The Torch 1943
Lincoln High School
Webster City, Iowa
Superintendent D. R. Cottrell
Instructors p.1
Alfred A. Kaskadden, Willard Grove, Mrs. Alice Greiner, Bessie Lyon, Lorene Marvel, Kathryn Hetzel, Carl Lenz, Clifford Thomsen, Ethel Swanson, Alice Eikenberry, Agnes Killerlain, Laura Jennings, G. D. Albers, Henry Larson
Instructors p.2
Robert W. Lamson, L. L. Siemers, Ilene Peterson, Esther Row, Alice Riter, Bertha E. Teal, Lillian Sterrett, Metta Robinson, Ethel Virtue, Mildred Moore, Ava Schnitjer, L. J. Maxwell
Torch Staff
Dave Eichman, Dick Groves, Ellen Severson, Bob Hathaway, Verne Miller, Mary Foley, Barbara McCollough, Ruth Fischer, Constantine Dermand, Patty Conaway, Carolyn Alexander
Seniors p.1
Charles McMurray, Theo Adair, Delores Albright, Geneva Alexander, Bonnieta Ambrose, Elaine Arbaugh, Norman Armstrong, June Baker, Francis Basford, John Bell, Virginia Bell, Richard Black, Mary Blake, Eileen Blalock
Seniors p.2
Ellen Brewer, Hugh Briggs, Leon Brin, Betty Brown, Dick Buckles, Mack Christenson, Delores Clabaugh, Peggy Cook, Jim Crosby, Melva Darnell, Richard Derscheid, Darle Doolittle, Hugh Doty, Charlotte Downard
Seniors p.3
Lois Eggers, Lorraine Ehlert, Betty Ermels, Robert Evans, Margie Fisher, Don Follett, Helmer Gangestad, Wilma Graham, Bonnie Groves, Edward Hall, Jean Hall, Clara Hanson, Bill Hanson, Arlene Harris
Seniors p.4
Rose Harris, Clifford Hayes, Harlan Hayes, Elmer Heck, Delpha Hosler, Joan Hoover, Donald Hudson, Udell Hudson, Virginia Hudson, Bill Ingertson, Marian Isebrands, Donna Jensen, Alma Jensen, Don Johnson
Seniors p.5
Helen Johnson, Kathryn Johnson, Margaret Knoll, O'Dean Kurtz, John Lack, Mary Lanahan, Gladys Laugerman, Robert Larkin, Glen Laugerman, John Lee, Mary Lee, Malcolm Lewis, Eleanor Luppes, Thomas McCarthy
Seniors p.6
Robert McCollough, Sharon McNally, Clifford Merritt, Vernon Miller, Billy Monroe, Mary Moore, Alan Mueller, Don Munster, Frances Myers, Raymond Nail, Richard Newman, Betty Olthoff, Gale Page, Dorothy Parker
Seniors p.7
Mary Patrick, Miriam Peckinpaugh, Barbara Peterson, Jim Phillips, Jane Rambo, Frank Rhodes, Melvin Richardson, Deane Savage, Estle Shor, Velva Silver, Dolores Simpson, Wanda Smith, Patricia Smith , Norman Stafford
Seniors p.8
Helen Scoles, George Thompson, Harlind Thomas, Nadine Thomas, Norma Trout, Irene Van Engen, Richard Wayman, Donald Whaley, Viola White, Marilyn Williams, Merrill Williams, Ray Wilson, John Wilson, Bonnie Winter
Seniors p.9
Wendell Woodall, Wilbur Wurch, Don Yungclas, John Stark
Class of 1944 p.1
F. Cook, A. Calkins, C. Butler, M. Boston, B. Arbaugh, B. Boucher, B. Brant, V. Crystal, D. Craig, M. Claude, J. Beard, H. Anderson, L. Boozell, E. Adams, R. Brooks, C. Ainslie, C. Ambrose, H. Breitenkamp, R. Bolden, J. Boylan, D. Allen, R. Bahrenfuss, E. Abbott, O. Brandt, J. Baker, M. Brandt
I. Halverson, P. Kepler, L. Derscheid, D. Johnson, H. Ermels, S. Daniels, E. Daniels, B. Gaster, B. Flygstad, B. Juhl, E. Forrester, J. Eckstein, D. Dunbar, R. Kepler, F. Graves, E. Elm, C. Dermand, D. Harris, V. Gordon, T. Hanson, D. Fortune, H. Houghton, B. Keast, D. Goodrich, D. Dodge, S. Knoll, M. Elliott
