Old Settlers Log Cabin

Old Settlers Park - Livermore, IA
Photo taken 2003 -
Greg Stiltz
The Old Settlers Association was organized at
Livermore, Iowa, on September 25, 1885. Those signing the membership
roll at that time were as follows:
Mrs. Harlow (Susan) Miner |
Hiram & Marcia Fleming |
Mrs E. A. Loomis |
Amanda A. Vought |
Phocian & Margaret E. Weeks |
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stewart |
Rosa Smith |
H. A. & Mary Knowles |
Theo J. Smith |
George & Rachel McCauley
Walter & Mary Thomas |
Esther Flower Cruickshank |
Hannah Thomas Tellier |
M. E. & Augusta Sharp |
Abial Hoag |
W.W. Clark |
S.C. Clark |
Stephen H. Taft |
N. A. Taft |
Mrs. W. Forten |
Hannah Bellows |
T. T. Rogers |
E.G. Rogers |
Mrs. N.M. Ray |
On the 31 people registering, 19 gave New York as
their native state. In May of 1890 the money was raised in Livermore
to purchase 1/2 acre of land in the timber from Rufus Sanderson for
$75. A notice was published in all the papers in the county
requesting those wishing to furnish logs for a cabin to bring them to
Livermore by June 14, 1890.
Old settlers recall that Bill Upham, a French
Canadian, living in Delana Township, was hired to hew the logs. The
cabin was completed in time to be used for the meeting of September 5,
1891. The membership at that time numbered 171.
Many notable gatherings have been held through
the years. Addresses were given by some of our county's best known
On September 13, 1901, when U.S. Senator J.P.
Dolliver was scheduled to be the Orator of the Day, a special train
was sent from Fort Dodge to Livermore at a cost of $75. Round Trip
tickets from Humboldt cost 50 cents.

Interior photos for the Old Settler's Cabin
Click on photos to enlarge
Names of the earliest members are printed on
boards and nailed to the logs on the inside of the cabin. Some relics
of the past are hanging on the walls and others are brought to exhibit
on the day of the picnic, John Olson was elected curator in charge of
the displays.
The meetings are held once a year, the first
Saturday in September, and always start with a picnic at noon. After
a business meeting, a program consisting of talent from various parts
of the county is enjoyed.
Names of Early Settlers Who
Donated Logs for the Construction of "The Old Settlers Cabin" in
Livermore, Iowa
Name |
Residence Twp. |
Name |
Residence Twp. |
Albert M Adams |
Dakotah |
H Aldrich |
O F Avery
Springvale |
J E Barker |
Corinth |
Simon B Bellows
Grove |
John Berry |
Humboldt |
Thomas Brown |
Delana |
George Buchotz |
H M Burnham |
H S Cadett |
Weaver |
E W Clark |
Edward P Clark |
E E Clark |
Delana |
T E Collins |
Delana |
Carlos Combs |
Springvale |
D J Coyle |
Dakotah |
C C Coyle |
Dakotah |
George Cruickshank |
Corinth |
William I Cusey
Grove |
Joseph O Davis |
Dakotah |
James Dean |
Wacousta |
Margaret Dunphy |
Grove |
W Edison |
Hiram Fleming |
Delana |
Charles Flemming |
Dakotah |
R S Flowers |
John H Ford |
Humboldt |
John W Foster |
Corinth |
W E Foster |
Frank F French |
Springvale |
Joseph Goddard |
A Gullixson |
Byron H Harkness |
Springvale |
George Hart |
R C Hays |
John W Hewitt |
A A Hewitt |
J L Howard |
J A Hunt |
Humboldt |
A D Hunt |
Jim Johnson |
J J Jolliffe |
Wacousta |
Ned R Jones |
Corinth |
Cordon N King |
Avery |
Abram H Knowles |
Humboldt |
John Leist |
Dakotah |
William H Locke |
Rutland |
John A Lorbeer |
Dakotah |
Loren T Martin |
Delana |
Nellie Martin |
Delana |
C D Mastin |
George C McCauley |
Andrew W McFarland |
Dakotah |
John McNelly |
Delana |
J M Meagher |
Delana |
M Melavin |
Albert B Miner |
Humboldt |
Drius A Nash |
Melvin H Neal |
Delana |
William Nelly |
Edward D Nickson |
Springvale |
John Noonan |
Delana |
G H Norton |
P Nowlin |
D G Pinney |
John Potter |
J N Prouty |
E Ranson |
Obed H Richards |
Humboldt |
Townsend T Rogers |
Springvale |
J M Rose |
Rufus Sanderson |
Humboldt |
N R Sanderson |
