Watson Bowron, Publisher, Burlington, Iowa
Transcribed by Pat Ryan White
A (pgs 33-35)
Adams James B, printer, with H.L. Robinson.
Adams John B, marble cutter, h cor Henry and Adams.
Adams Samuel, student in College b W.B. Woodward
Albert William, h Jackson e si le bt Clay and Warren.
Albert W.L., clark W.A. Saunders.
Alexander William, student at College, b W.S. Scott.
Allen A R H, dry goods and groceries, Washington 2 doors w of main h cor
Washington and Harrison.
Allen Frank, b. Mrs. Vantress
Allen J.F., cigar maker with G.W. Ginder.
Allen Reuben, h cor White and Washington.
Allen S.W., shoemaker, with B.W. & J.S. Riggs.
Allen William, teaming, h cor Henry and Jefferson.
Ambler Henry (A & Woolson) h cor Main and Warren.
Ambler & Woolsen, attorneys, Main e side Public Square.
Anderson William, student at College, b. W.B. Woodward.
Andrews D.H., painter, Monroe s s bt Main and Adams, b Brazelton House.
Arms Geo. W., dry goods, &c., Jefferson No. 11, h Main e s 4 doors n of
Athearn John S, carpenter, h Van Buren, e side n of Saunders.
B (pgs 35-39)
Backus Geo. W, station agent at depot, h Washington w s 3 doors
n of Henry.
Bailey John F, h Jackson s of Green.
Bailey P.D., baker and confectionary, Main e side Public Square, h Jackson s of
Baines Edward, plasterer, h cor Jackson and Warren.
Baker S.P., h Washington n of Prairie.
Ballard A.S. tinner, h Jackson bt Monroe and Madison.
Ballard H.H., plow factory, Monroe s s bt Adam and Harrison, h cor Monroe and
Ballard John, student at law, with Ambler & Woolson.
Ballard Wiley, h cor Front and White.
Banks John G, laborer, h Adam w side 3 doors s of R.R.
Barcus John L, painter, b. Mt. Pleasant House
Barnes Ford, farmer, h Washington s s e of Walnut.
Barratt Berkley, b .Mrs. Barratt.
Barratt GEorge, painter, b Mrs. Barratt.
Barratt Mrs. Pamelia, h Harrison w s bt Clay and Warren.
Bass J.B., provision store, 29 Jefferson, h cor White and Saunders.
Bartruff John S, Dept. U.S. Marshal, h cor Monroe and Adams.
Baugh L.G., cabinet maker, h Henry ss 2 doors w of Jay
Bayles James, carpenter, h Madison cor of Wilson
Bayles Mason, student in college, b W.H. Corkhill.
Beard James A, clerk H Jackson s of Green.
Beattie Wray, Prof in college, h cor Main and Charles
Beers Elijah, carpenter, h Adam n of R R
Beers J.K., h cor Clay and Jackson.
Beers Moses, h Washington cor Locust.
Bereman A.H, attorney, office Main e side bt Madison and Monroe.
Berkey Dr. M, Jefferson e s bt Monroe and Madison.
Birtner David, h Jay n of Henry.
Birch James, plasterer b. J. Hancock.
Bird Clement, plasterer, b. P.M. Bird.
Bird P.M., plasterer, h Henry cor Jay.
Bird Dr. W., office Main e s bt Madison and Monroe, h cor Main and Madison.
Bird William, h cor Madison and Jackson.
Blood David, shoemaker with B.W. & J.S. Riggs.
Booth Joseph, h Jay n of Henry.
Bowen Mrs. Rhoda, b Washington s s e of Locust.
Bowman A.W., clerk, M.H. Stowe.
Bowman F.M. & J.C. stoves and tin ware, 23 Jefferson.
Bowman John, h cor Henry and Poplar.
Bowman N.P., clerk, G.W. Arms.
Bowser B., barber, Monroe n of Public Square, h Jackson s of Green.
Boyes Isaac, h Front bt Main and Broadway
Brodway Mark, h cor Monroe and Walnut
Brazelton House, S. Brazelton propt., cor Main and Monroe.
Brazelton Samuel, propr Brazelton House.
Brick Edward S, painter, 13 Jefferson w s public square, b. Brazelton House.
Brockenbrough A., clerk, W.R. Hill.
Brook, Martin, h Jackson w s bt Henry and Madison
Brown James, clerk, A.B. Porter b Brazelton House.
Brown James H., h Broadway n of Front.