Class of 1944 p.2
J. Lind, B. Mulvaney, J. Lee, M. Lowrie, D. Mills, S. Pruitt, J. Palmer, M. Mollenhoff, M. McMurray, L. Leopold, M. McCormick, D. Olthoff, D. Odor, J. Latch, G. Munster, B. Nissen, G. Merrill, D. McCollough, D. Preston, M. Loper, J. Patrou, G. Maudin, D. Miller, R. Peterson, S. Newman, H. Letts
C. Thompson, J. Williams, N. Stark, L. Scheifele, B. Shields, M. Warland, J. Thomas, M. Warren, D. Ryan, V. Yunclas, C. Silvers, M. Whaley, R. Trotter, J. Wilson, S. Sipma, S. Warren, P. Risk, J. Widman
Class of 1945 p.1
J. Card, M. Doolittle, G. Adams, B. Allen, J. Alexander, P. Clark, L. Burnett, M. Brandt, K. Bige, P. Chambers, M. Draeger, L. Burnett, D. Crosby, D. Derscheid, A. Day, A. Blalock, E. Crystal, B. Edvenson, V. Egland, J. Eischeid, E. Doughten, C. Andrew, R. Ewing, B. Butschy, R. Edvenson, R. Budde, B. Castner, C. Brown, M. Coleman, B. Chauncey, D. Crouse, R. Anderson, M. Brackett, D. Bourne<
M. Flowers, A. Lahr, M. Knutson, M. Kurtz, D. Hoover, M. Hemminger, E. Irgens, D. Hudson, A. Johnson, E. Lewis, M. Kirchner, H. Hupp, B. Jones, N. Harris, R. Holtkamp, J. Jones, D. Johnson, H. Hassebrock, G. Galloway, J. Fassett, M. Hill, H. Fredericksen, B. Ingertson, G. Gilmore, K. Fastenow, M. Kent, D. Finch
Class of 1945 p.2
M Mulvaney, P. McCollough, D. Paschke, D. Parrish, N. Richardson, P. Read, N. Miller, V. Mesecher, M. McNarney, J. Nickelson, C. Meller, J. Robinson, M. Richards, R. Olthoff, B. Moore, M. McCollough, D. Nelson, B. Patrick, P. Norman, P. J. McCollough, S. Miller, D. Paul, M. Nelson, D. Nichols, J. Prunty, M. Norman, D. McCoy, L. Ramsey, B. Mitchell, C. Packard, G. Patrou, B. Paul, D. Richey, K. McCarthy
Student Service Club & Debate Class
Mary Foley, Ray Wilson, Roger Wold, Jerry Palmer, Mary Flowers, Vernon Miller, Joan Williams
Bob Roszelle, Norman Lee Armstrong, David Eichman, Shirley Miller, Janice Lind, Marian Tressel, Wayne Weber, Miss Riter, Litta Burnett
Vocational Agriculture Class and Metal Work Class
L. Jacobson, K. Bige, H. Hayes, S. Newman, H. Hassebrock, C. Hayes, E. Elm, M. Doolittle, J. Mickelson, Mr. Grove, R. Anderson, D. Simpson, V. Gordon, M. Elliott, M. Coleman, D. Seiser, D. Crosby, H. Hupp, H. Breitenkamp, E. Short, R. Nail, A. Mueller, R. Johnson, M. Williams, B. Monroe, H. Fredrickson
E. Heck, B. Evans, J. Lee, D. Whaley, J. Phillips, D. Follett, R. Wayman, D. Burtnett
Physics and Chemistry
Dick Newman, Beverly Juhl
Home Economics
Kathleen Fastenow, Mary Lou Hemminger, Marjorie Norman, Betty Olthoff
Journalism Class
Virginia Bell, Jane Rambo, Charlotte Downard, Dorothy Parker, Alma Jensen, Darle Doolittle, Irene Van Engen, Ruth Fischer, Carolyn Alexander, Don Yunglas, Miss Swanson
Coaches and Group Football Squad
Joe Lukehart, Wrestling, V. I. Arney, H. S. and Jr. C., Coach; Gordon Albers, Asst. Football Coach, Robert Lamson, Head coach
