Researched and Transcribed by
Sue Rekkas
Happened After the Jennie Gilchrist.

The rebuilt Jennie Gilchrist
in 1885 at LeClarie, Iowa
“The Jennie was raised, repaired and had a
long and useful career after the accident”
A Raft Pilot’s Log by Capt. Walter A.
Blair 1929 Arthur H. Clark Company |
She originally had one boiler and the engines
that came out of the “Danville.” After the wreck she was fitted out with two
boilers and the engines out of the “Evansville.” After refitting she was a
powerful little tow boat, according to Captain Walter A. Blair. She changed
hands a number of times, Captain “Jack” McCaffrey owning and running her for a
time. On March 25, 1894, she again was sunk at Quincy, Ills. She was raised
and sold south, and went to Paducah, Ky., where she engaged in job towing for
five or six years on the Ohio, Tennessee and Mississippi rivers. She was also
on the Missouri for a short time. Finally she went hard aground at Island No.
21, near Hickman, Ky. As the water raised in July 1900 it washed the sand from
under either end and she broke her back for a total loss.— “Steamboats
and Steamboatmen of the Upper Mississippi” by George B. Merrick The Saturday
Evening Post of Burlington, Iowa, August 19, 1916.
~~~ *** ~~~
Davenport Democrat, Thursday, October 18, 1883,
page 1.
Clara Bates, colored, was the widow of Geo.
Sidney, who went down with the Jennie Gilchrist. She afterward married Dan
Bates, who works in Davenport now. Dan always treated his wife well, but Mrs.
Clara had a spat with her husband this morning, and did all the spatting
herself, and after Dan had gone, took a dose of Rough on Rats about 9 a.m., and
became sick pretty quickly. She took the dose from a spoon and is said not very
much of the deadly compound, which has become a favorite means of attempted and
successful suicide in this vicinity of late, upon further investigation, it
seemed her father had been cross toward her; and when her husband came home last
night, the father told him his wife was not much good, and the woman said that
she would kill herself, which she proceeded to attempt this morning, the boy,
Jon, seeing her take the drug. Dr Eveter administered emetics, and as yet
may--that the woman is very sick and it may terminate fatality.
The Daily Argus, October 18, 1883.
A dose of “Rough on Rats” came near sending Mrs.
Clara Bates to the other world on Thursday morning, and only for the quick and
successful attendance of Dr. G. L. Eyster, her object—suicide—would have been
accomplished. The lady is the wife of John Bates, who returned home from
Missouri last Wednesday morning. She resides with her father, Mr. Louis Martin,
in South Rock Island, who it is said, has reproved her several times for some
act or other. When Mr. Bates arrived home, Martin complained to him, which
caused the woman to take the terrible dose.
Dr. Eyster visited his patient this morning, and
reported her as doing nicely. She appeared to be glad that she had to been sent
to the “happy hunting grounds,” and will be likely to let “Rough on Rats” alone
in the future.
William Heidenreich was the
watchman on the Jennie Gilchrist when the boat lost a cam rod and struck the
bridge on October 27, 1881. He claimed that he did not know his duty included
watching over the passengers to get them safely off the boat.
1880 Census State of
Iowa Scott County LeClaire
Surname |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Occupation |
Kaltenbracker |
Charles |
Head |
52 |
Machinist |
Kaltenbracker |
Alvena |
Wife |
40 |
Housekeeping |
Kaltenbracker |
Charles |
Son |
12 |
At school |
Kaltenbracker |
Harry |
Son |
08 |
At school |
Heidenreick |
William |
Other |
18 |
Apprentice |
Harker |
William |
Other |
17 |
Apprentice |
White |
Oliver P. |
Other |
44 |
Rapid Pilot |
~~~ *** ~~~
Davenport Democrat, Wednesday,
October 17,1883, page 1.
The steamer Nellie, Captain Whitney
which has been engaged in these waters through the summer in government and city
service, passed down early this morning with a barge in tow, and having French &
Co.’s circus on board. The company consists of some twenty-five people and five
horses and carry a tent that allows covering for an audience of 600 to 800
people. The circus exhibited at LeClaire yesterday, and shows at Keithsburg
today. They proceed south, and spend the winter in showing at small places on
every stream which can be navigated by the Nellie.
Davenport Democrat, Thursday,
November 15, 1883, page 1.
A fireman named William
Heitenreight (Heidenreich), on the steamer Nellie, which went down the river
with French’s circus, was drowned near Cape Girardean in the 27th ult.
He has relatives in Davenport and $2,000 in one of the Davenport savings banks.
His home was LeClaire.
