Iowa State Representatives

John F. Kline
Representative from Davis county, was born in Wapello county, March 15, 1873. He
attended the country schools and the southern Iowa Normal at Bloomfield and
Highland Park college at Des Moines. He taught in the country schools in Wapello
and Davis counties and spent the summer seasons farming. He located in Davis
county in the spring of 1896. He was married to Miss Susie Darnielle of Fabius
township, Davis county, on September 4, 1901, and soon afterward moved to
Bloomfield, where he has since made his home except for a portion of the year
1910, when he lived at Newton, Iowa, and was owner and publisher of the Newton
Herald. During the years he has resided in Bloomfield he has been actively
engaged in the merchandising of fuel, flour, feed and groceries. He is a member
of the Christian church and has been on the official board of the church for
more than twenty years. He is a democrat, has served as county chairman of that
party several years and also takes an interest in the affairs of the party of
the district and state.
Irving H. Knudson
Representative from Hamilton county, was born April 27, 1896, at Jewell, Iowa.
Received his education in the Jewell public schools, the Jewell Lutheran
college, and the State University of Iowa. In February, 1919, he enlisted as a
private in the World War, and was discharged in April, 1919, as sergeant first
class. Upon leaving the service, he took a position with the State Bank at
Jewell, and at the same time became a partner with his father, Gilbert Knudson,
in the general and live-stock auction business. In the fall of 1921, he was
married to Miss Leafy Bergum of Westby, Wisconsin. They have one son, Irving
Howard, born October, 1922. He is a member of the Lutheran church; was president
of the Jewell community club for two terms; is also a member of the Hawkeye Post
No. 550 of the American Legion. Returning from the forty-first general assembly,
he moved to Ellsworth, Iowa, where he took a position as vice president of the
State Bank of Ellsworth. During the same year he was elected president of the
Hamilton county bankers association and elected a director in the State Bank of
Jewell, Jewell, Iowa. He was elected state representative in 1924 and reelected
in 1926. A republican in politics.
Clarence A. Knutson
Representative from Cerro Gordo county, born in Clear Lake, Iowa, June 16, 1885.
Has resided in Cerro Gordo county all his life. Educated in the public schools
of Clear Lake and the Memorial university at Mason City. Has been engaged in the
hardware business in Clear Lake twenty years. On June 2, 1908, was united in
marriage with Miss Hazel Irene Wood of Mason City, Iowa. Elected in 1918 mayor
of Clear Lake and served two terms. Past master Masonic lodge, past president of
the Rotary club, past chancellor commandery of Knights of Pythias, past
president of the Iowa Retail Hardware Association, member of the consistory,
Knights Templar and shrine (Az-Ga-Zig). Republican in politics.
Theodore Krouse
Representative from Wayne county, born in Allerton, Iowa, June 6, 1881. Has
resided near Allerton all his life. Educated in the public school of Corydon,
Iowa. Engaged in farming. Was married in 1904 to Hallie Logan of Allerton. They
have five children, three girls, Garnet, Frances and Jessie, and two boys,
Theodore and Burl. Has been active in community affairs, having been county and
township president of the farm bureau. He is a Mason. A democrat in politics.
Elected representative in 1926.
E.P. Laughlin
Representative from Fremont county, was born May 10, 1881, on the farm he now
owns where his father first broke the prairie. Completed Imogene public school
and the Christian Brothers college in St. Joseph, Missouri. Taught school in
Fremont county in 1900, 1901 and 1902. Was married April 20, 1909, to Theresa
O'Brien. They have three children, Matthew, Lucille and Louis. Farmer and stock
raiser. Started raising pure bred polled Shorthorn cattle in 1908 and has
improved and enlarged the herd. In politics a democrat.
