World War I Draft Registrations
06 September 1918
The Humboldt
Humboldt, Iowa
6 September 1918
Page 5
Fifty Men Called For New Draft
Draft Contains Large Number Of Twenty-One-Year-Olds.
Leave September 6
Will Leave on the 9:40 A.M. Train on the M. & St. L. for
Camp Dodge -- The Usual Observances
Fifty men will entrain from Humboldt Sept. 6, on
the 9:40 M. & St. L. bound for Camp Dodge. They are
composed in large part by the lads who came twenty-one
years of age since June, 1917.
While we wish the boys every comfort and pleasure
in their military training, and hope that they will get
on French soil just long enough to help put the
finishing touch to the Boche, but not long enough to get
The list of names called is as follows:
Corent E. Erickson
Jay Phillips
Earl D. Phipps
Hugh Kinney
Nels F. Thompson
Walter J. Lockwood
Curtis E. Hanson
Ole Thorslund
Milford W. Nichols
Ernest E. Ranney
Merl H. Locke
Frank N. Ruleman
Milton A. Bowes
Fred W. Kruse
Lewis Anderson
Jacob J. Heggen
Amos B. Hanson
Elmer Hill
Glenn G. Grinnell
Roy E. Entler
Edward M. Ellingson
Arthur C. Bjelland
Ray G. Terwilliger
George E. WEber
Chester M. Pederson
Ronald B. Myers
Paul J. Knopp
Leon H. Klasse
Hjalmar H. Johnson
Warren Dailey
Andrew Wallukait
Franklyn W. Finney
Eugene E. Chumleyn
Willie Opheim
Arthur Nervig
Pearly Douglas
Harold C. Nelson
Orval R. Ehrhardt
Clarence A. Engel
Sanfird O. Bygness
Clarence W. Schultz
Melvin B. Adams
Jacob J. Tirkelson
Deddie Rethman
Shermon C. Ryg
Severt T. Johnson
Andrew Smith
John V. Anderson
Henry E. Shaffer.