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Dr. Gubser House, Bagley, Iowa. This house in Bagley was built with hand poured cement blocks and has a double row. It was purchased in 1954 from Dr. L. J. Frownfelter by Wayne and Florence Cook for $5000.
After graduating from ISU Vet school Wayne started as a Vet in Bagley in 1951. They moved to Stuart in the fall of 1957 to team with Dr. Dale Clausen. Wayne sold his practice in Stuart in 1972 to Rex Wilhelm. Wayne farmed and worked for the USDA until his retirement in 1985. The Cooks sold this house to Dr. Gubser who owned it for many decades. Newspaper article with additional history and 1954 real estate contract below.

Dr. W. W. Cook Praised As Ideal Veterinarian
By Article in Dairy MagazineGraduate of R.H.S.
An article in a recent issue of Hoards Dairyman cited Dr. W. W. Cook of Bagley as the "Ideal Veterinarian." Dr. Cook is well known in Dexter. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook of Dexter and a brother of Mrs. Allen Atherton and Mrs. Bill Neal, both of near Dexter.
Melvin School, of Manning and formerly of Bagley, wrote the article entitled "A Diryman's Best Friend."
Scholl stated in the story the thraining necessary to be a veterinarian and the qualities that he should have.
He said that in his many years of dairy farming he had encountered many veterinarians and that most of them ?? are good, but that Dr. Cook stood out above all the rest.
"Dr Cook is capable, quiet, unassuming, dependable and respect the ???.
Scholl believes that it is Dr. Cook's manner of approaching the cows in the same manner as a herdsman that keeps the cows from being nervous.
"The strange thing about it is that the cows like him and seldom created any fuss," he added.
Dr. Cook has worked for hours in cold weather when he was sick with a bad cold just to save a Guernsey heifer not worth $75, Scholl said.
Dr. Cook, who covers a wide territory day and night, has one fault - forgetfulness.
"It would be a rare stop indeed, if he failed to leave one of his instruments behind," Scholl said.
"And if it weren't for the honesty of his patrons he would go broke replacing lost toos," he added.
"But in the performance of his duties, his ability to diagnose cases and administer treatment, and in his devotion to a sick cow until her recovery is complete, Dr. Cook's memory is uncanny," Scholl concluded.
The editors of the magazine said, "We concur in his (Scholl's opions . . ."
Real Estate Contract is dated May 22, 1954 and is between L. J. Frownfelter and W. W. Cook, Bagley, Guthrie County, Iowa, giving possession on June 10th, 1954.
Contributed by Bob Cook. (2018?)
Clippping from unknown newspaper, unknown date.
Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, Sept., 2023