man Had Been Ill Only Short Time
Warren J. King, an early day resident of Plymouth county in the Adaville
vicinity, passed away Wednesday morning (January 9, 1946) in the Akron
hospital, where he had been receiving treatment for about a week for a heart
ailment and complications. He attained the age of 69 years, 6 months and 25
Surviving are his wife of his second marriage; four daughters, Mrs. Elva
Hawkins, of LeMars; Mrs. Ione Roggow, of Burke, S.D.; Mrs. Ferne Jones, of
Independence, Iowa; and Mrs. Freda Anderson, of Akron; and one son, Stanley
King, of near Merrill. They have the sympathy of the community in their
bereavement. An obituary will be published in this paper next week. Funeral
services will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in the Adaville U. B. Church.
Warren King Funeral Saturday
Prominent Plymouth County Farmer Passes Away At Akron Home
Warren James King, a prominent farmer of Plymouth county, was born June 14,
1876 near Adaville, Ia, and passed away at 9:50 a.m. Wednesday, January 9,
1946, in the Akron hospital, at the age of 69 years, six months and 26 days.
He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver King and was born on the
homestead where he spent the greater part of his life.
He was married to Miss Birdie Poyzer on March 14, 1900, and to this union
were born six children. This marriage was broken by death July 5, 1921, and
he was married to Mrs. Anna Greene on February 27, 1935. He continued to
live on the farm until they retired to their home near Akron about a year
Warren King was a member of the United Brethren church of Adaville and held
important offices for many years during this time.
Besides his wife, Birdie, he was preceded in death by an infant son, Elvin,
his parents , two brothers, Frank and Blaine, and an infant sister.
Those left to mourn are : his wife, Anna, four daughters and a son: Elva,
Mrs. Harry Hawkins of LeMars; Iona, Mrs. W. G. Roggow of Burke, S. D.;
Ferne, Mrs. S. A. Jones of Independence, Iowa; Freda, Mrs. Calvin Andersen
of Akron; and Stanley, of Merrill; 14 grandchildren; four brothers and three
sisters: Fred of Lucas, S. D.; Sam of Bismarck, N. D.; Abe of San Jose,
California; Vern of LeMars, Mrs Bessie LaBahn and Mrs. Eva Brodie of
Merrill, and Mrs. Ruth Fletcher of Burke, S. D. besides a host of other
relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Adaville church and
interment was made in Pleasant Valley cemetery there.
~source: LeMars Sentinel, dated January 1946
Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones and daughter, Irene, returned to Independence
Tuesday morning from Akron, Ia., where they had been called by the death of
Mrs. Jones’ father, Warren J. King.
Mrs. Nila Miller has been doing substitute teaching in the school at Liberty
No. 3 (Buchanan County) this past week while Miss Irene Jones, teacher, was
in the western part of the state attending the funeral of her grandfather,
Warren J. King, of Akron, Ia.
We wish to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to our
neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and expressions of
sympathy during the illness and following the death of our beloved father
and grandfather, Warren J. King, of Akron, Iowa; especially the members of
the First Baptist Church for releasing us from our responsibilities last
Sunday and for the beautiful floral offerings, and to Mr. Chris T. Meythaler
for taking care of our home during our absence.---Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones
and Irene.
Sunday School, 10:00 A.M.
Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M.
Sermon by the pastor.
B.Y.F., 6:30 P.M.
Choir Practice Wednesday evening.
The pastor and family have returned from the western part of the state where
they were called by the death of Mrs. Jones’s father, and services will be
held as usual next Sunday. ---Rev. S.A. Jones, Pastor.
Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones, city, announce the engagement of their daughter,
Frances Irene, to Vernon Charles Ewin, at the First Baptist Church of this
city on Sunday evening, June 9, 1946, at 8 p.m.
The bride-elect has been teaching school at Liberty Township No. 3, Buchanan
county, this past year. Her fiancé was discharged from the army last
October, after having served with the 45th Division of the 5th Army in Italy
and the 7th Army in France and Germany. He is now employed with the Minden
Creamery at Minden, Nebraska, where the couple will make their future home.
~news item from an Independence, Iowa, newspaper—date unknown, very likely
Spring 1946
On Friday, the 22nd of March [1946] the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewin in
LeMars, Iowa, was the scene of a pretty candlelight wedding when Miss
Frances Ewin became the bride of Gerald Bos, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bos
of LeMars. Rev. S.A. Jones, of Independence, Iowa, performed the ceremony,
being assisted by Rev. Frank Anderson D.D., pastor of the First Baptist
Church in LeMars.
Ruth Ewin, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Vernon Ewin, brother of
the bride, was best man.
Mrs. Bos will be remembered in Independence, she having lived in the home of
Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones for nearly a year and worked in Woodward’s
Department Store and in the Wapsie Valley Creamery office. Since leaving
Independence she has been employed in the Plymouth Creamery in LeMars.
~news item from an Independence, Iowa, newspaper….dated last week of March
A beautiful candlelight wedding took place in the First Baptist Church
in Independence, Iowa, Sunday evening June 9, 1946, at 8 o'clock when
Miss Irene Jones, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Jones, became the bride
of Vernon Charles Ewin, of Minden, Nebr. The bride's father performed
the double ring ceremony.
The church was beautifully decorated and the altar was banked with pink
and white peonies and ferns. Four candelabra with six candles in each,
cast soft candlelight over the scene. There were also candles in the
windows. A 15-minute organ prelude of favorite selections of the bride
was played by Miss Grace Potwin of Independence, who also played the
Lohengrin Mendelssohn wedding marches. Mrs. C.L. Raymond, soloist, sang
“I Love You Truly” and “Because” preceding the ceremony, and the “Lord's
Prayer” at the close.
The bride wore a white floor length gown of rayon marquisette with white
taffeta. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a crown band of
seeded pearls, and the bridal bouquet was made of white carnations and
sweet peas with a pink rosebud corsage forming the center. She wore a
double strand of pears, a gift from the groom.
The bride was attended by her aunt, Mrs. Calvin Anderson of Akron, Iowa,
as matron of honor and two bridesmaids, Misses Delores Anderson of
Akron, cousin of the bride and Ruth Ewin, of LeMars, sister of the
groom. The matron of honor wore a floor length blue taffeta brocade
gown with a shoulder length veil held in place with a band of pink
flowers. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The bridesmaids
wore floor-length gowns of pink lace and chiffon with pink and white
The groom was attended by a close friend, Robert Glaser of LeMars as
best man. Ushers were Lorvan Hawkins of LeMars, cousin of the bride,
Fayne (cannot read), Jr., of Independence and Robert Schanke, Independence.
The groom and his attendants wore conventional dark suits with white
carnation boutonnieres. A reception was held in the church parlors for 165
The three-tier wedding cake topped with blue candles and pink streamers
decorated the reception table, carrying out the bride's chosen colors of
white, pink and blue.
The bride has been a resident of Independence, Iowa, for the past 2 1/2
years and has taught school the last four years in Plymouth and Buchanan
counties. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewin of LeMars.
He spent 31 months in the Army with 22 months overseas duty in Italy,
France and Germany, receiving his discharge last October. He is now
employed in the Minden Creamery, Minden, Neb., where the young couple
will make their future home.
~LeMars Sentinel, unknown June 1946 date