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William T. and Eudora Johnson
William T. Johnson
Sept 29, 1891 - Sept 15,1944
Eudora (Clifton) Johnson 1879-1953
Gravestone Photo
WT and Eudora came to Iowa around the turn of the century in a covered wagon. As a young man, WT worked in a brewery and was also a brick mason. He eventually took up farming. While farming on the Hillgren Farm near Stuart, WT also had a sorgum mill. Putting the sorgum and brewery skills to work, he made moonshine on the side. He was known for making deliveries to the "back doors" of the local community. WT would hide the contraband under the hay in the farm wagon (driven by horses then), and would have the boys sit on top of the haystacks while he visited various homes. One time, WT received word that the FBI was in Stuart and was going to pay a visit to his farm (keep in mind that this was during prohibition). WT kept his still equipment under a haystack on the farm. He intentionally set his hay on fire to burn any evidence of his activities (the actual product was stashed elsewhere). The FBI did pay a visit to the farm, but did not find anything.Shortly before son Willis was born, the family moved to the Albert City area where they farmed. Oldest daughter Ola (along with her husband Coe Thompson and family) farmed with the Johnstons. Around the spring of 1919, the Johnstons moved to Decator, Illinois where WT worked as a conductor for a street car company. Eventually, the family moved back to rural Guthrie County to farm, settling near Stuart.
Written by JaNelle Keith