Transcribed and contributed to IAGenWeb by Janelle Martin, June 2020
1913 Tiger Yearbook Webster City, Iowa
Dennis M. Kelly, Superintendent of Schools
Ariel Parish, Principal |
Bessie Lyon, History |
Margaret Kelly, Latin |
Lester Moyer, Science, Coach |
Ruth Cooley, English |
Katherine Lane, German and English |
Juliet Buckley, Mathematics |
Mrs. Alice Root, Commercial |
Flora Bergersen, Music |
The Staff
Howard Alexander, Editor in Chief |
Marjorie Loring, Literary Assistant |
John Smock, Business Assistant |
Eugene Meller, Athletics |
Bernice Berggren, Ralph Simpson, Humor |
Ruth Maag, Kenneth Paine, Art |
Mable Anderson, Goldia Campbell, Miscellaneous |
Miss Cooley, Faculty |
Senior Class of 1912
Click to enlarge (individuals not identified)
Senior Class Roll
Class Colors - Red and Black Class Flower - American Beauty
Katharine Kelly, President Hazel Sells, Secretary
Lucile Maxon | Metha Heiden |
Jessie Hummel | Irene Berg |
Clinton MacCarthy | James Talcott |
Bessie Cunningham | Malou Johnston |
Delta Bateman | Howard McKee |
Marguerite Hughes | Genevieve Brown |
Ross Messecher | Archer Osmundson |
Lila Weedman | Lewis Richardson |
Wilfred Groves | Vernice Donovan |
Guy Stebbins | Minna Weseloh |
Helen Whitacre | Irene Leslie |
Grace McCollough | John Dodge |
Nettie Nott | David Thompson |
Gustine Kelly |
Juniors-Class of 1913
Class Colors - Orange and Black
Arnold Mathre, President
Zora Sheetz, Treasurer
Click link to view individual photo
Sophomores-Class of 1914
Click to enlarge (individuals not identified)
Class of 1914 Roll
Class Colors - Blue and White
Donald McKee, President
Frank Maag, Vice-President Harry Miller, Secretary and Treasurer
Jessie Ahrens | Frank Maag |
George Alexander | Laura McCollough |
Gertrude Bauer | Donald McKee |
Synva Berryhill | Florence Meeks |
Lucile Briggs | Nellie Miller |
Howard Burleson | Harry Miller |
Lucy Cleveland | Clarine Mueller |
Evangeline Closz | Walter Ruppel |
Thelma Crittenden | Pearl Spielman |
Izola Doty | Lucile Spielman |
Edith Evans | Irene Sterling |
Lee Hill | Paul Sterling |
Lowell Howard | Mamie Vanek |
John Hunter | Bertie Waitman |
Arline Kearns | Susie Whipple |
Dennis Kelly | Will Youngclas |
Olive Lyons |
Freshmen-Class of 1915
Click to enlarge (individuals not identified)
Class of 1915 Roll P. 52
Class Colors - Red and White
Samuel Sterling, President Frank Whitacre, Vice-President Claire Richardson, Secretary and Treasurer
George Alexander | Cora Richardson | Gale Berryhill |
Ruth Amundson | Claire Richardson | Luella Best |
Rexford Britson | Hilda Rasmussen | Muree Furman |
Mildred Boysen | Fern Riley | Margaret Hanrahan |
Raeburn Brown | Odessa Short | Etta Metcalf |
Lillian Bohning | Murray Simpson | Alma Meller |
Ortha Bottorff | Helen Talcott | Edna Omstead |
Hattie Birdsell | Millard Tatham | Mabel Owens |
Verna Bailey | Frank Tatham | John Porter |
Frances Donovan | Ida Vanek | Florence Ribbey |
Ethel France | Katie Wolford | Myrtle Treanor |
Mabel Huddleston | Frank Whitacre | Gladys Willie |
John Hunter | Ruby Whitham | Harley Schaeffer |
Mary Hathaway | Matred Whitham | Leslie Clifton |
Mildred Hoot | Esteline White | Raymond France |
Esther Horn | Ella Welch | Wanda Haddox |
Mable Kleckner | Gladys Ward | Charles Kahl |
Nettie Klein | Raymond Wilder | Floyd Lichtenberger |
Beulah Loveless | Samuel Sterling | Kathryn Zitterell |
Bernard Near | Irene Carl | Clare Draper |
Annalena Peterson | Mary Bingham | Lacy Darnell |
Girls' Glee Club
