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Ruth Anderson
Galer Scrapbook
Transcribed by grandson, Carl
(Transcriber's note: This is from an unknown, probably southeast Iowa,
newspaper. Mrs. Galer wrote "Aug. 4th, 1914", apparently the
newspaper publication date, above the article. Lowell Anderson
drowned 28 July 1914 while canoeing in the rapids of the Bass Wood River, near
the Minnesota/Canada border.)
Could Have Easily Been Saved By Companion Who First Tried To Secure
Provisions--Believed That Heart Failure Caused Anderson's Weakness.
The funeral of Mr. Lowell
Anderson which took place Monday afternoon at his home at Pulaski, Iowa, was
by far the largest ever noted in the town or county. Business was
suspended in the city and from miles around the people poured into the town.
The funeral was in the church which was crowded as was also the church yard.
But a small proportion of the people were able to participate in the solemn
The pall bearers were members of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity,
there being eight of them and as follows: Carl Melcher of Mt. Pleasant, Merle
Courts of Morning Sun, Will Lodwick of Mystic; Leslie Deal of Ottumwa, Wareham
Clark of Albia, and three others. From Mount Pleasans [sic] who attended
the funeral were Messrs Earl Mauch, Pliny Walters, Ralph Campbell, Carl
Melcher and Edwin Johnson. Also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galer, Mrs. Galer
being a sister of the deceased.
Details of the Accident
Further details of the fatal accident are now known. It
appears that the two young men in their canoe, filled with provisions and
stores, were moving along a swift river that connected two of the chain of
lakes. The river was deep and swift. Suddenly the canoe went over
and the two young men were thrown into the water, together with their effects.
Both were strong swimmers. Anderson's companion soon got to the canoe,
righted it and knowing that Anderson was at home in the water started to
rescue the provisions and stores which were rapidly scattering through the
action of the swift current. Suddenly Anderson called out that he could
not make it much longer in the water and his companion thereupon started
toward him to take him into the canoe. Just as he approached Anderson he
noted that his face was a livid purple. He drove the canoe to Anderson's
side and as he swept past made a grab for him but got an insecure hold of
Anderson's hand. The latter slipped away and disappeared under the
surface and did not come up. It is supposed that heart failure was the
cause of the sudden weakness of Anderson, who under ordinary circumstances
could have remained in the water for a long time. Anderson's companion
is crushed over the accident as he states that he could have picked up
Anderson at once had he dreamed that danger was iminent [sic]. Instead
he hurried to save the stores and let Anderson swim. The body was found
near the place of the accident the next day.
(Transcriber's note: This is from an unknown, probably Mt. Pleasant,
newspaper. Mrs. Galer wrote "July 31st, 1914", apparently
the newspaper publication date, above the article. Lowell
Anderson drowned 28 July 1914 while canoeing in the rapids of the Bass Wood
River, near the Minnesota/Canada border.)
Mr. Paul Galer this afternoon received a message stating that
the body of Mr. Lowell Anderson, who was drowned on the border of northern
Minnesota the first part of the week, has been recovered. No
particulars were forthcoming.
(Transcriber's note: This is from an unidentified Mt. Pleasant newspaper.
Mrs. Galer wrote "Aug. 1st, 1914", apparently the newspaper
publication date, above the article. Lowell Anderson drowned 28
July 1914 while canoeing in the rapids of the Basswood River, near the
Minnesota/Canada border. "Betas" in the last paragraph refers
to Beta Theta Pi fraternity members.)
Mt. Pleasant People Will Attend Services--U. S. Rangers Found The
The funeral of the late Lowell Anderson will be held at Pulaski
Monday afternoon at one o'clock. It is understood that quite a number
from this city will attend. Mr. Paul Galer went over this afternoon.
Later details have been received to the effect that the drowning
took place in a small river connecting two lakes. As soon as news of the
drowning spread fourteen government timber rangers repaired at once to the
scene and dragged the river and quickly found the body. In the meanwhile
a number of Betas were on their way from Minneapolis and another bunch of
friends from Chicago.
(Transcriber's note: Mrs. Galer wrote, "Wesleyan News, Oct. 26 -
1929, Home Coming" under this clipping.)
Tribute Paid to Lowell Anderson
When you sing the Wesleyan Hymn or hear the band play it do you
sometimes wonder who wrote it? Whenever you hear these familiar words we
should pay tribute to Lowell Anderson, the writer.
Lowell Anderson was born November 27, 1885 at Bloomfield, Iowa.
He entered Wesleyan in 1903. He was a student with the true Wesleyan
spirit and was very active in numerous outside activities. He was
president of the senior class, captain of the basketball team, winner of the
Harlan oratorical contest, organizer, director, and leader of the Wesleyan
band. Besides all these he was a cornetest [sic--cornetist] of unusual
ability, being soloist in the glee club. Mr. Anderson was drowned in the
Basswood river while on an exploration trip in July, 1914. His memory is
one that will linger in the hearts of all Wesleyan students and spur them on
to better deeds at Wesleyan.
(Transcriber's note: This newspaper advertisement is faded to the same shade
of brown as the year-1914 clippings on page 1.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of page 1
of the scrapbook <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(Transcriber's note: Unidentified newspaper, possibly the Pulaski
Independent? The wedding was held 24 June 1914.)