B. Sweitzer, B. Butchey, R. Olthoff, D. Bourne, B. Sweany, V. Whipple, B. Winters, L. Gordon, D. Paul, B. Hathaway, B. McCollough, J. Phillips, J. Adams, W. Woodall, J. Hovland, G. Thompson, C. McMurray, B. Wilson, B. Hanson, R. Wilson, C. Packard, J. Lack, D. Munster, G. Merrill, N. Stafford, H. Gangestad, T. McCarthy, D. Crouse, H. Doty, D. Richey
Football Squad p.2
Jim Phillips, Bob McCollough, Charles McMurray, Wendell Woodall, George Thompson, John Hoveland, Bob Hathaway, Bill Chauncy, John Wilson, Bruce Wilson, Junior Adams, Ray Wilson
Football Squad p.3
Dean Richey, John Lack, Tom McCarthy, Don Crouse, Helmer Gangstad, Bill Hanson, Don Munster, Clayton Packard, Norman Stafford, Hugh Doty
Group Basketball Squad p.1
G. Maudlin, J. Phillips, J. Wilson, J. Hovland, D. Newman, C. McMurray, W. Woodall, V. Miller, D. Groves, N. Richardson, J. Fassett, L. Brin, D. Crouse, C. Packard, B. Chauncy, B. Roszelle, R. Olthoff, G. Merrill, B. Castner, B. Nissen, R. Wold
Basketball Squad p.2
Chuck McMurray, Jim Phillips, Wendall Woodall, Dick Newman, John Wilson, Vernon Miller
Basketball Squad p.3
Gayle Maudlin, John Hovland, Bill Castner, Leon Brinn, Dick Groves, Eill Chauncy
Basketball State Runners-Up in 1943, Cheerleaders
Jim Phillips, Wendall Woodall, John Wilson, Coach Lamson, Dick Newman, "Chuck" McMurray
Betty Brown, O'Dean Kurtz, Barbara Peterson
Wrestling Team
J. Daniels, B. Winters, J. Bell, D. Derscheid, D. Richey, C. Merritt, J. Lack, B. Hathaway, J. Prunty, Manager H. Trusty, Bob Roszelle, Chris Dermand
Girls Badminton, Girls Volleyball, Girls Archery
Group picture- no names
Air Corps Orders for Superintendant Beard and Junior College Dean Wesselink
Capt. B. E. Beard, Lieut. W. D. Wesselink
Boys Glee Club, Mixed Chorus
Row 1: Tom Faulkner, Don Yungclas, Udell Hudson, Norman Armstrong, John Stark, LeRoy Williams, Don Nichols, Mervin Loper Row 2: Donald Klucking, Dwight Parrish, Harold Trusty, Wayne Weber, Bob Sweany, Dick Groves, Norman Stafford, Charles McMurray
Row 1: Melva Darnell, Catherine McCarthy, Ruth Fischer, Marilyn McNarney, Gwendola Adams, Myrna Weedman, Jeanne Lee, Virginia Bell, DeNelda Butler, Mardella Warland, Beverly Juhl, Janice Lind, Virginia Trout, Phyllis Clark, Anna Mae Lahr, Iris Halverson
Row 2: Shirley Sipma, Helen Anderson, Jean Robinson, Irene Van Engen, Shirley Daniels, Diana Mills, Patricia Reed, Mary Rrichards, Barbara McCollough, Norma Trout, Kathleen Fastenow, Nedra Harris
Row 3: Mary Lou Hemminger, Mary Donna McCollough, Betty Mitchell, Mary Lee, Lois Eggers, Donna Nelson, Jeanette Samuelson, Lorene Boozelll, Shirley Short, Marian Tressel, Bonnie Allen, Shirley Warren, Betty Ermels, Virginia Yungclas, Marjory Mollenhoff, Mary McMurray, Ruth Holtcamp
Row 4: Tom Faulkner, Donald Klucking, Dwight Parrish, Don Yungclas, Harold Trusty, Mervin Loper, Udell Hudson, Norman Armstrong, Wayne Weber, Bob Sweany, Dick Groves, Charles McMurray, John Stark, Norman Stafford, LeRoy Williams, Don Nichols
Girls Glee Club