Humboldt |
M Schleicher |
Humboldt |
Edward Sherman |
Grove |
James D Sinclair |
Humboldt |
William J Smith |
Dakotah |
A B Smith |
Milo Smith |
Humboldt |
A K Smith |
Theo J Smith |
Delana |
Edward Snook |
Dakotah |
Thomas Stewart |
Grove |
Eber Stone |
James Struthers |
Wacousta |
Joseph Taylor |
George Tillson |
Lewis Vought |
Delana |
J L Vought |
Henry Watkins |
Springvale |
A B Webber |
Dakotah |
Phocean Weeks |
Joseph B Weeks |
Ira L Welch |
Springvale |
transcribed from the Livermore Gazette
Pursuant to call the old settlers of Humboldt
County to the amount of about fifty met at Livermore on Friday,
September 25th for the purpose of organizing an “Old
Settler’s Association.” After dinner, eaten in the grove, the meeting
was called to order and Auld Lang Syne sung in old style. Rev. A. S.
Zimmerman led in prayer and S. H. Taft spoke upon the subjects likely
to come before the meeting. The committee appointed at the
preliminary meeting to arrange constitution and by laws made report,
and after amending slightly the meeting adopted the same. The
membership roll was circulated and forty-five names were enrolled as
members of the Association. The following officers were then elected
for the year. President Hiram Flemming, Vice President, George
McCauley, Secretary, A.H. Knowles, Treasurer, James Hunt. On motion
of O. F. Avery the rules were suspended in this case and E.W. Clark
and family of Kossuth County were admitted to membership with the same
privileges as residents of Humboldt County. Contributions were asked
for to defray the expenses of the Association, and $3.75 was raised
for that purpose. By vote it was decided to hold the next reunion at
Livermore. On motion of O. F. Avery the Secretary was instructed to
furnish each paper published in the county a copy of the proceedings
of this meeting. Adjourned to meet on the last Friday in September,
SEPT 24, 1886
transcribed from the Livermore Gazette
Second Annual Old Settlers’ Picnic was held in Livermore last Friday
and was a grand success. Quite early in the forenoon the people
commenced to gather for all parts of the county, with well filled
lunch baskets in the rear end of their wagons and joy in their
countenances. The Livermore Cornet Band came out at noon and sounded
their bugles as the train came in on the Minneapolis & St. Louis, in
honor of all who might arrive, who proved to be Al Adams, B.F.
Simmons, and J. S. Fletcher, with their wives, and some others. The
band escorted these to the grounds and furnished the music during the
afternoon. The first thing on the program was very delicious—that is,
the dinner. When we saw those loaded tables were thought how nice it
would be to be an Old Settler for about seventeen minutes, and when we
were invited to partake our cup of joy was simply full, as was
everybody else long before the table was cleared. After dinner the
people were call to order by George McCauley, and a number of the
older people were invited up on the platform. Although we cannot
begin to name them all, yet we noticed on the grounds, aside from our
Livermore people, J. E. Blackford and wife of Algona, E.W. Clark and
wife of Kossuth, H. A. Knowles and wife, Walter Thomas and wife, J. M.
Thomas and wife, Charles Thomas and wife, S. H. Taft and wife, and D.
G. Penney and wife, of Humboldt, S.F. Boyden and J. Jolliffe with
their wives, of Wacousta, G. L. Cruickshank and wife of Corinth, S. B.
Bellows and wife, William Cusey and wife, and Thomas Stuart of Grove,
Hon. Robert Struthers and wife, of Pocahontas, and many others. Some
excellent speeches were delivered by J. J. Jolliffe, S. H. Taft,
Walter Thomas, Mrs. Lorbeer and others.
Mrs. Clark delivered a poem which
we publish elsewhere, and A.H. Knowles read a history of the
settlement of the county.
Altogether it was a big time for the older
people and not so slow as it might be for the younger.