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Newspaper: June 5, 1917
Registration List
Cass Township, Harrison County, Iowa
Alter, Charles A Ellison, Russie C Mote, Samuel Alfred Springer, George Howard Bradley, Jerry Fuhs, Jacob J Mumm, Fred G Smith, Earnest J Bradley, Lorn Earl Gremer, Fred Marley, Platt B Sprinkle, Francis W Bennig, Irvin D Green, Harry K Marley, Monte C Shreeves, Lee Edward Barnes, Charles Walter Grossman, Perry Newlove, Clyde W Smith, Ray Robert Case, Victor B Hillyer, Archie O Oloff, William D F Schwery, Godfried Jr Cowan, Floyd J House, Sandifer Oviatt, Sherman J Swanger, Newell Chappel, Edward A Hicks, Ehlert Plambeck, Harry Tripp, Roy Harold Chappel, Earnest A Haller, John Jr Peterson, Peter Tollotson, Seth Carlson, Hans Horn, Henry William Peterson, Harold Wiepert, John Case, Herbert A Howard, Marion L Peterson, Martin Wiepert, Edward Clausen, Hans J Haferbier, Charles Ramsey, William H Wilson, Theron Clausen, Charlie F W Jensen, Arnel C Reinig, Henry W Yager, Glenn W Clausen, Fred E Knauss, Ralph R Reinig, John E Zacharias, Fred C Dow, Leslie W Knauss, Hazel S Stephens, Herbert N Zacharias, Henry T Dungan, Lee Roy Kuster, John H Sindt, Honas S Ellison, Clyde L Lightwine, Harvey Sprinkle, Melvin L Evans, William Scott Leinen, Nicholas S Small, Ernest L
* * * * * *
To Fight For Human Liberty
Reception Given to the 94 Boys Who Went to Camp Dodge Tuesday,
Kuehnle Gives Fine Talk.Tuesday morning just before eight the boys were formed in column and marched to the depot behind the drum corps and Old Glory, and the farewells were said, best wishes extended and the local passenger, which was about half an hour late bore away 94 more of Harrison County’s best young men to become “Hun Huskers” at Camp Dodge.
The company was placed in charge of Walter I Wolfe, who had for his assistants Charles L Wilson, Robert Deal, Dell Myers, Webb Benning, Lee Case and W T Nelson.
It was on the 5th of September that our first contingent consisting of nine went to Camp Dodge, and on September 22nd 67 more were sent which with the 94 the first of the week makes 170 of the Harrison County young men in the National Army to say nothing of the dozens or scores that have enlisted in various other branches of the Nation’s service.
Altmon, Wm. D Mo Valley Hamann, Carl F Persia McIntosh, James M Mo Valley Swanger, Ira Vern Persia Arbaugh, Wm Lester Mondamin Harter, Lee L Logan Monson, Carl E Little Sioux Thompson, Harry C Junction Carpenter, Ray B Mo Valley Hein, Charles F Dunlap Nelson, William T Little Sioux Thompson, Lyle B Woodbine Clevenger, Wm G Logan Henley, George L Dunlap Olinger, Wm Reuben C Junction Thordsen, Herbert J Persia Coffman, Homer F Orson Hester, Bennett K Pisgah Peasley, Arthur M Orson Topping, Geo R Logan Cowan, Floyd L Logan Hill, Benjamin L Persia Rabb, Wm. Alphes Mo Valley Weber, Elmer R Pisgah Eckrich, Paul F Neola Kelley, William Deloit Rawlings, Merlyn M Dunlap Whiteman, Lee B Logan Eggers, Emil Dunlap Kenyon, Frank F Mo Valley Rife, Ferney Little Sioux Wiederholz, Harry C Orson Ely, Ellis Mo Valley Kiger, Andrew L Logan Sandstrom, Carl V Orson Wilson, Chas. L Logan Fewins, Charles E Woodbine Lambert, Albert W Dunlap Small, Ernest L Portsmouth Wiltse, George Vern Modale Filkins, Elmer C Mo Valley Little, Henry W Little Sioux Smay, James E C Junction Winther, Nels C Mondamin Goodman, Herbert C Dunlap Longman, Harry W Logan Smith, Lewis L Dunlap Wolfe, Walter I Logan Graham, Wm Jr. Modale McCann, Dell E Dunlap Stoker, Loyd A Logan Young, Lyle L Logan Haferbier, John Logan McCann, Frank P Dunlap Stuart, James C Mondamin Zacharias, Fred C Persia
* * * * * * Newspaper Source: Woodbine Twiner, July 25, 1918
Our largest Contingent of Soldier Boys Leave For South Friday Morning on a SpecialFriday morning a great crowd of people assembled in Logan to bid goodbye and God speed to the largest bunch of soldiers that this county has yet sent to the training Camps. One hundred and ninety-nine, big husky lads, ready and willing had signed up and sworn in and given a number the day before and 6:30 Friday morning the town was alive with the boys proudly wearing little blue ribbon with the wording “Local Board Harrison County, Iowa” and the number which designated the proper place of each one in the line. For the most part every boy had somebody with him, either parent, brother or sweetheart, and in many cases the wife, to cheer him on his way to the field of high honor to battle for democracy and freedom for all.
