Researched and
Transcribed by Sue Rekkas
The Daily Davenport Democrat, Monday, May 13, 1867, page 1.
We learn from Mr. Wm. Rambo, an old
Rapids pilot of LeClaire, who came down from that place this
afternoon, on the steamer Goldfinch, that as they passed Hampton
they saw the steamer Lansing, the Western Union Railroad packet,
wind-bound at that place, and when a short distance this side of
Hampton attention was called to the Lansing, which appeared to be
on fire near the forepart and immediately they heard an explosion
and saw the forepart of the boat, together with the smoke stacks,
disappear in the water, and the cabin fall in. There being at the
time a very strong wind and a heavy surf which prevented the
Goldfinch from going back for fear she might also be wind bound;
they were, therefore, unable to learn full particulars. From the
fact that the entire forepart of the boat sunk and the pilot house
and cabin fell in, it is supposed that a number of lives were
There were undoubtedly several of our
citizens on board--several are known to be if the explosion
happened on the up trip.--Several persons have gone up to the
scene of the disaster, and definite intelligence will be awaited
with painful anxiety and apprehension.
She was forcing on steam to get away from
Hampton, the wind blowing her directly ashore. At present writing
we are unable to learn any other cause of the disaster.
The Lansing was owned by the Western Union
Railroad Company, and last year plied between Savanna and
Dubuque. She was commanded by Capt. H. M. Hughes, with Mr. Stern
in the office.
P.S.--We understand that the pilot of the
boat, Geo. White, the cook and a deck hand, were killed; that Jim
Tracy, a well-known boatman, was also killed, and that Judge
Hubbell, of this city, had a leg broken.
We learn that there were four ladies aboard,
among whom was Mrs. Strong, of this city. Two of the ladies were
slightly injured--we could not learn which.
There were also two men missing--supposed to
have been blown into the river.
Our informant, Mr. Eldridge, says that his
trunk. Standing front of the cabin was blown 40 yards into the
river. He was aft, assisting in pushing off the boat, and was
uninjured. Capt. Hughes was uninjured.
Daily Gazette, Tuesday Morning, May 14. 1867, page 4.
Destruction of the Steamboat
A Man Blown 300 feet through the Air.
A Steam Chest Blown 400 feet.
Yesterday afternoon our city was startled and alarmed by a report,
first brought by passengers of the Steamboat Goldfinch, that the
Port Bryon Packet Lansing, of the Western Union Railroad Line, had
exploded her boilers at Hampton on her way up. The Goldfinch
passed Hampton at noon. The wind was blowing a gale, and the
waves were rolling with such violence that Capt. W. Dalzell, her
commander, declined to land. The Lansing was then lying at the
Ferry landing just above the town of Hampton. When three quarters
of a mile below Hampton, the passengers on the Goldfinch noticed a
volume of steam issuing from the Lansing and a few persons saw the
smoke pipes fall over. It was evident that an explosion had taken
place, and Capt. Dalzell was desirous of returning to Hampton to
attempt assistance to the sufferers. But Mr. S. H. Lancaster, the
pilot, gave his opinion that the attempt would not only be
hazardous to the boat, but would seriously imperil the lives of
the passengers on the Goldfinch; the boat therefore continued her
course until a safe harbor was reached, near Duck Creek; from
whence some of the passengers proceeded by land to the city,
bringing the news of the disaster. The report spread over the
city with great rapidity, causing much alarm, especially among
those whose friends were, or were supposed to be passengers on the
ill-fated boat. Subsequently, Mr. L. H. Eldridge, of this city,
who was on the Lansing when the explosion took place, arrived with
much particulars as he could collect in the excitement of the
Immediately on hearing the report,
though a passenger of the Lansing, we hastened to procure the
facts for our readers. Making a sudden call for a span of Mart-Hewit's
fast travelers, and inviting our friend Capt. Mitchell of the Jas.
Mears, to accompany us, we sped for Hampton, via Valley
City. Crossing at Poston's ferry, we had an excellent opportunity
to see the wreck from the river side. The Lansing lay with her
broadside on the beach, and her bow up stream. The forward part
of her upper works, back to midships, were entirely gone. From
midships half way to the stern, the cabin floors and hurricane
deck hung in a mass of crushed ruins over the dismantled hull.
The later seemed to be broken in two about midships and only the
capstan and extreme front of the bow were visible above the
water. Not the least sign of the boiler, or smoke stacks, were
On the shore, evidence of the
terrible destructive force of the explosion were seen on every
hand. The entire length of the river bank for thirty rods, or
more, below the Lansing, was lined with pieces of the wreck blown
to the land and washed up by the waves. From the water’s edge
back, from two to three hundred feet, pieces of deck, flooring,
cabin lining, blinds, sash, etc., lay strewn about in every
direction. A remarkable fact was the smallness of these various
fragments of the boat. A very large proportion of these were less
than two feet in length, and many of them only six, four, and even
two inches.
Immediately above the bow of the boat
and nearly covered with water lay a large piece of the boiler.
Another piece, composed of parts of four plates of irregular
shape, jagged and torn, and measuring about nine feet in length,
lay on the bank about thirty feet from the river and nearly
abreast of where the boiler should be on the boat. A few feet
further along the bank and up the river lay a nest of fourteen of
the boiler tubes; of which several were bent outward at their
centers, but no one of them showed any evidence of being in the
least burned, or collapsed, or burst. Three or four other tubes
were thrown off to a greater distance, and were very much bent.
One of these, with a piece of the pilot wheel lay nearly abreast
of the boiler stand on the boat, but about fifty feet from it.
The bell and a piece of the jack staff lay close under the bow at
the waters edge. A “man hole” head, weighting at least fifty
pounds, lay about 150 feet aft of the boat and fifty feet from the
river. Near this lay a piece of the “hog chain” about twenty feet
long. The tree tops along the river bank were hung with papers,
etc., blown up with the wreck.
These details will give our readers some
idea of the severity of the explosion. But more remains to be
told. The river bank at this point rises a distance of about 120
feet to the road. Beyond the road and nearly abreast of the bow
of the boat is the residence of Mr. Benedict Smithall, and just
south (or down the river) from this is a large field. In this
field we found first at distance of 800 feet from the boat, a
piece of the boiler about four feet by two and a half. Beyond
this the safety value, and attached to this a strip of the boiler
about 12 x 3 1/2 feet and weighing at least 500 pounds. Still
further, but south, lay the steam chest, a mass of iron weighing,
it is estimated, 800 pounds, apparently uninjured, and as though
gently lifted from the top of the boiler. This immense weight lay
nearly four hundred feet from the boat. All the various pieces
of the boiler plates were very much torn and the edges of the
broken parts were much jagged. The tubes were of 8 ½ diameter and
apparently 12 feet in length. When inspected by Capt. Guerdon,
Government inspector, last spring, the boiler was by him
considered a very good one. It was of a make (tubular) however,
now generally repudiated by the best steamboat engineers.
