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Iowa News
from the
Scrapbook items of Adel, IA.
Submitted by Susan Coleman, dancinwinds@wavecable.com
Unknown Newspaper Clipping, Adel, Iowa, From a collection of newspaper
articles that I purchased from eBay. The collection, I believe,
belonged to Mrs. J. O. Doop. There are about 100 articles in the
collection. The following came from the same newspaper.
Page 1
Harry Quinn's Buddies Have Not Forgotten Him
Are Paying Back the Jerries In Their Own Coin - Westerbeck Writes from
(Note: The following letter was received a few days ago from Forrest
Westerbeck, one of the first of the Adel boys to enter the service
nearly three years ago. It passed through military censorship in Italy
and most of it is printed as written, depleted only in the omission of
the exact outfit he is in. His complete address may be obtained from
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Westerbeck, or at the News office should
any of his friends care to write him and receive a V-Mail letter in
"Somewhere in Italy, November 1, 1943 Dear Scott: Have been promising
myself a line to you ever since the North African campaign was over but
you have undoubtedly had many letters from the boys on every front
--enough to keep you more than busy keeping up with them.
"Your 'Service Men and Women's Page' is the most interesting thing in
the form of news a person overseas could wish for and I am thankful to
these people who make it possible for me to receive it.
"We are pushing every day and every night in the Italian campaign in the
hope that we may contact the boys that we were separated from last
February. There is nothing right now that we could wish for more than
to have Christmas dinner with them, as at present it looks impossible
for us to reach Berlin in time to get home for that dinner.
"I've picked off a few of the hundred Jerries that I promised myself
when we lost Henry Quinn and I've a few hundred others to work for when
Harry's quota is finished. There are more of the old regiment who have
the same feeling I have on the matter. so it the people on the home
front keep up the good work they are doing there are enough
blood-thirsty men over here to clean up the works.
"I feel lost when I get away from my twin-50 caliber machine gun.
"Grace and Sandy," as I have named them, really keep Jerry on the run.
"I really didn't aim to turn this letter into a book, but wanted a
person on the home front completes a bandage for a tourniquet in the Red
Cross room, or is a blood donor for the medical corps or makes a sight
quadrant or some ammunition, or finishes some foodstuffs he is doing his
part fro the war effort right along with the million other things that
are required from those on foreign duty.
"I'm still in the same company and the same old outfit, with the same
APO number, just as it was three years ago in August, 1940 and would be
happy to receive a V-mail from me.
"P.S. - What news do you receive from John and wife? Does Pop come
around and bother you with freight and express bills like I used to? Do
you see J. Oliver and Mrs. Doop often? Give them my regards."
Hershel Burgess
Marfa, Texas -- Pvt. Hershel Burgess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry L.
Burgess of 1418 Locust St., Adel, Iowa ahs been promoted to the rank of
Private First Class according to Col. Donald B. Phillips, his commanding
officer at the Marfa Army Air Field's Advanced Two-Engine Pilot School.
The Pilot School is located in the heart of the Big Bend country of West
Texas, 60 miles from the Rio Grande.
Pfc. Burgess was employed by the McCreary Hardware at Adel and Perry,
Iowa prior to entering the army October, 1942.
Gale Belgarde
Gale Delgarde , Adel boy who recently finished his boot training at
Farragut, Idaho. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Belgarde, and a
brother of Gerald, who is in the army. Gale "Dutch" to his friends, is
still stationed at Farragut. He has a rating of S2 and at present is a
cook. He entered the service on August 7th and was home recently on
his first leave.
Dawson Boy At Farragut
Farragut, Idaho -- Roy La Vern Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben V. Lewis,
Dawson, Iowa, has begun his recruit training at this U.S. Navy Training
Station, the largest in the West.
For the next several weeks he will be busy learning the fundamental of
seamanship, military discipline and undergoing intensive physical
Bayard Vet Coming Home
Somewhere in the South Pacific-- Old timers go down hard.
Marine Staff Sergeant Lacey J. Watkins. Bayard, Iowa, 51 and a
grandfather, recently was transferred to "the states" after almost a
year of overseas duty.
On the day of his transfer, 26 new marines joined Watkins' unit. taking
one look at the replacements outside of the company office, Sergeant
Watkins' unit. Taking one look at the replacements outside of the
company office, Sergeant Watkins remarked, "I guess the old man must be
pretty good. They have to send out 26 youngsters to replace me."
Sergeant Watkins is a veteran of World War I. Enlisting in the marine
corps shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he requested overseas
Adding New Seats, Multi Colored Lighting Fixtures and New Sliding Curtain
Remodeling and beautifying of the Rialto theater, under the management of J.
