Photos & Postcards | Towns
Photo taken in 1925. Band began in 1919 and quit in 1927. Concerts quit in 1924.
Standing in back row: 1. Wendell Shoesmith; 2. Wilbur Brady; 3. Cecil Parsons; 4. Harold Foresman; 5. Ilo Yates; 6. Lou Ward (Mrs. Silva Covault's brother); 7. Emmett Stewart; 8. Elmer Marean; 9. Clair Parsons; 10. Kenneth Charter; 11. Floyd Newman (Clyde Newman's brother); 12. Burl Foresman; 13. Frank Phelps (from Bayard) 14. Hiberd Cleveland (leader-sometimes Joe Ashron led).
Seated in Front Row: 1. Oscar Foresman; 2. Helmut Larson (married Ethel Covault-Billy Covault's daughter); 3. Bruce Parsons (cousin of Claire & Fenton); 4. Mildred Sanford (taught school at North Branch); 5. Thelma Foresman (Burl Foresman's sister); 6. Theo Davis; 7. Vinton Shoesmith; 8. Aura Davis (Glen & Theo Davis' mother); 9. Ethel Shoesmith (married Willard Dayton); 10. Glen Davis; 11. Gail Shoesmith; 12. Maynard Millhollin; 13. Bert Foresman (Oscar & Harold's Dad--he sat in for picture for Wilbur Stewart as Wilbur was too timid.)
Printed in the Guthrie Center Times, Wednesday, February 9, 2005, Page. 5. Identification and Newspaper Clipping below.

Contributed by Fred Campbell (201x?). Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, September 2023.
General Store Peddler

Handwritten next to the photos above: 1. Ilo, Old pup and his first North Branch Store; 2. Mike owned North Branch Store; 3. Mike Bauman, Joyese Yates; 4. Grandpa Davis used to take a wagon like this to town every 3 months; 5. North Branch Store.
Handwritten next to the photos above: 1. Flood of 1925. Davis Creek. North part of Exira. Old Creamry; 2. North Branch Store. Oct. 4, 1966; 3. North Branch School. Town of approx. 100 in background. Earle went here. "All set for the race"; 4. North Branch Store. Volley Ball was played here. Theo & Glen Davis played.
Contributed by Fred Campbell (201x?). Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, September 2023.