Members and Probationers
of the
First M.E. Church,
From Rev. Stoddord’s church organ,
“Our Paper.”

I publish this month the entire list of church members as their names appear on the record. I have for convenience placed the Hospital and non-resident members separately. If any names are inadvertently omitted or placed at wrong addresses, please let me know. The names of probationers are also published.

Will every member of the church please preserve this list.

Abbe, Bird, 200 E Washington

Lash, Thos., Washington and Adams

Abbe, Nota, 200 E Washington

Lash, Martha, Washington and Adams

Adams, Prof., 711 N Main

Leake, Irene, 412 N Adams

Adams, M.W., 711 N Main

Lee, J.W., 104 S Adams

Albee, D.W., Broadway

Lee, Mrs., 104 S Adams

Albee, Lucy, Broadway

Lee, Clara, 408 Webster

Allen, Ellen D, 500 W Monroe

Lee, Lenora, 408 Webster

Alspaugh, Mary, 205 Franklin

Leech, John F., 209 N Adams

Alspaugh, Elmer, 205 Franklin

Leech, Belle, 209 N Adams

Ambler, Mrs. R., Cor. Race and B’Way

Lehew, J.D., 1013 N Lincoln

Anderson, Elijah, 302 Asylum Ave.

Lehew, Ellen, 1013 N Lincoln

Arnold, Addie P., 800 Lincoln

Lehew, Ethel, 1013 N Lincoln

Arnold, Harold, 800 Lincoln

Lessenger, Dyantha 105 N Main

Arnold, Mary, 800 Lincoln

Linn, Ellis G., 106? 306? N Main

Archibald, Marg., 200 E Washington

Linn, Clara, 106? 306? N Main

Arrowsmith, Elizabeth, 406 N Adams

Leisenring, W.K., 108 W Second

Avery, Arvilla, 108 W Second

Leisenring, Mrs. W.K., 108 W Second

Babb, Alice, 301 E Washington

Losh, Sarah, 305 W Henry

Babb, Max, 301 E Washington

Losh, Cora, 305 W Henry

Babb, Miles, 301 E Washington

Losh, Mary, 305 W Henry

Ball, J.O., 500 W Monroe

Lute, John H, 708 Broadway

Ball, Kate 500 W Monroe

Lute, Samantha, 708 Broadway

Ballard, Marg, 218 E Monroe

Lute, Ira, 708 Broadway

Balentine, Grace, 308 N Van Buren

Lute, Axie, 708 Broadway

Bachelder, Geo., B’Way

Lynn, Robt., E Madison

Bachelder, Emma, B’Way

Lynn, Susan, E Madison

Bachelder, Fred, B’Way

Lynn, Sarah, W Saunders

Beatty, J.R., ---

Lynchard, F. M. N Lincoln

Booton, Mrs., 506 Lee

Lynchard, H.C., N Lincoln

Borton, Hannah, 108 Walnut

Mahaffie, W.H., Broad and College Ave.

Bone, Emma, N Main

Mahaffie, Maggie, Broad and College Ave.

Bonnifield, Allen, E Monroe

Mahaffie, Bertha, Broad and College Ave.

