World War I Draft Registrations
21 June 1918
The Humboldt
Humboldt, Iowa
21 June 1918
Page 1
Next Draft Of Soldier Boys
Will Entrain At 9:40 At Humboldt June 25.
Eighteen To Answer
Preparations Under Way to Give Boys Usual Parting
Acknowledgement -- More Heroes.
Following is the names of the boys who will answer
their country's call in the next draft. Preparations
are being made for their entrainment. They leave
Humboldt on the 9:40 train (morning) June 25.
Ralph Carrier
Carl Sjursth
Nels O. Munson
Martin O. Dale
Helver Axne
Andrew Ostergaard
Morris Larson
John D. Friedly
Willard R. Gregg
John Terry Crain
Lawrence L. Harlan
Thom Thompson
Frank C. Morris
Charles A. Watkinson
James B. Sorlien
Dwight L. Simmons
Lar B. Strieland
Harry D. Christensen