Davenport Democrat, Thursday,
November 19, 1883, page 1.
Our readers will recollect the
announcement of the death of a young man named George Schliedwein (Heidenreich),
who lived in LeClaire, and was drowned off the steamer Nellie, below Cape
Girardeau, as she was en route south with Robert’s circus. It occurred last
month. Mr. Charles Seims, at the request of the mother of the deceased and
other relatives in this city, has been to Cape Girardean to investigate the
matter. He found that the body had been recovered, and that a coroner’s request
had been held--and the jury returned a verdict that “the deceased came to his
death after a knock on the head, which rendered him senseless, so that he could
be thrown overboard and drowned.” Mr. Seims identified the remains when they
were shown him, through a scar on the hand and a scar on the right caused by a
gun-shot wound. The remains were brought to Davenport, and the funeral took
place today. There is no doubt that the deceased was murdered for money. He
was saving of his wages, and carried sums about his person. He had $2,000 or
more in savings in a savings bank in Davenport.
1829 -- 1873
1835 -- 1867
1841 -- 1910
1826 --1883
1862 -- 1883
1864 -- 1903
see transcription below |
City Sexton Report
To the honorable Mayor Aldman of the City of Davenport Moat
November is
burial of the City Cemetery (5 persons)
Num. |
Given Name |
Surname |
Aged |
Time |
Resident |
Plot |
Years |
Months |
Days |
Plot |
" 1 |
Mahtis |
Family |
54 Jahr |
" " |
" " " |
Novb 02 |
clock 11 P. M |
Buflo |
241 |
" 2 |
Frid |
Megbior |
52 Jahr |
" " |
" " " |
Novb 04 |
clock 2 P. M. |
City |
I.O.O.F |
" 3 |
Sabina |
Naht |
31 Jahr |
14 Mt |
02 day |
Novb 06 |
clock 3 P. M |
City |
Plot 156 |
" 4 |
Claus |
Will |
62 Jahr |
09 Mt |
12 day |
Novb 18 |
clock4 P. M. |
City |
Plot 293 |
" 5 |
Wm. |
Heidenreich |
21 Jahr |
08 Mt |
" " " |
Novb 29 |
clock 4 P. M. |
Cape Giradeau |
Plot 183 |
Davenport Town
December 5th 1883
John Basmas
City Sexton |
~~~ *** ~~~
The Davenport Democrat, July 15,
1885, page1.
The old river pilot, De Los
(Dana) Dorrance, died suddenly in his bed, at the home of his brother
Durbin in LeClaire at three o’clock this morning. He was about town last
evening, apparently as well as ever, and went to bed without complaint of
ailment. At quarter to 8 o’clock the other inmates of the house were
aroused by his groans, and his sister-in-law went to his room to find him
senseless with apoplexy or heart disease. A Doctor was summoned, but
Dorrance died in a few minutes after his arrival.
De Los Dorrance was
fifty-two years of age--came to LeClaire when he was a child, and has had
his home there ever since. He has been a pilot on the upper Mississippi
for more than thirty years-- and a portion of that period was in the
wheel-house of the large packets. He was master and pilot of the steamer
Jennie Gilchrist, in ‘82, (October 27, 1881) when she met with the
disaster by the breaking down of her machinery, floating back against a
pier of the government bridge with barge, and sinking below the city, nine
persons losing their lives. After that Mr. Dorrance had little to do with
river traffic. He was a single man--divorced from his wife 10 years
since. He was a brother of De Forest Dorrance, the rapids pilot, and of
Durbin Dorrance, pilot of the Bebstock. |

Photo by
Robert Jones |
See also “Dan (De Los)
Dorrance, Peter Smith, and The Erring Wife” |
~~~ *** ~~~
1880 Census Scott County Town of
Surname |
Given Name |
Age |
Occupation |
Hire |
James |
25 |
River Pilot |
Hire |
Emma |
25 |
Keeping House |
1900 Census Clinton County Lyons
Township Clinton City
Surname |
Given Name |
Relationship |
Birthdate |
Age |
Occupation |
Hire |
James |
Head |
Sept 1855 |
44 |
Steanboat Pilot |
Hire |
Mary |
Wife |
May 1861 |
39 |
- |
~~~ *** ~~~
The Davenport Democrat and Leader,
Monday, April 1, 1907, page 12.
Well known Riverman Sent To
Independence for Treatment.