Brown Johnson, miller, h Broadway bt Orange and Mill.
Brown M.K., h cor Adam and Madison
Brunaugh James, forwarding and commission merchant at depot, b. Brazelton House.
Buchanan O.H.P., h Washington n s east of Locust.
Buck Thomas, (Shaw & Buck), h cor Henry and Madison
Buckingham Goodcil, student at College, b. W.S. Scott.
Burnett David L., (Hall & B.) h Henry n s bt Adams and Washington.
Burnett Rev. Hiram, h Henry n s bt Adams and Washington.
Burr P., & Co., groceries, No. 9 Jefferson, w s Public Square.
Burt Francis S, (E.L. Ferguson & Co.) h Madison w of Marion.
Butcher Charles, carpenter, h Saunders bt White and Jackson.
~C~ (Pgs. 39-43)
Caffrey Thomas, teamster, Elm north of Henry.
Campbell John, blacksmith, h cor Jackson and Madison.
Canawny William, h Adams w s bt Henry and Madison.
Carpenter Abram, h Jefferson south of Green.
Carpenter John, h Clay bt Jackson and White.
Carpenter Joshua, drayman, h Jefferson south of Green.
Carrigan C., laborer, h Henry north of Pine.
Carson H., h Jefferson e side bt Warren and Green.
Carson P.G., h cor Washington and White.
Castleton James, h Van Buren bt Washington and Monroe.
Chalfant R.S., h Washington opp. Washington Hotel.
Chamberlin Dr. Wm. B., h Broadway w s 3 doors n of Saunders.
Champ Edwin, gunsmith, Main w s bt Clay and Warren.
Chapman Mrs. Matilda Ann, h White w s bt Clay & Warren.
Charlesworth John, brick mason, h cor Henry and Chestnut.
Chase M.C., harness maker, h Monroe bt White and Van Buren.
City Hall, Jefferson n of Monroe.
Clark Benjamin, cabinet maker, h Adams e s 4 doors s of R.R.
Clark, Doolittle & Cook, att'ys, No. 2 Jefferson 2d floor.
Clark John K., cabinet maker, b B. Clark.
Clark R.L.B., (C., Doolittle & Cook) h cor Main & Green.
Clark Thomas, laborer, h Jay north of Henry.
Clark H.S., teller State Bank, b Brazelton House.
Clawson John R., tinner, h Locust cor Clay.
Coats Calvin, carriage maker, College bt Mill and Harlan.
Cobel William, liniment, Main e s bt Monroe and Madison.
Cobler Jacob, butcher, with C. Vanvranken.
Coburn R.T., clerk, P. Saunders & Sons, h cor Main and Henry.
Coffman Victor, student at college, b W.S. Scott.
Cole J.W. & R.S., lightning rods, h Clay w of Marion.
Cole William, h Van Buren bt Henry and Saunders.
Cole Mrs. Eliza, h Green bt Harrison and Adams.
Coleman Rev. Austin, h Broadway w s cor Charles.
Conaway Berry, student with Ambler & Woolson.
Conaway Julius, clerk, A.B. Porter.
Cook William A., (Clark, Doolittle & C.) h Adams e s bt Henry
and Madison.
Cooper E., h Washington cor White.
Cooper Geo., clerk P. Saunders & Sons, h cor White
and Monroe.
Corkhill Geo. B., b W.H. Corkhill.
Corkhill William H., bible agent, h cor Broadway and Exchange.
Cosler James M., tailor, for A.B. Porter, h Jackson
2 doors north of Madison.
Coston Rev. Z.H., cor Madison and Chestnut.
Coulter Theodore M., marble cutter, h Monroe bt Walnut and Pine.
Crane Baron H., clerk, G.W. Arms.
Crane Rev. Eben[sic], h Washington w side n of Henry.
Crane H.N., clerk, J.F. Sargent.
Craig Alexander, carpenter, h cor Henry and Adams.
Craig James, (Marsh & C.) h Main e s 2 doors n of Henry.
Craig John, tinman, h Broadway w side cor Saunders.
Craig Vincent, grocer, Washington s side Public Square.
Cranston William, student at college, b W.B. Woodward.
Creswell John, carpenter, h north of R.R. e of Washington.
Cretser Joseph, stone mason, h Jackson w s bt Henry and Madison.
Crews O.H., h Jackson bt Henry and Saunders.
Crowell Rev. L.P., b Mt. Pleasant House.
Crowell S., pro. Mt. Pleasant House.
