Iowa State Executive Branch

HAMMILL, John --Governor, was born in Linden,
Iowa county, Wis., October 14, 1875. Attended the common schools of Wisconsin
until 1889, when he moved with his parents near Britt, Hancock county, Iowa.
Graduated from Britt high school in 1895. Graduated from the law departments of
the state university of Iowa in June, 1897. Engaged in the practice of law at
Britt, Iowa. He was married to Fannie B. Richards on June 7, 1899. Elected county
attorney in 1902, serving two terms. Was elected as a member of the state senate
in 1908. Elected lieutenant governor in 1920. Re-elected in 1922. Elected
governor in 1924. Re-elected in 1926. A republican in politics.

KIMBALL, Clem F. --Lieutenant Governor, was
born August 11, 1868, at Anamosa, Iowa. He attended the public schools of
Anamosa until the spring of 1886, not quite finishing his high school course. He
then entered the State College at Ames and took a mechanical engineering course,
graduating in 1889. He engaged in engineering work and teaching until 1893, when
he entered the University of Michigan, taking law and specializing in the
literary department. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1895 and
began the practice of law in October, 1895, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. He was
married to Caroll Williams of Wyoming, Iowa, in 1892. He is a member of the
Congregational church, Masonic lodge, Knights of Pythias, Elks and several other
organizations. He is also a member of the Country Club of Council Bluffs, and of
the Lions Service Club. In 1899 he was appointed assistant county attorney of
Pottawattamie county and held the office for two terms. In 1906 he was elected
city solicitor of the city of Council Bluffs and served three consecutive terms.
In 1912 he was elected to the state senate and served in the 35th, 36th, 37th
and 38th general assemblies. He has always been a republican in politics. He has
two children, a boy practicing law with his father's firm and a girl in college.
He has been an active practicing attorney in southwest Iowa, and is interested
in farming operations in Monona and Madison counties.

RAMSAY, Walter C. --Secretary of State, was
born in Ford county, Ill., August 15, 1878. His parents were natives of Ohio,
both being of Scotch-Irish lineage. Received his early education in the graded
schools of Paxton, Ill., and the high school at Owatonna, Minn. He came to Iowa
in 1895, locating at Garner, Hancock county. Taught a country school four years
and moved to Belmond, Wright county, Iowa, in 1901, and engaged in newspaper
work. Served as postmaster, mayor, and on the school board of Belmond and as
chief clerk of the Iowa house of representatives in the thirty-sixth,
thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth general assemblies. Appointed by the governor
April 3, 1919, and assumed office July 1, 1919. Married October 4, 1904, to Miss
Una Ames, of Minneapolis. A republican in politics.

LONG, J.W. --Auditor of State, was born on a
farm in Ringgold county, Iowa, June 26, 1873. He received his early education in
the rural schools, attended Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, and Western Normal
College, Shenandoah, Iowa, graduating from the latter in 1896. He taught in
rural schools two years; served as superintendent of city schools for five
years; and was elected county superintendent of Decatur county, Iowa, in 1906;
reelected in 1908 and again in 1910. Moved to Ames, Story county, Iowa, in 1916,
and became a traveling salesman for county officials' supplies, until elected
auditor of state November 2, 1926. He was married June 22, 1898, to Emma M.
Laney, of Decatur, Iowa, and has a family of three sons and one daughters. He is
a member of the Methodist church and the Masonic order. A republican in

JOHNSON, Raymond E. --Treasurer of State, was
born in Wilton Junction, Muscatine county, Iowa, March 26, 1886. Son of Silas L.
and Nellie E. Johnson. Moved to Muscatine in 1894 and graduated from public
schools there. Appointed deputy treasurer of Muscatine county January, 1908, and
in January, 1910, was appointed county treasurer to fill vacancy. He served as
treasurer of Muscatine county for five terms and resigned February 1, 1920, to
accept the position of secretary of the state executive council. Elected
treasurer of state in November, 1924. Married May 22, 1907, to Edna I. Ryan of
Muscatine, Iowa. Has one son, Charles S. and one daughter, Janet. A republican
in politics.

THORNBURG, M.G. --Secretary of Agriculture, was
born in Linden, Dallas county, Iowa. Educated in country school in Dallas county
and the Des Moines high school; entered Iowa State College in 1900, spending two
years. Married Blanche Scholes, April 27, 1904. From 1902 to 1908 associated
with his father in farming and stock business. Re-entered college in 1908,
graduating from the animal husbandry course of Iowa State College in 1910. As a
student was a member of the Royal and International live stock judging teams.
Received a professional degree of master of agriculture in 1920 from the same
institution. Member of the animal husbandry faculty of Iowa State College.
Enlisted in world war in March, 1918. Commissioned captain remount service in
August. After being discharged in March, 1919, took up the management of several
farms in Palo Alto county. Appointed assistant secretary of agriculture in July,
1924, to fill the office made vacant through the death of Raymond W. Cassady.
Elected secretary of agriculture, general election in the fall of 1924, and
re-elected in 1926. Republican in politics.

FLETCHER, John --Attorney General, was born in
Scott county, Iowa, January 5, 1876. Educated in a country school, the Iowa
State Teachers College; and the law department of the state university. Admitted
to the practice of law in 1899. Practicing attorney at Avoca for ten years,
during which time he held the positions of city attorney and mayor. In 1910, he
moved to Des Moines as assistant attorney general to Attorney General H.W.
Byers. He continued to serve as assistant attorney general to Attorney General
George Cosson, and later with Attorney General Ben J. Gibson. In May, 1925, he
was appointed by Governor Hammill as a judge of the district court of Polk
county, Iowa, where he presided over the court of domestic relations. He was
married June 14, 1905, to Miss Marie D. Schmidt, of Avoca, Iowa, now deceased.
He has three children, Maurice, Warren and Margaret. Republican in politics.

SAMUELSON, Agnes --Superintendent of Public
Instruction, was born in Page county, Iowa. Her professional record includes
graduation from Shenandoah high school, Western Normal College, and State
University of Iowa, and attendance at George Peabody College for Teachers and
Nebraska State University. Teaching expertise in rural and high school work,
superintendence of Page county schools, extension service specialist in rural
schools from Iowa State Teachers College, service on national committees for the
study of county superintendent's problems, for the study of rural teachers'
problems; secretary of the county superintendents' section of the rural
department of the National Educational Association; institute lecturer; speaker
at educational meetings in this and other states.