Dubuque County Wants Scott
County to Pay His Expenses at the Hospital
James A. Hire, of Princeton,
formerly one of the best known river pilots on the Mississippi, has been found
insane by the commissioners of insanity at Dubuque, and has been sent to the
asylum at Independence for treatment. The information came to Scott county this
morning in a letter to County Auditor Edward C. Collins from the clerk of the
Dubuque county district court. The letter stated that it was understood that
Mr. Hire has a place of residence in Princeton, and if so Scott county would be
expected to assume the charge.
Pilot Hire has of late years been
in charge of the wheel on government boats. It is said that for some time his
habits have been peculiar and the information charging him with insanity was
filed by a government official lasts week, the commitment resulting.
Jim Hire was the second pilot on
the Jennie Gilchrist when it lost a cam rod and it struck the Government Bridge
and sank in 1881. He was also a pilot on the Ravenna when it sank in 1902 due
to a cyclone.
~~~ *** ~~~
1880 Census Town of Princeton,
Scott County, Iowa
Suurname |
Given Name |
Age |
Occupation |
Maines |
Patrick |
32 |
Mechanical Engineer |
Maines |
Nancy |
25 |
Keeping House |
Maines |
William |
6 |
Going to school |
From “History of Davenport and
Scott County” Vol. II by Harry E. Downer-S. . Clarke Publishing Co. 1910
“…P. M. Maines, was a native of
Pennsylvania and when a young man went to Kentucky, being employed as a
steamboat engineer during his residence there. In 1875 he came to Iowa and
after one year spent in Clinton, removed to LeClaire, Scott county, where he
later coming to Davenport, where he continued as a steamboat engineer until his
death in February, 1909. He was well known river man, having a wide
acquaintance from St. Paul to New Orleans, being on the river in the palmy and
exciting days of steam boating when the Mississippi was the principal means of
travel from north to south and the vessels which plied its waters were well
termed floating palaces. He married Nannie E. Gray, a native of Virginia.”
Patrick Maines was the engineer on
the Jennie Gilchrist when it struck the Government bridge in 1881 and 9 lives
were lost.
~~~ *** ~~~
The Davenport Democrat and Leader,
Monday, February 8, 1909, page 9.
The death of Patrick M. Maines
occurred this morning at his home, 726 West Sixteenth street, Mr. Maines was
almost 63 years of age having been born on July 30, 1846, in Green county, Pa.
He came to Scott county in 1873 and was employed as a steamboat engineer for
many years. He is survived by his son, Wm. R. Maines.
The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home and will be private. It is
requested that no flowers be sent. The remains will be incinerated at the
~~~ *** ~~~
The Daily Times, Monday, February
8, 1909, page 6.
Has Piled River For Past Thirty
Years And Was Well Known Among Steamboat Men.
This morning at 2 o’clock at the
home of his son, W. R. Maines, 726 West Sixteenth street, Patrick R. Maines, one
of the old residents of Scott county and also one of the old time river men,
passed away after an illness that extended over a year. During the past twelve
months he has been ill but his sickness was never considered as being serious
until within the past four or five weeks. Saturday afternoon he was down town
for a short time and when he returned home he felt fatigued. From that time he
grew worse until the end came gracefully this morning.
Mr. Maines was a native of Green
county, Pennsylvania, having been born there, July 30, 1846. He remained in his
native home only a short time coming west when a youth. He first went to
Kentucky where he remained a short time before moving to Scott county. He has
been a resident of this county for over 35 years. During his residence here he
has followed a steamboat life being an engineer on several of the larger packets
plying between St. Paul and New Orleans. Besides a host of friends he leaves
only one son, W. R. Maines, to survive him.
The funeral will take place from
the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock and will be private. It is requested
that no flowers be sent. The body will be incinerated a the Davenport
~~~ *** ~~~
The Davenport Democrat and Leader,
Thursday, Feb. 11, 1909, page 9.
The Maines Funeral.
The funeral of Patrick M. Maines
was held at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon from the home, 716 West Sixteenth
street. A. G. Sampson spoke at the house and Fred Naeve at the crematorium,
where the body was incinerated. The pall-bearers were Ambrose Clayton, J. N.
Boy, J. G. Emmendorfer, C. F. Schroeder, Otto Gruenau and Louis Feld.
~~~ *** ~~~
The Daily Times, Thursday, February
11, 1909, page 7.
Maines Funeral
The funeral of the late Patrick M.
Maines was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, from the home of his son, W.
R. Maines, 726 West Sixteenth street, A. W. Sampson spoke at the home and Fred
Naeve officiated at the Davenport crematorium, where the body was incinerated.
The pall bearers were Ambrose C. Clayton, J. N. Boy, J. G. Emmendorfer, C. F.
Schroeder, Otto Gruenau and Lewis Feld.