(not individually identified)
Edna Moore | Ruth Maag |
Katharine Kelly | Elsie Heiden |
Arline Kearns | Goldia Cambell |
Marion Greenwood | Clarine Mueller |
Lillian Oleson | Laurie Buxton |
Verna Bailey | Marie Brown |
Katie Stafford | Georgia Green |
Bernice Berggren | Etta Metcalf |
Thelma Crittenden | Lulu Madison |
Hellen Talcott | Gladys Ward |
Ruby Daniels | Eudora Spicer |
Pearl Daniels | Mildred Hoot |
Susie Whipple | Estiline White |
Wanda Haddox | Eunice Lee |
Mable Anderson | Gladys Willie |
1911 Football Team
1912 Varsity Basketball Team
Ray Berggren | Captain |
Lester Moyer | Coach |
A.R. Parish | Manager |
The Team |
Ray Berggren | Right Forward |
John Dodge | Left Forward |
Raymond France | Center |
Howard McKee | Right Guard |
James Talcott | Substitute |
Eugene Meller | Left Guard |
Guy Stebbins | Substitute |
Senior Girls' Basketball Team
(not individually identified) |
Junior Girls' Basketball Team
 (not individually identified) |
Freshman Girls' Basketball Team
(not individually identified) |
Debating Team

Lila Weedman Lewis Richardson Clinton McCarthy |
Declamatory Contest Winners
Zora Sheetz & Marie Brown
Schools in Webster City
Altogether there are four schools in Webster City, two central and two ward, one on the west side and the other on the east side. These schools accomodate 1,100 children, and 32 teachers, under the direction of Supt. D. M. Kelly. The Lawn Hill school is built of brick, and is thoroughly modern and up to date. The lawn is large and has some beautiful shade trees for the benefit of the children. This school is for the pupils in that district only. The first six grades are taught there, but those who wish to continue with their school work, come to the Central school which is located in the central part of the city. Following are the teachers who teach there.
Cora McCollough, Prin., 1st and 2nd grades. Hazel McComb, 3rd and 4th grades. Hattie Fairfield, 5th and 6th grades.
The East Side school is known as the Fifth Ward school, and in many ways is similar to the West Side school. It really has a more beautiful location, because it is situated at the top of a rather steep bluff, where there are many large and beautiful trees, and flower beds. The building is the same as the West Side building, both have several cement walks leading to the different doors. The first six grades are taught there also. Following are the teachers:
Emma Glasgow, Prin., 1st and 2nd grades. Mae Taylor, 3rd and 4th grades. Viola Howard, 5th and 6th grades.
The two central buildings are a Primary and a High School building, and are located on the corner of Bank and Prospect streets. The Primary building faces the south on Elm street, and is a three story building. The first five grades are taught, and following are the teachers:
Bertha Stark, Prin., 1st grade. Eva Tierney, 1st grade. Grace Hillock, 2nd grade. Mary Dundon, 2nd grade. Pearl Shipman, 3rd grade. Maida Black, 3rd and 4th grades. Louise Houck, 4th grade. Edith Van Buskirk, 5th grade.
Belle Wyckoff and Margie Murphy have charge of the kindergarten, which is held in the basement of the English Lutheran church.
The main building faces the north on Bank street, and is a three story building. The fifth to the twelfth grades are taught there. The teachers are:
Harriet Nelson, 5th grade. Anna Tatham, 6th grade. Cecil Smock, 6th grade. Juanita Hall, 7th grade. Eva Williams, 7th grade. Anna Petersen, 8th grade. Mrs. Minnie Bone, 8th grade.
