Pleasant Grove School House and Students - Circa 1912
Sudents include Cheney children and possiblly Reid childdren.
Notes from Dan Reid: This photo was taken ca. 1912 at, I believe, the Pleasant Grove school. To the right in the background appears to be the Pleasant Grove church. My grandfather Bert and his brother Homer (Cheney) ran the brickyard just a mile or two north of the school.
I believe my mother, Anna Cheney, is in the front row in the checkered dress. She is now 105 years old. Since most of the Cheney children were born at two year intervals, there may be siblings in the photo. There could also be Riess children.
If anyone can positively identify the subjects, I would certainly appreciate hearing form them.
Surnames: Cheney, Riess
Contributed by: Dan Reid.
Photographer: unknown
Date: Circa 1912
Repository: The photo collection of Dan Reid
Published: Iowa County IAGenWeb, 05 Jun 2009
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