Bonnifield, Ellen D., E Monroe

Mahaffie, A.M. Broadway

Bonnifield, Day, E Monroe

Mahaffie, Mattie, Broadway

Bonnifield, Paul, E Monroe

Marsh, W.S., 401 N Main

Bowman, L.P., 205 E Washington

Martin, Chas., 105 S Jackson

Bowman, Leona, 308 N. Poplar

Martin, Caroline, 105 S Jackson

Bowman, Florence, 308 N. Poplar

McCoy, Della B, 704 N Lincoln

Bowman, Mamie, 308 N. Poplar

McCoy, Caroline, 704 N Lincoln

Barton, J.G., 105 N Harrison

McCoy, May, 704 N Lincoln

Barton, Lizzie W., 105 N Harrison

McCoy, Jane, 704 N Lincoln

Barton, Eddie, 105 N Harrison

McCashen, Ella, 111 W Broad

Bartlett, G.G., 309 N Adams

McLellan, Priscilla, E Henry

Bartlett, Ruby, 309 N Adams

McLeran, Sarah, W Monroe

Barlett, Edith, 309 N Adams

McGaughey, D, Broadway

Bartlett, Sue, Hospital

McKilligan, Lillian, ---

Bartlett, Walter, 307 N Adams

Mehler, Elizabeth, 107 Hamlin

Bartlett, Jessie, 307 N Adams

Mehler, Bertha, 107 Hamlin

Baxter, Robt., 300 W Monroe

Mehler, Anna, 107 Hamlin

Baxter, Marietta 300 W Monroe

Mills, L.P., 310 S Main

Baxter, Lulu, 300 W Monroe

Mills, J.H., 310 S Main

Baxter, Jessie, 300 W Monroe

Miller, Arthur P., 519 N Main

Bereman, Mrs. T.A., 403 N White

Miller, Florence, 801 E Washington

Bickenbach, Henry, 205 S Jefferson

Morrow, John, 511 Broadway

Bickenbach, Maggie, 205 S Jefferson

Morrow, Sophronia, 511 Broadway

Bingle, Carrie, 704 B’Way

Morrow, Orpah, 511 Broadway

Bird, W., 202 N Main

Myers, Mrs. E.J., 400 E Monroe

Bird, Sarah, 202 N Main

Myers, Edward, 400 E Monroe

Bird Thornton, 303 N Main

Myers, Mary, 400 E Monroe

Bird, Florence, 303 N Main

Myers, Charles, 400 E Monroe

Black, Harriett, 206 N Jackson

Myers, John, 400 E Monroe

Blodget, C.E., E Exchange

Neff, Kate, 711 College Ave

Blodget, Nellie, E Exchange

Nicholson, Ella, 102 N Adams

Brewer, Henry, N Lincoln

Nicholson, John, 514 Broadway

Brewer, Sarah, N Lincoln

Nicholson, Mrs. J., 514 Broadway

Brooks, A.T., 207 W Broad

Nicholson, Bertha, 514 Broadway

Brooks, Mary E., 207 W Broad

Nicholson, Gilbert, 514 Broadway

Brown, N.H., 704 B’Way

Nixon, Edward, 508 E Warren

Burton, W.S., 413 N Adams

Nixon, Hepseba, 508 E Warren

Burton, Malinda, 413 N Adams

Oakes, J.C., 105 Hamline

Burton, May, 413 N Adams

Ogg, Maggie, 505 Broadway

Burton, Hattie, 413 N Adams

Owen, Erastus, 309 Pine

Buckingham, M.E., 412 N Adams

Owen, Maggie 309 Pine

Burkit, M.F., 507 B’Way

Pace, Jas. W., 904 Broadway

Burkit, Nancy, 507 B’Way

Pace, Amanda, 904 Broadway

Campbell, M.L., 712 B’Way

Pace, Chas., 904 Broadway

Campbell, Robt. M., 511 S Jackson

Palm, Florence, 613 E Monroe

Carpenter, J.P., 713 E Monroe

Palm, Edw., 613 E Monroe

Carney, Rachel, 200 N Adams

Pangborn, Allie, Clay and Van Buren

Carter, Jessie, 702 B’Way

Parks, Sophronia, 506 W Monroe

Cartright, Eliza, 305 E. Madison

Patterson, John L., 604 N Lincoln