At high noon Wednesday, June 24, Miss Ruth Anderson and Mr. Paul
Gailor [sic--Galer], of Mt. Pleasant, will be united in matrimony at the M. E.
church at this place by Rev. Edwards.
(Transcriber's note: Unidentified newspaper, possibly the Pulaski
Independent. Unspecified date. "Mrs. Anderson" was
Celina Catharine Plank Anderson, Ruth's mother.)
The Golden Links met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Matthews Friday
evening and from there went to the home of Miss Ruth Anderson, east of town,
and presented her with a beautiful silver berry spoon. As Miss Ruth was
instrumental in starting this society, their gratitude was shown in this way.
Mrs. Anderson then in her lovable way surprised the Links with refreshments
which were enjoyed greatly.
(Transcriber's note: Unidentified newspaper.)
The marriage of Miss Elma Ruth Anderson and Mr. Paul B. Galer
occurred at Pulaski, Iowa on Wednesday, June 24. This wedding is of
interest to the people of this city as the bride has been for the past two
years Principal of our high school.
Miss Anderson was one of the most popular teachers that ever
taught in our schools and has a host of warm personal friends here who will
join us in wishing her life's choicest blessings. The groom is a
successful young Iowa attorney and is said to be an excellent young man and in
every way worthy of his fair and accmplished [sic] bride.
(Transcriber's note: Unidentified newspaper, possibly Pulaski Independent.)
Today (Wednesday) at noon occurs the wedding of Miss Ruth
Anderson and Mr. Paul B. Galer, of Pleasant, at the Pulaski M. E. church.
A large number of guests are invited, quite a number from this
city being so honored.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson. She
is a talented and well educated lady, being a graduate of Iowa Wesleyan.
It was there she met Mr. Galer, who was a student at that college at the time
she was enrolled there.
Mr. Galer is a prominent young business man of Mt. Pleasant.
They will make their home in that city. A more complete account of this
leading Pulaski social event will be chronicled in our next issue.
(Transcriber's note: Probably a Pulaski paper, sometime
in the first half of 1914.)
Linen Shower
A delightful social affair was the linen shower on Tuesday
evening, when Mesdames M. R. Everett and F. T. Woolverton entertained in
honor of Miss Ruth E. Anderson, at the home of Mrs. Everett.
The affair was attended by a large number of ladies of the city
and the evening was spent at music and the game of five hundred, and dainty
refreshments were served by the hostesses.
The guest of honor, who is to be a June bride, was the
recipient of a splendid lot of useful and fancy articles, mostly the
handiwork of the donors.
(Transcriber's note: Newspaper - probably Pulaski. Date - unspecified.
Mrs. Fred Edwards was Ruth Anderson's older sister, Florence.)
Mrs. Fred Edwards and daughter arrived Saturday evening for a visit at the
R. W. Anderson home.
(Transcriber's note: Newspaper - probably Mt. Pleasant. Date -
unspecified. Mrs. R. S. Galer was Paul's stepmother, Laura Bowman
Galer. Mrs. Queen Allen was Paul's aunt, Queen Galer Allen.)
Mrs. R. S. Galer and Mrs. Queen Allen gave a reception at the Galer home on
East Washington street complimentary to Mrs. Paul B. Galer.
(Transcriber's note: The year is 1914. The heading suggests that this
is a Burlington Hawk-Eye article, although it might have appeared
simultaneously in other towns. The newlyweds honeymooned in Chicago.)
Miss Ruth Anderson of Pulaski Becomes the Bride of Mr. Paul B. Galer
of Mt. Pleasant, Ia.
to The Hawk-Eye]
Pulaski, Iowa, June 25.---At high noon on Wednesday at the
Methodist Episcopal Church here occurred the marriage of Miss Ruth Anderson
and Mr. Paul B. Galer, the latter of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
The ceremony was beautiful and impressive. The altar and
choir loft of the church had been transformed into a veritable green bower
which in the subdued light suggested a sylvan scene. The auditorium
was filled to capacity by relatives and friends of the bride and groom.
Just before the hour, Mrs. F. C. Edwards and Mr. Lowell
Anderson, sister and brother of the bride, sang "The Rosary."
Immediately following, and promptly at twelve o'clock, the joyful strains of
Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Adah Augsburger, the bride's
cousin, floated out from the piano, almost concealed amidst the decorations.
The bridal party, preceded by Rev. F. C. Edwards, husband of the bride's
sister, and pastor of the M. E. church at Brooklyn, Iowa, entered from the
rear vestibule. Little Miriam Edwards, the bride's niece, bore the
marriage ring upon a dainty satin cushion, while Miss Lucile Brady of
Richland, Iowa, the bride's attendant, preceded the bride, who entered with
her father. At the altar beneath an arch of locust blossoms and
foliage, they were met by the groom attended by a fraternity brother, Mr.
Wareham G. Clark, of Albia, Iowa, and the ceremony, concluding with a short
prayer, was solemnized by Rev. Edwards. The party left the church as
Miss Augsburger played the Lohengrin wedding march.
