Henry County IAGenWeb

 William Wade Hinshaw Index
Iowa Quaker Meeting Records
Salem Monthly Meeting
Orthodox Records


     The first Friends meeting west of the Mississippi River was organized at Salem, Henry County, Iowa Territory, 1838. Meetings had been held regularly at the house of Henry Jay for a year before that. The committee directed to set up the meeting was composed of: Abraham Holoday, Thomas Reubottom, Jeremiah H. Seler, Henry Pickard, Achsah Newlin.

     The meeting was set off from Vermillion M.M., Illinois, under the direction of Western Y.M. at Bloomfield, Indiana. In 1839, a lot of 5 acres was purchased, a log meeting house erected. The first meeting set off from Salem was Cedar Creek M.M., January 1841, followed in February, 1841, by Pleasant Prairie, later called Pleasant Plain. New Garden, East Grove and Chestnut Hill meetings were also soon established.

10-8-1838 M.M. Henry County, Iowa, opened.
08-10-1839 Women Friends first opened and held at Salem, Henry County, Iowa Territory.
03-01-1879 Joint sessions of men and women.

     The following are surnames found in these records which include Births and Deaths 1840-1919; Minutes 1838-1934 and Women's Minutes 1838-1879.

     Abbott, Adamson, Adcock, Addington, Adell, Albman, Albright, Alford, Allen, Allender, Allman / Allmon, Almond, Aminson, Ammonson, Anderson, Andrew / Andrews, Arnold, Arnate, Asborn, Athalinda, Atkins, Austin, Ayers, Bacon, Bailes, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Baley / Raley, Ball, Ballard, Banta, Barber, Barclay, Barker, Barnett, Barton, Beals, Beard, Beasley, Bedell, Bedinger, Beeler, Beeson, Bell, Bench, Bennet / Bennett, Binford, Bishop, Blackledge, Blackman, BOGUE, Bond, Bonnell / Bonnel, Bonsall, Bowen, Bowersock, Bowles, Boyce, Brackett, Branson, Bray, Brede, Bride, Brantingham, Braun, Briggs, Broadhead, Brown, Brud, Bruff, Bulla, Bundy, Bunker, Burkes, Burroughs, Bush, Buson, Butter, Button, Byers, Cadwalader, Cain, Caldwell, Calhoun, Campbell, Canaday / Canada, Cane, Canne, Carey, Carlisle, Carlilies, Carter, Cattell, Cawn, Chandler, Child, Clark, Claypool, Clement, Coburn, Coffin, Coil, Coin, Colrock, Coltrane / Coletrane, Colwell, Collott, Collett, COLLINS, Comer / Comar, Comfort, Comock / Cammack / Commack, Common, Compton, Comstock, Conner, Cook, Cooper, Copeland, Capelen, Coppock, Corsbie, Cotton, Coulson, Cowgill, Cox, Crompton / Crampton, Crazier, CREW, Crozier, Curl, Darlington, David, Davis, Davison / Davidson, Dean, Denny, Derbyshire, Despaine, Dewese, Dillavon, Dillon, Dengee, Doan, Dobbins, Dorland, Dorman, Douglas, Dow, DRAPER, Drury, Dudley, Duncon, Duncanson, Dyer / Dyre, Dyzart, Edmunds / Edmonds, Edwards, Ellerman / Elerman, Elliott, Ellis, Elleson, Elmore, Embrey / Embrie, Embree, Emery, Endersby, Fairman, Falkner, Fardon, Fawcett, Faylor, Fenn, Fisher, Fletcher, Fogg, Folkner, Fop, Ford, Foredice, Foss, Foster, Frame, Frazier / Frazer, Friend, Fuller, Furgeson, Gaines, Gardner, Garretson/ Garrettson, Gibbs, Gibson, Glass, Glendening, Glover, Gordon, Gough, Graber, Gray, Greenough, Greenup, Greenwich, Gregory, Grinnell, Grim, Hackett, Hadley, Hail, Haisley, Hall, Hallowell, Hamberger, Hamblen, Hammans, Hammer, Hammond / Hammons, Hampton, Hancock, Hanks, Hanson, Hargrove / Horgrove, Harris, Harrison, Harrold, Harsley, Harshbarger / Harshberger, Harter, Hartley, Harve, Harvey, Hasket, Hawkins, Hawley, Hawnhurst, Haworth / Hayworth, Haycock, Hazley, Hancock, Heald, Heals, Heckenberg, Hemingway, Herring, Heston, Hiatt, Hightower, Hill, Hillis, Hinshaw, Hoag, Hobson, HOCKETT, HODSON, Hoggott / Haggott, Hagan, Hogan, Hogt, Holliday / Holiday, HOLLEN, HOLLING, Hollingsworth, Honts, Hormer, Horner, Horter, Hosdon, Hosbake, Hoskins, Hough, Hought, Howe, Hoyt, Huff, Hull, Hunnicut, Hunt / Hunts, Hunting, Husband, Hussey, Ingle, Ingram, Ingraim, Irish, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, James, Jay, Jenings/ Jennings, Jessop / Jessup, Johnson, Jones, Joy, Kellum, Kenney, Kenworthy, Kersey, Kimberly, King, Kinney, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Knight, Knowles / Knowls, Knudson / Kneudson, Kindson, KOLLING, Lacy, Lafevre / Lefever, Lamb, Lanim, Lane, Langston, Larson, Laurence, Leeland, Lester, Lewelling / Luelling, Lewis, Long, Lowden, Lowder, Lupton, Lynch, McBride, McDorland, McDoriman, McDowell, McGrew, Mace, McKinzie / McKinsey / McKenzie, McMillan / McMillon, McPherson, McQuarter, McVey, McWhorter, Macy, Maddock, Mandlin, Manning, Mareds, Marshall / Marshalls, Marshman, Martin, Masden / Masdan / Masdon, Mason, Massey / Massay, Massie, Mather, Matthews, Maulden / Malden, MAXWELL, McGowen, Melton, MENDENHALL, Mercer, Michiner / Michener, Middaugh, Miles, Miller, Millikan, Millison, Mills, Mexon, Moon, Moor / Moore, Morden, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mosier, Mosher, Mosier, Mote, Munden, Munson, Murphy, Negus, Newby, Newman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nixon, Nordyke, North, Oliphant, Olson, Osborn / Ozbun, Overman, Overton, Packer, Palen / Palin, Painter, Paliner, Palmer, Parisho / Perisho, Parker, Parkins, Patterson / Paterson, Paxton, Pearson, Peas / Pease, Peasley, Pegg / Pigg, Pemberston, Pembuton, Pennabaker, Perkins, Permentier, Peterson, Phillips, Pickard, Pickerell, Pickering, Pickett, Pidgeon / Pigeon, Pierce, Pierson, Pinkum / Pinkham, Pitman, Pointer, Pope, Poulter, Powel, Pray / Prey, Price, Prichards, Prisneck, Pruett, Pucket / Puckett, Quaintance, Radcliff, Raley, Randolph, Ransom, Rapaly, Rash, Ratliff / Ratliffe, Ratcliff, Ravnass / Ravnaas, Reece, Reeder, Rees / Reese, Reeves, Reuben, Rhode / Rhodes, Richardson, Ridgway / Ridgeway, ROBERTS, Robins, Robinson, Rogers, Rood, Reece, Ruder / Reeder, Runyon, Rush, Russell, Saint, Samma, Sams / Samms, Saunders, Sarenson, Savage, Scarborough, Schalfield / Schafield, Schooley, Scott, Seong, Septer, Shalkly, Shampnoes, Sharpless, Shay, Sheale, Sheyak, Shelman, Sheldon, Sheridan, Shockley, Shriner, Shriver, Simkins / Simpkin / Simpkin, Sivain, Siviter / Siveter, Skinner, Slack, Smith, Sneath, Snider, Sorenson, Southwick, Spake, Spaulding, Spencer, Spray, Spurgeon, Spurrier, Sriner, Stanley, Stansberry, Stanton, Star, Stevens, Stack, Stonehawker, Stover, Stratton, Street, Strahl, Stuart, Stubbs, Sucath / Succath, Swain, Swan, Switer, Symond, Tabor, Talbert, Tomlinson, Tatum, Taylor, Teas, Terrell, Thacker, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thornburg, Timberlake, TRUEBLOOD, Tucker, Vandoren, Vandusen, Vanhorn, Varney, Venable, Vataro, Votaw, Wagner, Wahser, Wall, WAY, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Weeks, Wetmore, Whitacre, White, Weddefield, Wilcoxon / Wilcoxen, Wilkinson, Willford, Williams, Wilmuth, Willson, Wilson, Wing, Winslow, Withrow, Witmore, Wood, Woodard, Woodward, Woody, Woolman, Wright, Wroe.