Crowell S.M., b Mt. Pleasant House.
Crusen A.G., carpenter h cor Madison and Jefferson.
Culligan James, laborer, h Henry cor Elm.
Cummings S.R., baker, h Jackson south of Green.
~D~(Pgs. 43-45)
Darnall M.B., attorney and Justice of the Peace, Main e s bt Madison
and Monroe, h cor Van Buren and Saunders.
Darnall William C., (Lathrop & D.) h Adams e s bt Henry
and Madison.
Darrah Rev. John, h cor College Avenue and Charles.
Davis Charles, barber, Brazelton block, h cor Madison and Harrison.
Davis Miss Eliza, milliner, 21 Jefferson 3 doors n of Monroe 2d floor.
Davis James, nursery, Main e s 2 doors n of Madison.
Davis John H., attorney, office Main e s Public Square,
h cor Adams and Clay.
Davis Miss Mary C., select school, Adams w s 4 doors s of R.R.
Davis Simon, shoemaker, h Clay bt Main and Jefferson.
Davis W.H., fruit and confectionary, No. 7 Jefferson
w s Public Square.
Davis William, h Jackson w s bt Warren and Clay.
Davis William M., stone mason, h Vernon e of Washington.
Dawson B.S., h cor Henry and Jefferson.
Dawson Henry, with J.M. Dawson.
Dawson James M., butcher, Main e s Public Square, h Jackson
e s bt Washington and Clay.
Day Stephen, h cor Henry and Jay.
Dean Rev. Henry Clay, res north-east part of city.
Devol Charles F., Sheriff of Henry co., h cor Harrison and Clay.
Dewey Laurin, Pres't of Branch State Bank, h cor Madison
and Jefferson.
De Wolf John G., flouring mill, Broadway bt Orange and Mill,
h same.
Dial Dr. W.C., office Main e s Public Square, h cor Madison
and Harrison.
Dicus B.F., engineer, h Broadway bt Orange and Mill.
Dilger J., grocery, Main e s in Brazelton block.
Dixon John, student in college, b W.B. Woodward.
Dixon John, printer, b Eastern Hotel.
Dodds Thomas, h Washington n s 3 doors e of Locust.
Dodge Mrs. Elizabeth, h Jefferson w s Public Square.
Dodge Mrs. Emma, h Harrison w s bt Henry and Madison.
Dodson J.C., h Henry west end.
Dogget Newton, shoemaker, b H.M. Roberts.
Doolittle Geo., (Clark, D. & Cook) b R.L.B. Clark.
Dougherty David, cabinet maker, h Adams w s 3 doors n of
Dougherty W.F., cabinet maker, cor Jefferson and Madison,
h Jefferson w s 2 doors n of Madison.
Dougherty Edward, h Jay n of Henry.
Dougherty Isaac N., cabinet maker, b E. Dougherty.
Dougherty James, blacksmith, Monroe s s 2 doors e of Adams,
h Adams w s 5 doors n of Henry.
Dougherty John, h n of Henry e of Washington.
Du Puy Mrs. E.E., dress maker, 27 Jefferson bt Madison
and Monroe.
Drayer John B., (Warwick & D.) h Jackson w s bt Washington
and Monroe.
Drummond John, stone cutter, h Asylum Avenue.
Dyche Geo. F., groceries, No. 6 Jefferson, w s Public Square.
~E~ (Pgs. 45-46)
Earley Samuel J., shoemaker, h White bt Monroe and Madison.
Eastern Hotel, Washington s s bt Harrison and Locust, J. Hancock, pro.
Edwards G.W., Ed. Home Journal, No. 12 Jefferson 3d floor.
Edwards M.L., Sec. Iowa Insane Hospital, h Harrison e s bt Henry
and Madison.
Eicher Samuel, shoemaker, h Jefferson e s bt Warren and Green.
Elliott Charles, D.D., L.L.D., and Pres't of College, h Madison s s bt
Chestnut and Walnut.
Elliot D.S., attorney, h Monroe s s bt Jackson and White.
Elwood Samuel, shoemaker, h Jackson bt Monroe and Madison.
Emery Ellis P., teamster, h n of Henry e of Washington.
Eshelman & Wise, clothing, No. 3 Jefferson w s Public Square.
Eshelman J., (E. & Wise) h Monroe cor Jackson.
Estes J.C., city auctioneer, Main e s Public Sq., h Jay n of Henry.
Evans John W., h cor White and Warren.
Everest George, (P. Burr & Co.) b P. Burr.