The bride's gown was of white taffeta. She wore a long
veil and carried a shower bouquet of beautiful white roses. Miss
Brady's gown was of pink messaline and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.
The ushers were Messrs. Karl Melcher and Floyd Duncan of Mt.
Pleasant and Merle Courts of Morning Sun, Iowa, all fraternity brothers of
the groom.
Reception at Home.
About a hundred guests immediately met Mr. and Mrs. Galer at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson, and extended
happy greetings and best wishes. The home had been decorated upon a
color scheme of pink and white through the arrangement of cut flowers and
tulle. A three course luncheon was served by sorority sisters and
close friends of the bride, during which Miss Augsburger and Miss Garnett
Taylor, of Bloomfield, Iowa, afforded music. Seated at the bride's
table in addition to the bride and groom were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Galer, Miss Lucile Brady, Mr. W. G. Clark, Rev. and Mrs.
F. C. Edwards and daughter, Miriam, Miss Alice Babo, Mr. Lowell Anderson and
Rev. W. J. Scott.
Mrs. Galer is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and a
member of the Alpha Ki [sic] Delta sorority. Mr. Galer is a graduate
of Iowa Wesleyan University and also of the law college of the state
university of Iowa. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Out-of-town guests included the following: Miss Alice
Babb, Aurora, Ill.; Misses Florence Seeley, Dorothy Withrow, Julia Allen,
Helen Walker and Fern Armstrong, all of Mt. Pleasant; Misses Eva and Jean
Wilson, Centerville, Iowa; Miss Esther Printz, Moulton, Iowa; Miss Garnett
Taylor, Bloomfield, Iowa; Miss Edith Thayer, Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Jennie
Davis, Milton, Iowa; Messrs. W. G. Clark, Albia, Iowa; F. Merle Courts,
Morning Sun, Iowa; A. W. Randle, Centerville, Iowa; W. G. Lodwick, Mystic,
Iowa; Karl D. Melcher and Floyd Duncan, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Frederick Heath,
Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Galer, Mt. Pleasant; Mr. and Mrs. M. S.
Edwards and Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Downing, Moulton, Iowa; Mrs. Queen Allen
and Mrs. Edwin Johnson, Mt. Pleasant; Mrs. Ruth Burchett, Bloomfield, Iowa;
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Heath, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Plank and daughter, Celeste, St.
Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Power, Mrs. H. H. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Pinnell, Milton, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. John
Plank, Bloomfield, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Caster, New Salem, Iowa; Misses
Fannie and Gerada Plank, of Floris.
Mr. and Mrs. Galer left early in the afternoon by automobile on
an itinerary unknown to any but themselves.
(Transcriber's note: Unidentified Mt. Pleasant newspaper, unspecified
Some Two Hundred Ladies Were Present and the Commodious Lawn
Was a Very Pretty Sight, the Ladies Gathering There After Refreshments Had
Been Served.
A very delightful social function was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Galer on East Washington street on Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. R.
S. Galer and Mrs. Queen Allen entertained a large number of ladies at a
reception in honor of Mrs. Paul B. Galer. The home was beautifully
decorated with roses and ferns and an electric fan helped to cool the air
considerably. Master Roger Magoun of Massachusetts, a nephew of Mrs.
Galer, and Master George Lines, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lines, waited
upon the door during the first half of the reception while Miss Jean Finley,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Finley, and Miss Jessie Wait, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Wait, performed this duty during the second half.
The Misses Fay Duncan and Lucille Whitney pinned bows on the guests as they
arrived and in the receiving line were Mrs. Queen Allen, Mrs. R. S. Galer and
Mrs. Paul B. Galer. The parlor assistants were Mesdames [Mrs.?] Edwin
Johnson, [Mrs.?] J. C. McCoid, Misses Lou Spahr and May Davis. Mrs.
Arthur Miller was in charge of the dining room and she was assisted by the
Misses Miriam Withrow, Isabelle Connell, Georgia Smith and Ruth Hall.
Delicious refreshments consisting of ice-cream and cake were
served in the dining room while on the lawn the Misses Julia Allen, Ethel
Caris, Dorothy Withrow and Florence Seeley served frappe. It was a very
enjoyable feature of the reception that after refreshments were served the
ladies gathered on the lawn and spent a very pleasant afternoon.
Among the out of town guests present were Mrs. Della Springer,
Detroit; Mrs. Cale and the Misses Cale of St. Louis; Miss Powelson of Des
Moines; Miss Haines of Emporia, Kan.; Mrs. Geo. Garvin of New York; Mrs. Axie
Lute Mitchell of Old City, Penn., and Mrs. Weir of Chicago.
Notwithstanding the intense heat a very enjoyable afternoon was
spent by all present, the hostesses doing all in their power to make their
guests comfortable.
The most healthful drink [in] this hot weather is grape juice.
