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Iowa News
from the
Emmet County Scrapbook items
Continuation of the scrapbook rescued by Linda Ziemann, which include articles mainly from Emmet County up through 1950
Page 2
Senior Enterprise Editor G.C. Allen
Came to Estherville in August 1871
Has Resided Continuously in Emmet County
[the year date of 1942 is penciled on this obituary]
With the passing of George C. Allen, owner and editor of Estherville
Enterprise last Friday evening at ten o'clock, the ranks of the old
pioneers who came to Estherville in the early seventies were reduced by
One by one these faithful old pioneers have been departing from our
midst. They have served their time in building up one of the finest
little cities in the northwest, and they have served the city community
Their jobs as pioneers were hard ones. The early days here were full of
hardships. Those who came before the railroads knew of those days of
grief. They braved the hardships of the winters, they stayed through
the grasshopper days; the days when everything that grew and supplied
them with sustenance failed. They had faith in the city and the country
and the northwest and they were willing to endure these hardships to
build a county and a city for the future.
George C. Allen was one of these young pioneers who braved the hardships
of establishing himself in a new country. When he was nineteen years of
age he left his home in Maumee (now Toledo), Ohio and went with a sister
to Beardstown, Ill., to make his home. He was dissatisfied with the
country and was homesick. He returned home in a few months. It was not
long before the call of the wilderness came again and he with his older
brother, Frank, came to Fort Dodge. He entered the shoe business there
and was satisfied.
His brother Frank still wanted to go farther into a new country and went
scouting for a new location. Frank returned to Fort Dodge and easily
persuaded his brother to move to Estherville. They packed their stock
in a wagon and arrived here on the 12th day of August, 1871. They
established a store in a little log cabin building that stood on a lot
at about the west side of the Donovan Motor Co. At that time all of the
business was on that street.
Later they erected a frame building on a lot where the Crawford store is
now located. Frank Allen studied law and commenced the practice. Later
in 1886 George Allen entered the service of the old B. C. R. & N. R. R.
as ticket agent. For ten years he served in this capacity and became
known as one of the best ticket agents in the northwest. He was elected
to the office of county auditor and left the railway service. He served
as auditor for ten years. He then formed a partnership with his son.
At the end of five years he was appointed to the office of postmaster.
During the time he was in office he was able to obtain a congressional
grant for a post office here. When the government submitted plans for
the building he indicated he was not satisfied with the plans and
finally obtained the present post office. He assisted in drawing the
plans for the new building and later supervised the construction. He
served as postmaster for seven years.
On retiring in 1913 from the office he and his son purchased the
Enterprise. In 1914 the plant was lost by fire. In two weeks they were
again operating on their own machinery. Fourteen years ago Mr. Allen
was injured when struck by an auto. His limb was badly fractured and he
was confined to a hospital for ten months. He returned to the office
after his recovery by has never been active, but was present every day
to the last.
George C. Allen was united in marriage to Miss Margaret McCulla
September 3, 1876. To this union there was one son born, George K.
Allen. Mrs. Allen passed away March 22, 1928.
One the arrival of Mr. Allen in Estherville he being interested in
sports induced the men of Estherville to organize a ball team. There
were not many more men here than it took to keep nine men in action.
The team was known as the Northern Blizzards. They were a real ball
team. For four years they played without defeat. They traveled to
Algona to the east and to Worthington to the west and played all comers
within a radius of 50 miles. All of the trips were made by wagon. Mr.
Allen was also interested in hunting, fishing, and was a great lover of
He was a member of the Methodist church, the I.O.O.F., the K. of P's,
and the Elks. At one time he was a very active member in these
organizations. Before his death he was happy and proud to know that the
business he established contained members of his family into the fourth
generation. He felt that not many organizations had four generations of
interested in the business.
He is survived by one son, Geo. K. Allen; two grandchildren, Margaret of
Des Moines and Herbert of this city, and four great grandchildren.
The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the home of his son
at two o'clock, the Rev. F.W. Ortmeyer officiating. Interment was made
in the Oak Hill cemetery.