Entering the house of Mr. Smithall, already
allured to, we found in bed, and under the kind care of Mrs. S., a
gentlemen who was sitting on the boiler-deck of the Lansing, just
in front of the smoke stack, when the explosion took place, and
instantly thereafter picked himself up within a few yards of Mr.
Smithall’s residence, or 350 from the boat! This gentleman is Mr.
John J. Kreedler, of Clinton, DeWitt county, Ill., but for some
time past staying in Rock Island. He is about thirty-five years
of age, and must weigh, at least, 160 pounds. Mr. K. informed us
that he remembers well his location before the accident, and the
fact of his getting up, after his fearful flight through the air,
and hastening to the house where we found him. Although
semi-delirious on reaching the house, he proceeded to wash himself
as though quite well. His right arm is quite severely scalded;
also his left ear and the left portion of his forehead. He
complained of much pain in his back, but, was otherwise
comfortable. Dr. Vincent, of Hampton, dressed his scalds and
assiduously gave all needed surgical attendance. He will,
doubtless, soon recover.
Judge S. A. Hubbell, of this city,
United States District Judge for New Mexico, had also a very
narrow escape. Judge H. informed us that he was sitting by the
stove immediately over the boiler, reading and was hurled by the
explosion against one of the cabin windows immediately under the
hurricane deck, and toward the stern of the boat. In this window
the judge hung by one ankle until released. As a result he is
scalded slightly on the left side of his face and has the small
bone just above the right ankle broken. He received no internal
injuries and was very comfortable last night when we left him, in
bed in the pleasant parlor of Dr. Vincent. Judge H. spoke in the
highest terms of the kindness of Dr. V., his wife and daughter.
Of whom we have not now space to speak in particular,
are: Mr. Peter Oliphant, of this city, scalded in the face and
shoulder blade broken; injuries serious but not dangerous; Mrs.
Nellie Richardson, wife of Mr. H. M. Richardson, of this city, leg
scalded, not serious; Mr. Alleck W. Powell, of Ottawa, Illinois,
seriously injured in the stomach; Mrs. John A. Logan, of Cordona,
Illinois, cut on the head and bruised in the face.
The saddest part of the story remains to be told. While many
providentially escaped death, six persons met a sad fate under
circumstances most afflicting to the bereaved ones left to mourn
their sudden loss. First among the victims was Mr. George White,
the pilot, an estimable citizen of LeClaire, and married only
about two years ago to the daughter of Captain W. Allen, of that
place. Mr. White was not the regular pilot of the Lansing, but
took the place, for one day only, of his brother-in-law, Mr.
Robert Allen, whose family were sick. Mr. White was an excellent
pilot and was much respected by all who knew him. His sudden
death is a terrible affliction to his young wife.
William Wasesigner, for Fort Madison, and cook
of the Lansing is another of the dead.
W. H. Rnieb, of Colona, Illinois, is a
fourth. The sum of $105.40 was found on the deceased and was
taken charge of by Justice Wells.
Each of the above named persons were instantly
killed. Mr. H. Noble, passenger, of Burlington, Iowa, died within
an hour after being carried to the house of Mr. Delancy Cook.
Mr. H. Curtis, of Dubuque, a well known and
extensive grain dealer of that city and son-in-law to Capt.
Parker, of the Davenport, is known to be killed, but his body has
not yet been found. It is supposed that he was blown into the
river with parts of the wreck.
Notwithstanding the fact that the loss of the
boat's books and papers renders it impossible to make up a list of
passengers, there is every reason to believe that the names given
include those of all the lost.
The escape of the remainder of the passengers, and the officers
and crew, seems really wonderful and providential. The Lansing
had made her landing at Hampton and was endeavoring to start for
Port Bryon. The high wind had, however, blown her on to the
shore, and detained her there nearly an hour. It became
necessary, therefore, to “spar” off her stern. While the spar was
being worked on, the engineer under orders from the pilot, was
“backing” with the engine. More help was needed on the spar.
Capt. Hughes, Mr. Stern, the clerk, the carpenter and several of
the passengers, hastened aft to aid in working on the spar. The
ladies too, with one or two gentlemen in the cabin went aft to see
the boat pushed off. This saved their lives, doubtless. The
engineer, Mr. John Bromley had just been to the front of the boat
to try the water gauge and order the furnace doors to be opened,
and had returned to the throttle valve to await the ringing of the
pilot’s bell, when the explosion took place. Thus the engineer
escaped with only a slight bruise. The mate was at the extreme
point of the bow with a deck hand handing in a line. Destruction
rioted all around these two men, but neither of them were
injured. The watchman was asleep in his room right over the
boiler. He was blown over the starboard side and saved himself
from drowning by clinging to a “fender” hung over the guards by
the explosion.
Was held last evening before Lucius Well, Esq., Justice of the
Peace. The following were the jurymen:
A. Freeman. D. V. Plants, G. Apley, Samuel
Hagy, H. P. Shurtliff, Wm. Eddleman, Clatus Glance, R. T.
Melville, A. Haywood, Saml. Dennison, M. J. Rengler and Jacob
Among the witnesses were T. T. Melville, who
was Clerk of the Lansing last year, and who testified that he had
known the boat to be run on 185 pounds of steam, there was less
than that pressure when the explosion occurred. The inquest was
not concluded when we left at a late hour.
Captain Mitchell informs us that Mr. Bromley
as ran his engineer for several months, and he always considered
him one of the more careful and reliable of men in the management
of an engine and boilers.
built at Prairie du Chein, seven or eight years ago, for Lansing
capitalists. Her present owners are Messrs. Stewart & Lowry, the
former gentlemen of Lyons, the latter of Dubuque. She was valued
at $6,000. Last year she ran in connection with the Western Union
R. R. from Dubuque to Savanna. It is only during this season that
the Lansing has been running to Davenport. Her regular officers
were: G. Huges, Captain; L. H. Stein, Clerk; Frank Campbell, Mate;
Robert Allen Pilot.
Great praise is awarded to Capt. Hughes and to
all the officers and crew for their care of the passengers, etc.,
after the accident.
Among the passengers on board were Mr. and
Mrs. Strong of this city.
Dr. Vincent of Hampton, faithfully devoted his
services to the care of the sufferers.
A special train was sent down from Port Bryon,
in the afternoon with assistance; also, one later from Rock
Island. Our fellow citizen, G. E. Hubbell, Esq., hastened to
Hampton to care for his brother, on hearing the sad news.
The Davenport Democrat, Tuesday, May 14, 1867, page 1.
Six Men Killed and Six Passengers Injured.
