Iowa State Representatives

H.C. Pattison
Representative from Jefferson county, was born on a farm near Fairfield, Iowa,
March 7, 1868. Farmer. Breeder of pedigreed Shorthorn cattle. Married Eliza
Stout march 17, 1896, who died August 13, 1924. Had three children, Earl,
deceased, and Paul and Edna still living. Served on the county board of
supervisors, was secretary of the school board, township clerk and trustee, and
director and treasurer of the Farmers Insurance Company. Member of the
Presbyterian church and Odd Fellows lodge. A republican in politics.
Ralph C. Prichard
Representative from Woodbury county. Was born in Monona county, Iowa, and moved
to Woodbury county with is parents a year later, in which county he has since
resided. Was graduated from Morningside college in 1915 and from the law school
of the University of Chicago in the year 1921. Spent two years in the military
service during the World War, one year of which was overseas. Was commissioned
first lieutenant in the infantry. Is a member of the American Legion adn Masonic
lodge. Has practiced law in Sioux City, Iowa, since 1921. A republican in
L.T. Quirk
Representative from Sac county, was born in Clinton county, Iowa, January 20,
1874, and moved with his parents, in the spring of 1876 to Sac county where he
has since resided. He was educated in the rural schools, Sac institute and
Morningside College. He taught school for three years, then became actively
engaged in farming in which he has remained ever since. Married Miss Fannie L.
Fox of Sac county April 18, 1899, and to them was born one son, Edward L.,
August 20, 1913. Was president of the Sac county farm bureau four years. A
member of the Methodist church, consistory, Shrine and O.E.S. Was elected
representative in 1922, reelected in 1924 and 1926. A republican in politics.
Z.S. Ratliff
Representative from Henry county, was born November 25, 1862, in the county he
now represents in the legislature. He received his education in the rural
schools and Whittier college. He was marred to Amelia Dorcis Kramling of Kahoka,
Missouri, October 7, 1891. Has one son, Paul, who is operating the home farm. He
has engaged in farming and banking. Resigned as member of the executive
committee of Iowa farm bureau federation when becoming a candidate for the
legislature. Is an active member of the Presbyterian church. Elected to the
general assembly in 1924, reelected in 1926. A republican in politics.
O.J. Reimers
Representative from Lyon county, was born March 16, 1878, at Scott, Iowa. Came
to Lyon county, Iowa, in 1885, as a boy. Attended the district school and later
the Rock Rapids high school. He then entered Northwestern Union college at Le
Mars, Iowa, graduating after two years from their commercial course. He taught
rural schools three years and then took up the commercial course. He taught
rural schools three years and then took up the occupation of farming. He was
secretary of a township school board fourteen years, secretary and director of
farmers' elevator fifteen years, president of the Lyon county farm bureau
1919-1923, and treasurer of the bureau in 1924. Was married in 1905 to Ella
Rohde of Inwood, Iowa. Has one daughter, Elva. Was elected representative in
1924 on the democratic ticket and reelected in 1926. Member of the
Congregational church, Masonic Order, I.O.O.F. and other fraternal
D. Fulton Rice
Representative from Appanoose county, was born on a farm in that county
September 13, 1889, son of J.F. and Sarah E. (Hibbs) Rice. For short periods
attended the state normal at Kirksville, Mo., and Drake University. Taught
school five years, the last being superintendent at Dike, Iowa. Read law in the
office of H.E. Valentine. Attended law school at the University of Michigan and
was admitted to the bar in June, 1917. Was nominated for congress by the
democratic party in 1918. Enlisted in the judge advocate general's department of
the army and served in the Seventeenth division during the World War. Has
engaged in the active practice of law at Centerville, Iowa, since the war.
Married Ruth Rhea of Centerville, Iowa, June 22, 1919. They have two children,
David Fulton, Jr., and Eleanor Rhea. Elected to the forty-first general
assembly. Was not a candidate for reelection but succeeded himself under the
constitution upon the death of Hon. Charles Harvey Scott, who was elected to the
forty-second general assembly. A democrat in politics.
J.W. Roberts
Representative from Adair county, was born on a farm in Adair county, July 9,
1861. Received his education in the country schools and business course at Drake
University. Taught three years in rural schools. Served six years as county
recorder of Adair county. He married Eva Tullis in 1886, a teacher in the public
schools, and them were born three children, one girl and two boys. Engaged in
farming and live stock breeding. Elected representative in 1924 and reelected in
1926. A republican in politics.
Heike A. Rust
Representative from Franklin county, was born in Franklin county, December 12,
1883. Studied at the Sheffield high school, Des Moines University and Iowa State
college. Occupation, farming. Was married October 8, 1921, to Miss Gladys
Stubblefield, Ipava, Illinois. Has one son, Paul Oliver. elected representative
in 1922, 1924 and 1926. Republican in politics.
R.L. Rutledge
Representative from Webster county, was born on a farm near Fort Dodge, Iowa, in
1888. Was graduated from Fort dodge high school in 1908; won a scholarship to
Iowa State college in the state judging contest at the Iowa state fair in 1908.
Entered Ames in fall of 1908, called home by sickness of father in the spring of
1912, and has operated the farm near Fort Dodge ever since, with the exception
of seven months in the aviation service in 1918. Interested in farm bureau work
and agricultural activities before and since the war. Member of the
international committee on agriculture of Kiwanis International. Elected
representative from Webster county November 2, 1926.
John Ryder
Junior member of the house of representatives from Dubuque county, was born and
reared in Dubuque, Iowa. He was educated in the parochial schools. He graduated
from the Bayless Business college. For twenty-five years he was the junior
member of the Ryder Brothers' wholesale grocery firm. In 1919, he organized the
Ryder Realty Co., and served as vice president until January, 1925, when he
retired from the firm. For the past fifteen years he has served as State Chief
Ranger of the Catholic Order of Foresters of Iowa. In March, 1925, he was
elected member of the board of education of the city of Dubuque, and was
appointed chairman of the finance committee. He is, and has been for a number of
years, a director of the Hotel Julien Dubuque. He was married in November, 1917,
to Miss Anna L. Killeen, who died in May, 1923. He was elected to the general
assembly November, 1924, and reelected in 1926. A democrat in politics.
Wm. E.G. Saunders
Representative from Palo Alto county, was born in Blairgowrie, Scotland, in
1865. Came to the United States in 1882. Lived four years in New Mexico and
moved to Emmetsburg, Iowa, in 1886. Was quarter-master 52nd Iowa volunteer
infantry during the Spanish-American war. Elected representative in 1922,
reelected in 1924 and 1926. Republican in politics.