Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa

The dedication services at the new Advent church were held on Sunday afternoon, and conducted by Rev. Butler. Reading from Chronicles, the impressive account of the dedication of the temple by Solomon the King of Israel, was followed by an appropriate discourse taking as a text Heb. 3d chap and 4th verse: “For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.”

We have before spoken of the house and of its complete finish and furnishing. In his discourse the preacher stated that the whole cost of the church including labor furnished by the members was $1,400. The church is clear of debt. In 1861 was the first beginning of the church. For some time they held their meeting in the school houses. First in the school house near Lot Abraham’s, then in the Center school house. When that was closed against them the little band bought the old church near the new one and the land on which the new one stands. This cost $900. After fixing the upper part of the building as a place for worship, they have used it until now. The church which 20 years ago was composed of a few scattered believers with no house for worship, now numbers over three score with a neat, convenient and pleasant meeting house, and the increase of the denomination in this country has exceeded the increase here. – Elder Butler as a preacher has traveled over 18,000 miles to look after the interests of the denomination in this country and in Europe.


We had the pleasure last Sunday afternoon of listening to the dedicatory services of the Seventh Day Adventists, who have just opened their new house of worship on south Main street. Elder George I. Butler preaching an appropriate sermon, which was able and instructive, and attentively listened to by a good congregation. They have a very neat and pretty church, comfortably furnished, costing about $1,400, including the value of work donated by members. The society numbers about sixty members, and includes a number of our best citizens. Services will now be more frequent, and the public are cordially invited.

[“The Free Press”, October 23, 1884, page 3, columns 2 & 3]

Transcribed and contributed by Pat White, November 2019.

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