For sale at Swanson's.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of page 2
of the scrapbook
(Transcriber's note: The whiter shade of paper, more resistant to
browning with age, matches other clippings in the scrapbook that are
known to be from Iowa Wesleyan News. The date is
The Home Mission ladies held one of their popular teas yesterday
afternoon, at the lovely home of Mrs. R. S. Galer, which had been kindly
thrown open for the occasion. A goodly number of ladies took advantage
of the occasion to contribute their mite to a worthy cause and at the same
time enjoy a pleasant social hour. The dining room was beautifully
decorated with potted plants, running vines and in the center of the table a
large bowl of pink carnations. Here the fair waiters, Misses Woolson,
Meyrs, Sater and Bowman served light refreshments consisting of lemon ice,
cake and coffee. The souvenirs were a bunch of cranberries tied with
green ribbon. The Mandolin club were present and discoursed sweet music
and in addition Miss Iona Janes and Miss Larue Payne gave two recitations
which were enjoyed by all. The committee in charge of this tea were
Mesdames Babb, Mitchell, Huston and Galer and they are entitled to much credit
for the success both socially and financially.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Galer is one of the ornaments of our
city, convenient in arrangement and beautiful in design and finish. The
unanimous wish of their many friends is that they may enjoy many happy years
within its handsome walls.
(Transcriber's note: Unidentified Mt. Pleasant newspaper & date.)
Good Program Given and Fine Banquet Served.
Boys Entertain Their Lady Friends in a Royal Manner
The seventeen active members of the Beta fraternity in Iowa
Wesleyan gave their annual fall reception and banquet last evening at the home
of Paul Galer.
There were sixty in the company which assembled at the hospitable
and attractive Galer home, at the appointed hour of eight. The reception
hall and rooms were decked gaily for the event with college and society
pennants and colors and the atmosphere was propitious for an unusually
delightful and successful college social event, except for the lack of the
gracious presence of the lady of the house—Mrs. Galer
having gone to Colorado last week.
The guests were received by Mr. [R S] Galer, Prof. and Mrs
Stephens, Paul Galer, Clyde Hightshoe, Ray Wilcox, Misses Florence Coolidge,
Lavanda Gardner and Ellen Ball. After a short reception the guests were
seated at three long tables, artistic ?place? cards marking the places for the
company. The tables were daintily attractive, the beauty of linen and
silver being enhanced with the soft light of pink and blue candles and the
delicate green of ferns strewn gracefully on the tables. A beautiful La
France rose lay at the place of each for a favor. A number of Beta song
books were conveniently at hand and both fraternity and college songs were
enthusiastically sung between the courses of the banquet. The six course
menu was exceptionally fine and was gracefully served to the company by
Dorothy Withrow, Exie Dutton, Florence and June Seeley.
The toast program was unusually crisp, bright and entertaining
under the inspiring direction of R S Galer, symposiarch.
The following were the menu and toast program which were enclosed
in attractive menu cards:
Sardines on Lettuce Leaf,
Lemon cube Wafers
Roast Wild Duck, Nut Dressing,
Escalloped Oysters, Hot Biscuit,
Cranberry Jelly
Normandy Salad on Lettuce Leaf,
Orange Jelly, Cheese Rolls,
White and Brown Bread Sandwiches
Creamed Chicken in Patties, Olives,
Plum Pudding, Brick Ice cream
White Grapes
Cheese Wafers Cafe Noir
[Remainder of article not in scrapbook
(Transcriber's Note: This is a typewritten playbill from an
elementary-school program.)
(Presented by the children of the lower grades of
Junior High)
Prologue - "Children's Hour". Ethel
Health Medley - Third, Fourth, Fifth & Sixth
[The following line was written in pencil, apparently by Mrs. Galer.]
Recitation - Crooked Man - Woodrow Lo[last
name truncated?]
Dramatization - "Mother Goose in Healthland",
by the Kindergarten, First & [Second
Grades crossed out by pencil]
Recitation - "Ef You Don't Watch Out" -
Helen Kitch.
Health Play - "David and the Good Health
Sunbeams - Barbara Willeford, Ruth Whittaker, Anna
Schliep, Ellen Taft, Margaret Virden, Genevieve Gregg, Hazel Anderson, Mary
Westfall, Mary Roberts, Lucile Smith, Jane Whittaker, Helen Gray.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of page 3
of the scrapbook
(Transcriber's note: This is the same event as "Reception for Mrs.
P. B. Galer," at the end of page 2, but reported by a different Mt.
Pleasant newspaper. Since transcribing page 2, I have learned that
Grandmother's diary records this event on July 22, 1914, a
"dreadfully warm" day.)
Reception At Galer Home
Mrs. Queen Allen and Mrs. Mrs. [sic] R. Galer
Entertain In Honor of Mrs. Paul Galer
A large company of ladies were delightfully entertained at
a pretty reception given at the home of Mrs. R. S. Galer on East Washington st.
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Queen Allen and Mrs. Galer as the hostesses.
Mrs. Paul B. Galer, who came here recently as a bride, was the guest of honor
on this occasion.
The gathering of ladies was very enjoyable in every way.
The heat of the day was forgotten in the cool spacious reception rooms and on
the shady porches and lawn.