In our last evening’s edition we announced the appalling
intelligence of the explosion of the steamer Lansing at Hampton,
Ill., about ten miles above this place, but owing to the lateness
of the hour at which the intelligence arrived at this place, were
unable to give the particulars connected with the frightful
The Lansing left our levee yesterday
morning, at about half past eight o’clock, to make her usual
connection between this point and Port Bryon, fifteen miles from
here, where she connects with the Western Union Railroad. At
about half past ten she landed at a wood yard about an eighth of a
mile above the village of Hampton. During the time occupied in
wooding up, the wind that had been pretty strong out of the
northwest all the morning, so far increased in force as to prevent
the boat from pulling out. The usual method of backing and
sparring were resorted to, to get her off, but without much
effect. At a quarter to twelve, while Capt. Hudges and his men,
aided by some of the passengers, were diligently sparring off from
the shore, at the stern, the engines in full play backing to the
tune of 137 pounds of steam, all at once there was a dull, heavy
sound, a hissing of steam, and upon the crowd in the stern, saw
the cabin sinking upon them, and were soon enveloped in steam,
dust, sand, sticks and rubbish--the starboard boiler, the one
nearest the shore, had exploded! Quicker than thought, the most
of the men present sprang into the water--though none in that part
of the boat were injured.
Horrified at the awful shock, and
momentarily realizing the fearful circumstances attendant thereon.
Those who escaped injury naturally resolved to respond to the
cries of the injured, and to arrest the spread of fire. Some
climbed into the cabin to aid those they expected to find
suffering there, and others used the best means within their reach
to prevent a second horror in the shape of a conflagration.
In a few moments the steam and smoke had
disappeared and the full wreck and the awful results of the
explosion were full in view.
In the cabin where were four ladies and
several gentlemen, but fortunately most of them were in the after
part, and these were not so seriously injured. Of the four
ladies--Mrs. C. W. Strong, and Mrs. H. N. Richardson, of this
city, and Mrs. John A. Logan, of Cordova, Ill., and Miss
Chamberlain, of Rock Island, Ill., only Mrs. Richardson and Mrs.
Logan were at all injured.--The former was slightly scalded on one
leg, and the latter somewhat cut and bruised on the head and
face--nothing serious.
The male passengers in the cabin were
less fortunate. Hon. Sydney A. Hubbell, of this city, U. S.
District Court Judge for New Mexico, who was on his way up the
river, was sitting in the cabin, directly over the rear of the
boilers, leisurely reading when the explosion took place. He was
hurled some twenty feet through one of the aft windows, in which
his right foot caught, and by which he hung suspended until help
came to his relief.
Peter Oliphant, Esq., of this city was
also in the cabin. His shoulder blade was broken by the shock,
and was otherwise bruised, besides being pretty badly scalded,
though he has good reason to thank all his stars for being so
slightly molested.
Mr. A. W. Powell, of Ottawa, Ill., was
also roughly handled and somewhat bruised and sprained, but
received no serious injuries.
Mr. John Kreedlar, of Clinton, DeWitt
county, Ill., fared worse. He was directly over the boiler when
it exploded, and wonderful to relate, after being hurled through
the air for a distance of 400 feet in company with hot steam,
whizzing scraps of jagged boiler iron, beams, sticks and
splinters, he struck the earth comparatively uninjured. We say
comparatively, for under ordinary circumstances instant death
would have the result of such a flight. It was like being blown
from a mortar. He picked himself up and found himself all
there--not a joint dislocated, or a bone broken. He went directly
to the nearest house--Mr. Smithall’s--where he proceeded to wash
off the dust and dirt insistent upon the uncerespondeus
transacties, where he discovered his right arm and ear was pretty
badly scalded, and as might be expected, he was pretty wrenched
and bruised. He will probably be about in a few days. It is
truly a remarkable escape.
But the most melancholy part of
the story is yet to be told. Six men,--named Geo. White, William
Wasseigher, James Tracy, W. H. Noble, W. H. Rhieb and H. Curtis
were full victims to the awful event.
George White, a resident of LeClaire,
and son-in-law of Capt. W. Allen of that place--temporary pilot of
the Lansing, in place of his brother-in-law, Robert Allen, who was
detained by sickness in his family, was at his wheel at the time
of the explosion, and consequently in the most dangerous
position. He was hurled through the air, and when found three
spokes of the wheel were driven though his thighs--one though
each; both legs broken, and his spine injured. He was dead when
found. He was an excellent man, and leaving a young wife to mourn
his untimely and frightful death.
William Wasseigher, was the boat’s cook;
was a resident of Fort Madison, Iowa. He was dead when found.
James Tracy, was fireman, resided in
Rock Island, where he leaves a wife and two small children in
indigent circumstances.
W. H. Noble, a resident of Burlington,
Iowa. Life remained when found, but so terrible were his injuries
that he died in a short time, at the house of Mr. D. Cook, where
he had been taken to be cared for.
W. H. Rheib was from Colona, Ill.;
killed instantly.
Mr. H. Curtis was from Dubuque--a grain
dealer--son-in-law of Capt. J. W. Parker, of the steamer
Davenport. At the time of the explosion, he was writing a letter
in the Clerk’s office, which is on the larboard side, and so his
body has not been found, it is likely that he was blown into the
This ends the chapter of horrid
accidents--and heart sickening indeed they are. Our
informant--our young friend L. H. Eldridge, Esq.,--one of the
passengers, informs us that the scene was frightful beyond all
comparison, and many were the narrow escapes encountered. A
desire to be useful saved his own life. He left the gentleman's
cabin just before the explosion, went down on deck and aft to
assist in sparring off. He remarked to the engineer, Bromley,
when passing that the boilers were getting mighty hot, but thought
no danger. The engineer went back to his engine to answer signals
from the pilot, and he went to work at the poles. Just as he got
there the explosion took place. His trunk that he had just left,
was blown forty yards into the river, and was afterwards shod
out. He says that it was the starboard boiler that exploded. The
larboard boiler was not to be found afterwards. It had
unquestionably been blown far out into the river. Fragments of
the exploded boiler were scattered all over the adjacent shore in
every imaginable freak of contortion. It was a tubular
boiler--twelve feet tubes, three and a half inches in diameter.
At its inspection last spring, it was pronounced to be in good
condition. The general impression as to the immediate cause of
the disaster is that it was occasioned by fouling. The wheel had
been working backwards in the mud and sand for nearly an hour, and
a large amount of this sand and mud, thus driven under the boat by
the back action of the wheel, had been sucked up into the boiler,
either choking up some of the pipes or forming so much foam as to
bring about the awful result.
The Lansing has been running about
8 years, having been built at Prairie du Chien for Lansing men.
At present she was owned by Mr. Stewart of Lyons, and Mr. Lowry,
of Dubuque, and valued at about $5,000. She ran last year between
Dubuque and Savanna in connection with the Western Union
Railroad. She is now a total wreck from the bottom of her hull
upwards--nothing being left on which to found repairs, excepting
her engines and wheel, which was unharmed.--The books and papers
were all lost.
Mr. Eldridge informs us that Capt.