Chamberlain, Emma, 1009 E Washington

Patterson, Belle M, 604 N Lincoln

Chamberlain, Abbie, 1009 E Washington

Patterson, Mamie, 604 N Lincoln

Chambers, Rebecca, 105 S Van Buren

Payne, J.M., 109 N Adams

Clark, Vertie, 306 S White

Payne, Elizabeth, 109 N Adams

Coddington, Belle, 410 N Adams

Payne, Anna, 109 N Adams

Coddington, Laura, 410 N Adams

Pearce, J.B., 513 Vine

Code, Emma, ---

Pearce, Jane L, 513 Vine

Conner, F.A., 604 W Washington

Penn, E.L., 408 Broadway

Corkhill, Lucinda, 307 N Main

Penn, Amelia A., 408 Broadway

Corkhill, Kate, 307 N Main

Penn, Ella A, 408 Broadway

Corley, Ida, 400 N Lincoln

Peterson, F.P., 407 E Henry

Corley, Karl C., 400 N Lincoln

Peterson, Sarah, 407 E Henry

Corley, Roy, 400 N Lincoln

Philips, Martha, 305 N Jackson

Corley, Jesse, 400 N Lincoln

Pittenger, Lydia, 1150 College Ave

Corley, Ames, 400 N Lincoln

Pittman, Mrs. A., 407 Race

Corley, Foss, 400 N Lincoln

Porter, Martha, 609 W Monroe

Courtright, Emily R., 401 S Jackson

Porter, Hattie, 805 N Main

Culler, Myron J., S Locust

Potter, Frank, Broadway

Cutler, Anna, N Square

Potter, Anna, Broadway

Dougherty, W.F., 209 W Madison

Potter, Ellie R., Broadway

Dougherty, Harriet, 209 W Madison

Poucher, John G., 510 S Jefferson

Dougherty, C.E., 209 W Madison

Poucher, Anna, 510 S Jefferson

Dougherty, Mary A.E., 209 W Madison

Poucher, Mary, 510 S Jefferson

Davis, Mrs. Nelson, 302 N Adams

Poucher, Kate, 500 S Jefferson

Davis, Mina, 302 N Adams

Powelson, Minnie, 806 N Lincoln

Davis, May, 302 N Adams

Powelson, Chas., 806 N Lincoln

Davis, Lucy, 302 N Adams

Powelson, Kate, 806 N Lincoln

Davis, Jas. H., 309 S Adams

Presnell, Lydia, 111 N Adams

Davis, Elizabeth, 309 S Adams

Presnell, Clara, 111 N Adams

Davis, Lizzie, 309 S Adams

Presnell, Leroy, 111 N Adams

Davis, Lia, 309 S Adams

Punton, A.L., 205 W Henry

Davis, Evan, 405 N Main

Punton, Grace, 205 W Henry

Davis, Elizabeth, 405 N Main

Putnam, P.D., 408 N Main

Davis, Anna, 405 N Main

Putnam, Emma, 408 N Main

Davisson, P.D., 212 N Adams

Putnam, Phil, 408 N Main

Davisson, Mrs. P., 212 N Adams

Ramsey, Virginia, E Madison

Davison, Mary, 405 S Main

Randolph, Lucinda, 112 E Washington

Davison, Fae, 405 S Main

Reed, Mary J., 603 E Madison

Davison, Edith, 405 S Main

Reed, William, 603 E Madison

Davison, Geo., 405 S Main

Requa, Sarah, 209 N Adams

Day, Jas. N., 511 E Washington

Rhodes, Nancy, 504 S White

Day, Camcedella G. 511 E Washington

Risser, Emma, 613 S Locust

Day, Etta, 511 E Washington

Roberts, Louisa, 143 S Jefferson

Day, Archie, 511 E Washington

Roberts, Lucy, 143 S Jefferson

Dickenson, Mrs. E., 207 E Washington

Roberts, Elma Z., 202 S Main

Dickenson, Sadie, 207 E Washington

Roberts, T.L., 306 E Monroe

Dickenson, John, 207 E Washington

Roberts, Olive B., 306 E Monroe

