Iowa State Officers
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ANDREW, L.A. --Superintendent of Banking, was born in Ashland,
Wisconsin, November 29, 1876. He has been in the banking business twenty-five
years and is president of the Citizens Saving Bank of Ottumwa. He was married
June 8, 1904, to Hazel Summerwill at Newton, Iowa. They have one son, born
January 23, 1908. Mr. Andrew was president of the Iowa Bankers Association in
1920 and 1921, and served three years on the executive committee of the American
Bankers Association. He is now a member of the executive committee of the state
bank section of the American Bankers Association.
BRIGHAM, Johnson -- State Librarian
HARLAN, Edgar Rubey -- Curator, son of Samuel A. and Marinda E.
(Rubey) Harlan; born of Kentucky Quaker ancestry at Spartansburg, Ind., February
28, 1869; brought to a farm in Cedar township, Van Buren county, Iowa, in 1873;
attended "Morris" district and Keosauqua high school, graduating 1889,
and Drake university, completing the law course with degree of LL.B., A.M.;
admitted to the bar June, 1896; practiced law at Keosauqua ten years, serving as
county attorney 1898-1902; admitted to United States Supreme Court, 1922;
appointed by Charles Aldrich assistant curator of the historical department of
Iowa, 1907; acting curator after death of Mr. Aldrich, March, 1908, until
appointed curator by Governor Carroll, October 1, 1909; elected curator by board
of trustees, June, 1913; honorary member Iowa chapter, American Institute of
Architects; honorary member National sculpture society; member American
Historical association; a founder and member of board of directors, Mississippi
Valley Historical association; member and secretary Iowa Flag commission; member
and secretary Allison Memorial commission; member Iowa Board of Conservation,
Plant Life commission; member and director Des Moines Fine Arts association;
member American Civic association and delegate to Germany, France and England,
tour 1913.
HOGUE, Ernest Lincoln --Director of the Budget. Born in Monroe
county, Iowa, August 31, 1861. When two years old his folks moved to Warren
county and located near Norwalk. Educated in the common schools and moved to
Monona county in 1885. Has resided there since, engaged in the farming and live
stock business. Served in the stated senate in the twenty-ninth, thirtieth and
thirty-first general assemblies. Chairman of the Iowa-Nebraska Boundary
Commission from 1921 until July 1, 1924. Republican in politics. Married and has
three children and four grandchildren.
SMALL, A.J. -- Law librarian
STROHM, John William --State Fire Marshal, was born in Clinton
county, Iowa, July 16, 1887. He received his education in the Lyons public
schools, and commenced his political career in 1914, when he was elected county
recorder. Serving in that office two terms, until 1918, he was elected county
auditor, and at the time of his appointment to the office of fire marshal was
serving his fifth consecutive term as auditor. Is married. Affiliated with the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and of
the DeMolay Consistory No. 1, A.A.S.R., and of the Order of the Mystic Shrine.
URICK, A.L. -- Labor commissioner
HAIRE, W.W. -- Pharmacy Examiner, was born at Fort Dodge,
October 27, 1869. Attended public schools. Started as clerk in drug store July
4, 1887. Attended Iowa State University college of pharmacy 1890-91. Member of
executive committee of Iowa State Pharmaceutical association, director in
Druggists' Mutual Insurance association of Iowa, acting postmaster at Fort Dodge
from October, 1918, to may, 1920. Appointed commissioner of pharmacy by Governor
Harding April 24, 1920.
JUDISCH, George --Pharmacy Examiner, was born near Muscatine,
Iowa, in 1869. He attended the public schools of Muscatine and began his
apprenticeship in 1884. He has served for more than twenty years as instructor
of pharmacy and materia medica in the veterinary division of Iowa State college.
Member of the pharmacopoeia convention, 1910 and 1920. Received honorary degree
of doctor of pharmacy, Highland Park college of pharmacy, June, 1919. President
Iowa Pharmaceutical association, 1921 and 1922. Appointed pharmacy commissioner
by Governor Kendall, April 22, 1922. Reappointed by Governor Hammill July, 1925.
SLOCUM, J.W. --Pharmacy Examiner, born in Adair county, Iowa,
August 23, 1874. Attended high school at Fontanelle. Graduated from a four-year
collegiate course and also a business course at Simpson college, Indianola, in
June, 1898. Residence, Indianola. Has been in the drug business about
twenty-five years. Served as mayor of Indianola four terms. Appointed April 23,
1923, as pharmacy commissioner by Governor N.E. Kendall to succeed F.E. Farr,
resigned. Reappointed by Governor Kendall in April, 1924. Elected secretary of
the Iowa Pharmaceutical association in July, 1924.