Express Co. American, W.A. Saunders agent, office No. 25
Jefferson Street.
~F~(Pgs. 46-47)
Fackler Abraham, laborer, h White bt Washington & Clay.
Fagan Michael, h Green w of White.
Fair John, carpenter, h Warren e of Locust.
Fairfield Albert A., carpenter, h Vernon e of Washington.
Fariss Miss Eliza, dress maker, No. 21 Jefferson 3 doors n of
Monroe 2d floor.
Fariss Dr. T.E.V., Washington s s bt Jefferson & Jackson.
Fariss Dr. T.V.R., druggist, Monroe n s Public Square.
Farr Miss Eliza, dress maker, cor Henry and Jackson.
Fehse? Frederick, wagon maker, h Washington n s e of Locust.
Ferguson E.L. (E.L. Ferguson & Co.) h cor Jackson and Henry.
Ferguson E.L. & Co., steam furniture factory, shop Monroe
west end.
Fischer Frederick, carpenter, h Washington n s w of Walnut.
Fisher Henry C., h Jefferson w side bt Warren and Clay.
Fisher David, plasterer, h cor White and Madison.
Fisher Peter, tailor, with A.B. Porter, h Adams e s 5 doors
n of Henry.
Floyd George W., h Main e s 2 doors s of Washington.
Foreman A., h cor Van Buren and Henry.
Forgrave Robert, shoemaker, with B.W. & J.S. Riggs.
Foster James, h cor Jackson and Green.
Fowler James, north west part of city.
Frame Jeremiah, h Madison n s e of Harrison.
Freeze Alfred, clerk, T.E. Hargrave.
Freeze Jefferson, tailor, cor Monroe and Jefferson, 2d floor,
h cor Jackson and Warren.
Frick D.Z., h Green bt Adams and Main.
Frost Frank, painter, h Monroe e of Pine.
Fulton Dr. J.H., botanic, Monroe s side bt White and
Van Buren.
~G~(Pgs. 47-48)
Gammon Joseph, cooper, Monroe west end, h Clay w
of Marion.
Garrison William, brick maker, h Jackson e s bt Warren and
Gartick Thomas, clerk, P. Saunders and Sons.
Gartly Robert, plasterer, b Mt. Pleasant House.
Garvin James, h White w s 4 doors n of Saunders.
Gibbs Dr. H.G., surgeon dentist, No. 12 Jefferson w s Pub.
Square, b Brazelton House.
Gibrick Charles, Mozart saloon, Washington s s Public Square.
Gile William, brick mason, h Madison bt Chestnut and Walnut.
Giles John W., painter, h Jackson w s bt Warren & Green.
Gill James O., (McLeran & G.) h Adams w s 2 doors n
of Madison.
Gillmore Rev. James, h cor Jackson and Clay.
Gimble O.J., sash and blinds, Main e s 2 doors s of R.R.,
h Washington n of R.R.
Ginder G.W., cigars and tobacco, Monroe n s Public Square.
Ginn Mrs. Isabella J., h Madison n s 5 doors e of Harrison.
Glenny Mrs. Jane, milliner and dress maker, No. 10 w s Public
Square 2d floor.
Goan Andrew, h cor Adams and Green.
Golden James, h Main s of Green.
Goodman Levi, h White w s bt Warren and Green.
Goodman M., h Madison n s bt Adams and Harrison.
Goolden Miss Susanna, milliner, No. 4 Jefferson w s Public
Square 2d floor.
Gordon A.F., plow factory, cor Monroe and Harrison.
Grant James, (Miller & G.) h over store.
Grantham John P., clerk district court, h cor Adams and
Gray E.W., professor in college, h Broadway w s bt Front
and Charles.
Gray John, h Adams e s bt Madison and Monroe.
Gray Samuel, h Adams w s 6 doors n of Henry.
Gregg John C., grocer, h Jackson bt Henry and Madison.
Gregg R., carpenter, h Jefferson s of Green.
Grove Jacob, laborer, h Jackson s of Green.
Gully Dr. T.B., h cor Broadway and Charles.
~H~ (Pgs. 48-50)
Hagan John, stone cutter, h Washington n of R.R.
Halber Tobias, stone cutter, h Jackson w s bt Henry and
Hall & Burnett, daguerrean artists, No. 13, w s Public Square.
Hall J.C.W., (H. & Burnett) b Brazelton House.
Hamline Leo L., D.D., h cor Monroe and Chestnut.