Dill, Abagail, 307 E Madison

Roberts, J.D., 306 E Monroe

Dimmitt, Martha, 313 Division

Rogers, Chas., 104 S Adams

Dimmitt, Harry, 313 Division

Rogers, Lillian, 104 S Adams

Doe, C.R., 411 N Lincoln

Rogers, Hattie, 912 Palm

Doe, Laura, 411 N Lincoln

Roper, Susan, 519 N Main

Doe, Joe, 411 N Lincoln

Roper, Eloise, 519 N Main

Dutton, D.W., 412 N Main

Roper, Florence, 519 N Main

Dutton, Amanda, 412 N Main

Roper, Sue, 519 N Main

Dutton, Alta 412 N Main

Rouse, G.W., 302 S Jefferson

Dutton, Maud, 412 N Main

Rouse, Mary E., 302 S Jefferson

Duncan, Clara, 409 N White

Rouse, Chas., 302 S Jefferson

Dutfield, Jas. W., 308 N Adams

Rouse, J.P., Clay & Van Buren

Dutfield, Sarah, 308 N Adams

Rouse, Nellie, Clay & Van Buren

Earhart, Levi, 410 Division

Rouse, Ann May, Clay & Van Buren

Elliott, John N., 106 S Jackson

Rouse, J.H., 310 S Jefferson

Elliott, Mrs., 106 S Jackson

Rouse, Mary, 310 S Jefferson

Elliott, Lilly, 106 S Jackson

Rouse, Fannie, 210 S Jefferson

Elliott, I.N. N Adams

Rouse, Sadie, 512 E Webster

Elliott, Tina, N Adams

Rugg, Anna, Green and Harrison

Elliot, Jessie, N Adams

Rusk, Geo. H., 309 N Jackson

Evans, Henry, 611 W Madison

Rusk, Laura, 309 N Jackson

Evans, Mrs. H., 611 W Madison

Rusk, Elizabeth, 309 N Jackson

Evans, Anna M., 611 W Madison

Sater, A.H., 307 S Locust

Evans, Merrit, 611 W Madison

Sater, Eliza, 307 S Locust

Evans, Will, 611 W Madison

Sater, Edg., 307 S Locust

Evans, Gussie M., 611 W Madison

Sater, Nellie, 301 E Madison

Evans, Laura, 611 W Madison

Saunders, Alice, 812 E Madison

Evans, Susan, 115 Hamline

Sevier, Nellie, ---

Eyestone, J.W., 311 S Main

Shean, Elizabeth, S Adams

Eyestone, Mrs., 311 S Main

Shepp, Cora, 602 S Jackson

Eyestone, Bruce, 311 S Main

Siberts, Cyrus, 305 N Jefferson

Eyestone, Maggie, 311 S Main

Siberts, Lydia A., 305 N Jefferson

Eyestone, Carrie, 311 S Main

Siberts, Aubrey, 305 N Jefferson

Eyestone, Eunice, 311 S Main

Siberts, F.L., 305 N Jefferson

Eyestone, John, 311 S Main

Smith, J.D., 205 N Adams

Eyestone, Grace, 311 S Main

Smith, I.M., 205 N Adams

Farmer, Lillian G., 106 Pearl

Smith, Elbert, 205 N Adams

Farber, M.W., 707 E Madison

Smith, W.A., Green and Adams

Farber, Rachel, 707 E Madison

Smith, Maggie, Green and Adams

Ferguson, Daisy, 302 S Jefferson

Snider, Mary I, 211 E Washington

Gammage, Clarissa, 404 (401?) N Adams

Snider, Chas., 211 E Washington

Giger, S.E., 901 Palm

Snider, Edith, 211 E Washington

Goe, Cynthia, 515 N Lee

Snider, Howard, 407 N Main

Goe, Emma, 515 N Lee

Snider, May, 407 N Main

Goss, Dan’l, 707 College Ave

Snyder, Geo., 110 N Adams

Goss, Mary J., 707 College Ave

Snyder, Mary, 110 N Adams

Goss, Nellie, 707 College Ave

Spahr, Lulu, 401 B’way

Gould, Abbie, 208 E Green

Spahr, Mary, 401 B’way

Gould, Carrie, 208 E Green

Spahr, Wm., 308 N Jefferson

