Maps | 1912 Huebinger's Guide

The Panora Speedway is destined to be one of the most traveled short roads in the State of Iowa, having as its terminals the City of Des Moines and Guthrie Center, the picturesque county seat of Guthrie county.
Leaving the City of Des Moines, the motorist has give miles of brick paving along Beaver Road; eleven miles out he can linger for rest and refreshment at the Hyperion Club, the beautiful home of Des Moines' best known and popular field and motor organization, and then a straight shoot west of 36 miles, over a road without a jog or turn and for the most part well graveled, into the hospitable and enterprising town of Panora, for which the speedway was named, and where the movement that culminated in the organization of one of the best road organizations in the state, had its inception.

In the spring of 1911, Panora, being well inoculated with the virus of good roads, determined to carry the infection into the surrounding territory, so its Booster's Club invited their friends of Grimes, Yale, Guthrie Center, Dallas Center and the neighboring farmers to a banquet and good roads meeting at Panora.
This initial meeting was well attended and great enthusiasm in the subject manifested. Speeches were made by Messrs. Salles, J. W. Foster, Frank Moore, and W. M. Wells of Guthrie Center; L. M. Swindler and Ira Sheets of Yale; Wm. Warford, A. S. Steavens, W. D. Westcott, J. R. Mount, J. W. Morris, C. C. Brigs, Dr. S. J. Brown, Dr. C. C. Sones, Wm. G. Roberts and others of Panora and vicinity. Following the meeting the assembly adjourned to the Wm. G. Roberts Hall, where a banquet was served b Panora Commercial Club, covers being laid for 200 guests.
Follwing (sic) this on May 31st, by invitation of Dallas Center,
Photo (Right): Dr. S. J. Brown, President

a trip in automobiles consisting of 24 cars from Yale and Panora started to the good road meeting at the Center. At Panther store they were met by a delegation of 21 autos from Dallas Center and escorted into the town. A photo of the whole group was here taken by F. A. Armagost.
The citizens of Dallas Center had prepared a sumptuous dinner for all visitors and fully 200 well fed guests can testify to the hospitality of that town.

E. E. Kellogg, V. Pres. C. C. Vail, Sec.-Treas.
After dinner the good roads meeting was held in the opera house. Bert Repass called the meeting to order and stated its purpose, after which Dr. S. J. Brown was made chairman and H. H. Hiatt, secretary. Enthusiastic addresses were made by J. R. Mount, George Goetzman, H. L. Moore, Dave Wilson and C. C. Briggs, of Panora; L. M. Swindler and Wm. Sheets of Yale, Bert Repass, Dr. Butterfield and others of Dallas Center; Daniel O'Donnell, W. J. Stewart and Will Sherman of Grimes and H. J. Jones of Panther. The consensus of opinion was that a well dragged road should be maintained from Des Moines, via Grimes, Dallas Center, Panora, Guthrie Center. A committee was chosen consisting of the following: Yale, L. M. Swindler; Panora, C. C. Briggs; Dallas Center, Bert Repass; Panther, H. D. Jones; Grimes, Daniel O'Donnnell; Guthrie Center, John Foster, and L. E. Ellis of Des Moines representing the Hyperion Club. This committee was authorized to go over and inspect the roads and devise a means for future operations.

Following this very interesting and successful meeting, the gospel of good roads has sped along the Panora Speedway until today many miles of this excellent road is graveled and permanent improvements have been made that will be of lasting benefit to all travelers. In this connection it might be well to mention the untiring zeal of Wm. G. Roberts and the hearty and effective co-operation of the farmers along the route.
The Panora Speedway connects at Guthrie Center with the "River to River Road"; at Panora a spur turns north to Jefferson, connecting with the Iowa Official Trans-Continental Road and roads to the Iowa Lakes.