As the guests assembled they were greeted in the hall by
Misses Fay Duncan and Lucile Whitney who pinned on each a tiny ribbon bow the
color of which designated the group in which each was to go to the dining
room. Mrs. J. C. McCoid, and Miss May Davis assisted the hostesses in
greeting the incoming guests in the parlors. Mrs. A. W. Miller invited
the members of the various groups to the dining room where brick ice-cream and
cake were served at the hands of Misses Georgia Smith, Isabelle Connell,
Miriam Withrow, Ruth Hall. Mrs. Edwin Johnson and Miss Spahr then
directed the steps of the ladies emerging from the dining room to the lawn
east of the house where chairs and rugs lent themselves to the comfort and
sociability of all. Frappe was served on this grassy retreat, Misses
Florence Seeley and Dorothy Withrow and Misses Julia Allen and Ethel Caris
taking turns in serving.
All the guests were rejoiced to meet and extend greetings
and welcome to the bright and attractive bride Mrs. Paul B. Galer. She
is already well known to many of the college people having attended Iowa
Wesleyan for several years. Her winsome social graces will speedily win
her hosts of friends in this community.
(Transcriber's note: Unspecified newspaper, possibly Wesleyan News;
unspecified date.)
The Senior Standard Bearers held their regular monthly
meeting at the home of Selma Dean on Wednesday evening. The hostesses
were Selma Dean, Mary Frances Gregg and Mildred Campbell. There was a
good attendance of members. The following officers were elected for
the coming year; President Elsie Hourihan; Vice President, Louise Wilson;
Secretary, Helen Miller; Treasurer, Florence Leist.
At the close of the business meeting the hostesses served
delicious refreshments, after which the meeting was adjourned.
(Transcriber's note: Unspecified newspaper, unspecified date)
State Vs. Richmond
A Maiden Address
Richmond Appeals From The Decision of Justice Dugdale In Assault
Case—John Wilson The Prosecuting Witness.
The criminal case of the State of Iowa versus Elmer
Richmond on a charge of assault went to the jury on Friday afternoon.
The case arose out of the wrangle at the feed yard last fall when Elmer
Richmond and John Wilson, a well known farmer of the county, were the
principals. The case first came before Justice Laird and was then
transferred to Justice Dugdale's court on a change of venue. Justice
Dugdale found Richmond guilty and he was sentenced to pay a fine of $25
and costs. From this sentence he appealed to the district court.
The witnesses called were, for the plaintiff, John Wilson, Maude Wilson,
George Thomas, Frank Porter, John King, James Hatch, Joe Henderson, Ed
Craig, Chas. McLeran, John D. Dugdale, T. J. Walker, Capt. Lot Abraham and
Geo. Hodson; for the defense, Evan Ford, Walter Jennings, Owen Garretson,
Ed Martin, Joe Willis, Joe Sherber, Elmer Richmond, Frank Luckman, Sherman
Calhoun, Jas. Leach and Sam Onstott. The defense was that Richmond
dunned Wilson for a debt due him and Wilson attacked him with a knife so
he was bound to defend himself. County Attorney F. S. Finley was the
attorney for the state while Messrs Jas. Hourihan and Paul Galer appeared
for the defense.
A Maiden Effort.
A feature of the trial was the fact that Mr. Paul Galer
for the defense, made his maiden speech before a jury in the district
court and created a very favorable impression. His talk to the jury
was short, logical, convincing and right to the point.
Case To Jury.
At 9:30 this morning the jury received their
instructions from the judge and were dismissed to their deliberations.
At the time of going to press no report had been made by them.
Transcriber's note: Unspecified newspaper, unspecified
Elmer Wins His Appeal
Was Not Guilty
Well Known Colored Business Man Convicted Of
Assault, Was Upon Appeal To District Court Found Not Guilty
Mr. Elmer Richmond, the well known
business man, won his appeal in the district court. He was fined
$25 and costs in Justice Dugdale's court for assault upon John Wilson in
the feed yard several months ago and appealed his case to the district
court. On Saturday morning at 9:30 the judge instructed the jury
and they remained out until late in the evening when they returned into
court with a verdict of not guilty. The defendant was then
discharged. Richmond's attorneys were Messrs Galer and Galer and
James Hourihan. The members of the jury were: Messrs Chas.
Tonkinson, E. H. Cummings, C. O. Elliott, E. Metzger, William Price,
John Litzenberg, Frank Cox, Barton Simmons, P. F. Wenger, O. E. Alberson,
Jas. Cornick and Ross Collins
(Transcriber's note: Unspecified newspaper, unspecified date)
First Half Of Club Entertained Second Half At Dutton Home
Thursday night the first half of the Wednesday club
entertained the second half at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dutton on E.
Washington street. At seven o'clock the guests were seated at small
candle lighted tables and a three course diner[sic] was served by Alice
and Dorothy Dutton, the two small daughters of the home.
After the dinner a series of tableaux entitled
"Does it pay to Advertise?" Each giving an extract[sic]
reproduction of illustrations appearing in well known advertisments[sic].
The following was the cast.
Boston Garters—George Crane
Mortons Sale[sic]—Mrs. F. M. Edwards
Johnson's Baby Talcum—Mrs. Geo. Crane and Geo.
Old Dutch Cleanser—Mrs Paul Galer
Colorite—Mrs. Edwin Johnson
Swifts Premium Ham—Mr. and Mrs W. H. Evans
Liquid Veneer—Mrs. Clyde Dutton
Cream of Wheat—George Luberger
Williams Shaving Soap—Clyde Dutton
Hole Proof Hosiery—The entire cast
Mr. Fred Waite demonstrated by his clever answers that
it does pay to advertise and for a correct list of answers he was
presented with a bunch of violets.