Graves, Enoch, 908 E Henry

Spahr, Mrs. Wm., 308 N Jefferson

Gray, Elizabeth, 509 N Main

Spry, Isabel, 208 S White

Greenfield, Jas., 510 Warren

Spry, Ida, 208 S White

Greenfield, Ellen, 510 Warren

Spaulding W.J., 303 N Adams

Greenfield, Nannie, 510 Warren

Spaulding, M.A., 303 N Adams

Griffith, Helen R., 605 E Madison

Stafford, C.L., 405 N Lincoln

Griffith, Florence, 605 E Madison

Stafford, Mary A., 405 N Lincoln

Griffith, Lizzie, 605 E Madison

Stafford, Clarence, 405 N Lincoln

Grumbling, C.M., 103 S Van Buren

Stafford, Ralph, 405 N Lincoln

Grumbling, Ella, 103 S Van Buren

Steadman, E.I., 101 N Adams

Grumbling, Julia, 103 S Van Buren

Steel, John, ---

Guiselman, Alice, Broadway

Stewart, Mary R, 301 North Adams

Guiselman, Emma, Broadway

Stewart, Rachel, 406 South Jackson

Hale, John, N Lincoln

Stone, Mary A., ---

Hale, Sarah, N Lincoln

Strawn, B.H., 115 North Van Buren

Hale, Mary E., N Lincoln

Stoddard, Lizzie, 309 North Main

Hale, Ida, N Lincoln

Stoddard, Cyrus F., 309 North Main

Harbin, J.C., 206 N Main

Stoddard, May, 309 North Main

Harbin, Mary, 206 N Main

Stubbs, Esther, Cor Clay and Marion

Harbin, Matilda, 206 N Main

Swan, Nellie, 309 East Washington

Harlan, Jas., Harlan House

Swan, Blanche, 309 East Washington

Harmison, Mrs., 109 S Jackson

Swan, John, 309 East Washington

Hart, Mrs. X., 308 N Van Buren

Swan, Grace, 309 East Washington

Hatton, Sarah, 405 W Monroe

Tash, Eva, 308 West Warren

Helsor, John, 614 N Lincoln

Tash, Elsie, 308 West Warren

Helsor, Emma, 614 N Lincoln

Taylor, Alice, 509 North Main

Hildreth, Jessie, 406 N Main

Tennant, J.A., 411 East Madison

Hoaglin, Elizabeth, 147 S Jefferson

Tennant, Sarah W., 411 East Madison

Hollowell, Mary, 212 N Main

Tennant, E.L., 411 E Madison

Hobart, W.K., 415 N White

Tennant Arthur, 411 E Madison

Hobart, Eliza, 415 N White

Tennant, Allie, 411 E Madison

Hobart, Lillian, 415 N White

Tennant, Bertha, 411 E Madison

Hobart, Mary, 415 N White

Thomas, Sarah, 306 South Adams

Hollis, Mary 400 W Washington

Thomas, Ida May, 306 South Adams

Hollis, Jessie, 400 W Washington

Thompson, James, 207 South Harrison

Hoard, M.B., 214 W Monroe

Thompson, Samantha, 207 South Harrison

Hobbs, W.S., 315 Division

Tovrea, Amanda, 904 Broadway

Hobbs, Nancy, 315 Division

Tracy, Louisa, Broadway

Hoover, Kathryne, Adams and Green

Tracy, Joseph, Broadway

Howe, Chas. S., 135 S Jefferson

Tracy, Betta, Broadway

Howe, Nina, 135 S Jefferson

Trickle, Caroline, 608 North Lincoln

Howe, Chas. R., 135 S Jefferson

Van Beek, George, 202 South Main

Howlett, Emma, 204 N Jackson

Van Beek, Emma, 202 South Main

Hughes, Joshua, 210 E Green

Virden, Ross, 402 North White

Hughes, Hattie, 210 E Green

Virden, Emily, 402 North White

Hughes, Hervey M., 210 E Green

Virden, Ella, 402 North White

Hughes, Felix, 210 E Green