O. Doop, is near completion.
Plans include the addition of 150 new seats to take the place of the old
seats now in use in the front part of the main floor. They are the same
leather type as were added not long ago.
A new drape electrically controlled from the projection booth, will be
installed probably this week. It is of rich tan color selected to harmonize
with the color scheme of the theater.
Installation of the new modernistic multi-colored lights is nearly
completed. The four primary colors from the base from which any number of
different tones and shades of color may be made by manipulating the control
With the completion of the present remodeling, in conjunction with the work
already completed, principally the removal of two side pillars under the
balcony which were replace with steel beams running the wall. Mr. Doop
presents a bright, clean and modern theater finer than those found in the
majority of towns of this size.
Here is shown a view of the new front recently completed by Manager J. O.
Doop, of the Rialto theater. The improvement makes the theater one of the
most attractive in central Iowa and is in keeping with the many changes made
in the interior in the past year or more.
Chief among the latest improvement is the new bakelite porcelain front which
extends under the marquee, 24 feet long and 10 feet high. It is in cream,
ivory and red, with four stainless steel display cases, all glass enclosed.
A late design of neon alternation lights has also been placed around the
marquee, adding to the attractiveness at night. The entire front of the
building has been given a repainting and it now looks like a 1939 structure.
The changes just completed are the last of a long series of improvements
made since Mr. Doop has been in charge of the theater and the entire
building and contents are now as new and up-to-date as they can be made.
Since starting the alterations many changes have been made. Starting with
the installation of an air conditioning plant, Mr. Doop followed this with
new floors and new opera chairs; the old boxes were closed and balconies
removed; a new controlled drape curtain was put in; the ancient style foyer
was enclosed with drapes ad new carpets were placed in the foyer and on the
balcony stairs; post which obscured the view from some seats were removed
and heavy steel beams placed under the balcony, insuring safety; a new
fireproof projection booth was built and much up-to-date equipment added;
the heating plant was rebuilt and a late type stoker installed; the rest
rooms and office were remodeled and modernized and the whole interior
The appearance of the Rialto, both inside and out, is now in keeping with
the high quality of the programs shown nightly.
Following the resignation of Miss Barnum recently, due to illness, the
teaching of the sixth grade has been assumed by Miss Fudge, from Des Moines
who will finish out the remainder of the year. Miss Dorothy Gearhart and
Mrs. Bernard Axten substituted until Miss Fudge arrived.
Roy Lee Bergman has returned to school after several days' absence due to
In language the sixth grade has begun the study of adverbs. They have been
making maps in connection with the study of Canada in Geography.
Wednesday afternoon the Home Economics girls of Adel entertained the Junior
Homemakers from the Waukee high school and their instructor, Miss Alice
Break. They presented a motion picture comedy and there was also music by
the Adel Future Homemakers Sextette.
The girls are busy working on their Magazine which will be published and "on
the stands" the first of May. The annual style show will also be presented
the first of May.
The Freshman Homemakers have completed their home projects on home
preparation this week. The project was to plan, prepare and serve six meals
at home.
Concerning the progress in sewing, most of the girls are in their second or
third garment and some are on their fourth.
Margaret Alkire, "Slinging Hash."
Martha Clark, Private secretary to a "Big Boss."
Ioa Stine, School Marm
Charles Westerbeck, First rate cleaner--politest too, we think. No offence
Shirley Thornton, and Dorthea Thornton, these two, with their other sister,
will run a secretarial school.
Thomas Harsh, "Fill'er up, Mister."
Joe Shawhan, Jack Dempsey, the second.
Wayne Striley, Just a "Lady Killer."
Don Rogers, "Hallelujah, Now I can be Bum" and poet.
Vincent Webster, First rate Mechanical Engineer.
Anna Mae Stump, Mistress of a little Red School house.
Arlene Spillers, Saucy little school marm.
William Byers, Fight manager.
Kenneth Hol, Another Einstein.
Julian Hoffman, Harvardian.
Dorothy Gearhart, Another one of the "Old Folks."
Dortha Shannon, Sociable School Marm.
Bill Lawyer, Another Lawrence Tibbet or Nelson Eddy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and Mrs. Benge of Glendale, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A.
B. Pettit and Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Koehn of Winterset were guest Monday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Doop. The California people are former Winterset
residents and close friends of Mr. and Mrs. Doop. The hosts entertained
their guests at dinner Monday evening at Mack's Café.
Lake Itaska, Minn.
Julian M. Hoagland, Jr., 20, Kansas City, was drowned Thursday while
attempting to save a girl swimmer floundering in deep water.
