Maps | 1912 Huebinger's Guide

Panora is a thriving town of 1,100 population, situated on the Middle Coon River and the C., M. & St. P. Ry. in the east central part of Guthrie County. The Guthrie County High School is located here, students graduating from this school being admitted into any college in the state; in addition it has its own excellent public school, the institutions employing sixteen teachers.
The town has two newspapers, four churches and two banks. A flouring mill, two elevators, two coal mines, a brick and tile plant, one automobile garage and two auto liveries besides a number of general and other stores sufficient to supply all the wants of the town and surrounding country.

Panora also boasts of a Commercial Club of 150 members and an active Automobile Club. Here are to found some of the finest and best homes in the county, the streets and lawns being notably well kept. The tourist is sure of a hearty welcome here. He can connect at this point with a road running north via Yale and Jefferson, which road connects with the Iowa Official Trans-Continental Road and the roads to the Iowa lakes. These two roads are level and practically without turns, well graveled nearly the whole distance and very desirable for the tourist making for the Iowa Lakes or points in the northwest.