Walker, J.B., 600 North Adams

Hukill, J.C., 708 N Lincoln

Walker, Frances, 600 North Adams

Hukill, M.J., 708 N Lincoln

Walker, Nellie, 600 North Adams

Hukill, Rolla, 708 N Lincoln

Walker, Flora, 600 North Adams

Hulse, Rowena, 108 Walnut

Walters, Jennie, North Van Buren

Huston, M.B., 109 (309?) N Lincoln

Warwick, Mary, 308 North Marion

Huston, Grace, 109 (309?) N Lincoln

Wayman, Olive G., 711 North Main

Huston, Nathan, 208 E Madison

Waugh, Emma, 416 North Adams

Huston, Mary, 208 E Madison

Waugh, Anna, 416 North Adams

Huston, Lucretia, 208 E Madison

Weaver, Milton, 1001 East Washington

Hathaway, Emma. 507 Lincoln

Weaver, Mattie, 1001 East Washington

Irwin, Harriet, 300 N Jefferson

Weikel, Mrs. J.J., 505 South Walnut

Ives, Laura, 204 N Adams

Wells, George G., 404 East Henry

Janes, W.R., 311 N Jackson

Wells, Mrs. George, 404 East Henry

Janes, Ione, 311 N Jackson

Wells, John R., 302 South Locust

Janes, Louise J., 311 N Jackson

Wells, Alice A., 302 South Locust

Johnson, J., Locust and Webster

Wells, Louisa, 302 South Locust

Johnson, Mahala, Locust and Webster

Wells, Sophia, 302 South Locust

Johnson, Everet Locust and Webster

Wells, John S., 207 W Franklin

Johnson, Verna, Locust and Webster

Williams, H.K., 208 South Harrison

Johnson, Verona, Locust and Webster

Williams, Vashti, 208 South Harrison

Johnson, H.R., Locust and Webster

Williams, Ruby, 208 South Harrison

Johnson, Phebe S., 500 Webster

Williams, Mary, 208 South Harrison

Johnson, Amanda 111 W Broad

Willets, Charles G., 306 South Main

Johnson, Jessie 111 W Broad

Willets, Ellen, 306 South Main

Johnson, Mrs. N.B., 111 W Broad

Withrow, W.S., 401 East Washington

Keefer, May, Green and Adams

Withrow, Ann W., 401 East Washington

Keeler, Walter, 609 E Madison

Witte, Nevada, South Walnut

Kellogg, Susan, 300 N Jefferson

White, Lucy, 704 Broadway

Ketcham, F.H., 409 Broadway

Woods, John T., 105 North Jefferson

Ketcham, Mary J., 409 Broadway

Woods, Sarah, 105 North Jefferson

Ketcham, Nellie, 409 Broadway

Woods, Ella, 105 North Jefferson

Ketcham, Wm., 409 Broadway

Woods, Alice, 105 North Jefferson

Ketcham, Lee, 409 Broadway

Woolson, John S., 311 East Washington

Kile, J.E., 315 N Jay

Woolson, Myra, 311 East Washington

Kile, Mrs. J.E., 315 N Jay

Woolson, Miriam, 311 East Washington

Kitchen, Mrs., 709 E Washington

Woolson, Grace, 311 East Washington

Kitchen, Maggie, 709 E Washington

Woolson, Ruth, 311 East Washington

Kitchen, Laura, 709 E Washington

Woolson, James L., 200 North Adams

Kopp, Wm. F., 303 N Main

Woolson, Mrs. J.L., 200 North Adams

Kopp, Clara, 303 N Main

Young, N.A.J., 709 East Madison

Larkin, Chas. W. 106 N Adams

Young, Elizabeth, 709 East Madison


Harshbarger, Geneva, 6 miles southwest

Smith, Elizabeth, South Main St

Holmes, Ella, 1 mile north

Smith, Ira, West of town

