Iowa State Representatives
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Will H. Crozier
Representative from Mahaska county, was born on a farm in the county he now
represents, December 18, 1870. Received his early education in the rural school
and after finishing high school in Oskaloosa, completed a course in Highland
Park college, Des Moines, Iowa. Has been engaged in farming and stock raising
continuously ever since. Has held a number of offices in his township and served
on his local school board twenty-six years. Was married to Lillie B. Zarling of
Fremont, Iowa in 1898. They have two sons, Ralph W. and Glen A. He is a member
of the Presbyterian church and a republican in politics.
R.B. Eckles
Representative from Butler county, was born on a farm in Marshall county, Iowa,
August 6, 1876. He was educated in rural schools, and graduated from the Iowa
State college in 1896. He was married to Ena M. Burnham in 1899. They have three
children, Lester, Gordon and Dotha. He taught dairying and animal husbandry for
two years at Doyleston, Pennsylvania. Engaged in farming and livestock feeding
since 1900 near Aplington, Iowa. Justice of the peace for many years, a member
of the Aplington consolidated school board for twelve years, being president of
the board at this time. A member of the Presbyterian church. Elected
representative in 1924 and reelected in 1926. A republican in politics.
John Eden
Representative from Clinton county, was born December 25, 1870, on a farm in
Clinton county. He lived on a farm continuously until 1921, when he moved to
Calamus, his present home. Served as road boss for two years, president of
school board two years, director of a rural school, three years, president of
Red Cross five years, president of Farmers Elevator company four years, county
supervisor six years, and town councilman. Elected to the legislature in 1924,
and reelected in 1926. Received his education in the rural schools. On October
3, 1895, married Agnes B. Kuebler, to which union were born three sons, Lester
J., Richard J., and Bernard William. Mr. Eden is a Thirty-second degree Mason, a
member of the Modern Brotherhood of America, the Modern Woodmen of America and
the M.E. Church. He is a republican in politics.
George W. Edge
Representative from Jasper county, was born on an old soldier's claim in
Saunders county, Nebraska, March 27, 1872. Has resided in Iowa since 1877 and in
Jasper county since 1883, owning and operating a quarter section of land in that
county. Was married September 1, 1897, to Anna Friend. They have two children,
Margaret, who is married, and Everett, who is still at home on the farm. His
education was procured in the rural schools and in the Hazel Dell academy at
Newton. Was in the Iowa National Guard five years, discharged in 1895, with the
rank of sergeant. Belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, Subordinate Grange,
Jasper County Pomona Grange, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which latter order he has been department
aide to the department commander of the patriarch militant branch with the rank
of major. A member of the Sons of the Veterans and of the Methodist church.
Politically a republican. Elected representative in 1922 serving in the fortieth
general assembly and the extra session. Reelected in 1924 and 1926.
Elmore A. Elliott
One of the representatives from Polk county, was born on a farm near Louisville,
Kentucky, and spent the early years of his life farming. Worked his way through
school, entering Westfield college, Westfield, Ill., at the age of 23 where he
spent two years, later entering old Western college at Toledo, Iowa, where he
finished his education. Married Lola Shepherd of Des Moines. Elected a member of
the city council of Des Moines in 1918, reelected in 1920, serving both terms as
finance commissioner. With state board of health one year. Is a minister in the
Congregational church. A member of the Masonic order, the I.O.O.F., K.P., L.O.O.M.
and Hapac Grotto. Elected in 1924 and reelected in 1926. A republican in
James D. Fleming
Representative from Crawford county, Iowa, was born September 26, 1884, of
Scotch parentage. His entire life has been spent in Stockholm township, Crawford
county, Iowa, where he now owns and operates a two hundred-acre farm. He
received his early education in the rural schools, attended and graduated from
the Denison Normal college in 1907. He taught school for three years and has
been actively engaged in farming since then. In August, 1913, he was married to
Lillie I. Carlson and has three children, Ruth Mae, Charlotte Marie and Paul
James. The family are members of the Presbyterian church at Denison, Iowa. Mr.
Fleming has taken an active part in matters of public interest in his home
community. He has been assessor and road superintendent for a number of years.
He is now a member of the school board and president of the Farmers Elevator at
Deloit. He was president of Crawford County Farm Bureau for two years. Elected
state representative in 1924 and 1926. In politics he is a republican.
L.B. Forsling
Representative from Woodbury county, was born in Sioux City, March 23, 1890.
Attended grade and high school in Sioux City, graduated in law from Cumberland
university; general practice in law in Sioux City since 1915. Police judge of
Sioux City, 1918. Married Lillian Nash, February 12, 1914. elected
representative, 1920; reelected 1922, 1924 and 1926. Republican in politics.
Wm. T. Gilmore
Representative from Cedar county, was born in Bellefontaine, Ohio. He was
graduated from Iowa State college. Taught county school for two terms; afterward
engaged in the clothing business for some years. Is now connected with the Cedar
county state bank as vice president. Is a member of the Knights of Pythias,
Consistory, Mystic Shrine, State Historical society and the farm bureau. Served
on the city council for five years and was an alternate to the republican
national convention in 1920. Elected representative in 1920, reelected in 1922
and 1926. Republican in politics.
H.M. Greene
Representative from Pottawattamie county, was born on a farm near Avoca, Iowa,
September 6, 1882. He attended rural school and Avoca high school; graduated
from the law department of the State University of Iowa in 1906. He was admitted
to the bar the same year but returned to farming, at which he is engaged at the
present time. He enlisted as a private in L company 168th infantry, Rainbow
division, and was later made a sergeant. He was twice wounded. He is a charter
member and first commander of Fred Funston Post, American Legion at Avoca, Iowa.
He is a Mason, a Shriner, and in politics a republican.