     Example entry: pg. 88.


11-17-1852 Anna received on certificate from  Short Creek (O.) M.M., 9-21-1852
11-17-1852 Lemuel & ch. Anna received on certificate from Short Creek (O.) M.M., 9-21-1852
11-17-1852 Margaret E. & Deborah D. received on certificate from Short Creek (O.) M.M. 9-21-1852; Mary E. wife of William born 8-9-1834 Henry Co, Ia.
7-6-1878 Mary Elizabeth disowned for Jas.
10-12-1853 Mary R. & John Collatt dmi.
11-16-1853 Mary R. & John Collatt dmist & left at liberty to marry
12-14-1853 Mary R. & John Collatt reported married. (Crew, Mary R, in dmi.)
2-18-1863 Micajah disowned
7-6-1878 Micajah released by request
7-6-1878 Nathan E d. 8-1-1849 age 2 yr, 1 mo. bur. Salem, Ia.
2-13-1850 Sarah H. & daughters, Jane T., Margaret T., Mary R., Sarah B., Cedar Creek M.M., at Richmond, Va., 1-19-1850. Sarah B. wife of Walter, d. 9-26-1863, age 60 yr, 6 mo., 14 da. buried Salem, Ia.
12-14-1853 Susannah & Charles J. Poulter dmi.
1-18-1854 Susannah W & Charles J. Poulter dmist. & left at liberty to marry. Reported married.
2-13-1850 s. of Micajah & Margaret, b. 12-28-1784, Cedar Creek, Va. w. Sarah B.,  dt of William & Temperance Rice, b. 3-12-1803 ch. (all born Hanover Co., Va.) Jane T. b. 1-27-1821; Margaret T., b. 8-31-1822; Mary M., b. 9-21-1824; William N. b. 12-12-1826; Sarah B., b. 4-7-1828; Susanna U., b. 3-27-1830; Walter F, b. 1-14-1832; Tacy D., b. 9-14-1833; Micajah, b. 6-13-1835; Samuel J, b. 10-16-1837; Anna E. b. 12-16-1839; Martha L, b. 11-9-1841;  Nathaniel E, b. 8-1-1847 received on certificate from Cedar Creek (Richmond, Va.) M.M., 1-9-1850. Walter, d. 6-16-1858, age 74 yr, 6 mo. 12da, bur. Salem, Ia.
6-18-1851 William R. disowned from, attending questionable places of diversion.

Contributed by Jean Leeper

Church Index  ***  Henry County IAGenWeb