Kean, Mrs., West of town

Sensibaugh, W.C., East Washington

Martin, Clara B., 11 miles south

Swanston, George, 1 mile west on Henry

Rickets, James, 1 mile north

Swanston, Jennie, 1 mile west on Henry

Rickets, Mary E., 1 mile north

Swanston, Georgie, 1 mile west on Henry

Rickets, Charles, 1 mile north

Swanston, Harry, 1 mile west on Henry

Rickets, Vesta, 1 mile north

Swanston, Sarah, 1 mile west on Henry

Smith, John F., South Main St

Warway, Frank,1 mile West, Washington


Ambler, Henry, Colorado Springs, Col

Kamphefner, Chas., Burlington, Ia

Ambler, Louisa, Colorado Springs, Col

Kamphefner, F.J., Burlington, Ia

Ambler, Iona, Colorado Springs, Col

Kemble, Vida, Muscatine, Ia

Anderson, Stella, Wapello, Iowa

Kemble, Winnifred, Muscatine, Ia

Ailsworth, Minnie Spahr, Chicago, Ill

Killpatrick, Ephraim, Fair Haven, Wash.

Beatty, John, Eureka Springs, Ark

Killpatrick, Sarah J., Fair Haven, Wash.

Bousquet, Cotts, Knoxville, Iowa

Kyes, Sarah, Merrimack, Ia

Brandenberg, Marie, Chicago, Ill

Lambert, F.W., Montezuma, Ia

Breeden, L.P., Lebanon, Iowa

Lawson, Cora, Batavia, Ia

Byrkitt, Clara, Richland, Iowa

McCoy, Ida N., Pasadena, Cal.

Byrkitt, Arthur II, Richland, Iowa

Miller, Melissa, Morning Sun, Ia

Byrkitt, Charles, Richland, Iowa

Power, Howard, Pulaski, Ia

Coate, Lincoln, Bloomington, Ill

Robinson, Hiram, Princeton, Mo.

Coate, Olive, Bloomington, Ill

Smith, Eva, Williamsburg, Ia

Darling, L.W., Wellman, Iowa

Steel, Saml. L., DeFuniak Spgs, Fla.

Daniels, Daisy, Canton, Mont

Steel, Martha, DeFuniak Spgs, Fla.

Edmand, Minnie, Pella, Iowa

Walters, Augustus, Lincoln, Neb.

Gibson, Adelno, Knoxville, Ia

Yerxa, Minnie, San Francisco, Cal.


Crouch, J.E. Hogg, Janet

Johnson, C.N. Kearns, Saide

Lightle, G.A. Loer, Thomas

Moult, Dr. R.H. Stevens, Dr. F.J.

Teter, J.H. Van Pelt, W.E.

Williams, Geo. E. Whitchelo, Nellie



(Information is desired.)

Ackerman, Esther J Campbell, Faith

McDonald, Sarah McDonald, Wilber F.

McDonald, Ernest B. Palm, Mrs. Adam



Any information as to these names will be thankfully received by the pastor.


Baily, A.T., Baily, Mrs.

Beary, Josie Eden, Thos.

Gibson, John F. Gibson, Sadie.

Halladay, C.E. Jackman, Anna B.

Jarvis, Lotta. Keller, Maud.

Root, George Robinson, Ida.

Ross, Mary A. Sater, Lizzie.

Smith, Susan. Starr, Elmer.

Taylor, Wm. Williams C.G.

Wilson, John. Wilson, Eliza G.

Wiliams, Olive.




Eligible for full membership.

Edith Bartlett, Walter Brewer, E.J. Brewer, Leanna Duvall, A. Munyon.


Received December 2, 1894.

Adams, Margaret, 711 North Main

Grumbling, Grace, 103 South Van Buren

Elliot, Mabel, North Adams

Leisenring, Mary, 108 West Second

Peterson, John, 407 East Henry

Snider, Bertha, 407 North Main

Snider, Stella, 407 North Main

Woods, Guy, 105 North Jefferson


Received April 14, 1895.