Hamline Dr. L.P., office Brazelton block, h cor Monroe
and Walnut.
Hancock John, pro. Eastern Hotel, on Washington st.
Hardy James, cutter for McLeran & Gill, h cor Monroe and
Hare Rev. M.H., h Main bt Charles and Exchange.
Hargrave T.E., dry goods, Jefferson, No. 14, w s Pub. Sq.
Harlan James, U.S. Senator, h cor Jefferson and Madison.
Harris Mrs. Jane, h Jefferson w s bt Warren and Clay.
Hart James B., h Washington w s 5 doors n of Henry.
Hartzel John, b J.W. Kastor.
Hatch W.H., Jewelry, h cor Green and White.
Hawkins Eli, (H. & Swinford) h Madison e of Harrison.
Hawkins & Swinford, grocers, Jefferson No. 10, w s Pub. Sq.
Haynes Thomas, h Jackson bt Henry and Saunders.
Heany James, brick mason, h Madison cor Allen.
Heckendorn R.G., clerk E.L. Penn, b W. Davis.
Heffelfinger John, foreman L. Snell, h Jackson, w s bt
Washington and Monroe.
Henshaw William, miller, h Van Buren, bt Washington and
Herrick J.F., clerk G.W. Arms, h Jay n of Henry.
Herrick Samuel, grocer, h cor Clay and Jackson.
Hicox Stephen, b W.T. Luce.
Higgins John A., h cor Jefferson and Henry.
Hildreth N., (Moorhead & H.) b Mt. Pleasant house.
Hill E.S., h Main e s 3 doors s of Washington.
Hill James, h cor Madison and Wilson.
Hill W.R., groceries, Washington s s Public Square.
Hinds Richard, b H.M. Roberts.
Hoan John, h Madison bt Walnut and Pine.
Hobson George, Washington west end.
Hollis W.H., carpenter, h cor White and Washington.
Holmes Dr. Jesse, office under city hall, h cor Jefferson
and Saunders.
Home Journal, Jefferson No. 12, w s Pub. Sq. 3d floor,
G.W. Edwards, Editor.
Hook George, cabinet maker, h Pearl bt Main and Broadway.
Hoover A.W., blacksmith, cor Monroe and Jackson, h cor
Jackson and Green.
Hoover Jacob, plasterer, h Van Buren bt Washington and Monroe.
Hopping A., moulder, h Madison west end.
Hosick John, (White & H.) h Van Buren e s n of Saunders.
Hotchkiss Henry, teaming, h Monroe bt White and Van Buren.
Housel Charles C., cabinet maker, s e cor Public Square, h cor
Washington and Harrison.
Housel Peter, h Washington e of Walnut.
Houseman Jacob, carpenter, h Adams n of R.R.
Hoyt S., blacksmith, Jefferson e side one door s of Washington,
h cor Monroe and Walnut.
Howard Joseph, printer, b H.L. Robinson.
Howe Joseph, stoves and tin ware, Washington s side Public
Square, h Jackson w s bt Washington and Monroe.
Howe Samuel L., county supt. of com. schools, h Monroe
cor Locust.
Howlet Elijah, h Jefferson w s 2 doors n of Henry.
Howlet Thomas R., school teacher, b E. Howlet.
Hurley Cornelius, laborer, h Chestnut n of Henry.
Hurley Peter, h n of R.R. e of Washington.
Hutchinson Jonathan, h Asylum Avenue.
Hutton Thomas, h Washington w of Marion.
Hutton William M., h Washington n s 2 doors e of Locust.
~I~(Pg. 51)
Ingalls Rev. P.P., h Monroe s s cor Marion.
Irwin George, carpenter, h Adams n of R.R.
Irwin Dr. John, (Marsh & I.) h Main e of Public Square.
Irwin Joseph, b Geo. Irwin.
~J~(Pg. 51)
Jackson R.F., h Washington, n side e of Locust.
Jennings David, match factory, h Warren bt Locust and
Jericho Peter, harness maker, Monroe n s bt Jefferson
and Jackson.
Jobes J.B. Pro. Washington Hotel, cor Washington st and
Asylum Avenue.
Johnson Mathew, h cor Clay and Main.
Johnson Samuel, b M.K. Brown.
Johnson William, book binder, with H.L. Robinson.
Jones H., contractor, b Mt. Pleasant house.
Jones William, h Monroe cor Locust.
Joscelyn George, carpenter, h Washington 2 doors e of
Judd Rev. F.E., h Washington cor Walnut.