*Brown May 12, 1940
Mrs. Harry Brown, 36, of Pocahontas, formerly of Estherville, died in a
Fort Dodge hospital. Mrs. Brown was the wife of Sergeant Brown, of the
Iowa Highway Patrol, who made his home in Estherville for many years.
He is the son of Mrs. Harriet Brown.
Surviving Mrs. Brown are her husband; her mother, Mrs. John Carey of
Pocahontas; two sisters, Miss Marion Carey and Miss Grace Carey both of
Pocahontas and one brother, John Carey, of Minneapolis. She was
preceded in death by her father. Requiem High mass will be said at the
Sacred Heart church in Pocahontas. Burial will be made in Storm Lake,
where Mrs. Brown formerly lived.
(Infant son died one day later.)
*Arnfelt December 23, 1939
The funeral service for William Arnfelt, 79, a resident of Estherville
for about 21 years was held in the Mahlum and Anderson Chapel with Rev.
Ortmeyer officiating. Burial was made in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Mr. Arnfelt, who had been in poor health for two years, died at the home
of Mrs. Mary Nelson, with whom he had been living. He is survived by
one brother, U.G. Arnfelt of Minneapolis, Minn., and a niece, Miss Lulu
Bright of Estherville. His wife preceded him in death in 1913. He was
born at Mount Pulaski, Ill., and was engaged in farming before coming
here in 1918.
(note from the scrapbook owner was typed after this obit)
"Dad was a pall bearer."
Hilda Anderson-Lawrence Woodyard January 13, 1940
Mrs. Lawrence Woodyard, the former Miss Hilda Anderson is announcing her
marriage to Lawrence Woodyard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Woodyard.
The ceremony was solemnized at Rock Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beaver,
sister and brother-in-law of the bride, attended the couple. They will
make their home in Orleans, where Mr. Woodyard owns and operates a boat
Eva Bendixon-Kenneth Anderson August 4, 1940
The marriage of Miss Eva Bendixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Bendixon, and Kenneth Anderson, son of Mrs. Harry Sims, took place in
the C.H. Pals home in Sioux City. Rev. S.G. Bean of the Methodist
church read the ceremony. Dr. and Mrs. C.H. Pals attended the couple.
The bride was dressed in a navy blue gown with white accessories and the
groom wore a dark green suit. Following the ceremony a bridal dinner
was served in the Pals home.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson attended the Estherville high school and Mr.
Anderson is employed by the city as meter reader and assistant
electrician to Harry Sims. Next month the couple will take a two weeks
trip to Tacoma, Wash., where they will visit Mr. Anderson's brother and
family. Upon their return they will make their home in Estherville.
[date of death penciled on this obit is: May 17, 1945]
Requiem High Mass for Mrs. A. E. Baldwin of Estherville, who died
Thursday morning following a sudden heart attack, will be held Monday at
9 a.m. at St. Patrick's church with burial in the Catholic cemetery.
Catholic Daughters of America will meet at the Baldwin home Sunday
evening at 9:00 p.m. Sunday evening to say Rosary for Mrs. Baldwin who
was a member of the organization.
Mrs. Baldwin is survived by her husband, four daughters and one son,
four sisters, two brothers and nine grandchildren.
[the date penciled on this article is: 5-3-1945]
A car and a truck went through "Tom and Jerry" bridge three miles north
and west of Estherville this afternoon. The main span of the bridge
completely collapsed as the two vehicles met each other, dropping the
car and truck into the river. No one was hurt seriously.
Robert Hansen was driving an empty one-and-a-half ton truck north across
the bridge and was nearly across it when the span gave way while a sedan
going south was more in the center of the bridge when the crash
The car was driven by Simon Knutson, farmer living northeast of
Petersburg. With him his wife and a niece, Darlene Hoovel, of Welcome.
With Hansen in the truck were his brother, Richard, whose nose was
scratched in the accident, and Emlet Twito.
The accident was witnessed by Bert Baldwin, who was standing on the
north approach of the bridge. He went to Emmet consolidated school to
reach a phone and called for help.
