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The first schoolhouse in Avery
Township was
built from timber from the Oscar F. Avery farm in 1864 at a
cost of $35.00. Mr. Avery donated the lumber. Desks and folding
seats, ink wells and recitation benches were used. The first
teacher was Albert Adams; then Frank Atherton, Ervin Rich, Ollie Buck and
Rosa Smith. The first directors were Orlando Godden, J. W. King, J. S.
Hopkins, Ed Stinson, and Lyman Booth. The main subjects were reading,
writing and arithmetic. The McGuffey Readers, Copy Books for Writing
and Appleton Arithmetic were used.
In 1881 the schoolhouse was moved to
Bradgate. It stood on the north side of King
Avenue and was also used
for Sunday school
and church services. The second schoolhouse in town
was built in 1892 at the cost of $2,500 on Out lot 4 on the south side of
King Avenue. It was a two-story building with four class rooms, a
belfry, and a cloakroom. Later it was moved to Main Street and used as
the I. O. O. F. Hall and recreation center. The well was on the
southwest corner of the school yard and a board walk ran along the south side
of Percy Street to up-town. E. W. Parker, superintendent, assisted by
Miss Hoffman and Mrs. Lizzie Hills, taught 125 students in ten grades.
The first class graduated in 1895. The high school alumni was
organized the following year. Ten grades were taught until the fall of
1911 when the eleventh grade was added and in 1917 the twelfth was added.
In 1915 it was voted to consolidate.
Prior to
that, students had to find their own way to
school. The first
buses were drawn by horses and had side drapes in the windows. In bad
weather they rode in a bobsled. Some country school buildings were
moved in and used as classrooms until the new brick building was completed
in January 1917 at a cost of $60,000. It was built on the north side
of King Avenue on the hill overlooking the town. On moving day, each
student carried his own books to the new building.
When cars were used as school buses,
the driver furnished the car, labor and all expenses for $35.00 a month.
Drivers owned their own buses until 1957.
Parent-Teacher Association meetings
were held on Monday night with grad school programs and fund raising events.
There were alumni banquets until 1963. Two or three classes get
together for reunions to this day. A school paper was put out by upper
classmen call the Bradgate "B". The school colors were black and
orange and the emblem was the hawk.
In 1953 a new gym-auditorium was
built on the west side of the school at a cost of $41,000. It had a
capacity of 350 spectators and was used for basketball games, school
programs and P.T.A. meetings. A new scoreboard was donated by the
Bradgate Progress Club. The scoreboard has since been put to use at
the Wolcott Center of the Gilmore City-Bradgate School. The old gym
was converted into a hot lunch dining room with the kitchen built under the
east balcony.
In 1959 it was voted to reorganize
with Gilmore City. First through sixth grades were held at the
Bradgate Center and junior high, senior high and kindergarten at the Gilmore
City Center. School colors are black and white and the emblem is the
An individualized study called PLAN
began in 1973 at the Bradgate Center. Two hundred twenty students in grades one
through six had eight teachers, four aides and the principal, Art Allen.
The school was remodeled for the open classroom. This continued until
declining enrollment forced the school to close and all classes to be held
in Gilmore City. The brick building was torn down in 1973and the gym
was purchased for private use.
Elmer Naeve School Memories
The first year the new consolidated
schoolhouse was built, the winter of 1916-17, the boy's basketball
tournament was held in the new gym. Our boys got beat the first game
by Bode. One time our team was playing at Renwick so Len Ripperger
took us there in a bobsled. There was plenty of snow on the ground
when we went but it rained while we were there and going home, there was
very little snow. We walked part of the way home to relieve the
horses. The boys I remember being on the team were John Logan, John
Kirby, Duane Jolliffe, Harry Benjamin, Vic Madsen, Harold Hemerson and
One spring there was a track meet in
Humboldt. A group of young high school kids was going with George
Wolcott in his big Chalmers. The car was large enough that there were
two little extra seats between the front and back seats. The other
kids going were Dorothy Larson, Beryl Dickey, myself, and two others.
I don't remember for sure but think maybe Margaret Kizer or Agnes Hammond
and one other boy. The superintendent, C. D. Kizer, wanted to go too
so he got into the car with us. We let him off at the fairgrounds
where the track meet was held. Then we proceeded on our way.
Later in the evening when we started for home, we did not see Mr. Kizer
anywhere. Thinking he had gotten a ride with someone else we went
without him. When were were about half way home, we came upon someone
walking and it was Superintendent Kizer. We stopped and asked if he
wanted a ride. He got on the fender and rode there but would not get
inside the car. There was not one more word spoken among the group the
rest of the way home.

1906 Bradgate Graduation Program |

Bradgate School 1900