Whatever of verbal fireworks be engaged in took place Thursday afternoon when C.A. Bolter and Rev. Hargrove spoke to the registrants assembled in the Court rooms.
Thursday was one of the busiest days ever seen in Logan. It seemed like everybody in the county had got the idea into his head that the service flag was to be dedicated that day and that there would be a program and something doing all afternoon and evening. This was prevented by the action of the war Board, but nevertheless it is very evident that the program should have been carried out, as there were thousands of people here with nothing to do, except to listen to the band concert in the evening. Some of the boys entertained themselves by marching around town as they hope to march around Berlin, and hollering their heads off, but that wasn’t very much fun, and only served to cover up the fact that the boys were performing a duty that did not appeal to them as being funny. The yell leader, who ever he was certainly was a good one, but he is not feeling so much like yelling now we’ll guarantee.
Some of the town young people enjoyed themselves at the Bowery dance, but not many of the soldiers were on the floor at the time we were watching, so we assume they did not care for that sort of entertainment.
While our quota was to be 205, several had been released so that only 199 were sent out from here Friday morning – but that looked like a big crowd. All of them were fine stalwart fellows, looking as if they could easily take care of their share of the Huns after a little training which they most assuredly will get at Camp Gordon, Georgia. We have as idea that these boys were sent so far from home to avoid the requests for furloughs to come home and the great number of visitors that make regular trips to Camps that are within reach.
The 199 who left Friday morning were:
Order# Soldier Name Order# Soldier Name Order# Soldier Name 1496 Adams, Dan J 1795 Horn, Henry M No # Perkins, L H ( Wright Co) 1682 Adams, John E 1368 House, Oscar A 1854 Peters, John H 1564 Antrim, James H 1085 Howard, Clyde W 1693 Peterson, Ray L 1866 Bahr, Daniel 1079 Hume, Charles 1470 Peterson, William H 1934 Barnum, Harry Lee 1914 Hunt, Arlon A 1666 Pickering, William C 1539 Bence, Walter E 1895 Hunt, Giles W 1531 Pierce, Floyd M 1380 Block, Herman F. H. 1243 Ivens, Edmund M 1285 Pierce, Fred E 1544 Bock, Charley 1565 Iwen, Henry I No # Pierce, H G (Monona Co) 1223 Bonner, Frank N 1443 Jefferson, Darrill A 1645 Rea, Frank 1508 Booth, Clarence W 1205 Jenkins, Earl E 1117 Reeder, Jasper L 1201 Bosworth, Everette E 1359 John, Nicholas 1917 Reinig, Henry W 1724 Bradford, James F 1475 Johnson, Frank M 1067 Reinig, John E 742 ˝ Branson, Merle H 1510 Johnson, George W 968 Render, Cletus P 1733 Brooks, Claude L 1806 Johnson, John 1106 Renz, Dominicus H 1430 Broughton, George H 1203 Juels, Fred Frank 1188 Roden, George W 1158 Brunstedt, Guy O 1300 Keeney, Ernest W 1587 Rowe, Lowren W 1537 Carbaugh, Charles A 1020 Kellog, Harry A 1903 Russell, Jesse A 1241 Carpenter, Roy H 1592 Keogh, Floyd F 1536 Scharff, Charley 1092 Cherry, Thomas A 1361 Kerger, Frank 1836 Schnack, Herman 1768 Christensen, Chris 1076 Kildare, James A 1419 Seaholm, Fred E 1580 Cissna, Homer S 1881 Kilpack, William M 1468 Smith, James W 1517 Clapper, Lucius L 2188 Kimple, Dallas 1317 Smith, William E 1700 Clausen, Fred E 1630 Kinart, Clarence 1570 Snyder, LeRoy L 1626 Collendar, Lee H 1041 Knadle, Albert F 1513 Sorenson, Jens S 1853 Conway, Henry H 940 Larson, Nels C 1594 Sorenson, Jesse W 1128 Cooper Roy 1118 Lary, Harry A 1650 Southern, Ralph S 1410 Cowan, Leo V 1006 Lauridsen, James N 1588 Sprinkle, Melvin L 1280 Cox, John H 1674 Leibach, George F 1206 Starner, Percy L 1189 Crawford, Ira H 1447 Lesline, Herman H 1185 Stebbins, Ray O 1448 Dale Benjamin C 1655 Liskow, Paul J 991 Stephens, Herbert N. 1406 Davis, Horace 1365 Long, Walter 1891 Stiffel, Ernest H 1603 Daywalt, Henry W 2092 Long, Will F 959 Stodgel, George W 1748 