Hughes used every exertion possible, as did others, to care for
the dead and wounded. The citizens of Hampton, and Dr. Vincent of
that place, deserve great credit for their efforts in behalf of
the afflicted.
A coroner’s jury, consisting of A.
Freeman, D. V. Plants, G. Apley, Samuel Heagy. Samuel Dennison. M.
J. Rengley, H. S. Shurtiff, Wm. Edleman, Clatis Glance, R. T.
Melville, A. A. Woods, Jacob Gukart, was called.
The inquest adjourned without a verdict
to re-assemble this morning with the witnesses.
The W. U. R. R.Co. will put another
steamer on the line at the earliest moment, which will be duly
The boat’s regular officers were H. M.
Hughes, Captain; L. H. Steen, Clerk; Frank Campbell, Mate; John
Bromley, Engineer. Mr. Bromley is considered a very careful and
competent Engineer. No blame is attached to him or any officer of
the boat. Robt. T. Melville, who was upon the Lansing as Clerk
last season, says she has been run under 140 lbs. steam--more than
40 pounds more than she had when the boilers exploded.
It is a sad calamity--one that rarely
happens in these waters, and the like of which we hope never to be
called upon to report again.
The Daily Gazette, Wednesday Morning, May 15, 1867, page 4.
The Lansing
Desiring to place before the readers of the
Gazette the fullest particulars of any additional developments in
relation to the Lansing disaster, we visited Hampton again
yesterday afternoon. So far as relates to the facts of the
explosion and its results we found nothing to add to the very full
and correct account given in our columns yesterday morning, from
data collected by us on the spot, except in supplying a single
omission made in the haste of the compositors, who left out a
paragraph from the manuscript furnished. The third person on our
list of killed was James Tracy, of Rock Island, fireman of the
Lansing, who leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss.
Inasmuch as we did not return from Hampton in time to complete the
writing of our account before a quarter to three yesterday
morning; while the compositors did not finish the last “take”
until five o’clock, it would be strange if no omission was made.
The procuring of the facts and the publication of so correct a
report, may be accepted as a fair illustration of Gazette
Yesterday we found Mr. Kneedler, the passenger
who was hurled 300 feet through the air, still under the care of
Dr. G. Vincent at the residence of Mr. Smithall. Mr. K. was
evidently, as was to be expected, much worse than on the evening
previous. His scalded arm was very sore and the patient had some
fever. His recovery will probably be long delayed and there are
reasons to fear that his spine is seriously injured.
Mr. Powell, of Ottawa, Ills., who lies
at the residence of Mr. Webster, and is under the care of Dr.
Charles Clarke, is recovering slowly, but complains of much of
pain from the blow received on his stomach.
Mr. Peter Oliphant, of this city who lies at
the residence of Mr. Clapp, and is now attended by his nephew and
niece, Mr. and Mrs. Barger of this city, and is under the care of
Dr. C. Clarke is suffering seriously from his injuries. His left
hip and side is very badly scalded, and he complains much of
severe pain in his left breast. The pain from his broken shoulder
blade is also quite serious. Dr. J. M. Baker of this city, has
been sent for and will go to Hampton to see Mr. Oliphant this
Judge S. A. Hubbell was brought to this city
last evening on the Ben Campbell; being carried from Dr. Vincent’s
residence, in Hampton, to the boat on a lounge, and thus from the
boat on his arrival here. Dr. Vincent and Geo. Hubbell, Esq.,
attended the Judge to his home. Dr. W. F. Peck was sent for this
evening. He found Judge H. injured more seriously than we had
reported. His leg was broken just above the ankle joint, and the
ankle itself dislocated. The scalds on the left side of his head
and ear are severe, and his right hip is much bruised. His
recovery must, necessarily, be slow.
The rest of the wounded, not above enumerated,
have gone to their respective homes.
The coroner's inquest did not complete its
investigation yesterday; but adjourned until eight o’clock this
morning. The bodies of the dead, with one exception have been
taken care of by relatives and friends.
The body of Mr. Curtis, of Dubuque, has not
been found. Search will be made today, should the wind abate its
fury of the past two days. An effort will be made, also, to find
the larboard boiler. It is not known whether that boiler exploded
or not. The pieces of the starboard boiler alone were blown
The safe from the clerk’s office has not been
found. A part of the papers filed away in an old safe, the door
of which was not closed, have been found scattered over the boat.
The engines being located far aft, are
uninjured. Precisely how much damage has been done to the hull,
cannot now be determined. The whole remains of the boat lie on
the sandy shore, with the starboard side of the hull in less than
two feet water. It is not improbable that the hull can be
repaired and the boat again floated. The boat was built at
Prairie du Chien only four years ago.
Capt. Hughes was on the hurricane deck less
than five minutes before the explosion. He left his place there
for the express purpose of visiting the engine room, under the
impression that the engineer had not steam enough on and was not
doing all he could to work the boat off. He found the gauge
indicating between 130 and 140 lbs, and passed aft. This
statement corresponds with that of the engineer, Mr. J. C.
Bromley, whose evidence places the steam gauge, just before the
explosion, at 135 to 140 lbs.
Much feeling exists, we learn, against the
Captain of the Goldfinch, for not landing on witnessing the
explosion. It is charged that he was only below Hampton, on the
Iowa side; was hailed by Captain Hughes after the explosion, and
could easily have returned to the wreck. We have given Captain
Daizell’s reasons for not returning, and now give the other side
in justice to all parties.
Miss Julia A. Chamberlin, Music Teacher,
of Rock Island, was among the passengers favored with a narrow
escape. Five minutes before the explosion this lady was seated by
the stove near Judge Hubbell and Mr. Olipliant. Feeling sleepy,
she retired to the ladies cabin, laid down on a sofa, and when
next conscious, found herself near the door leading from the cabin
to the guard, and saw the front part of the boat in ruins. With
Mrs. Strong of this city, Miss C. was aided from the cabin by
Captain Hughes, and was carried to shore by a citizen who waded to
the boat up to his waist in water.
Daily Gazette, Thursday Morning, May 16, 1867, page 4.
The Coroner’s Inquest!
Two More Deaths Probable!!
The Coroner’s Inquest on the bodies of
George White, William Wasesigher, James Tracy, W. R. Rheib and W.
H. Noble, five of the six persons killed by the explosion of the
Lansing, completed its investigation and made up its verdict
yesterday afternoon. Lucius Wells, Esq., Justice of the Peace,
acted as coroner. The following persons composed the jury on the
body of George White:
R. T. Melville, (Foreman), A.
Freeman, D. V. Paints, G. Aplez, Samuel Haegy, Samuel Denison, M.
J. Rengler, Jacob Guchert, H. S. Shurtliff, William Edelman.
Clatus Glanty, Augustus Hayward.
The same jury served on each of the
other bodies, except that Samuel Haegy was excused and Solomon
Meader served in his place. The following is a correct report of
the evidence taken:
James Zuver(or Zover), of Freeport,
Ills., sworn: Know the body of George White, who I understand was
the pilot of the boat. The explosion took place at 12 o’clock,
noon, or thereabouts. Know the death of this person was caused by
the explosion.
