Senator from the twenty-seventh senatorial district, composed of Calhoun and
Webster counties, was born July 29, 1881, in Lehigh, Webster county, Iowa.
Attended the grade schools and graduated from high school of that city, in 1900.
Graduated from Tobin college, normal school, Fort Dodge, Iowa, in 1901. Taught
school in the rural districts and was superintendent of the Lehigh schools for
two years. Married to Belle M. Ingalls, of Lehigh, Iowa, in June, 1906. Elected
county superintendent of Webster county, 1906. Served two terms. Entered the
University of Iowa in the school of law. Graduated from the law school,
University of Iowa, in 1910. Elected county attorney in 1912, and served two
terms. Elected senator, November, 1924, on the republican ticket and re-elected
in 1926.
Senator from the fifteenth district composed of the counties of Marion and
Monroe, was born on a farm near Gallipolis, Gillia county, Ohio, April 22, 1867,
where he attended public schools, came to Marion county, Iowa, in the year 1886
where he has since resided with the exception of two years spent in Warren
county, Iowa. He was married to Edna McQuerry in 1890. To this union three
children were born, only one living to maturity, Callie E., now Mrs. H.H.
Phillips of Pleasantville, Iowa. He spent several years in the mercantile
business and in the year 1900 moved to the farm where he resided for twenty
years. He was deputy county auditor in 1895-96; was treasurer of Marion county
from 1921 to 1925 and took the oath of office as state senator January 12, 1925.
A republican in politics.
Senator from the twenty-fifth district comprising Johnson and Iowa counties, was
born on a farm in Johnson county, October 5, 1870. Was educated in the public
schools. Has been engaged in farming and stock raising in the same locality all
his life. Was married in 1892 and has three children, Ray, Harold and Stella. A
member of the Episcopal church and a thirty-second degree Mason. A republican in
Senator from the eighth district, was born in Harrison county, Iowa, February 5,
1873. Moved with his parents to Thayer county, Nebr. Returned to Harrison county
in 1881. Received his education in the rural schools. Moved to Mills county in
1911. Is a member of the Christian church. An Odd Fellow, a York Rite Mason,
including the Shrine. Elected senator in 1920, re-elected in 1924. Appointed
member of state highway commission by Governor Hammill and confirmed by senate
April 15, 1927. Republican in politics.
Senator from the forty-ninth district comprising Osceola, Lyon, O'Brien and
Sioux counties, was born in O'Brien county, Iowa, December 5, 1972, of American
parentage. Attended school at Primghar, and Morningside college, Sioux City,
Iowa. Served two years as deputy clerk of the court of O'Brien county, under J.W.
Walter. Entered the Northern Indiana Normal school at Valparaiso, Indiana, and
graduated with the class of 1896. Entered the law department of the State
University of Nebraska and graduated with the class of 1898. Was married to
Estella M. Bowser of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and has two sons, Wilbur M. and Forest
C. Moved to Harris, Iowa, in 1899, and was elected president of the school
board. Moved to Ocheyedan, Iowa, in 1901. Was once appointed and three times
elected mayor of that town. Devotes most of his time to his farm interests.
Elected representative in 1916. Reelected in 1918. Elected senator in 1924.
Appointed member of state highway commission by Governor Hammill and confirmed by
the senate in 1927. A republican in politics.
Senator from the fourth district which includes Wayne and Lucas counties.
Residence, Corydon. He was born on a farm near Bethlehem, Wayne county, Iowa,
May 24, 1870. Received his education in the rural schools of that community.
Engaged in farming, stock raising and banking. Elected county auditor in 1908,
serving four years. Employed as assistant bank cashier for three years. Member
Corydon lodge I.O.O.F. Elected representative in 1922. Elected senator in 1924.
A republican in politics.
Senator from the third Iowa district, consisting of Appanoose and Davis
counties. Was born in Appanoose county, May 29, 1883. Lives in Moulton, Iowa.
Spent most of his life in Appanoose county. Was married to Miss Blanche McCoy,
July 2, 1906. Has two adopted children, Helen Virginia and Betty Jeanne.
Attended the public schools of Appanoose county and Drake University at Des
Moines, Iowa. Holds degree of A.B. and A.M. Has been actively engaged in the
ministry for a number of years. Is a Knight Templar Mason. Was elected state
senator on the democratic ticket in 1924.
Senator from Adams county, was born in Ohio in 1867. Was educated in the public
schools and high schools in Ohio and Iowa. His occupations have been farm
operator and merchant. Was married in Ogallala, Nebr., to Mayme Allen. They have
two children, Samuel Edwin and Theodore Allen. He served as mayor of Prescott
two terms, and as a member of the Prescott school board nine years. Has been
secretary, auditor and president of the Prescott Telephone company. A member of
the Masonic order, Elks, M.W.A. and A.O.U.W. Member of the Christian church.
Served as member of the house of representatives in the thirty-ninth, fortieth
and fortieth extra general assemblies. Elected to the senate in 1924. A
republican in politics.
Senator from the first district, composed of Lee county, was born in Ft.
Madison, March 2, 1876. Graduated Ft. Madison high school in 1893; State
University of Iowa, liberal arts, 1898; law, 1900. Second Lieutenant, Company F,
Fiftieth Iowa Infantry, United States Volunteers, during the Spanish-American
war, and up to the time this regiment was mustered out of service. City
solicitor of Ft. Madison from 1905 up to the time he took his seat in the
senate, at which time he resigned. Served as a member of the state senate from
Lee county in the thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth
general assemblies. Connected with the legal department of the Atchison, Topeka
and Santa Fe Railroad from 1900 to 1905. Practiced law in Ft. Madison since
1905. Is married. Republican in politics. During the political campaign of 1920,
he spoke for the republican national committee in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona,
California and Colorado, and during the national campaign of 1924 in Illinois,
Indiana and Ohio. He is trustee of the Cattermole Memorial Library in Ft.
Madison, and one of the trustees of the $250,000 gift of Alexander Coleman,
Esquire, for the purpose of building a road in Lee and Henry counties, Iowa.
Senator from the second district, composed of the counties of Jefferson and Van
Buren, was born in Jefferson county, Iowa, January 27, 1860. His parents were
American-born. He attended both common and private schools and was graduated in
1883 from Parsons college. Remained on the farm until the winter of 1891-92,
when he became a member of the Louden Machinery company. Was mayor of Fairfield
from 1903 to 1907 and again in 1920. Served as chairman of the local exemption
board for Jefferson county during the World War. Was president of the Fairfield
Chautauqua association for thirteen years. Is a trustee of Parsons college and a
trustee of the Fairfield free public library. Was a member of the house of
representatives in the thirty-third and thirty-fourth general assemblies.
Elected senator in 1920 and reelected in 1924. A republican in politics.
Senator from the fiftieth district, was born in Pennsylvania in 1868, removed to
Iowa in 1871, and has lived here since. Educated in common schools and at state
teachers' college. Taught school two years and was county superintendent of
Pocahontas county 1890-92. Completed law course at state university of Iowa in
1893 and was admitted to the bar. Married Ellen Hurley in 1896 and has three
children. Was a member of the house in the twenty-ninth general assembly.
Elected to the senate in 1922 and reelected in 1926. A republican in politics.
Residence, Laurens.