Deal, Philip R 1845 Lundergard, James 1347 Stuhr, Hans E 1930 Detwiler, Earl F 1225 Lusk, James A 1164 Sumner, Leon L 1272 Dixon, Curtis L 1360 Maaske, Frank G 1763 Swift, Elmer G 1033 Dougal, Willard S 1816 Mackey, Glenn S. 1751 Tacy, Paul E 1418 Dow, Lisle W 1219 Manion, Vincent M 1766 Tamisiea, Arthur S 1786 Dungan, James M 1345 Marshall, Charles W 1783 Taylor, Normie 1820 Eckrich, Louis G 1282 Marshall, Everette W 1262 Thomas, Lee Arnold 1104 Erliwine, Jesse P 1725 McCabe, Bernard 1008 Thoren, Arnold T 1582 Eshelman, Howard D 1897 McCrillis, Elmer 1376 Tiffany, Earl H 1675 Evans, Howard P 1057 McCullough, Charles W 1121 Tiffey, Elzie C 1322 Exkrich, Charlie E 1002 McCullough, David E 1182 Torrance, Albert R 1579 Fensler, William H 1414 McGavren, Herbert W 1716 Towne, Levi J 1258 Finley, Ferris G 1211 McIntosh, Eugene 1061 Tracy, James M 1437 Fox, Elmer R 1605 McIntosh, George W 1438 Travers, Sabin R 1791 Gilbert, Floyd 1057 Mendelson, Moses 1487 Treece, Claude J 1016 Gilkerson, Berton M 1522 Mendenhall, Harry L 1911 Trout, Asa J 1804 Gilkerson, Chs. I 1160 Mendenhall, Ora 1425 Turner, Roy B 1782 Ginzales, George L 1089 Messenger, Clifton C 1457 Ulfers, Julius H 1815 Girton, Harp E 1250 Miller, Julian L 1706 VanMeter, Ray F 1018 Girton, Oren G 1330 Milliman, Russel W 1604 Vittitoe, Walter W 1405 Grosvenor, Willard A 1373 Muziniski, Frank 1687 Vogel, Frederick, W 1696 Hansen, Lawrence G 1276 Nelson, Charles W 1919 Vore, Harvey M 1404 Harding, William A 1143 Nelson, Thornel 1469 Wakehouse, Edward 1471 Harlan, William E 1581 Niemoller, George H 1523 Wall, Fred L 1204 Harrison, Edgar B 1382 Norris, Bruce W 1606 Walton, Harry 1146 Harrod, Clyde A 1597 Orris, William A 1395 Ward, Thomas H 1779 Hartwig, Julius 1749 Oviatt, Jesse 1268 Weiss, Max A 1562 Heim, Willie 1646 Oviatt, Joseph 1267 White, Percy M 1324 Heimbaugh, Cleve 1612 Owens, Roy 1877 White, Robert 1828 Hilbourn, Lester V 1422 Parsborg, Anders H 1849 Whiteman, Charles F 1231 Hilker, William G 1274 Pearey, Lee E 1207 Wiltse, David L 1213 Hill, Arthur F 1180 Pedersen, Roy M 1135 Yocum, James E 1809 Hill, Murry E 1870 Pelton, Frank B 1327 Zabel, Martin A 1364 Hillman, Benjamin C 1066 Perkins, Clyde E 1585 Zinna, Salvatore 1080 Holcombe, Clifford C 1026 Perkins, Floyd H (Appears from same paper as previous article)
Four more young men left Logan yesterday afternoon to become soldiers. They go to Camp Funston for training. They were:
Collins, Dean P Pennington, SD Frazier, Robert Dunlap DeCou, R C Woodbine Schmidt, Herman Woodbine
* * * * * * Newspaper: July 28, 1918
Thirty-Eight Left Monday
Second July Contingent of Harrison County Boys Numbered 38
Total for the Month 237Monday afternoon another bunch of the Harrison County boys left for military service at Camp Forrest, Lytle, Georgia. This is the second to go during July and with the 199 that left for Camp Gordon, Georgia last Thursday makes the total for the county this month 237, which is taking them out of the activities of a strictly agricultural community pretty rapidly. Those constituting the contingent were:
Order# Soldier Name Order# Soldier Name Order# Soldier Name Order# Soldier Name 2036 Ammons, Claud 1964 Henderson, Perry 2094 Peters, William H 2046 Stewart, Gilbert L 2113 Baldwin, Lee G 2019 Jackson, Eliza 2030 Phillips, Leon D 2101 Terry, Lloyd L 1942 Barry, Ransome 2078 Jensen, Arnel C No # Remington, Ivor B 1913 Tornkvist, Algat S 2077 Briggs, Charles E 1922 Krauskopf, Thomas P 2016 Riley, Lewis R 2126 Vittitoe, Samuel L 2022 Cox, Floyd M 2074 Lausen, Henry I 1985 Ross, Ira J 2107 Walsh, James V 1936 ˝ Davis, Harry P 1967 Martin, Clyde G 1975 Schutt, Frank P 2128 Webber, William F 1945 Gravett, Henry 2149 McDermott, John J 2006 Selleck, Harry C 2050 Weston, John F 2114 Gunsolly, Gerald 1959 Michael, Louis F 1974 Smith, Albert M 2029 White, Herbert L 1972 Haller, John 2099 Miller Lloyd J 2033 South, Guy P 2012 Haugen, Chris O 2067 Norris, Victor M No # Sprinkle, Marion A
Page updated July 31, 2012