Maps | 1912 Huebinger's Guide

A LITERARY man who recently passed through Guthrie Center paid tribute as follows: "Nowhere within the limits of the great state to Iowa is the county of Guthrie surpassed for its beautiful scenery, its hills and dales, its rolling prairies and emerald seas beneath the summer skies, interspersed by hills, and natural groves, and meandering streams, like bright ribbons of silver, rolling their pellucid waters into banks of richest hues."

Amid these beautiful scenes, in the South 'Coon Valley, is Guthrie Center, county seat and county metropolis of Guthrie county, drawing trade from a rich and vast farming territory. Its business men are alive to the demands of the times, carrying splendid stocks of goods in all lines. It has water works, an electric light plant, two splendid parks, good hotels, creamery, flouring mills, fire company, a military band of more than state wide reputation, and no end of churches and civic societies. It is adorned with beautiful, tree-embowered homes, and is graced by buildings that would do credit to a much larger place. It has a live Commercial Club and an Automobile Association affiliated with the state and national associations, which in membership is only outranked by two other automobile associations in Iowa. There are three garages, one of them just completed, being fire proof with machine in connection, adjoining electric light plant.