The rest of the evening was spent in cards and music.
Miss Alice Dutton delighted the [guests] with several vocal solas[sic].
(Transcriber's note: Unspecified newspaper. The year is at least
1918 because Paul's third child (see reference to "three
children") was born 17 March 1918. This might be part of a
larger article about local candidates.)
Mr. Paul B. Galer of Mt. Pleasant has been announced
as a candidate for nomination for County Attorney on the Republican
Mr. Galer has been practicing law as a member of the
well known firm of Galer and Galer since June, 1913, and as such has had
charge of important business and has won his spurs as a trial lawyer.
Since April 1917 he has been City Solicitor of Mt.
Pleasant, in charge of the city's important legal interests which he has
faithfully guarded.
Mr. Galer was raised in this County, was a student in
the city schools, in Howe's Academy and Iowa Wesleyan from which he
graduated in 1909.
He studied law at the State University of Michigan
and at Iowa City and is a graduate of the law department of the
University of Iowa.
He is married to Ruth Anderson who lived near
Pulaski, Iowa, and has three children.
Mr. Galer if nominated and elected promises to try
all criminal cases as promptly as possible and to give the County
business prompt, thorough and efficient attention.
[Unspecified newspaper, unspecified date]
Two pretty opperettas[sic] were given at the
Auditorium by college girls and little tots of the city. These
were decidedly a hit as "fairies:" Glen Sternberg,
Suzanne Stall, Emily Withrow, Helen Morrow, Frances Pyle, Florence Cole,
Elizabeth Palmer, Edith Whiting, Jean Finley, Florence Ross, Marie
Campbell, Ruth Loveland, Clela Campbell, Forence[sic?] Putnam.
These were in the chorus: Bessie Garman, Alice Miller, Bessie
Newbold, Ada Redd, Mrs. Wm. Evans June Seeley, Edna Gardner, Della
Ireton, Ruth Willits, Gorgia[sic?] Schreckengast, Mae Roberts, Margaret
Torrence, Edna Elliott, Julia Allen, Gladys Zinn, Katherine Jannsen,
Ethel Lymer, Helen Schell, Florence Coolidge, Jeanette Buck, Florence
Buck, Suzanne Gardner, Ruth Anderson, Lavanda Gardner, Carrie Powelson,
Edith Robertson, Vera Hassenflug, Katherine Carrons, Henrietta Davis,
Mary Torrence, Ullena Ingersoll, Edith Trowbridge, Elva Potts, Ruth
Logan, Josephine Baker.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of
page 4 of the scrapbook
[Unspecified newspaper. This appeared shortly after the 28 July 1914
accident. Lowell drowned not in a lake, but in a river between two
lakes. For more complete coverage of the accident, see page 1 of the
Accident Occurs When Boat Upsets on Minnesota Lake
Lowell Anderson of Pulaski, was accidentally drowned
while boating on a lake near Ely, Minnesota, Tuesday. Mr. Anderson and
a friend from Chicago were enjoying an outing on the lake. The boat
upset, and the Chicago gentleman was saved. Mr. Anderson's body has
not yet been recovered.
The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson,
of Pulaski. He was a graduate of Iowa Wesleyan, and was prominent in
all the school activities of that college while there. He was a member
of the Beta fraternity, member of the athletic teams, of the glee club, and
a leader in each of these organizations.
[Mrs. Galer wrote "Bloomfield D(emocrat), Mar. 4th, 1915" beside
this article about her father.]
Hon. R. W. Anderson,
representative in the General Assembly, from Davis county, visited his
constituency from Friday until Monday. "Rube," as he is
familiarly known in the "Hairy Nation," is making quite a record
for himself among the legislative Solons of the state, particularly for
his fight for the bill to repeal the law passed by the last general
assembly concerning the election of county superintendents. He
stands right on a number of other important measures, and will doubtless
never have cause to regret a single vote he will have registered during
the entire session of the legislature.
[The following two undated clippings from unspecified newspapers had no
headings and were probably from social events columns. The first
one might be from a Des Moines newspaper because that is the only Iowa city
where I can find a Capitol Avenue. The Andersons are Ruth
Anderson Galer's parents.]
Representative and Mrs. R. W. Anderson of Pulaski, Ia.,
and Representative and Mrs. P. L. Kepple of Iona are the guests of Mrs. C.
M. Harmount, 1353 Capitol avenue, for the remainder of the winter.
[This clipping might be from the Pulaski Independent
because the R. W. Andersons and C. H. Milligans lived in
Pulaski ("this place").]
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steckel and daughter
Josephine, Mrs Hughes, Ellen and Rachel Taylor, of Bloomfield, Judge and
Mrs. Kent Hughes and family of Lima, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Milliigan [sic] and family and Ralph Covington of this place,
enjoyed a picnic at Anderson Park near Keosauqua.
[This clipping must be from a Society page of a Des Moines paper --
probably the Register, which might have circulated in Henry County.
Because her father was a state representative, Ruth's parents would have
been invited to this reception. Atkinson (see 2nd paragraph, not related
to Ruth) became Speaker of the House in January 1915, probably for a
two-year term, so this clipping is probably from 1915 or 1916.]