The drowning occurred just off the end of the Lake Itaska dock where a
number of persons were swimming. The girl, Margaret Dittman, St. Paul, 14,
shouted for help when she found her strength giving out. Fellow swimmers
saved the girl.
Centerville, IA --Halleck G. Conger, 70, died Thursday afternoon while en
route to Iowa City for an operation. He was accompanied by his daughter,
Mrs. D. O. Johnson and her husband.
ELGIN, IA. Clem Schmidt, 63, local harness maker, committed suicide by
hanging himself from the rafters of his barn Thursday night. Despondency
over ill health was blamed. The widow, one daughter and one son survive.
Presentation Will Be at the Central High Auditorium.
The Sioux City Teachers Dramatic club will present a program of one-act
plays at the Central high school auditorium on the evening of March 19.
Only members of the Sioux city Teachers club are eligible to membership in
the Dramatic club.
Miss Lorena Hersman, president of the club, a teacher at the Irving school,
was one of the charter members of the group. She has taken important roles
in the various productions of the club. Last year she took a leading part
in the one-act play, "A Matter of Choice." Miss Blanche Miller is the vice
president and Miss Uneeta Orchard, secretary and treasurer. The board of
directors consists of Charles Tyler, chairman, Miss Ruth Swenson and Miss
Helen McNellis.
The plays to be presented March 19 are: "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals," by
James Barrie, directed by Charles Tyler, "Trifles" by Susan Glaspell,
directed by Ruth Swenson, and "The Man in the Bowler Hat," by A. A. Milne,
directed by Helen McNellis. C. C. Lyons, head of the speech department of
the University of South Dakota is acting as supervisor director over the
club directors.
Through the courtesy of the management of the Martin hotel, the public
library and the Chamber of Commerce, the teachers have been able to hold
regular rehearsals downtown.
Music for the entertainment will be furnished by the Central high school
orchestra under the direction of Maurice Iverson. Electrical effects are
under the supervision of Wilbur Seubert, Instructor in the science
department of North junior school. Scenic designs and painting will be in
charge of Ralph Yeck, head of the art and expression department of North
junior school. Ed Roth, W. J. Knupp and Clarence McClurg will act as
property men.
Pupils of the Irvington school, under the direction of Miss June Connor,
principal, will act as ushers. Ticket sales are t charge of Eulalla Sauve
and Veronica Morrissey. Programs will be printed by the boys of the
industrial training department of Woodrow Wilson junior school.
A cabaret plan of dancing is being featured act the Roof garden by Homer
Beebe and his orchestra, which has opened an indefinite engagement at that
amusement center.
R. C. Knapp, manager of the roof garden, said that the orchestra had just
completed an engagement of two months at the Tobkio gardens in Galveston,
The orchestra, of which Homer Beebe is the director and entertainer, is
composed of the following: Harry Collins, drum and business manager; Cy
Freldhelm and Rob Weir, saxophones and clarinets; John Swain, bass; Francis
Young, piano, and Leland Pflider, trumpet.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Doop and others connected with the Rialto theater were
hosts Wednesday afternoon to about four hundred children at the annual
Christmas matinee. It was a happy throng of youngsters, all of whom enjoyed
the "Gen. Spanky" picture and the rest of the program. Each was presented
with a sack of Christmas candy as he left the theater.
Doops Sell Rialto To D. M. Man
Popular Adel Movie Business Changes Hands January 7th (written on
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Doop, popular and well known owners of the Rialto
theater in Adel announced this week that they had sold their business to
C. Kennedy of Des Moines. The latter will take possession of one of
county's best theaters on January 7th.
The announcement was not a surprise to many, because Mr. Doop has not
in good health for the past several years.
The couple have been in business here for nearly 14 years. They came to
Adel from Winterset in the early part of 1934. They purchased the
at that time from the Sage family.
Many improvements were added during their initial years; the outstanding
was their program of diversified weekly attractions. It has long been
policy of the Doops to provide first run movies, and they have done so.
They purchased the most modern and up to-date screens and projectors,
enlarged and improved seating capacity, and provided courteous service
the thousands of people who have attended shows in Adel. They built the
Rialto into a role of a leader in theaters in towns the size of Adel.
Mr. and Mrs. Doop sold only the business. The building is still owned
them, and will be leased to the Des Moines man. They will maintain
home here, and continue to live in Adel in future years. Their
plans call for a long rest.
Kennedy, 50, is a long time theater man, and has been associated with
Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer picture exchange in Des Moines for many years. He
married and for the time being will continue to live in Des Moines. He
one daughter.
Marian Hesselink, who has been employed at the theater by the Doops is
expected to take over the job of managing the Rialto, and will remain
Other employees will probably remain.
