Muscatine Iowa
compiled and copyrighted in a book by
Georgeann McClure
Charles Curtis
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album, Muscatine County, Iowa, 1889, page 372
Charles A. Curtis
“ In the spring of 1873 he engaged in log driving on the Upper
Mississippi River, and during the summer worked on a raft-boat, having his
headquarters at La Crosse, Wis. In the fall of 1873 he shipped on the steamer "
Mountain Belle," and made a trip to New Orleans, but spent the succeeding winter
in Memphis, Tenn. Returning to La Crosse in the spring, he again engaged in
rafting, but left the river about the 24th of May, and returned to Wilton, where
he has since been engaged in carpentering and building, and for three and a half
years of the time has been in the employ of the Chicago, Rock Island Railroad
Company, for which he worked at bridge building and general carpenter work.”
Andrew Davidson
Capt Andrew Davidson
Muscatine Journal
April 7, 1908
Was 96 years of age and one of city’s Best Known Men--Prominent In Methodist
Andrew Davidson 96 years of age for many years one of the
most prominent citizens of Muscatine, passed away at 8 o’clock Saturday
evening at the family residence 408 West Third street, old age coupled
with an accident suffered nearly eight weeks ago being the cause.
Appointed a deacon in the Methodist church in 1867, or two years after coming to
Muscatine, he has been a central figure in that institution for more than 40
years, and has been prominently identified with every plan and progress enjoyed
by the church. His name and deeds have been connected with practically every
bit of history made and perhaps no man was so generally beloved by the
membership of an institution as was Father Davidson of that church.
Sincere and earnest in every undertaking with absolute faith in his
fellow men he was endeared to every one, and it is safe to assert no man,
while Mr. Davidson was in his prime, was better known in Muscatine. In
business the same high ideals were ever maintained, and perhaps the
highest compliment that may be paid to his life, is to repeat the words of
one who had known him for many ears, which follow: “He led an almost
perfect life, is either in his home, or in business, it was one worthy
indeed of emulation.” Probably more |
thoughtful of
others than of himself, it is not surprising that gloom is cast over the
membership of the First Methodist church, and every other church in this
vicinity, in which Father Davidson always took a great interest. To a perfect
life and a spotless character tribute must indeed be paid.
Andrew Davidson came to Muscatine in April 1865, and shortly after engaged in
the boot and shoe business. In the building now occupied by the George Clapp
hardware store. Later he disposed of that business and for many years operated
the “Ida May” as a ferry boat between Muscatine and the Illinois shore. About
25 years ago, however, he sold out to J.A. Eaton, and since that time has done
little in the way of business aside from looking after his farm on Muscatine
Island. In February, 1908, Mr. Davidson fractured his hip as a result of a
fall, but prior to that time, notwithstanding his advanced age, he was
physically equal to many several years his junior. However, the injury to his
hip never fully recovered and he has not been able to get around with nay degree
of comfort since the accident. Since his fall eight weeks ago he has been
confined to his bed, and for the past week his condition has been most critical.
Andrew Davidson was born in Adams County, Ohio, October, 1812, and removed to
Cincinnati when about 16 years of age, where he learned the tanners trade. For
a time he operated a tan yard at Portsmouth Ohio, coming from there to Muscatine
in April 1865, he became a member of the Methodist church in August 1832 was
given a license to exortain April, 1849, and to preach in 1859. On September
22, 1867, he was ordained a deacon of the Methodist church by bishop Jaynes at
Iowa City. He was made a member of the official board of the Methodist church
in 1866, and at the last session of the board wad made an honorary member, an
honor rarely conferred.
Mr. Davidson was married three times, his first marriage occurring May 21,
1833, when he married Louisa Meeks. Four children were born to them, two of
whom survive, they being Sarah Roach, of Muscatine, and Leroy Davidson, of
Davenport. His second marriage took place in May, 1841, and four children were
also born to this union three of whom survive. They are Margaret Cole, of
Portsmouth Ohio, Jacob, of Bonneville, and Joseph T. of Ft. Moultria, South
Carolina. His second wife died November 25, 1859 and on October 3, 1860 he was
united in marriage to Rachael Wilton, one child, Ella R. Davidson, of this city
being born to them. Besides his wife and children he is survived by a number of
grandchildren and great grandchildren, residing in Muscatine are: Joseph A,.
