Henry County, IAGenWeb |
DIRECTORY of Henry County, Iowa
Compiled by Geo. T. Mason.
THE NEWS, Printers and Binders
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
IA, Henry County, Directory, 1911-1912
A Arnold, Mrs. Alvira, Section 2, 84 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8 Arnold, F. D., Section 3, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. ARTHUR, C. H., wf Sarah E., Section 24, 29 1/2 a, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Arthur, J. W., laborer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. B Baldwin, E. E., Section 19, farmer, Rome, Rt. 2. Baldwin, Lemuel, Section 18, 128 a., Rome, Rt. 2. BARNES, FORD, Section 24, 40 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Barton, Albert, Section 12, 165 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. BARTON, D. S., wf Ella, Section 32, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Barton, Ernest, Section 12, 165 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Barton, Robert W., Section 19, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Barton, Roy H., laborer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. BARTON, THOMAS H., Section 32, 162 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Barton, W. H., Section 32, 195 a., Salem, Rt. 2. Bausman, B. F., Section 17, farmer, Rome, Rt. 2. BECK, ANTON, wf Julia, Sunny Side farm, Section 24, 148 ' a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Beck, Fred E., Section 24, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Beck, Miss Kate, Section 24, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Beck, Miss Lulu, Section 24, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Bell, Mrs. Rachel (wid Joshua), Section 18, Rome, Rt. 2. Bell, J. M., Section 16, farmer, Rome, Rt. 2. Black, Calvin, Section 3, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Blythe, G. W., Section 24, 10 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Blythe, Miss Susie A., Section 24, housekeeper, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. BROWN, BENJAMIN, wf Hannah, Section 36, 110 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Brown, B. F., Section 36, Carpenter, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Brown, Emerson, Section 33, 20 a., Salem, Rt. 3. Brown, E. Hale, Section 36, carpenter, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Brown, Frank, Section 26, Carpenter, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Brown, Fred, Section 33, 7 1/2 a., Salem, Rt. 3. Brown, Howard J., Section 34, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. C Carver, George, Section 20, 40 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. CAULK, CALVIN, wf Sarah A., Section 3, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. CHURCH, ALVIN E., wf Celeste L., Sec. 22, 320 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Church, Harry, Section 19, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Church, J. W., Section 30, 80 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Church, Ray, Section 30, 80 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Church, Wm. H., Section 29, 144 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. CLAIRE, L. L., wf Emma, Section 21, 70 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Coburn, James L., Section 31, 60 a., Salem, Rt. 2. Coburn, V. L., Section 27, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Collins, C. S., Section 22, 143 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Collins, J. H., Section 10, 84 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Craig, J. B., Section 24, laborer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Crain, William, Section 30, 80 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. D DEAL, ED. B., Section 24, 6 1/4 a., also 160 a. Hamilton Co., Kan., and 80 a. Powers Co., Colo., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Doan, Harlan, Section 36, 214 a., Salem, Rt. 3. Doan, Myron, Section 35, farmer, Salem, Rt. 3. ![]() CEDAR VALLEY FARM, Sec. 28, Tippecanoe Township John H. Rogers, Proprietor, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Doan, Stark Section, 33, 93 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Dougherty, James, Section 21, 40 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Dusenberry, C. E., Section 23, 126 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. E Edwards, B. F., Section 31, 210 a., Salem, Rt. 2. Edwards, Fred, Section 31, Salem, Rt. 2. Edwards, F. J., Section 31, 41 a., Salem, Rt. 2. Elliott, Chester O., Section 19, farmer, Mt: Pleasant, Rt. 8. Elliott, Ernest W., Section 31, 42 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Elliott, Louis L., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Elliott, Nathan O., Section 19, 280 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Erickson, H. F., Section 16, 80 a., Rome, Rt. 2. F Farmer, John, Section 16, 109 a., Rome, Rt., 2. Fetterman, Ed., Section 25, 40 a., Salem, Rt. 3. Fetterman, Wm. I., Section 25, 20 a., Salem, Rt. 3. Fickel, William, Section 25, 79 