Iowa State Representatives

Ralph R. Hunt
Representative from Louisa county, was born in Marshall township, Louisa county,
1879. Educated in the public schools of Wapello, Iowa. Worked at printer's trade
four years, taught school nine years and was elected county superintendent of
schools, 1906, serving in that capacity six years. He superintended the schools
at Oakville, Iowa, one year after returning to his farm, in 1912. there are two
children, Reed L. and Helen D. by his first wife, Mary Pearl Parsons, who died
in December, 1913. November 22, 1924, he was united in marriage to Sofie Kramer.
The past fourteen years he has devoted his entire time to farming. A republican
in politics.
F.D. Ickis
Representative from Union county, was born in Afton, Union county, December 12,
1872. He received his education in the country schools, the Creston and Afton
high schools and the Afton business college. Has lived on the farm where he now
resides for the past fifty-two years. Connected with the farm bureau since its
organization. Director of the Farmers Cooperative company and a director of the
First National bank of Creston. A republican in politics.
A.T. Istad
Representative from Winneshiek county, was born in Norway in 1862 and in 1869
came to the United States with his parents, who settled in Winneshiek county,
where he has live for fifty-seven years. He attended the rural school and the
normal school at Decorah, Iowa, for one winter. He owned and operated a farm for
thirty-five years. In 1922 he rented his farm and moved to Decorah. Has held
various offices in his township and county, acting as township clerk, assessor
and county supervisor. He is married to Bertha Woldt and has two daughters.
Member of the Lutheran church. Elected representative from the ninety-first
district in 1926. A republican in politics.
Francis Johnson
Representative from Dickinson county, was born in Butler county, Iowa, August 6,
1890. His parents are F.H. and Anna Johnson of Terril, Iowa. Has lived at Terril
since ten years of age. He was graduated from the Terril and Spirit Lake high
schools and the college of law of Iowa State University. Was admitted to the bar
in 1912. Married to Sara E. Thompson in 1914. In his home county he has served
as president of the farm bureau, township clerk, member of the fortieth,
fortieth extra, and forty-first general assemblies. Elected to the legislature
in 1922, 1924 and 1926. He is actively engaged in farming and the breeding of
Poland China hogs. Is a member of the Terril Methodist Episcopal church and the
Richloyd lodge of A.F. and A.M. Republican in politics.
Joseph H. Johnson
Representative from Marion county, was born on a farm in that county July 26,
1878. Attended the district school, graduated from Central college at Pella,
Iowa, in 1902, and from the law department of the University of Chicago in 1905.
Engaged in the general practice of law at Knoxville. He is president of the
board of education of the independent school district of Knoxville, and a member
of the Masonic lodge. Married Pearl Eastburn July 31, 1907, and has four
children. Republican in politics. Elected to the general assembly in 1924 and
reelected in 1926.
Raymond Johnson
Representative from Keokuk county, was born in Richland, Keokuk county, Iowa,
May 20, 1875. Attended school in Richland, graduated from the Richland high
school and entered Cornell college in 1892, studying civil engineering. He then
went to Iowa State College at Ames, where he graduated in the veterinary
department in 1895. Married Kathryn M. Conner of Savannah, Mo., March 25, 1901.
They have two children, Marie C. and Raymond O. He practiced the veterinary
profession until Aug. 1, 1899, when he was appointed veterinary inspector for
the bureau of animal industry, U.S. department of agriculture. In December,
1912, he gave this up and returned to the practice of veterinary medicine, also
entering the farming and live stock business at Richland. Has been active in
political matters, is a member of farm organizations, the Methodist church, the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and Royal Arch and Scottish Rite
Masonry. A republican in politics.
J.P. Kennedy
Representative from Lee county, was born in Keokuk, Iowa and came with his
parents to Montrose, Iowa, when six weeks of age, and has resided there ever
since. Never held any political office except president of the board of
education. His father came from County Mayo, Ireland, and his mother the city of
Dublin. Educated in the Montrose high school, and the law department of the
State University at Iowa City. Is married and has three daughters. Member of
Masonic, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Woodman fraternities. Republican in
Wm. S. Kennedy
Representative from Lee county, was born on a farm in that county May 16, 1879.
Educated in the rural schools. Served in the Spanish-American war with the
Fourteenth U.S. Infantry, being among the first troops sent to the Philippines.
Took part in numerous battles and skirmishes, being wounded in a battle near
Malate February 5, 1899. After being discharged worked in the mines through the
western states until 1908, returning to Iowa at that time and engaging in
farming in Lee county. Married Julia T. Sullivan at Butte, Montana, February 28,
1905, who died on October 19, 1915. Married October 3, 1917, at Altoona, Iowa,
to Emily Kennedy. Has four children, two boys and two girls. A member of the
Belmont lodge, No. 541, A.F.&A.M. of Hillsboro, Iowa. Elected to the house
of representatives in 1924. Reelected in 1926. Republican in politics.
John W. Kent
Representative from Lucas county. Born in Cook county, Illinois, March 9, 1867.
Moved to Lucas county, Iowa, with his parents in 1869, where he has since
resided. Educated in the public schools. A farmer, stock raiser and pure bred
Hereford breeder. Owns three hundred and seventy acres of land. Republican in
politics. Member of the Masonic fraternity; has been trustee of Jackson township
and school treasurer for a number of years; was member of board of supervisors
six years. Elected representative in 1924, and reelected in 1926.
J.A. King
Representative from Clay county, was born in Clay county, Iowa, April 13, 1876.
Moved with his parents to the farm on which he now lives, when about three years
old. Received his early education in the common schools and afterward attended
Nora Springs seminary where he graduated in 1898. Taught in the country schools
of Clay county three years. Was married to Effie A. Anderson, August 28, 1902.
Has two children, James Russell, born August 23, 1903, and Julia Leone, born
October 21, 1909. Has been actively engaged in farming since 1901 and was
president of the Clay county farm bureau three years. Member of the Odd Fellows
and Masonic lodges. Elected to the legislature in November, 1922, reelected in
1924 and 1926. A republican in politics.