Davidson Robert, John and Edward Roach, and Howard and Kathryn Davidson,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson.
Transcribed by Georgeann McClure
1876-1877 Muscatine City Directory
Davidson H ferryboat 57 W. 3rd st.
Davidson T. J ferryboat 57 W 3rd st
Thomas Davidson
Greenwood Cemetery |
July 27, 1850
Irad C. Day
Masonic Hall, July 26th, 1850,
At a special communication of said Lodge, held at the time above stated, in
accordance with a regular summons issued by Absalom Fisher, the Master there of,
among others were the following proceedings:
The W.M. announced the demise of Irad C. Day--where upon the following
preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted, to wit:
Whereas, this lodge had received information of the death of our late brother
Irad C. Day, esq. by the scourge which is now visiting our land, and by its
ravages making desolate the hearth and homes of so many; and whereas upon an
occasion like the present, it is meet for us not only to manifest our sympathy,
towards the family of the deceased by those nets of benevolent and good will
which should always characterize the fraternity of which the deceased was an
honored member, but also to express that sympathy in a form which will in after
years serve to remind the family of our deceased brother of the estimation in
which he was held by the order, therefore be it Resolved, That the members of
this Lodge have learned with unfeigned regret of the death of our late brother
Irad C. Day Esq.
Thomas Dolson
1898 Mississippi August issue of the "Nugget" lists him as Captain of the
1890 Blair (p. 299) notes a Thomas Dolson of Muscatine, Iowa as Captain of the
raft boat “MUSSER” in 1890. Just before his departure to the Yukon he was
Captain of the F.WEYERHAUSER).
Mid-1880’s Master of the “JAMES FISKE JR.” in the rafting trade.
June 27, 1923
Davenport Democrat
Captain Dolson Run Yukon Steamers During Klondike Rush
By the Associated Press
Dubuque, IA., funeral services for Captain Thomas Dolson, pioneer river man
were held here yesterday afternoon. Captain Dolson, who was 70 years old, died
in a Burlington hospital Saturday while he was preparing to act as pilot on a
river steamer this summer.
He piloted packets on the upper and lower Mississippi for 50 years and he was
at the wheel of the Yukon river steamers during the Klondike rush in the late
Transcribed by Georgeann McClure
Ewing Downer
Capt. Ewing Downer
Muscatine Journal
Sept. 26, 1910
Captain Ewing Downer, one of the survivors of the old school of Mississippi
river men, passed away this morning at the county farm. He had been ill some
time and death was due to senility. He had been an inmate of the institution
for less than two years. He was 82 years old and an invalid for years. “Cap”
Downer was well known along the river in the days of steam boats and numbered
among the pioneers. No arrangements for funeral services. Internment will
probably be at the county farm. It is not thought that he has any near
Muscatine Journal
Feb. 9, 1909
Had lived for years in Lonely Cabin Near Fairport-had Hands and Feet badly
“ Some of the boats well known, at an early day, on which Capt. Downer was
employed as a pilot were the Ida May, Holsten, Northern Illinois, Kate Keen,
Pearl, Oriole and the De Kallion.”
“In the fall of 1857 Capt. Downer who was operating a skiff ferry between the
Iowa and Illinois shores at Muscatine, was nearly frozen to death, and it was
several days before it was determined that his life would be saved. It seems he
had taken a party to the Illinois shore and on returning his boat became lodged
in the floating ice, and drifted to a point near tow head. There Capt.
Downer in a benumbed state laid in the bottom of it all night, and when found in
the morning his hands and feet were badly-frozen, making amputation of all the
fingers and one leg necessary.” (Ewing Downer got his pilot license after this