A brilliant climax to the social affairs which have
distinguished the legislative session came last evening when Governor and Mrs.
George W. Clarke tendered an elaborate reception as a courtesy to the supreme
judges, the state officials, the members of the legislature, and all who are
members of the official family and their wives. The affair, which was
held at the Hotel Savery, was carried out with most delightful attention to
detail, thus adding to the enjoyment of an evening which was most charmingly
planned. Over 400 guests were in attendance at the affair.
Governor and Mrs. Clarke were assisted in receiving
by Congressman and Mrs. Solomon F. Prouty, Lieutenant Governor William L.
Harding, Mrs. Guy Logan, Speaker of the House William I. Atkinson, Mrs.
Towner, Judge and Mrs. William D. Evans, Secretary of State and Mrs. W. S.
Allen, Treasurer of State and Mrs. W. C. Brown, Auditor of State and Mrs.
Frank S. Shaw, and Attorney General and Mrs. George Cosson.
The guests were introduced to the receiving line by
Adjutant General Guy Logan.
Throughout the receiving hour a buffet luncheon was
served in the banquet room of the hotel. Here T. Fred Henry's orchestra
was stationed and one of the features of the evening was the programme of
music which was enjoyed during the reception hours and later, when dancing was
the diversion of the evening.
The parlors, lobby and banquet room were all
beautifully decorated in palms, ferns and smilax, the green of the foliage
making a pretty background for the beautiful gowns worn by the women.
Another effective touch was in the full dress uniforms of the governor's
military staff.
[Probably from a Society page of the Des Moines Register, unknown
Wednesday afternoon at Hoyt Sherman place, Mrs.
George Clarke will again be at home to the legislative ladies and the
townswomen. Mrs. Clarke will be assisted in receiving this week by Mrs.
James R. Hanna, Mrs. J. B. McHose, Mrs. E. E. Lucas, Mrs. Robert Fleming, Mrs.
Roy W. Murray, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. Fremont E. Shortess, Mrs. Oliver O. Spotts,
Mrs. Daniel C. Steelsmith, Mrs. William N. Gilbert, Mrs. R. W. Anderson, Mrs.
Sylvester C. Rees, Mrs. Lewis L. Bingham, Mrs. William O. Coast, Mrs. James C.
Craven, Mrs. Ross C. Gray, Mrs. John F. Herman, Mrs. Frank F. Jones, Mrs.
George H. Jackson, Mrs. David S. Fleck, Mrs. Justin R. Doran, Mrs. James M.
Wilson, Mrs. James W. Bailey, Mrs. John F. Ream, Mrs. Herbert I. Foskett, Mrs.
Presley L. Kepple, Mrs. David Munro, Mrs. Harry C. White, Mrs. Otto A. Helming
and Mrs. Clement F. Kimball.
Mrs. Guy Logan will introduce the guests to the
receiving line.
The parlor hostesses will include Mrs. Herbert C.
Ring, Mrs. Frederick W. Eversmeyer, Mrs. Pleasant J. Mills, Mrs. John Agar,
Mrs. Charles A. Rawson and Mrs. William P. Brady. The tea tables will be
presided over by Mrs. John C. Voorhees, Mrs. W. S. Conkling, Mrs. Walter S.
Brown and Mrs. James C. Davis.
Assisting in the service of the tea will be the
Misses Edythe Fletcher, Minnie Fletcher, Irma Runyan, Coryal Shaffer and Ilia
The hour of 4 o'clock will bring an interesting
musical programme with Mrs. Grace Clarke-De Graff as the artist of the
[Probably from a Society page of the Des Moines Register, unknown
Mrs. George W. Clarke was at home again this
afternoon to the Legislative Ladies' league and the Des Moines women at
Hoyt Sherman Place. Mrs. Clarke was assisted in receiving her guests
by Mrs. A. B. Cummins, Mrs. S. F. Prouty, Mrs. James R. Hanna, Mrs. J. B.
McHose, Mrs. E. E. Lucas, Mrs. Robert Fleming, Mrs. Roy W. Murray, Mrs. E.
Taylor, Mrs. Fremont E. Shortess, Mrs. Oliver O. Spotts, Mrs. Daniel C.
Steelsmith, Mrs. William N. Gilbert, Mrs. R. W. Anderson, Mrs. Sylvester
C. Rees, Mrs. Lewis L. Bingham, Mrs. William O. Coast, Mrs. James C.
Craven, Mrs. Ross C. Gray, Mrs. John F. Herman, Mrs. Frank F. Jones, Mrs.
George H. Jackson, Mrs. Davis S. Fleck, Mrs. Justin R. Doran, Mrs. James
M. Wilson, Mrs. James W. Bailey, Mrs. John F. Ream, Mrs. Herbert I.
Foskett, Mrs. Presley L. Keppl [sic, previously Kepple], Mrs. David Munro,
Mrs. Harry C. White, Mrs. Otto A. Helming and Mrs. Clement F. Kimball.
Mrs. Guy Logan introduced the guests to the
receiving line.