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. ![]() Sunny Side Farm, Oakland Mills, Tippecanoe Township, Anton Beck, Proprietor, Mt. Pleasant Route 4. Ford, Asbury, Section 12, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Ford, Ray J., Section 23, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Ford, Robert, Section 23, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Frazer, Albert H., Section 34, 30 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. FRAZER, E. H., wf Martha A., farmer and stockraiser, Section 29, 260 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Frazer, George F., Section 32, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. .4. Freeman , Miss Edna L., Section 13, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Freeman, Harry P., Section 13, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. FREEMAN, WARREN, wf Emma, Section 13, 300 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. French, L. E., Section 24, 74 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. G Garman, John, Section 16, 110 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Gill, Edwin S., Section 3, 100 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Gilmer, Miss Alice, Section 6, Rome, Rt. 2. GILMER, MRS. CATHERINE, Section 6, 758 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Gilmer, C. S., Section 6, farmer, Rome, Rt. 2. Gilmer, E. T., Section 6, farmer, Rome, Rt. 2. Gilmer, William, Section 7, farmer, Rome, Rt. 2. Glover, E. E., Section 1, 9 a., Mt. Pleasant, RD. 8. ![]() Blue Grass Stock Farm, Tippecanoe Township, W. T. Wright, Proprietor, Mt. Pleasant, Route 4. ![]() RIVERSIDE STOCK FARM Section 12, Tippecanoe Township, W. A. Harshbarger, Proprietor, Mt. Pleasant, Route 4. This farm contains about 500 acres and is located three miles southwest of Mt. Pleasant, and includes part of the village of Oakland Mills, and adjoins the electric plant of the Iowa Power Co. There are four dwelling houses, a store and a school house on this farm besides barns and other buildings. It adjoins the railroad station and borders for a mile on the river. It consists of Agricultural, Grazing and Timber lands, and groves of natural timber. The principal stock raised is Percheron Horses and Shropshire Sheep. There is at. present on the farm about twenty-five registered mares besides the Herd Stallions, Romeo 45175, and Olbert II. 56014. Pure Bred Shropshire Sheep are bred here, and from the standpoint of utility. Young stock for sale. Correspondence solicited. Wm. A. HARSHBARGER, Proprietor. Phone 1-C. Rural Route 4. Grinstead, G. S., Section 34, 105 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Grubb, John N., Section 21, 120 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. H Hallowell, Charles L., Section 25, 70 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Hallowell, Miss Edith, Section 35, school teacher, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Hallowell, Howard J., Section 35, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. HALLOWELL, JOHN, wf Emma, Section 35, 226 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Hammer, Arthur, Section 36, laborer, Salem, Rt. 3. Harshbarger, Clara, Section 24, 160 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Harshbarger, F. Marion, Section 27, 88 1/2 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Harshbarger, MARTIN A., wf Anna M., Sec. 21, 120 a., Rome, Rt. 2. HARSHBARGER MAHLON W., wf Geneva, Section 22, 110 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. HARSHBARGER, WM. A., wf Clara S., Riverside Stock Farm, Section 24, 500 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Hawkins, Mrs. Mary A. (wid Joshua), Section 12, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Hawkinson, E. M., Section 3, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Hedlund, Augustus W., Section 15, 187 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Hedlund, Fred E., Section 5, 80 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Hedlund, Harlan D., Section 21, 68 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Hedlund, John P., Section 15, 187 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Hodson, James L., Section 27, 50 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Hodson, Z. F., Section 25, 43 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Holden, Henry, Section 14, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. HOLLEY, A. V., wf Maggie, Section 16, 90 a., Rome, Rt. 2. Hoover, Andrew, Section 14, 365 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Hoover, Stephen, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. Hass, E. W., Section 20, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Housel, Edward, Section 14, farmer, Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. House, Lafayette, Section 12, 203 a., Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 8. |
K Mt. Pleasant, Rt. 4. Directory Provided by Pat W. Editor's note: I added an editor's note in places where there were photos and placed the caption to the photos below the notes. Leslie W. Saint, Mar., 2007) |