The bridge, known as Pingery bridge and Tom and Jerry bridge, bears a
dedication plate of 1897. No embargo had been placed on the structure,
which was considered safe for motor vehicles.
County Engineer, James Rowatt, and member of the board of supervisors
arrived at the bridge within 30 minutes after it collapsed and a steady
stream of curiosity seekers began arriving.
The bridge is a mass of twisted girders and support rods and the south
approach is completely caved in. The north end of the span is an abrupt
slide, down which the truck backed into the bottom of the river as it
was just about to clear the main span.
Neighbors gathered at the bridge said that from some time cars crossing
it could be heard a long distance away as the rumbled across. The
bridge gave way without warning and those who were in the car and truck
said they were dropped into the river before there was time to think.
Neither driver thought that the car and truck had brushed each other or
had touched the bridge. No reason was advanced as to why the structure
suddenly collapsed.
[dated penciled on this article is 2-16-1941]
At 8:00 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patrick's church in Estherville,
Miss Pauline Bassett of Estherville, became the bride of Francis
Koenecke, also of this city. The Rev. Father J.J. Keane read the
nuptial mass.
The couple was attended by Miss Margaret Koenecke and Eugene Koenecke of
Estherville, sister and brother of the groom.
The bride's dress was of navy blue silk crepe. With it she wore a large
blue hat and white accessories. Her attendant wore a gold crepe dress
and she had brown accessories. Both the bride and bridesmaid had
shoulder bouquets.
The groom and his best man wore dark suits and had white boutonnieres.
Music for the wedding was played and sung by Mrs. William Dooley.
Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the couple's
new home on East Lawn. A yellow and white color scheme was carried out
in the decorations in the house and on the table. A beautifully
decorated wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom was the
centerpiece for the bride's table. The breakfast was served by the
bride and groom's sisters, Mrs. Maxine Best and Miss Lila Koenecke.
Guests at the reception include the bridal party, Father Keane, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Koenecke, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koenecke
and Clarence Butler, all of Estherville. Miss Lola Stenn of Ocheyedan,
August Kriebs of Hackensack, Minn., Mrs. Mary Clemens of Sherburn,
Minn., and Mrs. Richard Diebner of Spirit Lake.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bassett of Estherville.
She attended the local schools graduating with the class of 1932. Since
her graduation she has been employed as stenographer in various business
and professional offices in Estherville.
Mr. Koenecke is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Koenecke of Estherville.
He graduated from the Gruver high school with the class of 1930 and is
employed at the Joyce Lumber company here.
Mr. and Mrs. Koenecke are now at home to their friends in the new
residence which they have recently completed on East Lawn.
Miss Lena Schaper, daughter of Mrs. Schaper, and Nolan Boggess, son of
Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Boggess were married at the St. Patrick's church Rev.
L.J. Savage officiating using the single ring ceremony. Mrs. W.H.
Dooley paled the nuptial music and Mrs. James Galvin sang.
The bride wore a dainty white silk dress with white accessories and
carried a bouquet or roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Florence O'Brien, wore
a blue silk dress with white accessories and had a bouquet of sweet
peas. Francis Koenecke was best man.
Following the wedding ceremony a breakfast was served at the home of the
bride's mother, north of Estherville. Mr. and Mrs. Boggess then left on
a short wedding trip to Charles City and Washington. Upon their return
they will reside on North Fifth street.
1934---Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Boggess are the parents of a son, Lawrence
Miss Maxine Converse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Converse of Blue
Earth, Minn., and Delbert Beauman, son of Mr. and Mrs. V.J. Beauman,
were married at the M.E. parsonage by the Rev. F. W. Ortmeyer.
Mrs. Beauman is a former resident of Estherville and she and Mr. Beauman
graduated from the local high school in 1930 and 1929. They will make
their home in Iowa City where Mr. Beauman is a sophomore at the
The bride was graduated in 1933 from the University of Minnesota nurses'
training school. Mr. Beauman attended the local junior college one year
and also attended the Milwaukee School of Engineering at Milwaukee, Wis.