E. W. Sheets, Dayton, Ohio; sworn: Was
a passenger on the steamboat Lansing, May 13, 1867. The boat was
attempting to get off the landing at Hampton. The crew and
passengers attempted to force the stern into the stream.
Know, almost, the steam had on the boat. I first looked at the
steam gauge fifteen minutes before the explosion: It indicated
140 to 145. At the time of the explosion it indicated 155. Was
standing six or eight feet from the steam gauge. Felt a great
head of steam on. The machinery was under full head of steam at
time of explosion. Recognize body (G. White) as being a man I saw
on boat, but as to his position do not know.
Albert G. Lane, of Chicago, sworn: Was
passenger on steamer Lansing. Took passage at Rock Island. Went
aft on our landing at Hampton. Left the engine room for a few
moments and on returning noticed her steam gauge; it stood at
135. This was some time before the explosion. The engineer was
at his post. Engineer spoke to pilot; asked for reason to rosin
raise more steam, I went forward, and returning found steam
raised to 155. Machinery in full operation all the time.
Engineer hung a wretch on the safety valve about five pounds in
weight. Am prepared to swear to addition of this weight and this
head--steam gauge rose to 155. Was at work with poles on posts to
get stern of boat into the stream; passengers and crew assisting.
I swear that the indicator stood higher after the wrench was hung
on the valve. Do not remember safety valve blowing off before
explosion. Recognize the body of deceased as pilot. Recollect
the engineer going forward to try gauge cock two or three times.
All the officers were at their posts.
Drs. Clerke, of Hampton, and
Fleming, of Port Bryon, were sworn, and testified the cause of
death of George White to be fracture of spinal column; compound
fracture of leg; compound fracture of right thigh. The actual
cause of death was injury of spinal column. The other injuries
were not sufficient of themselves to cause death.
R. T. Melville, of Hampton, Ills.,
formerly Clerk of the Lansing, sworn: Am acquainted with the
rules of steamboats. Know the steamboat Lansing. She is allowed
to carry more than that pressure. Do not know how much she could
carry. Have known her to carry 135 pounds and be safe. Could not
say how old her boilers were. (By a juror) “Would a year’s
service weaken the boiler?" Ans. “Of course service wears a
John C. Bromley, of Rock Island, sworn: Was engineer of the
Lansing at time of the explosion. We left Davenport at 8:45. The
machinery and connections were all right at that time, as far as I
could tell. Moline was our first landing after leaving Davenport;
Hampton was the second. We landed at Hampton and took on wood.
In the meantime I oiled the machinery. Asked the Captain how long
he would lay. He answered until he took on all the wood. I then
went back and packed one of the valve stems; then I went forward
and told the fireman to open the dampers; then tried the water.
The steam was up to 130. They pulled in the stage plank.
Commenced backing her out and steam went down to 120. Then told
the pilot we had better stop and get more steam. She then went
back up to 130. I then went back and started the “doctor”, then
steam went up to 135. Commenced backing engines for 10 to 15
minutes. During this time I tried the water about twice. Went
forward and tried the water; found plenty of water. Went around
the boilers and told the fireman to open the dampers. Came back
to the engine room. Laid my hand on the throttle valve, expecting
to back her. Looked at the steam gauge. Next thing I recollect
the throttle valve and I were laying on the floor. There was a
little noise. The Captain came to me and asked “Johnny what’s the
matter?” I said It’s all over. She is blown up.” He asked me if
I had plenty of water. I told him I had as far as I knew.
By jurors.--”What amount of steam is the
Lansing allowed?” Ans. “119 lbs.” “What did she usually
carry?” Ans. “120 to 125 lbs.”, “Do boats usually carry more
than Inspector’s papers allow?” Ans. “They generally do.”
“Could the Lansing carry more than the law allowed with safety?”
Ans. “I do not think it safe.” “What was your opinion of her
boilers?” Ans. “They were old , and had carried more than they
should and had been strained.”
“Were there any weak places in the boiler?” Ans.
“The shell that extends beyond the head forward, is used as a
support on the furnace, and the bottom is burned out. Yesterday I
cleaned out the boiler, and put a piece of boiler iron 8 inches
wide and 26 inches long, under and bolted up to the main shell;
then built brick linings under to protect it from fire.”
“What is your opinion regarding the
explosion?” “I can’t tell.”
“Did the boilers leak any?” “There was
a small leak around the bolt that went forward though the hand
hole blade, but, it only dropped a little.”
The Captain was just forward of the
starboard engine at the time. I put a small wrench, 3 lbs, on the
safety cord to keep her from foaming.
“Was there any danger of the supply pipe being
Answ.--”No; if there was I should have known it.”
L.H. Steen, of Sabula, Iowa,
sworn; was Clerk and bar-keeper on the Lansing. Landed at Hampton
to let off passengers. The wind commenced blowing on the shore.
Tried to get back out; engines kept backing; stopped engines once
for a short time; was working steam nearly all the time. I was
standing on the starboard side, just outside the “doctor,” on the
guard. They were trying to shove her out at the stern; did not
notice the steam gauge; at one time thought she was working very
slow at the time the Captain came to the deck room; do not know
what he came for, know nothing of boilers. Lansing used tubular
boilers. Do not know the opinion of others regarding these
particular boilers. Know Mr. J. C. Bromley, the engineer, since
he has been on the boat. He bears a good character. Did not
note, at any time, any inattention on his part as an engineer. He
was at his post at the time; I saw him. Since he was on the boat
he took care of the boilers, and he cleaned them, and fixed them
though last Sunday. Never hear him express an opinion of safety
of boilers. Can’t say the officers were at their posts. Saw the
Captain in the engine room. Should judge that due care was taken
to prevent explosion. Don’t know that Mr. Bromley has his
engineer’s papers. He acts as First Engineer. Don’t know the
amount of steam allowed. Have seen her carry 130; never noticed
her carry more than 135. Do not know of the steam gauge being
light or otherwise incorrect.
Frank Campbell, of Savanna, Ill. Sworn:
Am mate of the Lansing. At Hampton, after we had landed to put
off passengers and take on wood, the wind rose; we tried to back
off, then to shove off with poles; then used a spar and was trying
to shove off when the explosion occurred. Was at the gangway
door, forward of the starboard cylinder. Do not know the amount
of steam the boat was carrying. The boilers were tubular.
Am not a practical machinist; never heard an opinion of the
boilers of the Lansing; have heard that tubular boilers are not so
safe as others. Know Mr. Bromley since he has been on the
boat--about three weeks; have heard him recommended as a good
engineer; he acted as first engineer; was always at his post. The
boilers were cleaned and machinery overhauled last Sunday. Do not
know the amount of steam allowed; have seen her carry 120. The
Captain was on deck the last time I saw him; do not know what he
came on deck for; he helped me spar. She was blowing off; can’t
say she has a lock valve. Officers were attentive to business.
