Iowa State Representatives

J.M. Heald
Representative from Chickasaw county, was born at Bradford, Chickasaw county,
Iowa, January 26, 1861. Educated at Bradford academy and State Teachers college.
Taught in the public schools of Chickasaw county for several years. Married to
Alice R. Green of Winchester, Illinois, in 1886. Has engaged in farming for a
large part of his life. Has always been interested in and connected with public
affairs. A republican in politics.
G.E. Held
Representative from Plymouth county. Native of Iowa and born in Hungerford
township where he now resides. Received his education in the rural schools and
completed a normal course in Le Mars normal school in 1897. Is now actively
engaged in farming near Hinton. In 1922 married Agnes M. Eyres of Le Mars, Iowa.
They have two children, Thomas E. and Katherine Elizabeth. Was elected and served
in the house of representatives during the thirty-ninth, fortieth,
fortieth-extra, forty-first and forty-second general assemblies. A republican in
J.G. Hempel
Representative from Clayton county, born at Giard, Clayton county, Iowa,
December 9, 1860. Attended public schools and entered mercantile business in
1881. In 1887 was married to Emma J. Bickel, having three daughters, Mrs. Iowa
H. Graf and Kathleen, M., living; Johneyette G., deceased when five years old.
In 1892 opened general merchandise establishment at Giard, disposing of it at
the end of three years. In April, 1895, opened up a clothing business at
Elkader, which he has conducted successfully ever since. Served as secretary of
school board, secretary of county fair, member of state board voting machine
commissioners, member of state central committee, fourth district, member town
council Elkader and served as county auditor eight years. Member Odd Fellows
lodge, thirty-second degree Mason and Shriner. Elected representative in 1922,
1924 and 1926. Has always been a republican in politics.
Lafe Hill
Representative from Floyd county, was born in Ringgold county, Iowa. At the age
of fourteen years was thrown on his own resources. He worked on a farm, in a
brick yard and on railroad construction, attending school at odd times until
about the age of eighteen, when he had saved sufficient money to enable him to
enter academic and college work. During that time he read law for two years with
C.W. Mullen of Waterloo, afterwards state's attorney general. He then took up
teaching at Troy Mills and Walker in Linn county, and was later superintendent
of schools at Seymour and other places in southern Iowa. At the close of his
school work he entered the newspaper business, and is now publisher of the
Advertiser at Nora Springs. His father was a veteran of the Civil war. He was
married to Florence A. Fay of Troy Mills. Their three children grew to manhood
and womanhood, a daughter, Fausta, and sons, Brant and Lyle. Both sons served in
the World War, and Brant gave his life for his country. Throughout his life he
has been an active republican and has attended a large number of the state and
district conventions or the past thirty years. He was elected a delegate from
Iowa to the National Yeoman Conclave held at Colorado Springs in 1904. He was
appointed by Governor Kendall a delegate from Iowa to the National Laymen's
Educational convention called by the United States commissioner of education in
Des Moines in 1922. He is a member of the Methodist church and of the Knights of
Pythias lodge, having served as officer of the grand lodge. Elected
representative in 1924 and reelected in 1926.
F.A. Hines
Representative from Taylor county, was born on a farm in Madison county, Iowa,
December 5, 1880. He was married to Maude McCracken, August 28, 1901. He
attended both the country and town schools. Has lived about equal portions of
his life on the farm and in town. He graduated frmo the Kansas City Veterinary
college in 1913. He started practice in Gravity, Iowa, where he still lives. He
served on the twon council six years, was mayor two years. He is a member of the
Methodist church, a past master of the Masonic lodge and a Modern Woodman.
Republican in politics.
Frank Hollingsworth
Representative from Boone county, was born in Wisconsin. When two years old he
moved with his parents to a farm in Dallas county, Iowa, which was his home
until 1894. Entered the State University of Iowa in the fall of 1894, and
graduated from the liberal arts and law school of the university in 1899. Began
the practice of law at Boone, Iowa, in 1899. Married in 1901. He served as
republican county chairman for many years. Was assistant county attorney of
Boone county four years and elected county attorney in 1910 and 1912. city
solicitor of Boone from 1917 to 1919. Served as county chairman for Boone county
in liberty loan campaigns during 1918 and 1919. Aside from the law business,
interested in farming and banking. A farm land owner and a director in the Boone
State bank. A member of the various Masonic bodies, including the Shrine and the
Consistory. Also a member of the Elks. Elected representative in 1926. A
Chas. A. Hollis
Representative from Black Hawk county, born in Black Hawk county in 1867, oldest
of a family of six boys and three girls. Father enlisted in the army from Troy,
N.Y., and served three years. Was married in 1887 to Miss Carrie Buck of Black
Hawk county and immediately went to farming for himself, at all times handling
pure-bred and high-grade stock. Active in all organizations for the betterment
of rural conditions. Moved to Cedar Falls in 1906 to educate his children, one
boy and one girl. Traveled three years for the Independent Telephone association
and promoted the first independent copper toll line between Burlington and Des
Moines. Assisted in organizing and was president and manager of the Black Hawk
Oil Company, Cedar Falls. At the present time is in partnership with his son in
the business of raising pure-bred Holsteins. Member of the First Brethren
church. Elected representative in 1922, reelected in 1924 and in 1926.
Republican in politics.
George M. Hopkins
Representative from Guthrie county, Iowa, was born October 16, 1866, in the same
county which he represents in the legislature. He attended district school
during the summer and winter until he was eleven years of age, after which he
attended rural school three months in the winter. At seventeen he attended one
year at the Guthrie county high school. He taught three terms of rural school
and attended business college at Shenandoah, Iowa. After teaching a short time
he took a normal course at Valparaiso, Indiana. After finishing this course, he
was elected principal of the village schools at Bassett, Nebraska, in which
position he served for seven years. During this time he took a homestead near
the town of Bassett. He was married in 1894 to Anna Laura Green of Kirkwood,
Nebraska. They have two daughters and three sons. In 1899 he was elected county
superintendent of Rock county, Nebraska, serving four terms. He has always taken
an active part in politics and welfare work of his community. He was elected
representative in 1926. A republican.
Wilber F. Hubbard
Representative from Pottawattamie county, was born on a farm near Neola, Iowa,
March 24, 1885. Educated in the rural schools and the high school of Neola. Has
followed the vocation of farming. Is president of the West Pottawattamie County
Farm Bureau, and past master of the Masonic lodge. He was married to Vera Lynn
Hamilton in 1909. They have four children, Joseph, Neal, Verna and Wilber Lynn.
Was elected state representative in 1924, and reelected in 1926. A republican in
Chas. W. Huff
Representative from Cass county, was born on a farm near Anita, Iowa, October
30, 1873. When ten years old he moved with his parents to a farm near Massena,
in the same county, where he has since resided. He received his education in the
common schools, also graduating from the Iowa business college of Des Moines in
1894. Was township clerk, serving two years and county recorder four years.
Elected representative in 1920 and reelected in 1922, 1924, and 1926. He is a
Mason and a Shriner. A republican in politics.