Assisting as parlor hostesses during the
afternoon were:
Mrs. Herber C. Ring, Mrs. Frederick W. Eversmeyer,
Mrs. Pleasant J. Mills, Mrs. John Agar, Mrs. Charles A. Rawson and Mrs.
William P. Brady. The tea tables were presided over by Mrs. John C.
Voorhees, Mrs. W. S. Conkling, Mrs. Walter S. Brown and Mrs. James C.
Assisting in the service of the tea were the
Misses Edythe Fletcher, Minnie Fletcher, Irma Runyan, Coryal Shaffer and
Ilia Carpenter
The tea tables were beautifully decorated with
pink and white sweet peas.
A feature of the afternoon was the musicale which
came at the hour of 4. Mrs. Grace Clarke De Graff, soprano, was the
soloist of the afternoon, Mrs. Roy Walker being accompanist. Mrs. De
Graff sang a charming programme opening with an aria from Gounod's opera,
"Mireille," and following with a group of songs by American
[Probably from the Des Moines Register. The names are
consistent with the Thirty-Fifth General Assembly, which served
The Legislative Ladies' league met this morning
and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. George W.
Clarke; first vice president, Mrs. Frank Shankland; second vice
president, Mrs. Hubert C. Ring; secretary, Mrs. Henry Adams; treasurer,
Mrs. L. A. Francis; official reporter, Mrs. W. S. Allen.
The board of directors includes Mrs. George
Cosson, Mrs. Eli Perkins, Mrs. James M. Wilson, Mrs. Clyde L. Anderson
and Mrs. Justin Barry.
There will be a meeting of the board at 1
o'clock Friday at The Brown.
[Probably from the Des Moines Register, unknown date.
The Iowa Thirty-Sixth General Assembly convened in January 1915 and
adjourned in April 1915. Source: The Iowa Official
Register for the Years 1915-1916, page 130. With
the members being elected for two-year terms it seems likely that
this Assembly also convened in 1916, but I was unable to confirm
This evening the members of the Ladies
Legislative League will preside over an elaborate banquet which will
honor the members of the Thirty-sixth general assembly. The
affair which will be one of the principle social events of the
legislative season will be given at the Silver tea room in the Shops.
From 6 until 7 o'clock a reception will be enjoyed, and at 7 o'clock
the banquet will be served, a programme of toasts and music following
the banquet.
There will be no formal receiving line but a
number of the members of the league and their husbands will assist in
introducing the guests. They will include Gov. and Mrs. George
W. Clarke, Attorney General and Mrs. George Cosson, Senator and Mrs.
George H. Jackson, Senator and Mrs. Frank E. Thompson, Senator and
Mrs. Chester W. Witmore [sic, Whitmore], Senator and Mrs. Guy M.
Gillette, Senator and Mrs. Frederick W. Eversmeyer, Representative and
Mrs. Herbert C. Ring, Representative and Mrs. Charles A. Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Shankland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Mrs. George W. Clarke as president of the
Legislative Ladies League will introduce the toastmistress, Mrs. W. D.
Evans, who in turn will introduce the toasters. Toasts on timely
subjects will be given by Hon. William I. Atkinson, speaker of the
house; Mrs. John Hammill, Mrs. Clement F. Kimball, Senator Thomas J.
B. Robinson and Judge B. I. Salinger. Mrs. Peter Klinker will
give a whistling solo and Miss Jean Wilson will give a reading and
there will also be a musical programme by local artists.
Among those who have had the banquet under
their charge are Mrs. George Cosson, chairman of the programme
committee; Mrs. J. M. Wilson, chairman of the committee on general
arrangements and Mrs. William F. Moore chairman of the invitation
date; probably from the Des Moines Register social section.]
A leading affair of the week's social calendar will be the reception
tendered by Mrs. George W. Clarke as a courtesy to the legislative
ladies. Mrs. Clarke has planned her series of at homes to be
given on alternating Wednesdays at Hoyt Sherman Place, that the
legistlative ladies and the ladies of Des Moines may meet and become
acquainted. The at homes are similar to the ones held two
years ago by Mrs. Clarke at the Hotel Savery, and the same cordial
invitation to attend is extended by the hostess to the townspeople
and the visiting guests.
Mrs. Clarke will be assisted Wednesday in receiving by Miss Flora
Dunlap, Mrs. J. G. Grundy, Mrs. B. F. Carroll, Mrs. Warren Garst,
Mrs. W. S. Allen, Mrs. W. C. Brown, Mrs. Frank S. Shaw, Mrs. George
Cosson, Mrs. William D. Evans, Mrs. Frank R. Gaynor, Mrs. Benjamin
I. Salinger and Mrs. Benjamin F. Seeley.
The parlor assistants will include Mrs. G. D. Ellyson, Mrs. Ernest
Brown, Mrs. Thomas J. B. Robinson and Mrs. Addison Parker.
Mrs. Guy Logan will introduce the guests to the receiving line at
each of the homes throughout the series.
Mrs. J. K. Macomber, Mrs. H. C. Potter, Mrs. Howard Clark and Mrs.
Leslie Francis will preside over the tea table.
Miss Bernice Brown, Miss Bertha Macomber, Miss Helen Kurtz and Miss
Annabelle Wallace will assist in serving the tea.
End of page 5 of the scrapbook