*BALMER July 16, 1934
Funeral services for Andrew Balmer were held at the Dolliver church with
the pastor of the Ringsted Lutheran church in charge. Music was
furnished by the Ringsted choir. Mr. Balmer passed away in the
University hospital at Iowa City after a lingering illness of several
years. Mr. Balmer was a pioneer resident of this vicinity, a Christian
gentleman and a high respected citizen.
Mr. Balmer was born in Goldbeck, Schleiswig Holstein, Germany, Feb. 21,
1865. He was baptized in the Danish Lutheran church in the same year
and confirmed in 1878. In 1885 he joined the German army where he
served a year and was discharged due to poor health. He came to the
U.S. in 1891 and came to Reinbeck. Mr. Balmer was united in marriage to
Anna Marie Fredericksen of Winthorp, Iowa, Oct. 19, 1899. He moved to
Emmet county and purchased his home in 1901 where he has spent the
remainder of his life. He is survived by his widow, children, Art,
Harry, Leona, and Emma, Mrs. Lawrence Anderson of Doliver and Mrs. Jim
Hill of Estherville, two brothers, Martin of Dolliver and Neil of Dike.
Two children preceded him in death, both dying in infancy.
Miss Lora Belle Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.N. Boone and Howard
Beaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Beaver were married Sunday morning in
the Christian church parsonage by the Rev. M.A. Lowe. The couple were
attended by Miss Margaret Beaver and Lloyd Boone, Jr. Following the
ceremony the couple left on a short honeymoon trip to Fort Dodge.
A wedding of interest to Estherville people occurred Thursday morning at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Pierce of Burlington when their daughter,
Constance, was married to John Birney, son of Dr. and Mrs. C.E. Birnery,
of Estherville. The Rev. John Poole, relative of the bridegroom read the
The bride was dressed in a brown silk dress trimmed with gold and she
carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and blue delphinium. Following the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was served after which the couple departed
for Des Moines where they will make their home.
The bride was graduated from the Burlington high school and from Iowa
Wesleyan college at Mount Pleasant. Since her graduation she has taught
in Morning Sun and Oakville. The bridegroom attended the Estherville
schools graduating from high school in 1927 and alter attended a junior
college. He graduated from Simpson college at Indianola. He will study
at Drake this year.
Miss Maxine Bassett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bassett, and Fred
Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Best of Terril, wee married at the
German Lutheran parsonage by the Rev. Wm. Wagner. The couple were
attended by Marjorie James and Norman Best.
The bride was graduated from the local high school with the class of
1934 and Mr. Best is a graduate of the Terril high school. They will
make their home on a farm near Terril.
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Barrett are announcing the marriage of their daughter,
Mildred, to Cecil Wiseman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wiseman. The
ceremony was performed at Fairmont, Minn., at the M.E. parsonage by the
Rev. Charles Miller.
Mrs. Wiseman was graduated for E.H.S. in 1931 and for the past three
years has been teaching school. The couple will make its home on a farm
southeast of Wallingford.
The St. Paul Methodist church parsonage at St. Paul, Minn., was the
scene of a quiet wedding when Ruth Dayton and Leo Brawford were united
in marriage. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arth of St. Paul
and Ray Kennedy of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Brawford are making their home with the bride's mother
until they can find a home.
Miss LaVaune Bagan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Bagan and Louis Potter
were married at the St. Patrick's Catholic church by the Rev. L.J.
Savage. Miss Iola Bagan, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Fred
Wilson served as best man. George Bagan and Vincent Swift served as
The bride wore a white taffeta dress with a short veil fastened at the
back of the head with small yellow rosebuds. She carried a bouquet of
yellow rosebuds. Her attendant wore a peach dress with blue accessories
and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses.
The marriage of Miss Hazel Hipple and Richard Baker is being announced
by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hipple, parents of the bride. The wedding took
place six months ago, July 11, 1934, in Sioux Falls, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker are well known young people. Mrs. Baker has lived
here practically all her life and was educated in the local schools.
She has worked in various stores and cafes and is now employed in the
Palace Café. Mr. Baker came to Estherville from Sioux Falls with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Baker, several years ago and is now employed
in the St. Paul Store.