E.M. Lichty
Representative from Black Hawk county, was born in Orange township, Black Hawk
county, Iowa, February 2, 1867. When he was six months old his parents moved on
the farm where he has lived continuously ever since, and which he now owns. He
received his education in the rural schools and business college at Waterloo;
married in 1889 to Emma Miller of Summerset county, Pennsylvania. To this union
were born seven children, one of whom died in infancy. He has made farming his
life work, always raising and feeding a large number of hogs, besides dairying
and cattle feeding. After being elected to the fortieth general assembly he
resigned as president of the consolidated school board, secretary and treasurer
of the telephone company (which office he held for twenty years), township
trustee, and chairman of township farm bureau. The three sons and son-in-law are
working the several farms consisting of 680 acres on a fifty-fifty basis. In
May, 1921, his wife died and in December, 1922, he married Clara Miller of
Waterloo, Iowa. Served in the fortieth, fortieth extra, forty-first and
forty-second general assemblies. A republican in politics.
Fred C. Lovrien
Representative from Humboldt county, was born on a farm in Humboldt county, July
26, 1875. He graduated from the law department of the State University of Iowa
and began his practice of law at Humboldt in June, 1897, in which work he has
since continued, being a member of the firm of Lovrien & Lovrien. Interested
in farms and is a firm believer in the ultimate success of the corn belt
farmers. Married Jennie Bell French, November 30, 1901. They have seven
children, Esther Bell, Freda, Gladys, Russell, Alice, Carroll Hope and Arthur.
They lost one son, Kenneth. Member of the Baptist church. A republican in
Marion R. McCaulley
Representative from Calhoun county, was born in Calhoun county, June 4, 1894,
son of F.M. and Margaret Barr McCaulley. Attended and graduated from the rural
schools and city schools of Lake City, Iowa. Attended Waterloo Business college,
State University of Iowa, State University of Kentucky, and graduated LL.B. in
1915. In law partnership with Honorable John W. Jacobs, Lake City, since
graduation. Married in 1915 to Blanche Hinton, Lake City, Iowa. Have one child,
Marion R., Jr. Enlisted in regular army, World War; later commissioned as second
lieutenant; holds rank of captain of infantry. Member of Masonic orders,
including Shrine; Alpha Delta Sigma and Delta Chi fraternities. member American
Legion; member school board, independent school district, Lake City. Baptist in
religion. County attorney of Calhoun county two terms. Elected representative in
1924. Reelected in 1926. Republican in politics.
Azel H. McIlrath
Representative from Poweshiek county, born near Hartwick, Iowa, March 3, 1897,
son of J.L. and Lizzie A. McIlrath. Graduated from Grinnell high school in 1913,
and from Iowa state college in 1919. Voluntarily enlisted in army, May 11, 1913.
Appointed sergeant, then first sergeant, and was discharged and commissioned
lieutenant in field artillery reserve, November 26, 1918. Engaged in
auctioneering beginning 1917. Made trip to France in 1919 in charge of shipment
of 750 dairy cattle for French government. Associated several years in horse
breeding business and in management of cooperative elevator. Married to Gay M.
Huston of Grinnell, January 12, 1920. They have two children, Mildred and Paul.
Following the deflation he supplemented his sale work becoming editor of the
Brooklyn Chronicle, president commercial club and commander American Legion
post. Member Congregational church, Masonic and Knights of Pythias lodges,
officers' reserve corps, farm bureau, and Gamma Sigma Delta honorary
agricultural fraternity. Elected on republican ticket in 1926, succeeding his
J.E. McIntosh
Representative from Muscatine county, was born on a farm in Goshen township,
Muscatine county, Atalissa, Iowa, October 15, 1868, where he lived until he
reached the age of seventeen, attending the country school and Atalissa school.
He graduated from the law department of the State University of Iowa in 1892,
and is now practicing law in West Liberty of which town he was mayor for twelve
years. Has been president of the Citizens Savings Bank continuously since its
beginning in 1908 to the present time. He attends the Presbyterian church, is a
thirty-second degree Mason, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias and Modern Woodman.
Republican in politics.
J.E. McMillan
Representative from Benton county, was born in Benton county, Iowa, November 16,
1860. Educated in common schools. He married Nora I. Pitts, November 2, 1882,
and has five children, Leslie, Lawrence, Nancy, Glen and Wilhelmina. Has taken
an active part in county and community affairs for many years. Was member of
board of directors of Benton county, chairman of the farm bureau most of the
time since organized and for two years has served as vice president. Has been
one of the leading members of the Prairie Creek Church of Christ for a good many
years and is at present chairman of the board. A republican.