Crawford, Erwin E., Harlan House

Day, Rachel, 511 East Washington

Fluke, Alice, ---

Goan, John, 407 South Jackson

Guiselman, Joe, Broadway

Hall, Fred., 411 Broadway

Hobart, Ralph, 415 North White

Hocking, Rollo, ---

Huston, Ralph, 209 East Madison

Jackson, Nola, 509 North Main


Received April 21, 1895.

Askrons, John ---

Nicholson, Mary, 514 Broadway

Baxter, T.A., 300 West Monroe

Ogg, A., 505 Broadway

Cantwell, Anna, East Monroe

Patterson, Pearl, 604 North Lincoln

Drumm, John, ---

Payne, James, ---

Elliot, H.R., North Adams

Strawn, H.C., 415 North Van Buren

Farmer, D.G., West Pearl

Strawn, Frank W., 415 North Van Buren

Greer, E., 413 Broadway

Strawn, Joe, 415 North Van Buren

Goe, Ola, 515 North Lee

Sage, Frank, 166 North Adams

Hildreth, Howard, 466 North Main

Saunders, Jessie, 812 East Madison

Howe, Frank, 135 South Jefferson

Stubbs, Jesse Jr., Clay and Marion

Keller, Victor M., 500 East Henry

Stubbs, Warren, Clay and Marion

Morrow, Karl, 511 Broadway

Thompson, E.I., 207 South Ha???

McGregor, S., 201 East Broad

Weibley, W.F., 108 West Pearl


Received April 28, 1895.

Blodgett, Jessie, Exchange

Lee, Miriam, North Adams

Bongers, Bernard, Pella, Iowa

Losh, Wm. A., 305 West Henry

Campbell, Mabel, 712 Broadway

Magers, T.F., New London, Iowa

Drumm, Mary, Broadway

Pierson, Wm., 101 North Adams

Fellows, Lottie, ---

Tracy, Charles, North Broadway

Freshour, Cora, Broadway

Viers, Ellen, ---

Hubbs, Nellie V., 315 Division St

Walker, M.D., Richland, Iowa

Jericho, Mamie, 401 South White

Wright, Jennie, Mt. Union, Iowa

Kline, Maggie, Winfield, Iowa


Received May 5 and 12 1895.

Allred, Mary E., 411 Broadway

Hall, Ketura, 411 Broadway

Hobart, Clara, 415 North White

Wilman, William, ---


The Ladies’ Social Circles.
In the First M. E. church there has been for the last dozen or fifteen years a society called the Ladies Social Circle or Aid Society, whose object is to promote sociability and supply church music and church furnishings. It is composed of all the women and girls of the church. Those are divided into committees, each committee being expected to give an entertainment or sociable function in their turn that the members of the church may become better acquainted, and also to raise funds. If for any reason a committee does not wish to give an entertainment, they collect $1.00 from each member of that committee who is able to give that much and less if not able. At the first of this conference year, there were found on the church records the names of 266 women and girls. The committees were rearranged – the young ladies and girls forming one and the older ladies five committees. Three entertainments have been given and three of the committees have collected this year, making in all $134.60. There were $108.07 in the treasury at the beginning of the year which was expended in needed repairs and improvements on the parsonage. The society has done much hard work and there have been weary women – but much good also has been done. Let no woman of the church think she is excused from doing what she can in this part of church work.

Bishop Newman is coming under the auspices of this society June 6th and it is earnestly desired that a large audience will be there to hear him.

(“Mount Pleasant Journal”, Thursday, June 6, 1895, page 1)

Resource provided by Henry County Heritage Trust, Mount Pleasant, Iowa; transcription done by Rebekah Stone, University of Northern Iowa Public History Field Experience Class, Spring 2024.

Church Records   ***  Henry County IAGenWeb