Did not see engineer hang weight on the valve cord. Don’t know
how the valve is numbered. Recognize the body of the cook; helped
to take him out of the hold.
James Conners, Davenport, sworn.
Was a hand on the Lansing at the time of the explosion. Left
Davenport at 8 1/2 or 9 a. m.; landed here at 10 or 11 a. m. Know
nothing of the boiler; was standing by the “doctor”; didn’t know
how much steam she was carrying; the engineer was at his post.
The boilers were cleaned last Sunday. I helped clean them. I
heard something said about making steam; the engine was stopped
for a short time. Have known the engineer for two years. He is a
good engineer, was on the James Means the greater part of last
season; is a temperate man. Recognize the body as the cook, saw
him in the kitchen a few moments before the explosion. Don’t know
the amount of steam allowed.
Pat O’Donnell, Port Bryon,
steamboat man on Lansing, sworn: Heard nothing about machinery;
was at the stern at the time of the explosion; don’t know the
amount of steam she carried; heard nothing about making steam;
know Mr. Bromley on the boat. Have been on the boat four weeks.
I recognize the body as that of the cook, saw him on the boat in
the kitchen a few minutes before the explosion; saw him next when
being carried out of the hold; don’t know his name or residence.
James Connelly, Dubuque, steamboatman on
Lansing, sworn. Heard nothing about machinery. Landed at Hampton
about noon, were trying to spar off stern to get off, was on the
starboard fantail. Don’t know the kind of boiler. Have noticed
the steam gauge, have seen it at 125 and 138; don’t know the
amount of steam allowed, heard that she had on 80 or 90, heard no
blowing off. Have known Mr. Bromley since he came on board; had
good reputation as an engineer, was temperate and always at his
post. Don’t know where the Captain was; he used all care to get
the boat off. Recognize body of the cook; don’t know his name;
his father held an office under U.S. at Savannah.
Harry Davis, New Orleans, steward on
Lansing, sworn: Boat left Davenport at 9 o’clock. Was back aft
in engine room when landed at Hampton; heard no opinion about
boilers; boilers were tubular. Had been in engine room about five
minutes when I heard the engineer speak to the fireman, and saw
him try the gauge; when he came back he took hold of the throttle
and the explosion went; the doctor was running, and the engineer
tried the gauge two or three times; don’t know whether there was
water enough; carried 130; have seen her carry that much. Mr.
Bromley was always attentive; never saw him drink.
Captain H. M. Hughes, Davenport, Master
of Lansing, sworn. Machinery reported upon favorably. Landed at
Hampton about eleven o’clock; at the time we landed wind was
blowing fresh, quartering on shore; took wood, and wind rose to a
gale, dead toward shore; told mate to hang on to headline; told
pilot to ring bells to back; engines were working all the time
except three or four minutes; stopped them twice. Think we laid
there nearly an hour. Mate took spar to starboard aft, could not
set it; chopped it off and set it again; I was on the roof, but
went down just before explosion, because I thought the engineer
was not doing his duty. Do not recollect the exact amount of
steam, noticed about 125 pounds or 130 pounds; engineers was at
his post. About 140 pounds of steam were allowed. Boat
inspected; was inspected Sept. 1866; had not a lock valve. I
believe the boilers were tubular; heard no opinions about boilers;
they were cleaned and repaired last Monday; a sheet was riveted on
the boilers on the fire front, the old plate being burned out. I
would not have started had I thought the boiler unsafe. Have
known Mr. Bromley while on boat; he bears a very good reputation;
inquired about him very particularly; was temperate and always at
his post. Recognize the body of the cook; have learned his
parents reside at Fort Madison, Iowa.
John O Bromley, Engineer. Sworn. Know
that the steam gauge is light; shown 15 lbs. more then it actually
carries. Am a licensed engineer, license issued formerly by
McMurchy, and Oct. 1866 by J. W. Gurdin. Steam can come up from
125 to 155 from a lack of water, but from a lack of water it would
explode before it could be noticed.
The testimony of Dr. Clerke showed that
Wm. Wasserzehr, cook of the boat, died of fracture of the skull
and rupture of the bowels, allowing the intestines to fall out and
that W. H. Rheib and W.H. Noble both died of fracture of the
An Inquisition indentured and taken for the
people of the State of Illinois, at the Park House of Marich W.
Wright, in the town of Hampton, in said county of Rock Island, on
the 13th day of May, A.D., 1867, before Lucius Wells, one of the
Justice of the Peace, in and for the county aforesaid, upon the
view of the body of Wm. H. Rheib, a passenger of the steamer
“Lansing,” then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of A.
Freeman, D. V. Plants, G. Apley, Sol. Meador, Sam’l Dennison, M.S.
Ringler, Jacob Gushert, H. S. Shurtleff, Wm. Edelman, Clatus Glanz,
R. F. Melvill and Augustus Hayward, good and lawful men of said
county, who being duly sworn to enquire (as written)upon the part
of the people of the State of Illinois, into the circumstances
attending the death of the said Wm. H. Rheib, and in what manner
the same was produced and when and where the said Wm. H. Rheib
came to his death, do say upon their oaths aforesaid, that the
said Wm. H. Rheib was found on the shore of the Mississippi river,
at the town of Hampton, county and State aforesaid, near the
public highway, known as the Port Bryon road, on the 13th of May,
A. D. 1867, that the said Wm. H. Rheib when as found as aforesaid
appeared as follows, viz:--A fracture of the skull; that the said
Wm H. Rheib was at the time of his death of the age of 40 years,
more or less; and so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths
aforesaid, do say that the said Wm. H. Rheib came to his death as
aforesaid by reason of said wounds caused by the explosion of the
boilers of the aforesaid steamer "Lansing," plying between the
ports of Davenport, Iowa, and Port Bryon, Illinois, while the
aforesaid steamer "Lansing'" was lying at the port of Hampton,
County of Rock Island, State of Illinois, on the 13th of May, A.D.
1867, at or about noon of the said day. And we, the jurors
aforesaid, having examined the circumstances connected with the
explosion of the boilers of the aforesaid steamer "Lansing," do
further say that the boilers of the said steamer "Lansing,"
exploded by reason of an undue pressure, cause of pressure
In witness whereof the jurors aforesaid
have to this inquisition set their hands, on the day of date of
this inquisition as aforesaid.
(Signed by all the jurors.)
The same verdict was returned on each of the
For opportunity to copy the above evidence and
verdict we are indebted to the courtesy of Lucius Wells, Esq., of
Hampton, made for the benefit of our readers, afforded us every
possible facility for procuring all the facts.
Yesterday afternoon, on visiting Hampton the special reporter of
the Gazette found Mr. Kneedler, better than on the day previous,
and with every prospect of recovery.