From the Wright County Newspaper. - Obituary of Hazel Kluver
Hazel Doris Kluver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kluver, was born at
Crystal Lake, Iowa, February 4, 1900. She was the second child in a
of four children, two boys and two girls.
She grew to young womanhood in Crystal Lake and then received advanced
training at Waldorf college, Forest City, State Teachers' college, Cedar
Falls, and Hamilton Business college, Mason City.
After a brief period of service as public school teacher, she accepted a
position with the Bank of Clarion and served the bank faithfully for
years. Two years later she became assistant cashier of the First
Bank of Clarion and held that position for nearly six years.
Interested always in the community for which she worked, Miss Kluver
many hours to the welfare of various groups and projects. Active in the
Business and Professional Women's Club she served as its president. She
also treasurer of the Clarion board of education.
Miss Kluver received her religious training in the Methodist church in
Crystal Lake, and when she reached young womanhood she served as pianist
several years. When she came to Clarion she united with the First
church here and was a member at the time of her death.
Apparently rugged in health, seemed that a long life of usefulness lay
before her, but a condition which demanded surgical attention arose and
operation proved adverse, her life coming to consummation at Rochester,
Minn., Tuesday morning, April 18, 1939.
Her death was the third in her family. The oldest child, her sister
passed away at the age of eight years and her father was killed in an
accident in July of last year. Her mother and two brothers, Glen and
Orville, are still living, also two nephews and three nieces.
These members of the family are not alone in their grief; for friends in
communities, Crystal Lake and Clarion, have been shocked by her sudden
and they mourn the passing of a quiet, friendly and sympathetic young
who performed a useful public service and did what she could to assist
friends and acquaintances in every possible way.
Funeral services are to be held at the Methodist Episcopal church.
Lake, Saturday afternoon at 2:30, in charge of Rev. Miriam Harvey and
R. J. Beebe of Clarion.
Charles Hersman Dies in England From War Injuries
The first of Clarion's men to die in war since the Civil War has been
destiny of Charles Hersman, 36, son of Mrs. Margaret Hersman and the
Aldon Ralph Hersman of Clarion.
On January 2, Mrs. Hersman was visiting at the home of her daughter,
Lorena Hanson in Woodward, Iowa, when she received a telegram from the
Dominion Government, Ottawa, Canada, informing her that her son Charles
I in England with the Royal Canadian Engineers, was seriously injured to
extent of a fractured pelvis and thigh, abdominal, spinal and other
injuries. The occasion was not given.
On January 6, the mother received another telegram notifying her of her
son's death on January 5. He was a Lance Corporal and has been in
for a year and a half after enlisting with the Engineers in Canada two
Lance Corporal Hersman was born in Ida Grove, Iowa, Feb. 3, 1906. He
to Clarion with his mother and sister. Lorena, in 1919 and graduated
the Clarion high school as president of this class in 1925. he studied
at the University of South Dakota.
He spent twelve years in the abstract business, nine of those years he
worked in the employment of M. H. Austin & Son and three as Head
for Carroll Brothers Abstract Company, Davenport, Iowa. He was a member
the Masonic lodge.
In 1940 he enlisted with the second Battalion of the royal Canadian
Engineers in England at the time of his death, January 5, 1942.
Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Margaret Partlow Hersman, and sister,
Norman Hanson, and other relatives, His father, Alden Ralph Hersman,
away in 1935. Special memorial services will be held Sunday afternoon
2:30 o'clock in the Methodist church with L. N. Archerd giving the
assisted by the Rev. Pruel and Rev. Beebe.
An impressive memorial service was held Sunday afternoon at the
church at 2:30 o'clock honoring the memory of Lance Corporal Charles
of the Royal Canadian Engineers who was recently killed in England.
Many of
our citizens availed themselves of the opportunity to pay their respects
a young soldier. The American Legion attended in a body.
Rev. Preul, pastor of the Methodist church, spoke briefly and a quartet
composed of Mrs. Otis Day, Mrs. Preul, Otis Day and Dr. Doles sang two
appropriate selections.
L. N. Archerd, a personal friend of Charles, delivered an address
his acquaintance with the soldier through his school years and later
experiences with him in business. Mr. Archerd paid a fine tribute to
friend's qualities of leadership and friendliness and recalled that
slogan while in school was "Come on, let's go!" He pointed out that
Charles' enlistment should serve as an example to the youth of our
in the present emergency.
At the conclusion of the service a bugler sounded "Taps" and Rev. Beebe
the Congregational church pronounced the benediction.
Among the survivors of the deceased who attended the services were his
year old son, Michael Hersman of Dows: his mother, Mrs. Margaret
sister, Mrs. Lorena Hanson, of Woodward, and others.