Miss Mary Shillinglaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Shillinglaw of
Cedar Rapids and Harley Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.E. Baker of
Estherville were married at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hawk. The Rev. M.A. Lowe performed the ceremony. Miss
Edna Bake and John Beow attended the couple. A wedding dinner was
served at the I.E. Baker home. Immediately after the dinner, the couple
left for Storm Lake where Mr. Baker is manager of the Standard Service
Station No. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Brown are announcing the wedding engagement of their
daughter, Lois, to G.A. Amelsburg of Lakota.
Miss Brown graduated from the E.H.S. in 1932 and has many local friends.
The couple will live in Ames after their marriage.
ADAMSON FIRE FORT DODGE September 27, 1905
[This is apparently newspaper account of the fire. The name and date of
the newspaper are not identified on the scrapbook page.]
In a fire which broke in the residence of Ed. Adamson, at 11th Ave South
and 13th street at eight o'clock this morning the entire family of
Adamson children (four) and the little child of a neighbor were burned
to death, and were only taken from the building after the fire had been
extinguished. It is without doubt the most horrifying occurrence that
ever occurred in the history of Fort Dodge.
There is no one who knows or can ever know the origin of the fire, and
there are at least two distinct theories. One, the most generally
accepted, is that it came from a gasoline stove left burning by the
mother while she went to the residence of a neighbor to return a pan of
flour that she had borrowed. The gasoline stove was located in an
enclosed porch on the north side of the house. The door of this
improvised kitchen led into the dining room and in the room over the
dining room, in their beds, reposed the little ones, with the exception
of the baby, three years old and the neighbor's child, who Mrs. Adamson
claims were left downstairs when she went from the house. These
children evidently joined the rest, either the fire broke out or before
as they were all found upstairs.
O.H. Peters, the first man on the scene, and who made a heroic attempt
at rescue, is certain the fire originated in the room upstairs, where
the children were found, and supports the theory with the argument that
the floor was burned thru, and that this could not have been had the
fire originated down stairs.
Owing to the fact that there was some delay in turning in the fire
alarm, owing to the box being out of order, the entire inside was a
roaring furnace of flames when the department reached the scene, and
although an attempt was made at rescue at the time, there was not the
slightest possibility of obtaining entrance and the water was played for
about fifteen minutes before anything could be done to recover the
While the house was yet like an oven, and the smoke was as dark as night
and rolling from the windows in clouds a ladder was put up and Driver
Long forced his way in. With his first step he stumbled against one of
the little bodies. This he handed down to others on the ladder and it
was carried to the ground. Another was found in a very few seconds and
handed out. By this time the smoke was almost at the point of
overcoming him but he rushed to the bed, and there found the other two
lying with their faces in the pillows as though they had buried them
there in an attempt to avoid suffocation. There were handed out and
Long followed.
While all of the little ones were badly burned there was everything to
indicate that they had died of suffocation and the burns had come
afterward. This is the opinion of all who saw the bodies, as well as
the two physicians who were called to the scene when it was learned that
the children were in the building.
O.H. Peter's Story
O.H. Peters, the first man on the scene and the man who made a valiant
but fruitless effort to rescue witnessed the whole thing. "Oh, God! No
man can realize the situation that has not a family," he said.
"To think of it, all the children they have roasted to death. And there
I was with in the sight of them, and they died almost within my grasp.
It is horrible beyond anything that ever came into my experience. Had I
known in which room they were as soon as I arrived on the scene, I might
have been able to save them, but the mother was nearly crazed that she
could not tell me, and I raised the ladder to every gable before I
arrived at the right one. I tell you I'll never forget the sight of
those little ones as I came up to the window. She stood right against
the pane, and all back of her the red large of the fire and the smoke
swirling about her. With one blow I tore the screen and then the
window, and there was a puff of flame that singed my eyebrows and hair
and burned my hands. I was almost thrown from the ladder, but the
little form was gone. She had been overcome and had fallen back. It was
at this time impossible for any man to enter the room and live. It was
like the breath of a furnace. Oh, God! I am a father and I can realize
to some extent the horror of the situation to those poor parents and
they are wild with grief."