Mr. Oliphant, of this city, was much worse,
and there is, we regret to announce, little or no hope of his
being saved from death at an early day. Dr. J. W. H. Baker
visited Mr. Oliphant yesterday morning, and returned to him again
last evening to stay all night. It is almost certain that the
unfortunate cannot survive more than a day or two.
Mr. Isaac (not Aleck) W. Powell, of Ottawa,
was last evening considered as certain to die before morning. His
father, Rev. Thomas Powell, a respected Baptist minister, long a
resident of Davenport, arrived at Hampton yesterday. The injuries
of the young man are manly internal.
Judge S. A. Hubbell is at his residence in
this city, and is getting along very well, considering the nature
of his injuries. He rested well night before last, and is very
cheerful and patient.
Efforts were yesterday commenced
to find the body of Mr. H. Curtis, of Dubuque. Late in the
afternoon yesterday, the men who were dragging caught the hook
against a hard substance which they could not move. After hard
pulling the hook was brought to the surface with a piece of a
paper collar attached. This was supposed to come from Mr. Curtis
body. Dragging was again resumed, but our latest information
gives us no news of success. The work will be resumed today.
The Daily Democrat, Thursday Evening, May 14, 1867, page 2.
Coroner's Inquest on the Bodies of Those Killed by the Explosion
of the Landing.
Two More Deaths Foreshadowed.
The Coroner's Inquest which
convened at Hampton on five bodies of those killed by the
explosion of the steamer Lansing on Wednesday last concluded its
labors and rendered its verdict yesterday afternoon.--The bodies
set upon were those George White, William Waseigher, W. H. Noble,
James Tracy, and W.H. Rheib. Mr. Luscine Wells, Justice of the
Peace, was the acting coroner, and the names of the jury were as
R.T. Melville, (Foreman)) A.
Freeman, D. V. Plants, G. Aples, Samuel Haegy, Samuel Denison, M.
J. Rengier, Jacob Huehert, H. S. Shurttiff, William Adelman,
Clatus Glanty, Augustus Hayward.
The same jury served on each of
the other bodies, except that Samuel Haegy was excused and Solomon
Mender served in his place.
(The following report of the inquest and verdict is the
same as the one that appeared in the Gazette article reported
above. So it has not been transcribed.)
We are pleased to learn on reliable
authority, that Mr. Kneedler is considerably better, and the
prospects for his recovery was exceedingly good.
The condition of Mr. Oliphant is such
that all hope of his recovery has been abandoned. Dr. J. W. H.
Baker is in attendance upon him, but it is feared that he will not
live more than a day or two longer.
Mr. Issac W. Powell is in the same
condition, and last night it was thought he could not last until
morning. Rev. Thos. Powell, his father, a Baptist minister, for a
long period a resident of Davenport, is with him.
Judge Hubbell is at his residence
in this city, and is doing finely, all things considered. He
bears his injuries manfully, and rests very well at night.
The dragging party are still making strenuous efforts
to find the body of Mr. H. Curits, of Dubuque. Yesterday
afternoon the hook was caught in a hard substance which they found
impossible to move for a time, but at last they brought it to the
surface with a piece of paper collar attached to it. Dragging was
continued, but we have no news of their having succeeded in their
object last night. If not they will resume their work to-day.
Davenport Democrat, May 17, 1867, page 1.
HENRY CURTIS.--This victim of the Lansing explosion, whose body
has not been found, is thirty-six years old and was born in
Newton, Conn, and began life for himself as a school teacher at
Southbury. He then engaged in the crockery business ans 1858 he
came west as far as Detroit, remaining but a short time there when
he moved to Milwaukee, continuing in the crockery business.
Twelve years ago he located in Dubuque, and has since been in the
wood and coal, and latterly in the shingle business. In 1860 he
married the eldest daughter of Capt. J. W. Parker, becoming in
time the father of a boy now five, and a girl two years of age.
Besides his family, Mr. Curtis leaves a mother, a brother and two
sisters in Connecticut who will bitterly mourn his untimely fate.
The Herald says he was upright in business, a Christian in
profession and life, an affectionate husband and father, and a
friend always to be trusted.
The Daily Gazette, Friday Morning, May 17, 1867, page 4.
To meet the wishes of a number of persons, in our own State and
in Illinois, we today print the full particulars of the explosion
of the steamboat Lansing, with the report of the inquest on the
dead, as presented in the several editions of the Gazette. We
also add the latest information as to the condition of the
wounded, up to last evening. Thus the reader will have a complete
history of the tragic affair in a single issue of the Gazette.
These accounts were not made up second
handed, but from investigation made on the spot by editors and
reporters of the Gazette; one of whom visited Hampton each day.
The disastrous results of this explosion fully justify the
attention we have given to the procuring of full and correct
reports of all the facts connected therewith. Single copies of
to-day's Gazette can be had for mailing at the Gazette Counting
Room and at the News depots.
(This articles, printed on page 3 have been skipped as they are
the same that has been printed earlier.)
The Daily Gazette, Friday Morning, May 17, 1867, page 4.
It is our pleasing duty to state
to our readers that the surviving sufferers from the Lansing
disaster are steadily improving, with every prospect of recovery.
Mr. Oliphant, of our city, was brought down from Hampton on the
Ben Campbell on Saturday evening, on a bed, of course, and carried
to his home, at the residence of his nephew and niece, Mr. and
Mrs. Barger, on Farnam street. Though still suffering severely,
he is visibly improving and hope is entertained that his recovery
is certain. Drs. Baker and Witherwax, of this city, visited Mr.
O. on Friday and Dr. J. W. H. Baker attends him now.
Mr. Isaac W. Powell still remains
at the residence of Mr. Webster, at Hampton, and was so much
better on Saturday evening (our latest information) that little
doubt remained of his ultimate recovery. His father, Rev. Thos.
Powell, remains with him. Dr. Clerke attends him.
Mr. Kneedler is getting along
well, though on Saturday, he was not able to sit up. His wounds
are in good condition. Dr. G. Vincent remains the attending
physician, and Mr. K. is still at Mr. Smithsall's.
Judge S. A. Hubbell remains at his
residence in this city, under the care of Dr. W. F. Peck. He is
steadily improving and the prospects of his early convalescence
are very good.
No trace has yet, we regret to
state, been found of the body of Mr. Curtis. Capt. Parker
(Father-in-law of the deceased) remained by the wreck through
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, superintending the dragging for the
body. Capt. Hughes, of the Lansing, was also indefatigable in his
efforts. Our fellow citizen, Capt. Mitchell, of the James Means,
who has taken much interest in the sad affair, spent nearly the
whole of Saturday in dragging the river, but in vain. Capt.
Parker now offers a reward of $200 for the recovery of the body.