Row 1: Iris Halverson, Patricia Reed, Jaunita Thomas, Frances Cook, LaVonne Veatch, Jeanne Lee, VaLora Mesecher, Melva Darnell, Mardella Warland, Marilyn McNarney, Ruth Fischer, DeNelda Butler, Eileen Irgens
Row 2: Betty Ermels, Lulu Schiefele, Helen Joan Williams, Barbara McCollough, Dorothy Parker, Helen Ermels, Delo Ryan, Norma Miller, Shirley Sipma, Bonnie Groves, Mary Donna McCollough, Joan Beard
Row 3: LaVonne Leopold, Virginia Yungclas, Marilyn Rexroat, Velva Silver, Marjory Mollenhoff, Bonnie Swope, Earleen Forrester, Doris Olthoff, Betty Mitchell, Carolyn Alexander, Charlotte Downard, Donna Nelson
Girls Trio LaVonne Leopold, accompanist, Betty Ermels, Helen Ermels, Shirley Sigma
String Orchestra
String Trio: LaVonne Leopold, Mary McMurray, Joan Beard
String Quartet: Delores Albright, Marjory McKee, O'Dean Kurtz, Phyllis Clark
String Sextet: Delores Albright, Delores Swanson, Maxine Whaley, Marjory McKee, O'Dean Kurtz, Phyllis Clark
Row 1: Joan Beard, Delores Albright, Rosalie Clave, O'Dean Kurtz, Marjory McKee, Mary McMurray
Row 2: Phyllis Clark, Mardella Warland, Theolene Hoffman, Jerry Palmer, Nedra Harris, Richard Budd, Sally Amsden, Delo Ryan
Row 3: Jeanne Lee, Iris Halverson, Zada Maxon, Dee Schlater, Marlis Entriken, Ruth Lenz, Delores Swanson, Gwendola Adams, Betty Sylvester, Ruth Coon, Phyllis Roberts, Peggy Kennedy, Louise Hoeppner, Joyce Chapman, Joan Meline, John Patrou, Julie Amsden, Don Worthington, Jane Amsden, Barbara Brown, Sue Biddleman
Row 1: Joan Beard, Delores Albright, Marjory McKee, Mary McMurray, Delores Swanson, Theolene Hoffman
Row 2: Phyllis Clark, Mardella Warland, Kathleen Janson, Joan Alexander, Betty Sylvester, Nedra Harris, Gwendola Adams, Zada Maxon
Row 3: Jeanne Lee, Iris Halverson, Harlan Hassebrook, Norman Armstrong, Leon Brin, Bob Nissen, Roger Wold, Sue McCauliff, Bob Cottrell, Bob Sweany, Norman Stafford, DeNelda Butler, Jerry Palmer, O'Dean Kurtz, Elizabeth Yockey
Row 4: Melva Darnell, Wayne Weber, Maxine Whaley, Miss Hetzel
Joan Beard, Delores Albright, Delores Swanson, Mary McMurray, Maxine Whaley, Marjory McKee, O'Dean Kurtz, Phyllis Clark
Office Practice Class
Row 1: V. White, F. Myers, S. McNally, E. Luppes, B. Ermels, M. Foley, E. Arbaugh, G. Laugerman
Row 2: T. Adair, E. Severson, J. Hoover, A. Harris, L. Eggers, B. Groves, B. Brown, A. Jensen
Row 3: Miss Robinson, M. Lanahan, M. Isebrands, W. Wurch, J. Lack, G. Page, D. Hosler, J. Baker
Baseball and Track
Back Row: Coach Lamson, M. Brandt, H. Hupp, L. Whipple, R. Olthoff, D. Farnham, V. Gordon, M. Jacobson, M. Crosby, J. Baker
Front Row: J. Wilson, B. McCollough, W. Woodall, G. Maudlin, D. Allen, J. Phillips, V. Miller, B. Hathaway, B. Castner, M. Christenson, R. Trusty
Row 1: D. Paul, B. Winters, W. Arbaugh, L. Olmstead, D. Parrish
Row 2: J. Alexander, G. Mills, C. Silvers, B. Butschy, B. McConnell, R. Ewing, B. Chauncy
Row 3: G. Gilmore, J. Fassett, D. Richey, M. Elliott, M. Seiser, C. McMurray
Row 4: H. Gangstad, J. Crosby, C. Brown, M. Wood, D. Dunbar, R. Wold