Long's Story
"Yes, we heard the children were in the building but the house was so
full of fire that it was impossible to do anything till it was
controlled. It was fifteen minutes before it was possible to get into
the roof. Even at that time it was a bad job. No, I couldn't tell
whether they were badly burned or not. The room was filled with smoke
and had to work fast. I merely picked them up and passed them out the
"It was the worst I ever experienced. It is the most terrible thing
that every occurred in the city." These were general expressions of the
fire boys and they were all sickened by the terrible sight and the part
they had in taking out the bodies.
Mrs. Adamson's Story
Mrs. Adamson was in no condition to tell the story of the affair and at
a late hour today was in a precarious condition as a result of the
terrible happening. In broken statement, however, she gave the
information that all the children were in the west room upstairs (the
room in which they were found) and that she had supposed that the elder
children were up and dressing for school. Ernest, she stated her three
year old boy, had come down stairs and she had given him his breakfast
before going to the neighbor's on the errand as stated. The little
fellow was engaged in eating when she left, and she was gone but a few
moments. In the meantime the little Pecord child had come in to play
with children and it is supposed that the two both mere babes of three
climbed the stairs to join the other children. When she returned, she
was stunned to find the whole house in flames and the children all
upstairs. This is all that could be drawn from her. She is at present
at the home of a neighbor where she is being cared for. The father who
is a switchman in the M. & St. L. yards had gone to his work when the
fire broke out but was on the scene before the fire department arrived,
and his agony is equal to that of the bereaved mother.
The wildness and horror of the scene was enhanced by the terrified cries
of the neighbors and the screams of the two mothers. Mrs. Pecord, whose
little three year old, Raymond, was among the victims stated that the
little fellow had just been washed and dressed by her and that she had
given him permission to go to the Adamson home not five minutes before
the flames broke out.
The fire is a great mystery all around. While the whole neighborhood
was up, and many were on the scene at the start of the blaze, the whole
residence was enveloped, and it seemed impossible to get into the house
at any time. Those who were first to arrive state that the flames were
bursting out the windows and those who are familiar with the situation
are universal in their belief that a rescue at any time after the
neighborhood was alarmed would have been an impossibility.
There is scarce doubt, however, but that had the children not lost their
reason through fright they might have escaped. The window is only
eleven feet from the ground, and had they broken out a sash, all might
have jumped, and a broken bone or two would have been the most serious
results. They made attempt of this kind, however they were seen at the
window by the neighbors. There extreme youth made the necessary
presence of mind out of the question for them and they merely gave up
and were suffocated and burned without struggle. When they were taken
out, all but two of the children were in their night robes.
Clarence, the six year old boy, was found in the north room alone. He
evidently had made an attempt to get out of the way of the fire, by
seeking another room and his body was found leaning against the wall
near the window. He had fallen there a victim of suffocation rather
than of heat, as this room was very little burned. He was taken out
after the first four children had been recovered.
All day today the town has been hushed with horror of the catastrophe.
This terrible affair has been the chief topic of conversation everywhere
and there is a general sadness whenever the subject is broached. In all
the stores there was a continued rehearsal of the story and at dinner in
all of the restaurants and hotels, and over every private table there
was nothing else discussed. There is a general feeling that something
could have been done, but those who are familiar with the situation are
sure that the children were doomed as soon as the alarm was turned in
and no earthly power could have affected a rescue.
Immediately after the removal of the five little crisped bodies they
were laid side by side in the ambulance, which had been summoned and
taken to the Young undertaking rooms, where they now lie awaiting the
coroner's inquest, which will be held this evening or Thursday a.m.
With regard to the matter of responsibility for the terrible happening,
Mayor Bennet stated today that he would make an attempt to place it, if
there was any one, or anything to blame for it. The city attorney will
be present at the inquest and will make a close investigation.
The funeral for the Adamson children will be held Friday at 2:00 at the
Bethlehem church. Arrangements for the burial of the Pecord child has
not been completed.
Continue to Page 3
Iowa News from Scrapbooks index