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Iowa News from
Great Aunt Pearl Goldberry's Scrapbook, Marion, IA
Linn County area
transcribed by Don Penly
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Marion Register
Marion, Linn co. Iowa
most likely date of the clipping: Monday, February 9th, 1891
Another well known and respected citizen of Marion is at rest. Mr. A. M.
Goldsberry, died at his home on Central Avenue last Thursday morning at 5
o'clock. It was not unexpected, for the attending physicans had but little
hope of recovery when taken sick in November. The trouble was first thought
to be cancer of the stomach, but later it was decided that it was a
complication, and the post mortem examination verified this opinion.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Saturday
afternoon and the attendance evidenced the esteam in which he was held by
those who knew him. The audience room, parlor, aisles and entrance rooms
were crowded and at least 200 were compelled to go away without getting
inside the doors.The religious servces were conducted by Revs. Miller,
Marshall and Fowler. The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss
Addie Bromwell, Mrs. J. W. Bowman, J. E. Bromwell and C. S. Shanklin.
The deceassed was a member of the Masonic fraternity and the A. O. U.
W. organization. Patmos commandery had charge of the funeral. The floral
offerings were appropriate and beautiful - - - a pillow of hyacinths, roses
and immortelles; a cross of calla lillies, carnations, hyacinths and roses;
a sickle and sheaf of wheat, consisting of marguerites, tea roses and
hyacinths. There were still other pieces, smaller, but tributes just the
same, expressive of the regard and esteem of those who gave them.
Mr. Goldsberry was widely known. In this county of 42,000 inhabitants
more prople would call his name and claim acquaintanship than any other
citizen of the county. His business that of an Auctioneer, had called him
into every school district, and in most of them very often. For more than
30 years he has been a tireless worker, an honored citizen, a general
companionable man whom it was always a pleasure to meet and greet. Wife
and children will miss him the most, for in their homes, "the shadows lie"
and the sorrow of kindred will be felt, but there are a thousand other homes
in the county where there was always a welcome but where the doors will
never "inward swing" again at his coming, in which his memory will be
cherished and where his name will always be kindly spoken. He was born in
Ohio, March 12th 1820, where he lived until 1838. He He then moved to
Indiana and came to Iowa in 1854. October 7th, 1847, he was married to
Jane Watkins, who with the following children survive him.
William who resides at central city. F. M., who resides four miles
north east of Marion, Rachael (Mrs. L. L. Ives), George and Sigel who live
in Marion. All are married excepting the latter. There was another son
Hugh, who died in his 14th year.
Cedar Rapids Gazette
Cedar Rapids, Linn co.
Abt May 20, 1939
Mrs. Wm Goldsberry Funeral Services Held at Federated church
Funeral held at Federated church Tuesday and Burial at Mount Clark Cemetery
Mrs.Wm Goldsberry has been ill for several weeks, but until just before her
death there had been some hope that she would recover. She died Saturday
evening at her home, after having lived in Linn County for almost 75 years.
The following story of the life of Mrs. Goldsberry was written by a friend.
Lucena Jordan Goldsberry, daughter of Samuel and LoAnn Haskell was born July
31st, 1853 at Danville Maine and crossed the threshold into her Eternal
Home, Saturday evening May 13th at about eight o'clock, from her late home
in Central City after an illness of several weeks sojourning in this world
eighty five years, nine months and twelve days.
The late Mrs. Goldsberry came to Lynn county from Maine with her parents
when about 12 years of age, the family settled on a farm south of Central
City. In 1880 after having attended the local schools and serving several
years as teacher, she was married to William Goldsberry and they started
their new home on the farm upon which they continued to live until about 20
years ago, when they retired from the farm and purchased a residence in
Central City where they made their home up to the present time. Coming to
this county in 1865. Mrs. Goldsberry as a young girl and a young woman
braved the hardships and experiences of the early pioneer life.
Mr. William Goldsberry, her husband, two daughters, Pearl, a public school
teacher in Centerville, and Mrs. Ina Penly of Waterloo, besides five
grandchildren are left to mourn her going.
The late Mrs. Goldsberry, remembered the psalmist’s admonition as well as
the advice of her godly Christian parents of sturdy New England stock. When
she accepted Christ as her Personal Savior when quite a young girl and for
almost three-fourths of a century has ever been found following in the
footsteps of her Master and constantly going about doing good and ever
striving not to offend even the least of His children. This at an early
age, she became a member of the local Baptist church, now Federated church,
the cornerstone of which was laid by her father, who at that time was the
oldest member of the church. All of the activities of the church found her
a tireless worker, whether it be the Ladies Aid Society, the missionary
society, the Sunday school or the "Good Will" Sunday school class of which
she was a most zealous worker and which seemed to be consistently upon her
mind. One of the last acts of service to her church and her Christ, was the
holding of a Valentine Tea in her home to which a host of friends from all
walks of life responded to the great delight and pleasure of the tireless
servant of the church. Her interest in the church never lagged. Just a few
days ago she asked friends to tell her of the church's activities and made
an offering for their furtherance. For a quarter of a century Mrs.
Goldsberry was a devoted and honored members of the local order of Eastern
After four score years and almost sixty, almost sixteen years beyond that
allotted to man by scripture, after a most untiring and useful life spent in
the service of her Christ and humankind, this faithful, loyal, tireless
soldier of the cross has laid down her implements of service and crossed the
threshold into her Eternal Home, there to be greeted by her Lord and Master
by the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter now into thy
reward" and there to await the coming of a most devoted husband, two
daughters, a son-in-law, top whom she took a mother's place, five
grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends in whose memory shall
ever live the cheery smile, the happy disposition, the tireless energy, the
indomitable spirit of this stalwart Christian lady, and whose sterling
Christian character will always be an inspiration and an incentive to carry
on the Christian service which her hands have laid down.
Funeral services were held from the Federated Church, Tuesday afternoon. at
two thirty, with the local Pastor, Rev. Arnold O Kenyuon officiating and the
Rev. Calvin F. Stratton delivering the memorial address. The Hatch Funeral
Home had charge of the arrangements. Internment was made in the Mount Clark