The river has receded more than
two feet and left the wreck of the Lansing high and dry. The hull
is found to be injured much more seriously than had been
supposed. Several pieces of both boilers have been found in the
river. It is now known beyond all question that the larboard
boiler was even more badly shattered by the explosion than was the
starboard. Two tubes of the larboard boiler were dragged up by
Capt. Mitchell, on Saturday, far out in the river. The head of
the same boiler was found up the river near the old mill. The
piece of boiler with safety-valve attached,, mentioned in our
first notice of the disaster as having been blown three hundred
feet distant into a field, has been identified as being a part of
the larboard boiler.
These facts will awaken
additional interest in the investigation soon to be made, by
competent authority, as to the cause of the explosion

This add that offered a reward for who ever found Mr. Curtis' body
appeared in the Davenport Daily Gazette on Monday Morning, May 20,
1867, page 1.
Daily Gazette, Tuesday Morning, May 21, 1867, page 4.
River News
At a regular meeting of the members of
the Association, the committee appointed to draft resolutions
expressive of the feelings of the members in regard to the death of
our late brother, George White, offered the following resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, The members of the
Association have learned with deep regret of the deplorable accident
through which our brother lost his life, by the explosion of the
steamer Lansing, while temporary filling the place of a brother
pilot, whose family were sick. He has been cut off in early
manhood, leaving a young family to mourn his untimely end;
therefore, be it
Resolved, that in the death of our
brother the profession has lost a skillful pilot, his family a kind
husband and affectionate father, society a respected member, and as
such he will be held in remembrance by all who knew him.
Resolved further, That the family
of the deceased have our heartfelt sympathies in the heavy loss they
have been so suddenly called upon to sustain.
On motion the above resolutions were
ordered to be spread on the minutes and published in the St. Louis
Democrat and Davenport Gazette, and a copy sent to the
Daily Davenport Democrat, Monday, May 27, 1867, page 1.
CURTIS BODY FOUND.--We learn by a private dispatch
from Hampton that the body of Henry Curtis of Dubuque, missing since
the Lansing explosion, was discovered this morning by a fisherman
who happened to pass by the spot, on a sand bar half a mile below
where the accident happened--and nearly opposite Campbell's Island.
The body shows no signs of having sustained any injuries, and had
not been floating. An inquest was held this morning.
Daily Gazette, Tuesday Morning, May 28, 1967, page 4.
THE BODY OF MR. CURTIS, one of the victims of the Lansing
disaster, was found early yesterday morning about a half mile below
where the explosion took place. James Smith, a fisherman, a poor
and deserving man, when examining his "trout lines," noticed
something in the river at the point of a small island. Upon going
to the spot he discovered the body. The object that had attracted
his attention was the skirt of the drowned man's coat, moved by the
action of the water. Getting assistance the body was towed ashore
and an inquest held by Lucius Wells, Esq., of Hampton. A metallic
coffin was procured in Rock Island, and the remains prepared for
forwarding to Mr. Curtis' family at Dubuque, who were notified by
telegraph. We understand the body was considerably swollen, but not
marked or mutilated. Mr. Smith, the fisherman, who is entitled to
the reward of$200 offered for the body, has a large family to
Davenport Democrat, May 28, 1867, page 1.
Inspectors have been at Hampton for several days, taking testimony
in regard to the explosion of the boilers of the Lansing. A
considerable number of experienced engineers have examined the wreck
and given their testimony--and others are yet to be examined. Each
engineer after examining the wreck is taken before the Inspectors,
who take his testimony privately--no two engineers knowing anything
about the testimony of each other. Mr. Phil Keen, of this city, is
one of the engineers who has examined the wreck and given his
testimony. The testimony will not probably be made public, but we
suppose there can be no objection to publishing the result of the
Inspectors. The public will look for this with no little interest.
The public want to now and have a right to know the exact cause of
the explosion and through whose fault it came. They don't want any
"whitewashing"--they want the truth, let it hit who or where it may.
--R. I. Argus
Daily Gazette, Wednesday Morning, May 29, 1867, page 4.
THE LANSING DISASTER--From the Rock Island Argus, of
last evening, we obtain additional particulars of the Coroner's
inquest held upon the body of Mr. H. Curtis, the finding of which
was noticed in the Gazette of yesterday. Justice L. Wells had
summoned as the coroner's jury, Francis Black, Foreman,--Charles H.
Wells, Ira Crawford, David Weigandt, Edwin Brewster, John Mahoney,
Benjamin Heavlin, Abel Propst, James Smith, W. W. Propst, Orvil S.
Adams and Samuel S. Crompton.
Mr. James Smith, who found the body, Capt.
Hughes, late commander of the Lansing, F. Cammal, mate, James
Conway, a deck hand, and W. J. McNabney, who knew Mr. Curtis
intimately, were before the coroner's jury.
Dr. Charles H. Clerke examined the body,
and found both legs and right thigh, fractured, also a bad fracture
of skull, sufficient to cause instant death.
Mr. John Bromley, the engineer of the
Lansing, testified before the jury. The following is a portion of
his evidence:
"The cause of the explosion, in my judgment, was
that the boat being now on the shore and fast to a tree, with her
stern in the water, caused the water to run back towards the after
part of the boilers, and being held in this position by the wind,
sparring out out at the stern, caused the forward part of the fire
lines to be above water and heating very hot; then starting up the
Doctor, when the water struck the heated part produced so much steam
instantaneously as to explode the boilers."
The verdict of the jury, omitting the
formalities, was as follows:
The said Henry Curtis came to his death by
the explosion of the boilers of the steamboat Lansing, at Hampton,
on the 13th instant.
The jury are of opinion, from the evidence
before them, that the cause of the explosion of the boiler of said
steamboat Lansing was, a sudden pressure of steam, caused in part by
the untrim position of the boat; a lack of water in the forward part
of the boilers; and an oversight on the part of the Engineer, in
hanging a wrench upon the lever of the safety valve near the time of
the explosion.
The remains of Mr. Curtis were taken to
Dubuque for internment.
Daily Gazette, November 16, 1868, page 4.
MORE LANSING LITIGATION.-- Mrs. Henry Curtis, of Dubuque, whose
husband last his life in the Lansing disaster, has brought suit
against the Western Union Railroad Company for the recovery of
$5,000 damages.
Daily Davenport Democrat, Friday, November 20, 1868, page 1.
ANOTHER SUIT.--Since the decision of the court in the matter of
Judge Hubbell against the W. U. R. R. Co., there seems to be a
desire on the part of others to make the road pay damages to many
more who were sufferers by the explosion of the Lansing. A Mrs.
Henry Curtis, of Dubuque, whose husband lost his life in the Lansing
disaster, has brought suit against the R. R. Co., for the recovery
of $5,000 damages.
Daily Gazette, August 16, 1869, page 4.
The Steamer Lansing, made famous by the explosion at Hampton in
1867, and after wards rebuilt as a ferry boat at Dubuque, has been
sold to the C. B. & Q Railroad, to run between New Boston and
Quincy. The price was about $6,000. (or $8,000). J. K. Graves
owned her. |