Iowa State Representatives

Theodore Martin
Representative from Jackson county. born at Bellevue, Iowa, May 7, 1882. Farmer,
breeder pedigreed Shorthorn cattle, auctioneer. Married Laura Weis at Bellevue,
September 3, 1913. Has four children, one boy and three girls. Mason, member of
the consistory. Served four terms as mayor. Member forty-first and forty-second
legislative assemblies. Republican in politics.
Howard A. Mathews
Representative from Des Moines county, was born on a farm September 27, 1866. He
attended district school and was graduated from the Danville, Iowa, high school
in 1887. He was married to Miss Emma A. Gugeler October 29, 1896. Four children
were born to them, Alvin, who is now married and resides in Mountain Lakes, New
Jersey, and George, Grace and Lorin at home. Taught school for twelve years in
the fall and winter, working on a farm during the spring and summer. In 1899 he
was elected county superintendent of schools and moved to Burlington. This
office he held for nine years. He was then elected principal of the Washington
school, Burlington. Was unanimously reelected the following year but gave up
school work and moved to the farm in the spring of 1910, which is now his home.
He was elected state representative in 1922, 1924 and 1926. Elected speaker pro
tempore of the forty-second general assembly. He is a member of the First
Congregational church at Danville. A republican in politics.
Glenmore Maxfield
Representative frm Marshall county, born in De Kalb county, Illinois. Early
education in Sycamore, Illinois, public schools; later education received at
Leander Clark college and Northwestern university. Came to Marshall county in
1899. Married Grace Elliott of Marshalltown in 1905. Elected to the legislature
in 1924 on the republican ticket and "pay as you go" platform.
Reelected in 1926. Been active in farm bureau work. Breeder of Aberdeen Angus
cattle. Of Scotch lineage and a Methodist.
David Hardman Miller
Representative from Dallas county, was born October 19, 1865, at Des Moines,
Iowa. At the age of seven years he moved to Adair county. Was a graduate of the
Menlo high school. Spent five years teaching and saving money for college. In
1891 he entered the law department of Drake University and graduated in 1894.
Commenced the practice of law at Adel, Iowa. Elected county attorney in 1903,
serving three terms. Was twice married. On June 3, 1897, was united in marriage
to Laura Simcoke. To this union were born two children, Beatrice and Robert.
June 8, 1910, his wife passed away. On July 18, 1926, he was married to Laura E.
Cousins, who survives him. He was elected state representative on the republican
ticket November 2, 1926, and was serving in that capacity at the time of his
death, which occurred at the Savery Hotel, Des Moines, January 20, 1927.
Geo. E. Miller
Representative from Shelby county, was born November 6, 1876, in the same county
which he represents in the legislature. Attended the district school and
completed the high school course at Harlan, Iowa. He taught school five years in
earlier life; has held various offices of trust in his township and county,
acting as president of school board, assessor and county supervisor for nine
years. He was elected representative in 1922, serving during the fortieth,
fortieth extra, the forty-first and forty-second general assemblies. Was married
in 1903 to Della Ramsey of Portsmouth, Iowa. They have three daughters. Mr.
Miller has been engaged in active farming ever since married. Is a member of the
Masonic order and is a Shriner. A democrat in politics.
Lee Nagle
Representative from Johnson county, was born at Milton, Iowa, June 14, 1870. Was
educated in the public schools of Milton. Served in the twenty-ninth general
assembly, representing Van Buren county. Married to Elizabeth Bell in 1892 and
has four children. Is at present engaged in the lumber business at Iowa City. He
is a member of the Consistory and Shrine "Kaaba" Temple, and of the
Methodist church. A republican in politics.
C.H. Nelson
Representative from Hancock county, was born December 12, 1859, in Denmark. He
immigrated to the United States in the year 1871. He lived on a farm near Clear
Lake, Iowa, for a period of approximately fifteen years. The following are some
of the offices which he has held and still holds: He has been president of the
Farmers Mutual Insurance Association for a period of about thirty years. He was
one of the organizers of the Farmers Elevator of Garner, Iowa, and held office
continually in this association for twenty-one years. He has been holding office
in the Farmers State Grain Dealers Association for fourteen years. At present he
is vice president of the Farmers Elevator Insurance Association of Iowa. He was
president for three years of the Farmers National Bank of Garner, and has served
on the board of supervisors of Hancock county. He was assessor for two terms and
also president of the educational board of Concord township for the same period
of time, and vice president of the farm bureau of Hancock county. He followed
the occupation of farming up to the year 1926, when he retired and moved to
T.J. O'Donnell
Representative from Dubuque county, was born in Lafayette county, Wisconsin, May
13, 1872. He lived on a farm until 1890. Graduated from Bayliss Business college
of Dubuque in 1891, then worked in the machine shops of Dubuque until 1905, when
he engaged in the wholesale liquor business until January 1, 1916. On July 23,
1917, he was appointed a member of the district exemption board for the northern
district of Iowa. Married Miss Winifred Kennedy, August 16, 1899, and has four
children, Thomas, Marguerite, Mildred and Robert Emmett. Elected representative
in 1916, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1924 and 1926. Appointed member of state highway
commission by Governor Hammill and confirmed by senate April 15, 1927. A
democrat in politics.
C.G. Oliver
Representative from Monona county, was born in Monona county in 1863. Received
his education in the common schools; Iowa City academy, State University of Iowa
and the Cornell university at Ithaca, N.Y. He was married in 1891 to Miss Jennie
Davis of Blencoe, Iowa. To this union five children were born: Mrs. Lucile
Oliver Bonnar (a graduate of the law department of Cornell university) now
located at Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mrs. Ruth Oliver Otto of Onawa, Iowa; Addison D. of
Onawa; John E. of New York City, and David C. of Onawa. Mr. Oliver is a farmer,
he is a director, secretary and treasurer of the Farmers' Elevator company;
director and member of the examining committee of the Onawa State bank. Elected
representative in 1922, reelected in 1924 and 1926. Republican in politics.
O.A. Ontjes
Representative from Grundy county, was born in 1877. When he was three years of
age his parents moved to Butler county, northeast of Aplington. At the age of
twenty-three he left the farm and went into the grain, farm machinery, telephone
and real estate business. In 1906 he assisted in organizing the Farmers Savings
bank at Holland, Iowa, and is now cashier of this bank. On December 19, 1906, he
was married to Miss Sophia Frerichs of Holland. He is a member of the Baptist
church, also the Knights of Pythias. Elected representative in 1920, 1922 and in
1926. A republican in politics.
G.W. Patterson
Representative from Kossuth county, born at Burt, Iowa, September 4, 1887, of
Scotch parentage. Graduate of Burt high school. Graduated from Iowa State
College, animal husbandry department, 1909. Married December 28, 1914, to Miss
Eva M. Stensrud, Lake Mills, Iowa. Has two children, Donald W. Patterson and
Virginia Mae Patterson. Business, farming and stock feeding. Elected to house of
representatives 1922. Reelected in 1924 and in 1926. A republican.